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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 8, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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in january 2021, presidential candidate donald trump is ineligible and must be removed from the republican primary ballot. the basis was the fourteenth amendment to the us constitution, which states that a person who has held a military or civilian position after participating in a rebellion cannot hold public office. the trump campaign filed an appeal.
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built into the decision, which nearly brought tears to fox news interviews, the judges, six of whom are republican, three for democrats, unanimously ruled that the state does not have the right to disqualify a candidate in federal elections, but regarding another decision, the liberal judges and judge barot spoke separately, this was not a dissenting opinion, they officially supported the decision that congress has the right to disqualify. which should pass
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a special law for this, but the liberal judges noted that the issue was not that way, it was enough to say that the state cannot remove from the elections, and not specify who exactly should to do this, the consequences for the states are clear, you can forget about the removal of any candidate from the elections due to participation in the uprising. there is no law on the procedure for applying the fourteenth amendment, but the unanimous decision showed that judges do not always vote on... about american politics, which, whether we like it or not, still affects the whole world, let's talk with its true connoisseur, victoria zhuravleva from imo. vika, hello. these are, to put it mildly, very specific candidates this year in the united states, anything can happen. were
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are there any precedents when a candidate was changed at the final stage, when everything has been approved, and are there procedures for this? well, we all remember that in fact this is the mechanism of the prime minister, in the united states it is only 50 years old, that is, this is a quarter of the history of the united states, during these 50 years of the situation when they suddenly elected one candidate in price, and then replaced, was not in... american history as a whole, when candidates were still elected by big party bosses for cigars and whiskey, anything could have happened there, whatever, they changed candidates and agreed, but there was such an obvious situation that they came to the national elections with some other candidate, not the one they agreed on, no, after all, if something happens, well, there health or any other circumstances, is there a procedure for nomination?
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to carry out a fundamental cleansing of the state apparatus literally in the first 100 days. the longer america lives in this confrontation between democrats and republicans. when democrats think completely differently, republicans think differently, the the more the president tries to change, the more people the president tries to change in key positions in order to be in his circle. the executive branch is also a bureaucratic machine, a thick bureaucratic layer that is not very subordinate to the president, paradoxically, and we actually, those 4 years of trump saw this very well, that is, yes, you can install your key people. but then , quite easily, the president can get a quiet confrontation with this very bureaucracy, which is subject to the law on civil service, according to this law, officials are recruited by contract, by
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contract, everything is spelled out in the contract, there are absolutely no elections there and it doesn’t mean that he should do as the president wants, he’s just an ordinary official who does his own thing. is that he was called a person outside the system for a reason, he is a person who, in addition to the fact that he played by the rules, a person who did not have his own people in this system, for whom the system was not oriented, because he was not raised her, and
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accordingly, well, yes, okay, he put their ministers, then these ministers , firstly, they are the same, most importantly, they are loyal to trump, but have no connections with their ministries and... it turns out that he works, the minister works, and the ministry can quite calmly say, well, we’ll put this piece of paper aside until tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, well, trump also had a problem due to his personal qualities, he is a completely eccentric person, and even those who initially supported him, i don’t know, john bolton, for example, they ended up quarreling with him in poh and prag, because he he just doesn’t know how to build communication with even his supporters, and trump ’s main characteristic, of course, is emotionality, and he... lives within the framework of his own vision , it all depends on where he’s from got up today, and accordingly, he has a very narrow circle of people whom he considers personally devoted to him, mostly
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family, personally devoted or there is some kind of blood ties or something else, everyone else is, well, that’s how much will they endure? and accordingly, how much he will endure, how much they will endure, there was another difficulty, because trump actually won then, to the surprise of many and himself , this was a president who was not really ready for the fact that he would have to do something with this country for 4 years , he needed to conquer everything, prove something to himself, perhaps, maybe to some of his entourage, and then what to do with this... country, how to manage this bureaucracy, without having any connections, no, no ideas about how it works, well, that's what his presidency it showed, yes, plus, in principle , the opposition of the liberal establishment, the liberal media there, from the very first day,
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the desire to push away, well, as if to oust this president as a body of the people, here to the second presidency. a very big question, is he ready or is it the same thing again, because i have a feeling that now, if back then it was just for him to have fun playing the elections, oh, he must have won, now it’s very important for him to win, so that to prove that the twentieth year was an accident, to show that no, after all, they chose then me, you see, now they vote for me, but again, what’s beyond the abyss, here he is to this to this. it seems to me that he is just as unprepared as he was in 2020, in general, everything that we know about trump, not only the president, but also his 40 years of public activity and appearances shows that he has never changed, he is like a sleeper, in this regard, it is unlikely to change, on the issue of this tension, now
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they are openly saying that no matter how the elections end, acts of, so to speak, civil and other things are possible confrontations, even street ones, means riots, or one. another country will be so dissatisfied that it will, so to speak, try to change the result by other methods, is this still an exaggeration or - do you think, from the experience of studying america, is the tension really so high? i think that here, of course, there is some tension, it is clear, it is clear, everyone was very scared in the twentieth year, on january 6, it was a shock, the right-wing radicals, who are also called the alternative right, do not have a single ideologies, but there are a number of common features: they criticize traditional... for passivity, they are inclined towards the idea of ​​​​the superiority of the white race, they advocate the preservation of european
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identity and culture, they are against immigration, multiculturalism, feminism and the promotion of non-traditional sexual relations, in a word, everything that includes a new western ethics. trumpists, rednecks, leftist media are usually portrayed in a stereotypical and negative way, wearing a plaid shirt, a cowboy hat, with a shotgun and beer on... in an old pickup truck, the paramilitary movement proud boys appeared in 2016 as a club of young people who supported donald trump. in the eyes of the democrats, the proud boys are racists, anti-semites and homophobes, walking the streets with guns at the ready. for storming the capitol in 2021 , the leader of the proud boys was given 22 years in prison, and the famous shaman jacob chansley was given 3.5 years. in furs and hats with horns. he entered the capitol together with members of the cunon movement, supporters of the conspiracy theory that
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there is a secret organization of democratic pedophiles associated with the government in the united states, which worships satan and traffics children, and trump opposes them. the ooskipers , or american patriots, have tens of thousands of armed supporters across america and are backed by some sheriffs who believe their power in the county is more important. than the federal government in washington. another trumpist movement is maga. this is an acronym for the slogan "make america great again." joe biden called the most extreme political organization in recent us history, compared its participants with the fascists. according to him, members of maga do not respect the constitution, do not believe in the supreme law, and are trying in every possible way to disrupt the elections with the help of their connections. 2024 american. analysts have already dubbed the year of political violence, however, whether we are talking about the right or
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the left is unclear; according to one recent survey, more than a quarter of americans justify and support violence if it helps achieve a political goal. there is still an objective basis, because truly liberal... conservative america today is completely, completely different and they look in different directions, and although it’s true that polarization is one of the generic features of america, the united states, they are generally ideologically such a mixture of liberalism and conservatism, a paradoxical mixture, but it is generally an ideological country, very unlike many others , an ideological country, a traditional country, a religious country and at the same time... with this cap of liberalism. in
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january , republican senator ron johnson said that the radical left had infiltrated all social and political institutions in the united states. including the media. the new liience institute for strategy and policy divides the american far left into four categories: black nationalists, eco-extremists, anarchists and anti-fascists. among the latter. the most visible movement is antifa. it has no unified structure or leadership, and members profess leftist views ranging from marxism to trascism. antifa does not recognize capitalism and fights the far right wherever they appear, even by any means, from cyberbullying to property damage, violence and harassment. politics participants in the movement consider trump anti-people, nationalist and anti-muslim, but they don’t answer biden either: during the presidential campaign in 2016, antifa burned
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the republican headquarters in north carolina, and in 2021 they destroyed the democratic office in oregon. in the summer of 2020, after the death of george floyd, during the arrest, movement participants staged riots in major us cities, setting cars on fire, smashing stores and throwing firecrackers. for security reasons, president trump. had to go down to the bunker in seattle the ultra-left seized the city hall, the police and several streets and proclaimed the people's republic of the capitol, which lasted almost mi.
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overthrow the threat to democracy donald trump and his cronies. on the one hand, this is a mechanism for its development, this is a combination of the incompatible, on the other hand, at certain moments this mechanism fails and it turns into some kind of stopper, and
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accordingly into a conflict, creates an atmosphere of constant conflict, well, that’s what the latter happens. move the party very far to the right, the demand for extremes is obtained in society , the demand for extremes is very high, and here it is the same system that feeds itself, because the less americans are satisfied with what is happening in the federal government, the more they
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tend to adhere to extreme ideas, the more they are more inclined to trust those who shout: we will change everything now. and usually those who shout, we’ll change everything now, these are precisely the representatives of the extreme sector of both the left and the right, it turns out this is a conversation in which they do not hear each other, and accordingly they are afraid. thank you, by the way, happy holidays. thank you. victoria was our guest. harry varvel depicted donald trump's thorny path to the presidency, inscriptions on broken things, collusion with the russians.
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fingerprints, index finger on the left, middle finger on the right. tom stiglich on colorado secretary of state jena griswald's reaction to the court's decision to allow trump to continue running. a direct allusion to edward mulk's painting the scream, which depicts a figure screaming in despair. bob gorel directs rib question. after all, who can beat trump in the 2024 election? and he himself answers it, in his opinion, there are no options. after advertising in europe, it became very busy there. a true legend is
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in a large family package at an affordable priceen one package four bottles order on zdravcity last week we... discussed in detail the european excitement, the attack of combat the enthusiasm of the french president and the throwing of the german leadership. the topic has been developed. macron became so excited that he reproached his allies for cowardice. i failed to realize that this is our war. don't expect to stay away. true, the french government clarifies that we are not going to fight in ukraine, but we have other methods, and we won’t say which ones, let putin be afraid. germany has its own turns. in audio recordings leaked to the public, senior bundeswiere officers and generals busily
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discuss how useful german taurus cruise missiles would be in destroying the crimean bridge. and at the same time he wonders what it is kanzer is so stubborn and refuses to supply them to kiev. the scandal turned out to be loud, but not because of the subject of the conversation, but because of the fact of the leak. the ministry of defense had to admit that one of the participants in the communication used a public connection. the allies furiously complain about the germans' unreliability. berlin makes excuses and threatens russia with punishment for making it public. the content of the conversation is almost never discussed in germany. and they certainly don’t talk about tonya. i would say it's pretty loose in the way it's being conducted. general gerhard, inspector of the air force. calls the taurus a super-weapon that the bundesphere has in service, well, although he did not tell the wunderwafe, but the meaning is exactly the same,
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other interlocutors proudly say: so that because of this story that same general ing gerhards would be dismissed, precisely in such soldiers, experienced and determined, that the bundeswehr needs now. wow! however, no matter what the generals plan, politicians have to take into account the mood of citizens. the majority of the population does not want taurus to go to ukraine. just wednesday a new survey has been published, according to which...
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yes, indeed, olaf scholz answers over and over again: no, to calls to finally give cruise missiles to ukraine. one thing that has firmly established itself in people's minds is precisely the argument that olaf scholz made last week during the civil forum in dressdon, briefly and clearly: with the taurus it is possible to strike moscow, that is, the kremlin, the russian leadership, and so on. absolutely
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unacceptable. by the way, this was confirmed by the bundesfer generals, for example, former adviser angela merkel on military affairs, erich fad. and it seems to me that many people have become firmly aware of this. therefore, the majority of respondents simply do not want anything like that. this is a crossing of any borders; everyone knows that what’s next is nuclear war. in this regard, the attitude of the germans is clear. and i would say that in germany western war propaganda was generally defeated. this is certainly encouraging, but never say never, could schultz change his mind under some circumstances? unfortunately, yes, one of the sdp figures in the bundestag, who is involved in on foreign policy issues, nils schmidt has already said, well, let's see how long this will last, no, some prominent party functionaries supported scholz, for example,
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the head of the faction.
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the situation is similar; according to polls, supporters of marine lupin, macron’s sworn enemies, will get into the european parliament first of all. according to the figaro newspaper, the belligerence of the president and the government is caused by the desire to intercept the agenda, to direct the attention of voters to the topic of war and peace, instead of socio-economic problems. we'll keep an eye on france, but for now let's return to germany, let's talk with maria harolskaya from mmo, an expert in german political cuisine. maria, hello, hello! there is a lot of debate about the reasons for the leak in germany, and the conversations are very alarming, but the content is such that no one was surprised at all, does this mean that support, military support for ukraine is now, well, the norm, perhaps for the establishment, and yes and no, that is, on the one hand, but there is a consensus and society among the political elites that ukraine must be supported, and then...


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