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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 8, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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there were broken wrists, and bruises, mostly everyone had bruises, someone had a bruised nose, someone had a bruised arm, a bruised leg, thank god, there were doctors there right away, everyone was immediately hospitalized, everything is fine, so yes, it’s very offensive, bitter, but this happens, unfortunately, the men’s race after the emergency was decided to be canceled, who will be responsible for what happened during the women’s start will become known after the inspection. egor grigoriev, natalya uvarova, daria bratukhina, irina zaborskaya, news! the film the bremen town musicians, directed by alexei nazhny, collected more than 3 billion rubles. the film entered the top five highest-grossing films in the history of russian box office, and also became the second film this year to achieve such high results. find out more from the author and presenter of the film industry program, ivan kudryavtsev. i cleared the forest of robbers. by oneself? and how did you do it? the song helped.
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few doubted that the songs would help the new bremen musicians cope with all the difficulties of conquering the audience, there was no doubt about box office success, favorite actors in the leading roles, excellent work by alexey the support of nikita mikhalkov and the film studio, as well as the participation of the russia-1 tv channel in the production and release of the film on the screen, guaranteed this fun, mischievous comedy and high box office receipts; after all, the amount at the bremen box office is very large.
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although bremensky was released 2 months ago, the film is still among the leaders in box office receipts, maintaining competition with other domestic blockbusters that have recently launched in cinemas. bremensky was watched, more than 8 million people watched the cinema alone, and this is not the limit, the teams the troubadours continue their journey across the screens.
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up to 18% per annum, how skinny you have become and it’s good, dad, i want to be like my grandfather, rich for retirement, vtb, together everything will work out, dear men, the holiday is coming, i’ll tell you a secret, on azon there is 3% cashback on sbp for everything, and it doesn’t matter what you want to give, this, this or even this, the main thing is not the gift, attention, and if it’s also profitable, buy gifts in the psbp zones, it’s profitable, register on, hmm, nice, like cashback 3% of sbp, we are going on vacation, and we are going for the third year, so open a vtb savings account, rate 16%, save up faster, what is your dream car, the answer is very simple, it should have everything, style, dynamics, and first class comfort on
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any road and for my whole family. cherry tigo 8 pro max. dream bigger. where else can you turn dance into a world heritage? sports, an invincible machine. send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn a department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, work into a dream, traditions into innovation. only here, in a country on
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which the sun never sets. sinkov: 40 million clients in the largest country in the world. new game hunt, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million, hunt, test your instinct, alen, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback, i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, now it will appear, well that there is a card that earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income up to... cough, less chemicals, pills for cough, renival , we trust renival, we choose renival, order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a superkick in rubles every month, and
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also withdraw cash for free from any atm, not just profitable, alpha profitable, the world of investments bcs. limitless, there are those who boldly open it, relying on the support of experts, strive further to get more, we have something to offer them. bcs - the world of investments. add energy to the game. longer operating time of devices with the new generation of gp ultra plus batteries, up to 200% more energy with new gtec technology. try the new gp ultra plus batteries. i saw gps batteries, buy them,
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they say going up the stairs is useful, but it takes a lot of time and effort, how many floors are there in moscow city, i’ll probably use the elevator, it’s... faster and more convenient. speed ​​is important both in life and in business. transactions with land, registration of property rights, until recently were drawn up on paper, it’s like walking up the steps to the top floor. the transfer of many procedures into electronic format has made it possible to significantly speed up the processes of interaction between business and government. and what solutions are there today in the field of accounting and registration of real estate that allow entrepreneurs to save time, and therefore money. 80% of real estate transactions are registered entirely in electronic format; we used to travel by cart, but now we fly on a good airliner. if earlier it took almost 300 million to extract such requests from the registry into the system, it took 3 days, but today it is
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within 20 seconds. accelerating the process leads to a direct economic positive effect for the company, because that the receipt of funds also depends on the moment. real estate is a very sensitive area for citizens. i am glad that in recent years we have done a lot to simplify its registration and help people protect their rights in this way. this helps the business maintain momentum and achieve results faster. entrepreneurs know firsthand how much time bureaucracy can take, time that is more important to spend on developing the business. rosreestr has been accelerating processes since 2000
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, this group of companies is one of the largest in the field of development and construction, builds houses in moscow, st. petersburg, kazan and tyumen, novosibirsk region, since its creation it has commissioned 9 million km of real estate, and this is just one of the developer’s projects. the head office is directly opposite the construction site in moscow, opening representative offices in other regions of the country, and this is also an expense, no longer makes sense. in moscow, for example, we have electronic transactions. reached 95% and 5% of everything remained in paper, and paper transactions are only concluded when a specific client, well, very accustomed to paper, in the regions in which we are present, electronic transactions account for 100%, that is, there is no paper at all, our employees who are engaged in registration
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of submissions now sleep at night, they occupy queues with registration issues with the same volumes, or rather increased volumes , fewer are engaged. digital assistant, for example, it takes only 15 seconds to preliminary check a package of documents, previously it took half an hour, the final decision is made by an employee, but routine operations are minimized, the timing of digital examination have been reduced to an average of 10 minutes; digital services can also help in purchasing housing. since 2020, the share of electronic registration of equity participation agreements has increased four times, now it is 90%, and electronic mortgages have increased nine times, this figure. achieved 83%. previously,
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the seller, the buyer, their realtors went to the registration chamber, these were such stuffy rooms with wooden floors, the queue usually began on the street, the queues had numbers, coupons, but not electronic ones, these are on paper, i tell you i will say, moreover, the place in the queue was even sold. on the volume of mortgage lending for real estate transactions over a 10-year horizon, but they have increased significantly.
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digitalization of interaction, first of all, makes it possible to improve customer service, reduce deadlines, reduce the number of visits or their absence at all, the second is speed, for the bank it is certainly savings on costs, on document flow, in general the market has become more civilized, more transparent, clients and parties , seller-buyer trust. each other, they unconditionally trust the bank, trust the process, this improves the quality of relationships, the quality of life. today, thanks to electronic document management, we save at least 2 days, and we save money almost annually, 700 million rubles. the second thing this gives is saving time and simply saving people money. and the third, probably the most important thing, is that submitting documents electronically gives you. form, it practically guarantees error-free generation of the application, thanks to this we
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have reduced the number of unfounded suspensions, if we speak in numbers, are 1.5 million people; suspensions such as we had in relation to 2020 simply do not receive. eliminating gaps in legislation is another important area in the field of land relations. let’s imagine a situation: a developer is implementing a large project, a lot of money has been invested, but the lease agreement for the land plot is coming to an end. now another company wins the auction, the investor suffers colossal losses, so that the business has time to implement its plans, on the initiative of rosreestr there was a new federal law has been adopted, public lands are now leased for periods ranging from 3 to 10 years, synchronized with the timing of the investment project, this, of course , leads primarily to transparency, because clear, clear rules and conditions are very important for business. implementation of investment projects, secondly, for business it allows, well, essentially to minimize risks, including
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leverage there, including own funds. if we minimize risks, then we minimize costs, which means the entrepreneur has additional funds to use them for production , to launch projects on time, and this means creating jobs, this means producing new products, this means increasing the contribution to the country's gross domestic product, which means supporting the economy and people in the form of jobs. this measure, you know, is somewhat technical, but it is very profound in terms of its legal consequences. how is your fishing? i am far from being an amateur, fishing is an activity for calm, balanced people, i am an emotional person, i don’t have enough patience. no, it's not for me. do you need patience in business? these are different categories, absolutely, you may not like fishing, but you like being here, you like looking
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at people, positive emotions, even other strangers, they always charge you. alina ladnykh started the business as a family business, today she develops it together with her business partner. country recreation area with gazebos, fishing, rental equipment for almost 15 years, the business brings a stable income. the land near the reservoir is rented from the administration of the narofama district, renew the lease. necessary every 3 years at auction, and this is always a risk. in 2022 , the government introduced anti-crisis measures in the field of land relations. the lease agreement is now renewed virtually automatically. the administration informed us that your lease term is expiring, would you like to extend it, we say we do, within a few days we had an additional agreement ready for the contract, already formalized through the rosreestr, before, yes, a lot of papers were collected, this mass of papers was transported to one authority, they stated, to another authority, they approved it, perhaps
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they didn’t approve it, because some piece of paper was missing, from 3 to 4 months this is... now it’s all remotely very quickly within a few days, you are calm, you are confident in the future, state duty for re-issuance of a lease agreement for entrepreneurs was reduced by 22 times instead of 22,000 rubles - a thousand, and for individuals six times from 2,000 rubles to 350. not financial support measures, that is, not grants, subsidies, but competent tools , sometimes work much more efficiently, this how in well-known phrase: give not a fish, but a fishing rod, but of course, experience and skill are important in any business. state services of rosreestr have been transferred to the state services portal. it is developing thanks to the national project “digital economy”. the rosreestr showcase has been operating in the national data management system for a year now. information from the unified state register can be obtained on the state services portal online. previously it took 3 days, now it only takes 20 seconds.
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legal entity we get to the page where. the body that provides the services is indicated, and the rosreestr, here is a list of all services, which rosreestr is ready to provide electronically to an organization, someone has a direct connection, like us, a large organization, for small organizations, or for those who from time to time return to issues of rosreestr services, they can easily use the services through government services, services available on government services. another important participant in land relations, member and chairman of the garden and non-profit partnerships. today there are about 60 million summer residents in the country. register ownership of land and buildings in a simplified manner in order to achieve the goal of the dacha amnesty in february, it was extended until 2031. more than 15 million people have already used this tool.
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the simplified procedure for registering rights to the common property of snt was extended for the same period. of course, snt 20 years ago and today are completely different things, because 20 years ago in many partnerships on november 1 , the electricity was turned off, the wires were wound up and until spring they were hidden in the watchman’s house, now snt is a place where many live permanently. over the past 20 years , young people have come to snt. dachik as a place for permanent residence - this is only in russia, because in other legal systems, if you are given a small plot of land, planting cucumbers , potatoes, you can’t have a house, you can’t spend the night , you can’t take a shed with you, you can’t even go in a tent, a dacha is a philosophy, part of history, cultural code of our country and a place where large families gather, where children are taken for the summer and the first cucumber of the season from the garden, the most delicious in the world,
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it became possible for the chairman to receive many services electronically. through the government services portal, correspondence with government authorities through government services, receiving judicial correspondence through government services, communicating with bailiffs through government services, the chairman can create a personal account on the website of government services, a personal account of the snt, if members of the snt transfer their personal data to be included in the register of members on government services, then they will be able to conduct general meetings without interruption from the garden beds, because at the dacha you need to relax, and not deal with bureaucracy, or, well, or from this... there is no escape from spending time in the garden. early march, hot time, seedlings, cucumbers tomatoes, every summer resident knows that what is planted in prepared soil grows well. the same law applies to business: when there are conditions for growth and development, it is easier for it to mature and it bears fruit faster. deposit
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is the best interest rate in sberbank with clear conditions, it is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings with a rate of up to 16% per annum: quick registration in the sberbank online application, deposit is the best interest rate , it’s more profitable with prime, new yandex browser, give me neurosil, make any text better. sport is an invincible machine, let's go, go
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into space, send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world. turn the department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into a living thing. communication, dream work, tradition, innovation, only here, in a country on which the sun never sets. tinkov, 40 million clients in the largest country in the world. appetite anywhere. only dad will shorten it. open your first deposit on financial services with a rate of up to 18.5% for 3 or 6 months, download the financial services application, financial services from the moscow exchange,
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deposits of different banks in one application, this is the same vacuum cleaner, the top vacuum cleaner, the top headphones, and also the top choice, top quality cashback - 20% on everything, a robot vacuum cleaner with mihome support for only 14.999 in invidio and eldorado, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply, we’re at sovcombank, we take out loans, and it’s good and quick, we’re at sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, for grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the gate in the garage, that’s how dad plays, that’s dads everything is in the general balance, add different numbers to the general balance, top up only one, all the rest will be paid automatically, conveniently, temperature, take effervescent paracetamol-reneval, effervescent tablet. now she
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earns money herself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35% will appear, well, what a card that is just plastic, and this is alphapay, the freedom to pay as it is convenient for you, with a smartphone, a sticker or online. pay as conveniently as possible with alpha pay receive super cashback every month, not just profitable, alpha is beneficial for constipation weak can help in the morning, available in a large advantageous package, weak, i know what will happen tomorrow, order nazdrav city, open a deposit with the best interest rate up to 16% per annum in savings, what are men silent about? painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis.
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lanagitase against prostatitis. dear men, a holiday is coming soon. i’ll tell you a secret, on ozone you get 3% cashback on sbp on everything. and it doesn't matter what you want to give. buy gifts for ozone posbp at a favorable price. register on digital services. elections are coming soon. where to vote? let's let's look at the website of the russian central election commission. they have convenient services. you can find out the address of your polling station. find out about the candidates. this information is also available in your personal account on the state services portal.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. nobody knows what will happen in 5 minutes, or
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even at the same minute. well, i think that the majority of us are girls, they may have feelings and inner unrest, but they they go and do it, if it works, then you need to work, you have fuel flowing here , it’s running away
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, in mariupol i ran into a marine because a man jumped into my car, and he tried to hit me, but due to the fact that girl, he missed the blow and in vain, i did it first, seventeenth, please go down to the intensive care unit, but when she just comes up to you and even just hugs you, says the word that we believe in you, does that give a lot? of course, what about without me, without women, we won’t win, finally, why, i lost you, where i lost, there’s always no connection, but here it’s dangerous, it’s already an idiot, a prisoner, let her wait at home better than me, i’ll know that
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they’re waiting for me at home and i’ll arrive faster. take pictures of food in restaurants, what kind of rifle is this? well, i won’t sit at home idle, as if this is my land, i will protect it, i won’t give it to anyone. we studied at the academy for a bachelor's degree and bought
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a plane. i have new, beautiful shoes for graduation , everything is fine, well, it’s not fate, probably, but you can control it visually from there, visually, yes, we just left, well, carry out combat missions, asked, called, well, ready, not ready, well, maybe not ready, as if always ready, well, what kind of question were they equipped with. well, on the evening of march 17, it was just an explosion, it was an explosion, everything in my head was empty, my heart was pounding, i wanted to live, well, the guys had already started to lead everything, you were already starting to get involved in work,
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