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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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great! hello, on the air of the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i, vladimir nesterov, we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives and how they are becoming part of our lives. strengthening and developing the potential of regions and defending the interests of the residents of our country. about key events right now. revision of international agreements that do not meet our interests and give advantages to unfriendly countries. does russia need them? it needs to be done with experts, institutions, and the ministry of foreign affairs.
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it is natural that russia has become a point of global attraction for women leaders. the eurasian women's forum, the national strategy of action in the interests of women are the most important projects in which representatives of the fair half of humanity play a decisive role. in all areas today , women are actively moving forward; everything they do today helps the development of our wonderful country. rare professions.
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skills cadet school of shipbuilding at onega is the second part of our special report. here, for example, is the onega soima verbushka. by the way, it is worth noting that such a vessel was actually built by children and they set off on it on their first expedition to lake onega. regional development and tourism potential. why are russian travelers attracted to the caucasus and what destinations are the most popular? thanks to all the measures that have been taken in the region, the number of tourists is increasing every year. more more hongfest, as well as incredible natural beauty and steep slopes, where not only experienced skiers and snowboarders can experience the thrill. until new meet! firm confidence in our future is the main leitmotif of the president’s message to the federal assembly, valentina matvienko stated. according to the speaker of the federation council, the topics outlined by vladimir putin are close to everyone, this support for families, the fight against poverty and large-scale renewal.
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that even our opponents are already forced to admit that russia not only did not suffer, as they dreamed, a strategic defeat, on the contrary, it is achieving success, making plans for the years ahead, russia on its own, with its own mind ready... to protect myself. a number of the president’s instructions concern issues that are the constant focus of the federation council. the fact that these topics are reflected in the message, on the one hand , speaks of the relevance of our work, and on the other hand, it places, of course, a special responsibility on us. among the directions initiated by the upper house, the zemstvo cultural worker, the transition to a new one. a fairer model
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for remuneration for teachers and health workers, as well as a renovation program institutions of secondary vocational education. according to valentina matvienko, russia was, is, will be a socially oriented state. based on the results of the message, parliamentarians will have a lot of legislative work to do, including in the social sphere. however, it didn’t stop. senators approved the law on increased pensions for certain categories of citizens. great -grandparents who are dependent on them will be able to receive the bonus. disabled great-grandchildren under 18 years of age or 23 years of age if they are studying full-time. also the payment will be due to those who care for great-grandchildren who become disabled before adulthood, and if they do not have able-bodied parents. it is necessary to conduct a thorough audit and prepare a package of documents on the denunciation of international agreements that are unfavorable for russia. valentina matvienko noted that together with the ministry of foreign affairs it is necessary to once again analyze all the documents that. experts,
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institutions, the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of justice.
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in this category all countries of the european union, plus 22 more states, in total this is 49 countries, and we will first of all analyze agreements with these states, well, probably there will be a third of them, or maybe even half of the figure that i mentioned, that is, there will be a lot a large amount of work, but it will be carried out absolutely within the legal framework, because the institution itself, if you like or the instrument... denunciations are absolutely consistent with international law, there are two main reasons that allow the state within the framework of the current agreement to raise the question of its denunciation is either a violation of the terms of the agreement by the other party, or a so-called fundamental
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change in circumstances, i think in this case it will be more about a fundamental change in circumstances, because we are faced with a situation where countries that previously acted from positions that were friendly or neutral towards russia, and therefore those that were part of contractual legal relations with our country, have now openly moved to positions that are unfriendly, and we find ourselves in a paradoxical situation, when on the one hand our partners in these agreements openly say that they will restrain russia, that they will harm russia, that they will harm russia, on the other hand it seems that we are as if nothing had happened, must continue to cooperate with them in one direction or another. i... would like to emphasize that this work will definitely not be of a mechanistic nature, we have an unfriendly country, which means there should be no agreements with it on cooperation, in no case, i am sure that there will be a number of agreements that meet our interests, despite the fact that the country takes unfriendly positions, in
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such cases we will be extremely careful in developing our recommendations, but if there is a situation not requiring, as they say, no additional research, as just now... this was the case with the denunciation of a bilateral agreement with the uk on fisheries, this week the federation council decided to denounce, before this , the state duma made the same decision, it will be easier there, so there is extensive work to be done, professional work to be done, interdepartmental work to be done, because the agreement clearly regulates a variety of areas of interaction with foreign countries, but it will definitely be done. konstantin iosifovich, president in a federal message. to the meeting he outlined a large list of large-scale tasks for the near future, spoke a lot about education, the development of higher education, engineering schools, and what of this do you have you emphasized to yourself how large-scale work lies ahead in these areas? well, from my point of view, this is one of the very important
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substantive parts of the president’s address to the federal assembly, a new project appears, a national project, personnel, and the point is not only... that this topic is highlighted as a priority, but the point is that this is perhaps the first time such a systematic, multi-level approach to organizing is appearing. when we see a unified system, starting
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to meet the real needs of the labor market, now, called from kindergartens, schools, technical schools, a system of special vocational education, higher schools, of course, a single line will be built that will be focused on the specific needs of the labor market, and for children this is all the more important, since a new approach to the organization of the so-called professional orientation already from the sixth grade on children. will have the opportunity to come to the relevant enterprises to talk with specialists, but the most important thing is to understand already at this age what is called on the shore, what will happen to them if, when they undergo appropriate vocational training , will they be in demand, will their professional qualifications be in demand or not be in demand on the labor market where they live, it’s no secret that very often the guys want to leave their village, from your city somewhere more central. where life is more interesting and salaries are higher, it is very important
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, through this new personnel training system, to keep young people, as they say, locally, not to force, not force them to do this, but in a real objective way to consolidate them where they grew up and where they should be useful, i would also like to touch on the topic of the upcoming presidential elections and international observers, it is known that observers are invited, including through the parliamentary line. we have already received confirmation of the arrival here of such delegations from five multilateral
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inter-parliamentary organizations and 28 national parliaments, in total this is more than 200 people, these are 35 countries, i emphasize once again, this figure is not final, firstly, it concerns only those observers who come through the parliamentary line, so there is absolutely no need to talk about some kind of isolation of russians’ attention to the presidential elections, i confess to you that... the russian federation is being held in full accordance with our constitution, with the current legislation in the field
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of organizing elections, well, in the interests of the citizens of the russian federation, this part of international observation, i am sure that it will confirm exactly this component of the elections, will be for us, of course same, fundamentally important. now about the development of relations with those countries that are interested in equal cooperation, valentina matvienko held a meeting with the chairman of the majlis. our cooperation is actively moving forward , i want to say that we are open to such
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interaction, we consider kazakhstan, the people of kazakhstan, a fraternal country, a fraternal people, and here in russia we have an absolute consensus in terms of strengthening and expanding interaction with friendly kazakhstan, a friendly atmosphere is already felt with first minutes of stay russian land, you said correctly, we are brothers, we... working country, in these spring days, dear valentina ivanovna, i want to congratulate you on the holiday, women's day on march 8, i want to wish you good health, prosperity and success in your. responsible work for the benefit of russia. just a short ad now, we'll be back soon, stay tuned.
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to establish a historical and cultural center of christianity there is no such thing in the world yet, the idea of ​​the project, of course, belongs to our
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president, here russia is married to byzantium, here, here in hersanes. in the 10th century, grand duke vladimir made a choice in which russia should move forward. here the last thing that was missing appeared, a spiritual and moral core. every step here is like moving in time, between eras. the scale of the work that was carried out here is a completely unique event in the history of world archaeology. there is probably no city more rich in history on the territory of russia and russia, so it radiates a special energy, cool! the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home,
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install a fire detector. safety starts with you. russian emergency situations ministry! welcome to asia, where the heart
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of the continent beats. dear friends, i invite you to our next episode of the original besagon tv program, which will be called the anatomy of betrayal or the merry widow. i look forward to seeing you at our next meeting. 4 months, of course, to restore everything quickly after such destruction is simply impossible, and yet severodonetsk lives, it was empty in the city, there
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was no one, the shells were still sticking out in the asphalt, they opened salon as soon as water and light appeared. purchasing power has increased, people began to receive more pensions and somehow spend them more fun, we already have peace, everything will be restored, there will be a beautiful city, gradually everything will be fine, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions should be brought to a new height, there are prospects, ours are more brutal. there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is the overall situation with production, raw materials, exports? "what is our product, russia,
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traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes. come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, amounts. in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe, in general, this is how
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to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you, that you are on top of the world, stood up, dusted yourself off, and went, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure , it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. chasing views changes entire locations, making deep fakes easy. we will expose all fakes.
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cadet education is actively developing in russia, its demand among the younger generation is increasing, and it’s not just a good level of teaching in basic disciplines, as a rule, there is a large selection of additional education, sports initial military training, and also the opportunity to get a profession. this is a study of the theoretical foundations of a driver of small boats, and there is also the possibility of another profession, an assistant to a tour guide
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. there is always a choice. including in additional education, what to do , everyone decides for themselves, for those who want to reveal their creative potential, pottery, design or vocals, glory, glory to you, my ruz, next to the choreography hall, those who have chosen dancing for themselves, constantly teach and rehearsing new productions. wide selection of sports disciplines: football, acrobatics, hand-to-hand combat or hockey. the children are provided with all the necessary equipment, classes are conducted by professional trainers. thanks to the school's capabilities, many of the cadets were able to realize their dreams now on the way to their sporting achievements. my parents didn’t give it to me because it’s expensive, i have to buy a uniform. there was no opportunity to study, but here there is an opportunity. some cadets dream of becoming the best in martial arts, so on the tatami they practice various combinations with striking and throwing techniques for defense
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attacks. oh wow! so good, and this shipbuilding is perhaps the most popular area of ​​​​additional education, almost all the boys choose it when they enter school, study the exact sciences, the history of shipbuilding, sailing, 3d modeling, but not all continue to engage in a complex craft until graduation , only those who want to build ships and go on expeditions on them remain, the pressure is focused, it’s not about the assessments of the matter, it’s the focus, their desire. suffering, then they cope, then we we tighten it up, especially with geometry. during an expedition along the waterways, students undergo an educational program in tourism, orienteering, navigation, study ancient water trade routes, learn to work in a team and admire the beauty of their native land. the ferry plowshare everyone goes to their places. the history of the school's formation is connected with shipbuilding. so, 11 years ago , a small shipbuilding and
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prionezhye club was first opened, where local children got to know each other. shipping of the russian north, geography of crafts, types of wooden ships. co over time, sports facilities, playgrounds, and workshops were built on the territory. the club became the basis for the creation of an educational center; a cadet school was opened in 2018. the whole history can be traced in the museum. also here you can see models of boats that students made with their own hands in class, for example, the anezh soyma verbushka. by the way, it is worth noting that such a ship was actually built by children and went on it on... the first expedition to lake onega. on display are authentic historical objects and documents collected by students and their teachers. results of expeditions and projects. they also created a modern interactive environment with multimedia technologies. the school museum was opened quite recently. objects continue to be built on the territory. the infrastructure will be updated for the new school year. designers are already working on the concept. we must build a swimming pool here, renovate one of the buildings, where we will occupy
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another +50. from the cadets, we will renovate all our sports facilities, the canteen, we will rebuild our summer ones, the summer stage, the summer theater, in which we hold a number of important events, we want to transform the entire school space here, make it in a different style, for the cadets their school is a second home, they spend almost all their time here, only sometimes they go on weekends to see their loved ones and for the holidays, life according to the rules, a rich educational program, professional training, patriotic education, this is exactly what the most courageous and purposeful boys of the country chose for themselves. became an independent person, that is, already you can live peacefully without help. the partnership is mutual, that this is developing and it will also help in the future. it’s better than in regular schools, because here you don’t live alone at home, you study on your own, when you get used to it, it becomes normal for you, you’re in
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the same group. with their friends, going through an interesting cadet path, young men master unique skills, courageous professions, achieve success in creative sports, and become true patriots of the country. marina pavlova, egor gerasimov, andrey litvin, senate program. this is the senate program, see below. preserve traditions while developing russia. all-russian women's forum, successful, active, talented, bright people from all regions of our big country. absolutely. it is natural that russia has become a point of global attraction for women leaders, the eurasian women's forum, the national strategy of action in the interests of women are the most important projects in which representatives of the fair half of humanity play a decisive role. in all areas today, women are actively moving forward; everything they do today helps development our wonderful one.


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