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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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we have such a time corridor, how many events did this thousand years contain? here we see a change of eras, a change of cultures, a change of religion. there is probably no more rich history of the city on the territory of russia and russia , because well, now these excavations have shown , it has always been known that from the most ancient times and then gradually, every century there is something, both monuments and history, and new types of burials , new coins, and new... inscriptions and so on before the second world war, before the great patriotic war - this is a city, which is all saturated with history, that’s why it has, that’s why it radiates a special energy, of course, when you personally visit ancient hersanes. you understand how ancient
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this land is, how much is connected with it, there are layers of history here, in the end we became the heirs of all this wealth, because for us this place is essentially such a state of education, this is to a certain extent the rocker of our, our spiritual self-awareness, after this, the creation of a single russian nation began from the numerous...
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did you remember about that meeting? how did the president end this visit? and you know , this was, of course, a completely unique event, all the main construction and finishing work had just been completed, that is, in essence, the facilities were ready for their operation to begin, and we actually had to report this to the president in the videoconferencing mode, when the preparations for the videoconferencing were almost completed, we were generally ready for the report, objects were built in the background, and then suddenly he arrived car, driving...
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and the president visited almost all the classrooms, the premises that were prepared, the library, the assembly hall, then we also went to the artek branch, we also looked at all the premises, finishing the inspection, the president even said, cool, the whole complex, cool , as if translating like this, that is, there will be guys, yes, he says, very cool, so for him, of course, here is his idea, which was formulated then. that will appear there, a large
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museum of antiquity and byzantium, where collections and funds that are now in storage will move operating museum, there will be 2000 km of exhibition space, that is, they will be able to accommodate all the collections, including those that were found during the largest archaeological expedition that was carried out before construction and, accordingly , the entire museum was already being built. crimea and new russia and the museum of christianity, the president was shown all this, clarified when it would all be completed, and we hope that this year the project will be completely completed. first, there is not a single standard building or structure here; each building has its own individual project, in terms of architectural solutions, in terms of constructive solutions. well , the second difficulty is the rather short construction timeframe, so in order to maintain this dynamics and meet the given deadlines, about 200 people had to
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work around the clock at the site. khersansi is preparing for the first stage. opening of a historical and cultural center, tell us how you and the transneft company joined this work, what was the impetus for participating in this grandiose project? well, you know, i would start with the fact that transneft has been in business for many years provides support to large, serious, significant projects in a historical context, so when in 2015 vladimir vladimirovich proposed to create, build a kind of spiritual and educational center near khersanes, which would revive the historical mission of that ancient khersanes as the cradle of russian orthodoxy. of course, we were also interested in this proposal. this project was immediately conceived as grandiose, large-scale, corresponding to the historical purpose
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of this place. if you name only numbers, this is 24 hectares of territory on which all objects were located. this is 86 thousand km of building area, 30 of which are areas and spaces of museums, well, large-scale, serious work and, of course, transneft is actively involved in this work. the main task of implementing this project is the revival of the cultural and historical heritage of hersanes. and of course, this will definitely happen, because everything suggests that the interest, the attention to this project and the anticipation of its implementation will definitely play a role.
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in the summer of 988, a huge army in combat on the boats, khersanez takes a tight siege, at the head of this army is prince vladimir of kiev, the defensive walls will not save the city, prince vladimir together with khersanez’s squad. captures, but the city will not be plundered and will not be turned into a base for future raids on the rich byzantine empire, a completely different mission is in store for him, he decided to take it as a way to put pressure on constantinople
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, first of all, so that he was not going to annex it to the kiev state, this it was impossible to do just everything because of the distance, but he decided to show my... strength, my will, i decided to show that our support should also be here, that is , it had a political, economic, religious, military, whatever meaning. prince vladimir decided to show his strength in response to non-compliance with agreements on the part of the byzantine emperor vasily ii, who a year earlier invited prince vladimir and his squad to suppress a military rebellion. this is another squad that has been known to the byzantines since the time of '.
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his main condition was that a porferous byzantine woman be married to him princess, that the byzantines did not want, prince vladimir came to khersanez in order to destroy him, to say that i am here today, tomorrow i will be in constantinople, you are not fulfilling what you promised. you know , lord, everywhere in our history we see god’s providence, how a woman bears a fetus in her womb until... ripening and until birth for 9 months, so the lord held prince vladimir for 9 months, he could not take, moreover, the lord visited the young prince with a very terrible illness, the prince is blind, he does not see either the city or those civilizational achievements, which was in the city, neither those refined greeks, philosophers, nor the beauty of queen anna,
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it is in the region of darkness, you know, this is compared with the fact that our people were in the region of darkness, pagan, so the young prince enters... into his temple is met by queen anna, who says: be baptized, prince , and you will see not only with your physical eyes, but with your spiritual eyes, this beast has already calmed down, the beast in the heart, in which such an explosion has passed. happened, rebirth occurred, he enters the baptismal font, the squad is present and does not understand that happens next to the prince when they see that a healthy man, a completely healthy man, comes out of the redemption, a man to whom the lord returned not only bodily sight, but most importantly, that this man received his sight in his heart, because whoever came here is a beast, who came to kiev, vladimir krasnosolnyshko, here russia marries the byzantine empire, and we become the heirs of the byzantine empire, here the kiev prince, a pagan, came here and left here. heir to byzantium, monotheism was of great importance to vladimir, so he
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sought to ensure that the centralization of power was based on the centralization of faith, so that this was in place, because it was christianity that could illuminate his power, christianity could give him spiritual foundations, in this case this spiritual enlightenment influenced prince vladimir radically, we worship . holy prince vladimir, not a pagan, a christian, such prince vladimir, who rejected all these pagan errors, rejected the cruelties that he committed before, in this sense, his baptismal font, this is the baptismal font of each of us, here we were all baptized, figuratively speaking, of course, what a gigantic significance this had for prince vladimir, for... our entire country, a giant spiritual cloud of culture, religion,
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architecture, everything, everything, everything, descended to russia, because we then, as heirs, accepted the entire roman and byzantine culture, culture becomes different, completely, it unites, it becomes a state, education, culture, architecture, schools appear, it takes on the light of the byzantine empire, and those claims, subsequently, which we had against the byzantine empire, they are completely historically justified, and which are now arising, now we are fighting for the values ​​that the prince found here, here, in this font of khersenes, in khersenes we understand why there is a special military operation, why these events occur, we clearly understand this, we understand why this is happening, everything was laid here, what do you think is the echo of this choice that we hear today? yes, they are still trying to harm us, you see, orthodoxy has always been on the defensive,
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forced to maintain a perimeter defense, and today nothing has changed, you see, all the dark forces always want to take up arms against russia, those who have dreams, desires to divide our country, but what to do, it has always been so, but a country with the largest territory, with enormous potential , everyone pulled teeth on us, everyone tried, that is, to say, one way or another, they always steal something from us, but nothing worked out for anyone, history shows that the only bad thing is that they history does not teach if it teaches us... and the president, in general, repeated the desire that emperor nicholas ii once had.
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it was emperor nicholas ii, before the outbreak of the first world war in 1913, who signed the preliminary design of a museum of christianity that was to be built here in chersonesos, but unfortunately the first world war, then the revolution, then the civil war, then the soviet regime, did not make it possible to realize this project, here vladimir vladimirovich is implementing the project, but on a larger scale, if. and i asked him what we have with chersonesus, we are suspending it now, he says: no,
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everything continues, and this was very important, that is, this is an extremely important project for the whole country for understanding our past, present and future, so the responsibility has increased even more, of course, we understand.. we must sum up the full measure of responsibility for ensuring that what was planned by both the president and the blessed patriarch is here. some kind of intermediate, of course, but important, important result. museum of christianity, museum of byzantium, museum of antiquity, museum of crimea, youth center, a pilgrimage center, the most beautiful restoration workshops for employees, the most beautifully equipped areas for the work
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of museums of the museum community, that is , it’s absolutely incredible, this is happening now, of course, in ukraine it was impossible. that is, it was abandoned, i would even call the places where the famous fersanes temples were a dump. the coast was used as a public city beach, in general there was a feeling that there were just ancient walls that were quite few people were interested, no reports from these excavations can be found anywhere, although the object
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was under the protection of unesco, all these years, there are no reports, no inventories, no one understands what they got there, where it went. this is a huge achievement, this is a demonstration of the importance that this center has, once these were military units, everything was under concrete asphalt, the implementation of the project allowed us to obtain, study, bring to the museum 3 million artifacts, the most important for the overall understanding of a historical place look, they will be exhibited, these are two huge differences, then how
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previously, they had a consumerist attitude towards these values, moreover, not only consumerism, but i’m not afraid of this word... barbaric and predatory, how differently today it is done with love for this place, with an understanding of its significance for our country. the work that was carried out here in the twenty-first to twenty -third years, over the course of these 3 years, is , of course, completely unique in its scale, in its significance, for the development of archeology in the number of finds. included in the black list of ukrainian sanctions due to the fact that we work in crimea, yes, we have expeditions in crimea, but this is very funny, because we worked in crimea under
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tsarist rule, under soviet rule, under ukraine, before ukraine, after ukraine, during ukraine, so this is our.
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honestly, i feel proud that such an opportunity has arisen to take part in these large, grandiose excavations, i have been in archeology for almost 50 years, but of course such a grandiose project, this is of course the first time in my life, we worked without interruption in all seasons, winter, spring, summer, most of course interesting moments when we discovered these unique burial structures, these columbariums, you were the first to find heroon, that was in general. for us, it was actually so amazing, unique, so, of course, that all attention was focused on this object, i suggested that it could even be one of the founders of hensades. which often happened in the ancient world, ancient greece, after the death of these people they were elevated to the rank of heroes, that is , they were deified, temples were built for them, there was a certain cult, probably one of these
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we discovered the structures, there are 4,627 stone parts, that is, we dismantled them, and now we will assemble them in front of the building of the museum of antiquity and byzantium in the historical and archaeological park under construction. this work is being carried out by the same team that was involved in the restoration of the triumphal archaic palmyra. this is a very difficult job, because each object consists of thousands of parts, we had to take into account each of them, give it a number, and then accurately assemble it in a new place, restoring each part in its place. here is a solution of such a large scale the archaeological expedition was also hosted by a working group in the presidential administration, and this was also a very important event.
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forms, forms pride in the country, pride in its history, they go beyond the boundaries of classes, they immerse themselves in the era,
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walk with their feet and feel how it all went. russia is us, it is you and me. race is our pride, yours and mine, russia is strength, glory, great people, russia was, russia is, russia will be, from going through historical experience, we receive criteria, criteria. and russia is now fighting not only
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to defend our borders, not only to ensure that novorossiya is returned to our orbit, political, ideological, whatever, but we are also fighting to defend our age-old values, the beginning of these age-old values, among other things. ..
12:55 pm
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12:59 pm
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1:00 pm
in ukraine, explosions thundered again last night. messages came from several regions. thus, the authorities of the controlled kiev-kherson stated that the port infrastructure in the city was damaged. an industrial enterprise in krivoy rog was hit. the alarm was announced at night six regions of ukraine. the russian ministry of defense has not yet commented on the situation.


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