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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

12:30 am
the satisfaction of the minister of defense of the netherlands that the weakening of russia at the expense of the lives of ukrainians is very cheap, and mr. fink complains that many people are being buried, in his land, which should bear fruit, it is decomposing the corpses of dead soldiers, and in parallel with this there is also a wonderful journey. the first lady of mrs. zelenskaya to the cortier boutique, where she had a fight with the saleswoman, she was even fired, and the saleswoman, go ahead and post a check on the internet for the purchase of jewelry worth $1,100,000, came to the boutique about a week ago wife of the president of ukraine elena zelenskaya, it was during their visit to... she seemed
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upset, no, not just upset, she was beside herself, honestly, she was my first vip client, i tried to give her a little tour, but she it was not interesting, when i brought her some of our work, she just started screaming in my face, who told you that i need your opinion, i thought that i needed to find a different approach to her, but she just asked to call the manager, i didn’t i know what she told him, but the next day i was fired, what for bullshit? i have a copy of her check, i took it when i was packing my things, because of her i got fired for nothing, so i will show everyone her true colors, she is spending large millions in carter while her country is at war , well, put it all together , it’s unrealistic, it’s impossible, wake up, brothers, wake up, i... i’ll tell you honestly, i
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can’t imagine, i just can’t imagine how all this can be put together in one head, just take a simple person, just put this together everything, and so that he suddenly understands that this is happening to him, specifically to him, it is he who is not allowed to bury his relatives in his own land, it is he who is considered cheap cannon fodder, this is his first lady of his country, precisely... this time can afford to spend more than a million dollars on jewelry at the same time while her husband is running around the world with his hand outstretched, at the same time, precisely at the same time in the israeli-palestinian conflict, hamas is today openly thanking ukraine for supplying them with weapons.
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3000 shells of 155 mm caliber, these shells, the pentagon, with the permission of jerusalem, sends it to ukraine, and why can’t we admit that having appeared in ukraine, without thinking twice, these shells were sent to the palestinians to kill israelis, why can’t it be so, in this absolutely devoid of any kind of people.
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sympathy and conscience in the world, why? then everything settles down and dissatisfaction with the funeral of soldiers with the opportunity to pay a million for trash, and receive shells from one side, and transfer them for money to those at war with the other side, why not, everything is possible, read! dostoevsky, remember, if there is no god, then what kind of captain am i after that? is this why john kirby is crying about israel? sorry, it's it's very, excuse me, very difficult to look at these images, jake, and the human cost, and these are human beings, their family members, their friends, their loved ones.
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our president said this about the situation on the ukrainian front. position on almost all of this space, quite a large space, this applies to the kupyansk direction, this applies to the zaporozhye direction, this applies to the avdeevsky direction, well, if we take it broadly, settlements there can be called differently, i’m saying this in aggregate, but this is
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an active defense with an improvement in its position in certain areas. right now, when it became clear that it was simply physical force, military force. russia cannot be broken, then they begin to look for new, more sophisticated, more insidious, more cunning ways to weaken our country. listen to what doctor of military sciences, military expert konstantin sevkov says. the west is now looking at other directions. the first direction that is being considered. the west is inciting an ethno-religious conflict on russian territory. today the internet is full of messages about events that are taking place in russia, in particular those related to conflicts between migrants, especially the countries of central asia and the russian population. a significant part
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of these messages are fakes, which are inspired by tsepso, but the intention is obvious, to incite this conflict, that is, they definitely did it. an attempt is being made to incite an orthodox-muslim conflict, to try to repeat the option that was done in chechnya, they managed to successfully pull it off, i want to say right away, we must clearly understand that those people who are doing this have nothing to do with islam, to be honest , in general, this idea interested me very much, and i turned to the investigative committee to the chairman of the investigative committee , alexander ivanovich bostrykin. with a request to clarify what the general situation with migration in our country is today. that's what we are got. in 2022, investigative authorities initiated three times more criminal cases committed by migrants than in 2021.
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the number of serious crimes increased by 37% from 11 to 15. cases of murder and personal injury.
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and there is building material, and most importantly, we ourselves help this, listen, i never tire of being amazed by the capital, our urals, yekaterinburg, not only that an anus appeared in the shopping center, and children can be told to show what diseases exist in the direct gut, but they gather there build a medical center especially for tajiks, the consul general of tajikistan in yekaterinburg said about this, listen carefully, a medical center in yekaterinburg for citizens of tajik nationality. well, i don’t know, well, can someone explain to me whether it is possible
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, for example, in tajikistan in some big city, such as yekaterinburg, to build a medical center for russians. come on, is it possible for us to build a medical center for russians here, that’s how they will react to this, the russians, by the way, don’t... and so we came across a very interesting document, this is information from candidate
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of philosophical sciences yuri baranchik. listen, migration programs in the russian federation were carried out by international organizations, the world bank, foreign governments and ngos. we go to the website of the international organization migration and see four programs starting in 2007. sodi.
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programs have been banned in russia since 2009, despite the fact that donors include foreign organizations such as the us agency for international development (usid) and others from countries that are currently implementing assistance to ukraine, in general, is amazing, we are not even trying to defend ourselves, we are not even trying to defend our position at all. microscopic size of the drawing in pixels , and so on and so forth, and they called us,
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indignant, sick fanatics, well, well , i have no other words, this is an accident, arbitrariness, no, it turns out, this is a systematic squeezing out of crosses from our symbolism, this is a systematic thing , in the novgorod region. residents vote for the emblem of the region, the monument to the millennium of russia, but in the final version, the organizers remove there were christian symbols and crosses on it, that is , in the version for which the residents of novgorod voted, they were there, then they disappeared. this competition was organized by the public chamber of the novgorod region, and the technical organizer was the urban environment in the novgorod region, and then, unexpectedly, completely,
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people noticed that the advertisement for the moscow seasons depicted st. basil's cathedral without crosses, okay, fanatics, religious, these christians, orthodox, we went through all this, i heard all this, but this is not even a matter of religious self-awareness. v copyright, who dares to violate copyright, zotchev from pskov, fastnik yakovlev, who? this temple has been standing for 462 years, built by decree of ivan the terrible in honor of the annexation of the kazan khanate, who has the right to touch this, who has the right to improvise god on this, who? besides, what's wrong with that? if there were... a buddhist symbol at the coat of arms, in chechnya an islamic symbol, this is the strength of the country,
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this is respect for each other, but here are more important tasks, here it is not just to offend the architect, but to etch, wash, carefully to forget what we need to forget in order to... follow an enlightened europe. which cancels the holiday for christmas so as not to offend migrants. remember how anna lena berbak bashfully took off her cross in the hall where there was a meeting, why? just in case, again dignity, if there is no god, everything is permitted. on october 7th of this year, you all know
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perfectly well that a bloody war began in the middle east, between palestine and...
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these atomic bombs are not stored for show, these atomic bombs are stored to protect muslims and pakistan. stop the occupation or we will wipe israel off the face of the earth. hamas are the new nazis. hamas is egil. in some cases, even worse than isis. and just as the world united to defeat the nazis, just as the world united to defeat isis, the world must unite with israel to defeat hamas. israel is a cancer.
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the world has split, thousands of demonstrations in london in defense of the palestinians in paris, exactly the same demonstrations in defense of the israelis, they clash, they are separated by the police, they are arrested, the world is in shambles
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, nuclear missiles will be launched, another will leak will strike back before they even hit their targets. an american... submarine will fire ballistic missiles from western norway, they will reach russia in about 10 minutes, and russian missiles from northern canada will strike the united states a few minutes later. the very
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first impacts - high-precision electromagnetic pulses - will fry electronics and power systems. the impulse will be tens of thousands per meter. the next strikes will hit command and control posts and underground missile silos. land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles they will arrive in half an hour, the targets will be megacities, each blow will create a fireball, like the solar crust, a mushroom-shaped radioactive cloud will appear behind it, these strong explosions will incinerate people around, everything will be engulfed in flames. the expansion of the fireball will cause a blast wave that will damage the building, destroying the nearest one. in great britain, france. there are nuclear arsenals, according to article 5 of the nato charter, they are obliged to protect the united states, so russia is striking at them. firestorms consume many
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cities. black carbon emissions from nuclear firestorms lead to nuclear earth. the atomic bomb in hiroshima caused such a nuclear war, but today's bombs are much more dangerous. a metropolis like moscow, which has 50 times more inhabitants than herosima, can produce. much more smoke, and the firestorm will send a plume of black smoke into the atmosphere far beyond any point that could wash it away. meanwhile, the land is engulfed in freezing cold, even in summer. according to a recent scientific study, over 5 billion people could die from hunger, including approximately 99% population of the usa, europe, russia and china. it’s obvious that we...
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until the crooked midshipman came for the victory, for our change. well, swordsman krivorochka came and said, let’s leave one by one, if anything happens, we are geologists impatiently. i'm waiting for you, god willing, at our new meeting.
12:54 am
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12:56 am
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12:58 am
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12:59 am
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1:00 am
there are reports that the st-68 um radar has been destroyed in the sumy region. such footage appeared on the internet; this is the most important element of the ukrainian air defense system, and quite rare. also... the soviet radar station is capable of tracking aircraft at a distance of up to 200 km, this means a serious reduction in the ability of the ukrainian armed forces to detect russian aerospace forces in this area. most likely by radar the kamika lancet drone worked. in total , 34 group strikes were carried out on ukrainian armed forces targets over the course of a week, the ministry of defense reported. about the combat work of the su-25 attack aircraft crews in the skies over the dpr. report by pavel prokopenko.


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