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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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trump is entering the home stretch, super tuesday showed that he has no competitors in the election fight, this worries democrats, and macron’s calls to send troops to ukraine have caused controversy. germany is generally stubborn and does not want to supply cruise missiles. about this and more, see the international review after the advertisement. do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account. then open a business account on a loan with cashback from sber is an even greater opportunity. after all
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months. download the financial services application. financial services from the moscow exchange, deposits from different banks in one application. alyon, shopping and gifting again. on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback. i will buy gifts for everyone. and a new neighbor. deposit - the best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the international review program. events of the week. chronicle, facts, comments. the cancel button doesn't work. bulldozer trump goes ahead. democrats are close to panic. call to send troops to ukraine. new try get out of your comfort zone. okay, but what
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next? germany found itself at a crossroads, searching for oneself or internal conflict, materials. none of the voters expect a sharp mind and quick reaction from him, everyone just knows that such qualities are not characteristic of him at all; if he suddenly displays any of them, it will be a pleasant surprise for his supporters. senator joseph biden, about us president, republican gerald ford, during the election campaign. sixth year, the democrats then nominated the former governor georgia, jimmy carter. biden, also a democrat, as they would say now, drowns for his own. by the way, carter, who eventually became president, was 52 at the time. ford, whose mental abilities
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biden speaks so disparagingly of, was 63. guys, just for these times. politically active citizens of the united states voted on super tuesday this year. in november, joe biden and donald trump will cross swords again, like 4 years ago. the old horses rushed along the familiar furrow without hesitation, confident that they would not spoil it. december of the past.
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an amendment to the us constitution, which states that a person who has held a military or civilian position after participating in a rebellion cannot hold a government position. job title. the trump campaign filed an appeal to the supreme court. after this, similar lawsuits were frozen throughout the country. their fate depended on the decision of the supreme court, which ruled on march 4. colorado and other states should put the former president back on the ballot. after all, the democratic states of maine and illinois managed to make a similar decision. now they must restore trump to the ballot. colorado secretary of state jena griswald was so upset by the decision that she nearly cried in an interview with fox news. the judges, six republican and three democratic, unanimously ruled that the state does not have the right to disqualify a candidate
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in a federal election, but on another decision , the liberal judges and judge barot spoke separately, it was not a dissenting opinion, they officially supported it. decision that the right to disqualify has congress, which must pass a special law for this, but the liberal judges noted that the question was not raised that way, it was enough to say that the state cannot remove from the elections, and not indicate who exactly should do this, the consequences for the states are clear, about the removal any candidate from the elections can be forgotten because of participation in the uprising , there is no law on how to apply the fourteenth amendment, but... about american politics, which
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, whether we like it or not, still affects the whole world, let's talk with its true connoisseur, victoria zhuravleva from imo. vika, hello, good afternoon, this is very specific, to put it mildly. candidate this year in the united states, anything can happen. were there any precedents when a candidate was changed at the final stage , when everything was approved, and are there procedures for this? well , we all, we all remember that, in fact, this is the mechanism of the prime minister, it is only 50 years old in the united states, that is, this is a quarter of the history of the united states, over these 50 years, the situation when they suddenly elected one candidate entry. during primeris, then changed, it wasn't. in american history as a whole, when candidates were still elected by big party bosses for cigars and whiskey , anything could have happened there, candidates were changed and agreements were made, but there
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was no such obvious situation that they came to the national elections with some other candidate with the one that was agreed upon, no, after all, if something happens, well, health or... some other circumstances, is there a procedure for nominating, well, force majeure nomination of a candidate? and the procedure is written in the constitution there is only one thing there: if anything, that is, there is congress, which in the end will decide who to elect as the next president, the whole problem is that on this path, in general, it takes a long time for americans to elect a president, but even with all the its duration still does not allow introducing someone else in the middle, now it is almost impossible to change the candidate, well, the trumpists have got a chance.
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an ordinary official who carries out his actions, and it is quite difficult for the president to reach this ordinary official, maybe it’s very important here how influential the key people he appoints in departments are in this department, how much they have the ability to at least somehow move people and at least somehow influence them, and that’s what happened. .. with trump, in fact, one of, one of his difficulties was that he was not just
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called a man outside the system, he was a man who, in addition to the fact that he played by the rules, a man who did not have his own people in this system, for whom the system was not oriented because he was not grown her, and accordingly, well, yes, okay, he appointed his ministers, then these ministers, firstly, they are the same, most importantly, they are before...
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everyone else, well, that’s how much they will endure, and accordingly, how much he will endure , as far as they will endure, there was another difficulty, because trump, in fact, then won, to the surprise of many himself, too, this was a president who was not really ready for the fact that he would have to do something about this for 4 years country, he needed to conquer everything, prove something to himself, maybe. to be some kind of his entourage, and then what to do with this country,
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how to manage this bureaucracy, without any connections, no, no idea how it works, well, in general, this is what his presidency showed , yes, plus, in principle, the opposition of the liberal establishment, the liberal media there, from the very first day there was a desire to push away, well, as if to oust this president as a body of the people. here is a very big question for the second presidency: is he ready or is it the same thing again? because i have a feeling that now, if then... for him it was just fun to play the elections, oh, he must have won, but now it’s very important for him to win, well, to prove that the twentieth year was an accident, to show , that no, after all, they chose me then, you see, now they are voting for me, but again, what’s beyond the abyss, here he is for this, it seems to me that he is just as unprepared as in the twentieth
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year, in general, everything that we know about trump, not only the president, but also his 40 years of public... active appearances shows that he has never changed, he is like a sleeper, in this regard it is unlikely that he will change. to the question of this tension, now they are openly saying that no matter how the elections end, acts of, so to speak, civil and other confrontation are possible, up to and including street riots, or one or the other side will be so dissatisfied that it so to speak, will try to change the result by other methods, this is still an exaggeration , or as it seems to you, from the experience of studying america, the tension is really so high. i think that, of course, there is some tension here, it’s clear, it’s clear, everyone was very scared in 1920, on january 6, it was a shock. the right-wing radicals, also
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called alternative rights, do not have a single ideology, but... they have a number of common features: they criticize traditional republicans for passivity, are inclined towards the idea of ​​​​white supremacy, advocate for the preservation of european identity and culture, they are against immigration, multiculturalism , feminism and propaganda of non-traditional sexual relationships, in short, everything that includes the new western ethics. trumpists, rodneks, and the left-wing media are usually portrayed in a stereotypical and negative way. shirt, cowboy hat, with a shotgun and beer on an old pickup truck. the paramilitary movement praud boys appeared in 2016 as a club of young people who supported donald trump. in the eyes of the democrats, the proud boys are racists, anti-semites and homophobes, walking the streets with guns at the ready. for storming the capitol in 2021, the leader of the proud
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boys was given 22 years in prison, and the famous shaman jacob. who believe that their power in the district is more important than federal power in washington. another trumpist movement is maga, which is an abbreviation for the slogan “make america great again.” joe biden called the most extreme political organization in recent us history and compared its members to fascists. according to him, members
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of maga do not respect the constitution, do not believe in the supreme law, and are trying in every possible way to disrupt the elections with help.
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a traditional country, a religious country, and at the same time wearing this cap liberalism. in january, republican senator ron johnson said that the radical left had infiltrated all public political institutions in the united states, including the media. the new liins institute for strategy and policy divides the american far left into four categories: black nationalists, eco... extremists, anarchists and anti-fascists. among the latter , the antifa movement is most prominent. it has no unified structure or leadership, and members profess leftist views ranging from marxism to. tratzkyism. antifa does not recognize capitalism and fights the far right wherever they are appeared, using any means from cyberbullying to property damage, violence and
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harassment. members of the movement consider trump’s policies to be anti-people, nationalist and anti-muslim, but they do not welcome biden either. during the 2016 presidential campaign, antifa burned down republican headquarters in north carolina. in 2021 they destroyed the democratic office in oregon. in the summer of 2020, after the death of george floyd, during the arrest , movement participants staged riots in major us cities, set fire to cars, smashed shops threw firecrackers. for security reasons, president trump even had to go down into the bunker. all the ultra-leftists seized the city hall, the police and several streets and proclaimed a people's republic of the capitol, which lasted almost a month. the seizure took place peacefully; under the pressure of the crowd , the police simply retreated. the radicals then demanded that
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the seattle police department be abolished, the criminal records of all racial minorities reviewed, and the funding of all police stopped. another driving force behind the protests became blm, an english acronym, the name of "black lives matter". matter, this movement has existed since 2014, but it was in 2020 that it began to be called the largest in american history, when up to 26 million americans took part in riots and protests of unprecedented scale. its members still fight today against the oppression of african americans by police brutality, demand equal access to education and medicine, and defend the rights of sexual minorities. at the same time, the founder of the movement, patricia kallars, has repeatedly stated that bl's goal is to overthrow the threat to democracy donald trump and his minions. on
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the one hand, this is a mechanism for its development, this is a combination of the incompatible, on the other hand, at certain moments this mechanism fails, and this turns into some kind of stopper and, accordingly, creates conflict.
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inscriptions on broken things, collusion with the russians, impeachment, legal charges, so far everything is going according to plan. dekright and his associations with the collapse
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of all hopes during the great depression. the glass says: remove trump from the election. incorporated, an eloquent graph of the donkey's success as a symbol of the democratic party. ar. matsen recalls that donald trump, on the eve of numerous criminal cases, was nevertheless arrested for a short time; his fingerprints were taken: the index finger on the left, the middle finger on the right. tom stiglich on colorado secretary of state jena griswald's reaction to the court's decision to allow trump to continue running. a direct allusion to edvard munch's painting, the scream, which depicts a figure screaming in despair. bob gorel directs point-blank question. in the end, who? can defeat trump in the elections in 2024, he himself answers it, in his opinion there are no options. after advertising in europe, it became
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dovozmilovs! banks in one application. you can endlessly wait for financial services from the moscow exchange, various deposits for favorable conditions from your bank, you can take time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum. rosbank - real opportunities. last week we
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discussed in detail the european excitement, the bout of combative fervor of the french president and the vacillation of the german leadership. the topic has been developed. macron became so excited that reproached the allies for cowardice. it’s time to realize that this is our war. don't expect to stay away. true, the french government clarifies that we are not going to fight in ukraine, but we have other methods, and we won’t say which ones. let putin be afraid. germany has its own turns. in audio leaked to the public, senior bundeswiere officers and generals busily discuss how useful german taurus cruise missiles would be in destroying the crimean bridge. and at the same time he’s surprised that kanzer is so stubborn and refuses to supply them to kyiv. the scandal turned out to be loud, but not because of the subject
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of the conversation, but because of. fact of leakage.


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