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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 8, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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merry widow, i look forward to seeing you at our next meeting. the country's authorities will do everything to support mothers and families with children, vladimir putin stated this in a video message to russian women, he congratulated them on international women's day, and the president also thanked russian women for everything they do for the success of the special military operation. today in russia, the family, its interests and requests are in the spotlight and are an absolute priority. we will definitely
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do everything possible to ensure that families with children, including, of course, large families and young families, young mothers, felt cared for by the state. i would like to specifically address the women who are in the zone of a special military operation, performing combat missions, those who are now separated from their families, waiting for our heroes, inspiring them with love, joy and... support, worrying about all our soldiers, helping them on the front line, in hospitals, in numerous volunteer structures. you once again prove what irresistible power a woman’s heart has. you give an example of perseverance, confidence in what is good and the truth is on our side. words of gratitude are heard on international women's day on the front lines. i remember the wounded soldiers. from the doctors' nurses, those
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women who gave a second birth, one of the participants in the special operation on the eve of the holiday managed to find their saviors; alexander katsyuba watched the joyful meeting. hello. oh thank you, thank you. he had dreamed about this meeting since the day she...
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during that shelling, ekaterina nigmatulina helped natalya evacuate the wounded. i would like to congratulate you on march 8, wish you that we remained as feminine at the same time courageous. ekaterina, too, from the first day in the zone of her marriage and heroism, was awarded medals for services to the fatherland of the first and second degrees. for military
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merits, however, on this day she, even in military uniform, is, first of all, a beautiful lady, there will be a lot of flowers today, these are the first flowers, but everything is yet to come, the meeting is unfortunately short-lived, the service is not waiting, ekaterina and natalya have new patients , for our fighters they are they have long become family, the sisters will always help, the holiday is on the front line, even if march 8 remains an ordinary working day in the hospital, nurses are fulfilling their... congratulations are now being heard all over russia, a bouquet of flowers can await russian women not only at home or at work, but even just on the street, along with warm words from traffic police inspectors and participants in a military special operation. then denis alekseev observed how happy the beautiful ladies are today. they were the first to accept congratulations. women and girls in the far
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east, then the holiday spread throughout the country. and in krasnoyarsk, elementary school students congratulate women veterans; traffic police officers stop them today. only girls, just to check how the mood is when they see employees with flowers , everyone smiles, that’s what it’s all about, i was already thinking what i’ve done here, i don’t seem to have broken anything, this is a pleasant surprise, every girl will be pleased to receive flowers, so men give us there are more of them. by the way, a pleasant bonus from the krasnoyarsk police was the opening of an additional registration window cars where women were served without a queue. and here is serviceman ivan from yekaterinburg. it seems that he decided to give women a holiday not only from himself, but also from everyone who is at these moments on the front line, he , together with his colleagues, gives tulips to girls passing by; at the sight of the soldiers , even those who did not need to come out into the street, so i wanted to thank our military, because what they are doing now for the whole country
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is more valuable than any gifts, but can i hug you, hug you, of course, yes, thank you, these are our loved ones, our defenders, men, why not you can’t hug them, especially such heroes, right? seeing gratitude in the eyes of women, joy, smiles is priceless for us. thank you, and this picture is everywhere today. ulyanovsk, perm, kazan. at these moments, a wave of congratulations swept across central russia and the capital. these are shots from pushkin square, where the our heroines event is taking place. the weather in moscow is frankly not the warmest today, but at the sight of bright spring tulips, this fades into the background. here is such a touching video from employees of the ministry of internal affairs. strict and unshakable, at first glance, they are not hid emotions and gave a holiday and good mood to women all over russia. let's look at the fragment. there are a huge
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number of women serving in the structure of the ministry of internal affairs, and therefore their male colleagues, of whom there are certainly more, pay special attention to them on the march holidays. how do you like this when you went on line in sochi? the bus inside is either a garden or an arboretum, a real handrail is entwined with ivy, everything is decorated with flowers, passengers will go to the rosukhutor on a cheerful note, despite the gloomy sky and drizzling rain in sochi. well and the flower marathon is in full swing, the western part of russia has only just begun to celebrate, men are noticeably worried, if only they had time to congratulate their loved ones, there is no need to worry, march 8, of course, is a holiday, by the way it’s already 105 years old, but... still only one of thousands of reasons to please your women. vladimir putin pardoned 52 convicted women, the decree is reported on the official kremlin website. the head of state made a decision based on the principles of humanity. first of all, the president
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pardoned women who have minor children. also in the document talking about pregnant women, those convicted, whose relatives are participating in a special military operation. and as the press secretary of the head of state, dmitry peskov, clarified, this decree is related to the topic of amnesty for a number of categories of women, discussed in december at a meeting of the presidential council for the development of civil society and human rights. now at bigfest there are more benefits and a choice of five favorite products at a very competitive price. from march 11 in delicious and full stop open a deposit the best percentage up to 16% per annum in savings who can help always dismount exactly pain pain in knee pain, back pain in the neck
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, the shoulder can still give out, let’s call pentalgin extrager extra as soon as possible to go to the bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum. rosbank - real opportunities. one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops. nowadays prices for flowers are such that it’s cheaper to buy a smartphone. for example, honor x8 b with a benefit of 7.0
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rubles. only in a megaphone. we 're going on vacation. and we're going. third year, open a vtb savings account, rate 16%. save up faster. yes, alek kurich, this is the task priority, i speed up as much as i can, now i ’ll speed up the process even more. everyone is delighted with the taste of aromatic freshly brewed coffee in a tasty and precise manner, their favorite cappuccino, as well as raf, flatwight, hot chocolate and desserts in the cafe. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable maria. loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes, a sore throat is a minus, one of the pluses is
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mirestin, it’s logical to have one in the first aid kit, entrepreneurs, we come one at a time, we don’t detain people, what’s going on here, but you didn’t know, you transfer money from your business account to your personal account, pay a fee, what century do you live in, what bank do you serve in, individual entrepreneurs, btb is not takes... a commission from transfers to your personal account, open a business account on vtb is a bank for your business. or maybe you and i should also open an account at vtb? when does a cold get worse? anvimax against symptoms and viruses. hurray, we've arrived! finally! how you have grown! a now to the point? this is for you, granddaughter! and this is for you, keep it! where does all this come from? retired, and the pension was issued at vtb, and there the rate for pensioners on the vtb savings account is as much as 18%
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per annum, how skinny you have become, and good, dad, i want to be like my grandfather, rich in retirement, vtb, together everything will work out, powerful explosions occurred in ukraine, at night messages came from several regions of the country, the region, odessa, late the night before the sounds of detonation were heard in the kirovograd region, controlled by the kiev regime parts of the kherson region in kherson itself. local authorities said a business and critical infrastructure were damaged. an air raid alert was announced in six regions of the country, in some twice during the night. in the kupinsky direction, russian artillerymen destroyed the fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces. a powerful strike from rocket shells was delivered by salvo launchers. at the same time, it was possible to hit not only military equipment, but
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also the trench dugouts. it's all about different times of shell detonation. our war correspondent igor pikhanov will tell more details. in the kupinsky direction of the front , the tornado-g multiple launch rocket system is preparing for combat deployment. a signal was received from the scouts that the enemy had been detected. the crew is charging the installation. for a long firing range. 40 km crushing power. the russian military calls this battery a real threat to ukrainian nationalists. the weapon is powerful, burns out the enemy, be healthy. it hits the target, massive damage. we have been working together for some time, so everything happens quickly and efficiently. the car goes on a mission, a tornado under cover trees, go to the firing line. the rocket launcher is located at the base of the urals, a powerful engine easily overcomes the spring. off-road, so the crew can quickly arrive at any given point; thanks to a modern guidance system,
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the vehicle is ready for battle in just 2 minutes. in a matter of seconds, modern projectiles with high power and flight range cover the positions of ukrainian militants. some charges explode in the air, eliminating enemy military equipment, while others explode in the ground, destroying dugouts trenches. there are several drones in the sky at once. after the shots are fired, the crew turns off the installation and goes into the forest. under the cover of trees, the fighters reload; again, the formidable vehicle is ready to attack the enemy. specialists of the ministry of defense destroy positions in the ssu, and also thwart the enemy’s attempts to deliver shells to the front line. well , mostly convoys, pickup trucks and cargo trucks for transporting personnel in vehicles. light armored vehicles. enemy, there are no permanent firing positions, since they are also calculated by the enemy, then
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the enemy cannot know from which firing position he will fire. ukrainian militants are trying to strike civilians, the russian military is protecting front-line cities and towns, intelligence officers are using drones to monitor the line of combat contact around the clock, and destroy enemy sabotage groups. reconnaissance is carried out carefully, every place is inspected, somewhere they saw something suspicious, they hovered and looked. the enemy is always, well, we detect the enemy, this is 100%. departments of the ministry of defense are working coordinatedly accurately, this is the result of regular training at the training grounds, for the threshold, all attacks end with large losses in flight. joe biden delivered his annual state of the union address to congress. donald trump's predecessor did not appreciate the speech, calling it the worst in history, a real disgrace. in the first 10 minutes alone , according to journalists, the american president mentioned ukraine eight times, vladimir putin six times and russia twice.
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our own correspondent in the usa, dmitry, will tell you what else surprised biden’s speech melnikov. on the eve of joe biden's arrival at congress to deliver the traditional speech on the unity of the country, the perimeter of the capitalist hill was surrounded by a fence. unity is a dubious term for the state america is in during this historic election marathon. outside congress, biden was awaited by pro-palestinian activists, while inside there were concerns about whether he could pull off the most important speech of his career.
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history is watching, we must support ukraine, supply them with weapons so that they could defend their sovereignty, that’s all ukraine asks. "she is not asking for american soldiers to be sent there, and by the way, i hope that it stays that way, so now we must unite all together to stand up to russia, if the us turns away , it will put ukraine at risk, europe at risk, the free world at risk." . democrats interrupt his speech with applause, but in the house of representatives, where joe
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biden speaks, they are in the minority; speaker mike johnson smiles condescendingly, because much now depends on him. one-year-old joe biden for another term as president, and biden tried his best. the speech is on the verge of shouting, even when talking about the successes of bidenomics. one of the main election promises is to increase corporate taxes and set a minimum tax for billionaires of 25%.
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there are thousands of billionaires in america. you know what the average federal tax rate is for these billionaires, much less than what they pay. the vast majority of americans, no billionaire should pay a lower tax rate than a teacher, sanitation worker worker, nurse. that's why i proposed a 25% minimum tax on billionaires, just 25%, that would raise $500 billion over the next 10 years. even speaking about american healthcare, biden again could not help but remember russia, but here he had to recognize the cure in...
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the american military to create a port in the gas sector through which additional humanitarian cargo would pass. at the same time , the deployment of american soldiers on the territory of the enclave is not implied. but still, in in his state of the union speech, biden had more to say about something else. in his speech, ukraine was mentioned eight times, russian leader vladimir putin six times and russia twice. it is not known whether this is what the americans wanted to hear from their president, but this is exactly what biden said. about what is important to him. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. the ravings of a madman, that’s how the american journalist tucker described the passage. the tv presenter called the words of the us president that kiev could allegedly stop moscow a lie. why is there a war with russia?
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it's the most important? if you look at the numbers or at the map, it is not obvious that russia would become america's main enemy. there are other candidates. maybe it's because russia is the largest christian country in the world? maybe because the biden administration is profiting from the war. this is certainly true, there may be other reasons, and we know that the war against russia will not be the only one in which we will participate. now economic news, maria filippova joins me, maria, new ones have become known details of the sale to yandex, we are waiting for details. vera, greetings, shareholders from the netherlands have approved the transaction and details below. the sale of yandex to a consortium of russian investors was approved by the shareholders of the dutch yandex nv. how. the company said in a statement that the transaction amount was 475 billion rubles. the buyer is the closed-end investment fund consortium one; after closing the deal, yandex managers
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will receive 35% in this closed investment fund. it is expected that all necessary actions will be completed in the first half of this year. for the final implementation of the transaction requires regulatory approval, presidential permission and a number of other documents. the russian ministry of transport has instructed airlines not to raise prices. for tickets to kaliningrad, while the system of preferential tariffs is being revised, this is stated in the department’s message: an exception was made only for aeroflot, which carries out transportation at flat tariffs. the ministry of transport and the federal air transport agency are reviewing the subsidy system in order to increase the quota of tickets to kaliningrad allocated for transporting residents of the region. federal budget revenues in january-february exceeded 5 trillion rubles, which is almost 60% more than in the same period last year. preliminary assessment. published by the ministry of finance. at the same time, non-oil and gas revenues exceeded 3.400 billion rubles. year-on-year growth significantly exceeded 50%. oil and gas revenues in january-february exceeded the level of trillion
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600 billion. the indicators for the same period last year were exceeded by more than 70%. the ministry of finance also noted that the budget deficit for the specified period amounted to 8% of gdp. swiss lawmakers supported the transfer of russian assets to the kyiv regime. now bern will develop some kind of quasi-legal framework to physically transfer the assets of state-owned companies and the bank of russia to ukraine. it is worth noting here that in the jurisdiction of the confederation there is a relatively small share of the central bank’s property, just over $8 billion. in addition, switzerland’s determination does not mean that kiev’s money will be transferred right away tomorrow. the head of the ecb again recalled that this is a sensitive issue fraught with discredit to the entire western financial system.
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the statement concerned exclusively the average and small institutions, but the history of crises shows that the domino effect may turn out to be uncontrollable, the chairman of the federal reserve tried his best to calm the congressmen, the regulator is allegedly making every effort to ensure that the fire does not spread. i'm sure there will still be bank failures, but these are small banks, if you look at the very large banks, this is not a first order problem for any of them. this is more a problem for small medium-sized banks, we are working with them in this direction, i think it is manageable, i would use that word. this very active work for us and for other
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regulators, it will continue for some time. recently, the international monetary fund, in a new report, also warned about the likelihood of a repeat of the events of march last year. then silicone bank, one of the top twenty in the united states, went bankrupt, and two more regional banks collapsed almost immediately after it. at that time, the 2008 scenario was avoided only thanks to manual control and impressive injections of liquidity by the fed. the uk mod faces a record shortfall in military spending expenses. the budget deficit was almost £17 billion, the highest since 2012. however, the real figure may be even higher due to the specifics of statistics. the ministry emphasizes that, with clarification, the deficit could expand to approximately 30 billion. the authors of the document also note that many british military procurement programs are being postponed, funds are being spent ineffectively, and this is now at the current critical moment. the revenues of the bustling canal
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have fallen by half due to a decrease in ship traffic, the minister of finance of egypt announced. on air he explained to a local tv channel: the tension in the red sea is to blame. earlier , the administration of the channel itself provided the following data: in february, revenues amounted to $428 million, which is almost two times less than in the same period last year. the situation in the red sea escalated in november when the houthis, in response to tel aviv's military actions in the gas sector, began to... serve ships associated with israel, the united states and great britain. now most companies are afraid to send merchant ships through the soed canal, preferring a longer one route around africa. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 90 rubles 74 kopecks, the euro is 98 rubles. 87 kopecks faith. thank you, that was economic news. and we continue after a short advertisement, watch the broadcast of the documentary
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the built stadium. and you certainly won’t have time for him against the backdrop of great talent in the renovated cultural center; it’s easy not to notice the sign of russia’s national project, but it’s impossible not to notice the changes that he brought to our lives. national project of russia by decision of the president. hurray, we’ve finally arrived, how you’ve grown. and now to the point, this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, hold on, where does all this come from? same on pension, and the pension was issued at vtb, and there the rate for pensioners is vtb savings account up to 18% per annum , how skinny you have become and good, dad, i want to be like my grandfather, rich in retirement, vtb, together everything will work out, new game hunt, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million. hunt, check your instinct, you can
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