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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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there are reports that the st68 um radar has been destroyed in the sumy region. such footage appeared on the internet. this is the most important element of the ukrainian air defense system, quite rare. the soviet radar station is also capable of tracking aircraft at a distance of up to 200 km. and this means a serious reduction in the ukrainian armed forces’ ability to detect russian aerospace forces aircraft in this area. most likely, the kamika drone responded to the radar.
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for lancet. in total , 34 group strikes were carried out on ukrainian armed forces targets over the course of a week, the ministry of defense reported. during the period from march 2 to march 8 , the armed forces of the russian federation 34 group strikes were carried out with high-precision weapons, multiple launch rocket systems and unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which objects where unmanned boats were assembled and prepared for combat use, arsenals, and fuel depots for the military were hit. equipment, deployment points of units of the armed forces of ukraine, the formation of nationalists of foreign mercenaries. grain deal , turkish mediation in conflict resolution is on the agenda of negotiations between the leader of ukraine and the president of turkey, according to data political scientists. zelensky arrived in istanbul on friday to meet with recep tayyip erdogan. meanwhile, media in kiev report that the ukrainian leader also intends to enter into agreements with representatives of turkish arms companies. military assistance to ukraine.
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french politicians are also in the spotlight, but boris ivanin will tell you whether they managed to agree on anything in paris. even macron’s celebratory speech in honor of march 8 in paris is now listened to with disbelief. the day before, at the elysee palace, at a meeting with political leaders parties, the president promised to send french troops to ukraine if russian units begin to approach odessa or kiev. french intervention is now the main topic in all local media.
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to escalation. i confirmed our party’s full support for ukraine, but on the other hand, i repeated my complete disagreement with the introduction of ground troops. if we even begin to talk hypothetically about sending soldiers from the french army to meet a nuclear power, which is russia, then i believe that this is irresponsible and extremely dangerous for all over the world. macron, with his belligerent rhetoric , managed to turn almost the entire range of political forces in france against himself, sums up the german spiegel. the right, the left, the green all unanimously criticize imunelli for his anti-russian course and call it a provocation. other western leaders, who were incited to this by macron on the sidelines of a recent meeting in paris, also rejected the idea of ​​sending nato troops to ukraine. now the elysee palace. is it justified? various hypotheses have been discussed, but we are not talking about troops who would participated in the hostilities. we need to ask ourselves, have we tried everything in the solution space between transmissions? in the way that this
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is happening now and a full-scale war, that is, a direct war with russia, aren’t there options that we could still try, including a military presence to clear mines or train ukrainian fighters on ukrainian soil, but this is unlikely to help paris will be free of charge , if we recall the recent attack from tiribriton, the former minister of finance france, and now the eu commissioner has said that kiev will have to pay for the shells that the eu sends to ukraine while the europeans themselves are chipping in. i thank all the countries that have joined the czech initiative to purchase ammunition for ukraine. at the moment, we have managed to collect enough money to purchase the first batch of 300 thousand artillery shells. however, our goal is to send much more. but neighboring germany is still in no hurry to supply taurus missiles. we have always emphasized that such long-range missiles will not determine the outcome of these hostilities. they
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can help to one degree or another, but the chancellor again explained: there is an extreme line that we will not cross, we will not be a party to the conflict, therefore taurus missiles will not be sent to ukraine yet. the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine went to vilnius to negotiate further support for the kiev regime with france and the baltic countries, only on tuesday dmitry kuleba may lose his post; vladimir zelensky is dissatisfied with his work in the diplomatic field, kiev media writes.
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the department's press secretary, oleg nikolenko, has already fled the sinking ship, without waiting for the resignation of the leadership. against this background, the resolve of official paris diminished. emmanuel macron began to explain to the french. that his words about sending troops to ukraine were allegedly misunderstood. doing something doesn't mean doing it. you are standing in front of me and not sitting at your table, but you do not rule out the possibility that at some point you will sit down to dinner at your table because you need to eat. next week in both houses of the republican parliament and in the national assembly, the senate, is scheduled to debate on ukraine. however, judging by the first reaction, french deputies will vote against their own president. boris ivanin, evgenia semtsova and ekaterina shamaeva, news. i won’t bend, it sounded like it’s hard for me to bend over, and i won’t leave, it’s like i’m afraid of tripping on the stairs. republicans considered biden's speech before congress humiliating, given that the us president
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spoke many times about ukraine and russia and almost never mentioned america. and in the russian foreign ministry they called the performance ridiculous, or rather, mesozoic postmodern, so figuratively put it. department representative maria zakharova from washington reporting by our own correspondent dmitry melnikov. even before the speech began, it was clear: the country would be assessing whether eighty-one-year-old joe biden was ready for a second presidential term? outside the congress building, fenced off for the occasion with a high fence, biden was met by pro-palestinian activists. inside, despite outward optimism, doubts reigned whether the president would be able to cope with the long speech. joe biden arrived 20 minutes late to congress. waiting for him in the aisle on the way to the podium was congresswoman taylor greene wearing a trump cap. she gives the president a badge with the name of a girl recently killed
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by an illegal immigrant. the direct demand is to close the border with mexico. but joe biden begins his speech with something completely different; he compares current times with 1941. himself with president roosevelt, an aggressive start that was unexpected for everyone, in the very first paragraph about the conflict in ukraine and a personal appeal to vladimir putin, everyone it is obvious how painfully biden perceives the failures of the kiev regime. my message to president putin, whom i have known for a very long time, is simple: we will not retreat, we will not bend, i will not bend, we must support ukraine, supply them with weapons so that they can for... this is all that ukraine asks for, it does not ask to send american soldiers, and i hope that it will remain so, so now we must unite all together to resist russia. democrats interrupt his speech with applause, vice president kamala haris jumps up with your place several dozen times in a row.
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obviously i am glad that the president’s speech took place at all. but in the house of representatives, where joe biden speaks, the majority is republican. speaker mike johnson, listening to biden, either rolls his eyes, or smiles condescendingly, because the future of the aid package to kiev depends on him, a vigorous and formidable start, but biden quickly runs out of steam by the third paragraph, despite the help of the prompter, begins to get confused when talking about his predecessor, he does not mention trump by name, biden wants to call for protection from him democracy, but it turns out quite the opposite, america survived and democracy triumphed and... as the consultants advised, biden is trying to be tougher, his speech is on the verge of shouting, even when he talks about the successes of bidennomics. one of the main election promises is to increase corporate taxes and set a minimum tax for billionaires of 25%.
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there are thousands of billionaires in america. you know what the average federal tax rate on these billionaires is, much less than what the vast majority pay. number of americans, that's why i proposed a 25% minimum tax on billionaires that would raise $500 billion over the next 10 years. watch biden's speech closely. trump uses applications to the fullest in his comments. but even when talking about american healthcare and drug prices, biden again did not do without. russia really had to admit that medicines in other countries are many times more accessible
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than in the united states. i'm going to get in trouble for saying this, but if you want inexpensive medications, you need to fly to toronto, berlin, moscow. i mean, sorry, but even in moscow, you will buy medicine there for 40% of the price here. as expected, biden announced a special us military mission to create a port in the gas sector through which additional gas would pass. unfortunately, we know that president biden's failures don't end there. his
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reckless spending plunged the economy into a hole and sent the cost of living through the roof. we have the worst inflation in 40 years, the highest credit card debt in our history. countries. according to journalists, biden spent the longest time talking about the future of democracy, that is, that trump should not win, but that money should be given to the american military-industrial complex. perhaps this was the darkest and... not an american speech ever given by an american president, but his top priorities have nothing to do with america, his priorities are sending billions of dollars to ukraine, a proxy war in eastern europe. having finished his speech without obvious failures, joe biden descends into the hall, where some more time wanders in search of a way out. where should i go, here, sir, here. you know where i need to go, you need to go straight there, sir. the commentators are still trying to understand how to formulate the speech, but
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everyone noticed the feigned anger and rage that biden managed to portray with difficulty. tonight, joe biden delivered what has been described in the press as a feisty, fiery hot cake. sorry, it's very late and i'm hungry. it was also one of the most anti-russian speeches by a us president before congress. ukraine was mentioned eight times in biden's speech times, russian leader vladimir putin - six, and russia - two. the head of the gogout autonomy, evgenia guzzul , returned safely to moldova. she freely crossed the border at
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chisinau airport. earlier, oppositionist ilan shor expressed concern that gutsul could be detained right at the airport due to criminal cases brought against her. let me remind you that evgenia guzzul flew in from sochi, where she took part in the world youth festival and met with vladimir putin. after this, the prosecutor general's office of moldova opened that they stated that they were sending a criminal case to court against the head of gagauzia.
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everything is possible to expect from the current government, but i am not afraid of anything, because the people in gagauzia are behind me, the truth is behind me, and i have not violated. the law, i didn’t do anything wrong, on the contrary, i want us to be friends with everyone, especially with the russian federation. a collision between skiers occurred at the youth spartakiad in sochi today. during the mass start, due to fog and snowstorm, the athletes began to fall and knock each other down. as a result , several girls were injured, with stitches and fractures, many were taken to the hospital. the race
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was stopped. the prosecutor's office began an investigation. details of the emergency at egor grigoriev. alarmed judges' comments behind the scenes , screams of young skiers: they're all alive, one fell, then another, a mass start turned into a mass collapse of the spartakiad in sochi, on the long descent of the first round, they were supposed to run 10 km in the classical style, but 14 athletes left the track, nine . several pictures were published in the hospital of skier daria ermakova, in another video of athletes their skis, they are literally turned into splinters. the ministry of sports provides a comment on the possible reasons for the incident. during the race
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, the fog suddenly fell, causing visibility to deteriorate and the athletes suffered injuries and bruises. ministry of sports together with the federal training center. sports reserve regional departments and responsible services coordinate all processes at the competition site. the circumstances of the incident will be analyzed and appropriate measures will be taken. as meteorologists note, the weather in sochi is now really unpredictable and insidious. there were fogs in waves with reduced visibility of less than 1 km. well, another very important detail, here is the place of this mass collision incident, it is located at a level of approximately 700 m above sea level, and the lower edge of the clouds was approximately at the level of 300-400 m. the start of the competition took place literally in the clouds. a video of the alleged start of the race appeared on the internet; it shows that there was fog already before the start of the race. there is a question from the shocked parents of young skiers about the quality of the track, they say the snow has melted it was loose, and before the competition we also went through
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a rotrak, which ended up being a skating rink. we ran not along a ski slope, but along the most difficult biathlon track in the world . the farmer, who made the decision that we need to compete, this is dangerous to health. president of the ski racing federation elena avialbi responded to the claims as follows. at the beginning of the competition, this cloud was not like that, it was dangerous, when the competition began, the cloud descended, and accordingly there was not the best visibility, but it is impossible to say that 100% nothing was visible. in first of all, this is the behavior of the athletes themselves on the track. injuries are basically this. everyone was immediately hospitalized, everything is fine, so yes, it’s very disappointing, bitter, but this happens, unfortunately, the men’s race after the emergency was decided to be canceled, who will be responsible for what happened during the women’s start will become known after the inspection. egor
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grigoriev, natalya uvarova, daria bratukhin, irina zaborskaya, news! the film the bremen musicians and directors by alexei nazhny collected more than 3 billion rubles. the film entered the top five highest-grossing films in the history of the russian film industry. box office, and also became the second film this year to achieve such high results. find out more from the author and presenter of the film industry program, ivan kudryavtsev. i cleared the forest of robbers. by oneself? and how did you do it? the song helped. few doubted that the songs would help the new bremen musicians cope with all the difficulties of conquering the audience, there was no doubt about box office success, favorite actors in the leading roles, excellent work by alexei nazhny and the trite film studio nikita mikhalkov, as well as the participation of the russia-1 tv channel in the production and release of the film, guaranteed
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high box office receipts for this fun and mischievous comedy, after all , the bremensky box office amount is very large, there are only five such films in the entire history of distribution in russia, cheburashka, avatar , both serfs, this is the company of multi-billionaires the bremenites are now in, because the thing is canonical , and it was done well, and the risk is very big, this is very thin ice, it seems to me that the spirit was conveyed, the main thing is that there is a very important story in it and message, as they say now youth message, love will save the world, love, goodness. light, although bremensky was released 2 months ago, the film is still among the leaders in box office receipts, maintaining competition with other domestic blockbusters that launched in cinemas since... quite recently. more than 8 million people watched bremensky in cinema alone, and that’s not the limit. the troubadour teams continue their journey across the screens. danyuk is like a dog, and
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his eyes are like an eagle. ivan kudryavtsev, vera alyonushkina, vitaly poretsky and inna zolotaryova. news. it's easy to get lost in facts when you see only part of the overall picture. in pursuit of views, entire locations are changed.
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between eras, the work that was carried out here in terms of its scale is a completely unique event in the history of world archeology, there is perhaps no city more rich in the history of the city on the territory of russia and russia, therefore it radiates a special energy, cool, the rules for assigning child care benefits for children up to one and a half . years have changed this year, how exactly, who can receive it under what conditions, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. so, from january 1
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new rules have come into force; they allow you to take full-time leave from parental leave without losing benefits. until the twenty-fourth year, a parent could also work and receive benefits, but he could only work on a shortened working day. now this rule is gone. and a parent can go full -time and still receive child care benefits. until the child turns one and a half years old, the monthly allowance will continue to be paid, regardless of the size of the salary and type of employment. the federal law emphasizes that this applies to all types of work, full-time with part- time work, remote work, and even part-time work for another employer. how do they expect to pay benefits? will be 40% of average earnings, the amount of the child care benefit depends on the parents’ salary, and the calculation of the benefit is based on wages
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for 2 years of the previous year when the parent is going to go on parental leave, and if in these two years the parent was also on maternity leave or child care leave, then he can, upon application, change the period used for calculation. in this case, the benefit, of course, will be recalculated upward. once a year, from february 1, the minimum benefit amount is indexed. how much does the government determine? from february 1, 2024, the amount looks like this: 9,227 rubles per month. the maximum amount this year is 49,123 rubles. if there are two or more children under one and a half years old, the payments are summed up, but the total amount of the benefit cannot exceed 100% of the average. where to contact for benefits? the benefit is paid on the basis of an application for child care benefits, which the employee brings to his employer along with an application for
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leave to care for a child up to one and a half years old. the employer has 3 days to transfer the certificate to the social fund, and the social fund has 10 days to appoint payment of benefits for child care up to one and a half years old. the social fund will provide this benefit. means it if the monthly income per person in the family is not higher than the regional subsistence level, and the family will pass criteria for a comprehensive assessment of need. what about those who don't work? allowance? they are
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also entitled to it, but this will be a measure of social support from the state budget. you can only count on minimum payments ; you need to contact the social fund. non-working parents must choose what type of assistance to receive from the state, payment for child care up to one and a half years old, or, for example, a single benefit for children under 17 years of age. another important point, if the child was born on january 1 , 2023 later, monthly income per person in the family should be lower. average per capita living wage in the region. an exception is made for full-time students. they are entitled to benefits regardless of the income of family members. let's repeat the most important things. working parents can now take full-time leave from parental leave. they will continue to receive benefits until the child turns one and a half years old. the amount is calculated based on 40% of average earnings 2 years before parental leave.
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not working. parents also have the right to payments, but as a social measure support for incomes below the subsistence level. if you have any questions, if you want to know what other help young parents can receive from the state, subscribe to our telegram, ask, and we will ask the ministries questions and will definitely tell you about everything in one of the next issues. instructions. voting at home. eh, it’s not the right time, i’m sick, i’ll have to miss the elections. why? will you vote at home? how is it? if the reason is valid, you can invite members of the commission home. to do this you need to submit application to the precinct commission. written or oral. you can do it in person, or through friends or relatives by phone. on the service portal. when should i submit my application? march 7 until 14:00 march 17. and on
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the public services portal from 5 to one. march, everything will be like at a polling station, yes, members of the election commission and observers will arrive, give out a ballot, and they will also bring a ballot box, well, of course, for home voting they use sealed portable boxes, that’s good, and i will vote.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special gifts. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter? and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. let's see. before anyone else in
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the app or website. the battles for severo-donetsk lasted for 4 long months; of course, it is simply impossible to restore everything quickly after such destruction,
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and yet. severodonetsk lives, the city was empty here, there was no one.


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