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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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france, and the prime minister’s husband, a few minutes after navalny’s death, expresses condolences from this shit, what is this, how is this? listen further, 3 hours after the news of navalny’s death, his wife, it turns out, is not where her husband died, 3 hours after his death, she turns out to be in munich. at the munich security conference with such a speech, i don’t know whether to believe or not the news, the terrible news that we receive only from government sources in russia, because for many years, and you all you know, you know all this, we cannot trust putin. and to the putin government,
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they always lie. i want putin, his entire entourage, putin, putin’s friends, his governments, to know that they are held accountable for what they did to our country, to my family and my husband, and this day will come very soon. and i want to call on the entire world community, everyone in this room, people all over the world, so that we unite together to defeat this evil. and look at how she communicates with leaders.
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peace, look at her smile, look, how she looks, the makeup , look, look how even the roots of her hair are dyed, why, maybe she was preparing for this performance, maybe she knew that her husband would soon die, and should have ended up at the munich conference, an inconsolable widow , but does she look like an inconsolable widow whose husband died 3 hours ago? i didn't study. yulya borisovna is at our academy of cinematic and theater arts, otherwise we would teach her how to play at least temporarily the role of an inconsolable widow, but she is not ready for this, she cannot hold back smug smiles of a person than...
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claims that navalny died because his trumpet came off. but now the question arises, well, maybe, i ’m not a doctor either, but the question is, why did trom come off, how, after all, there are probably some reasons, it turns out there are, you remember that after the poisoning, how if navalny, he ended up in a military hospital in charité in berlin, where he was treated, and where......
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he was given four or five vaccinations with the fizer vaccine, and now let’s compare this with what is being discussed in the world regarding what vaccination with this vaccine can lead to, researchers have proven that those who were vaccinated with this vaccine, the number among them has increased indecently. dying from a detached blood clot. here is the document: in england , between july 2021 and may 2023 alone , 965,609 deaths were recorded among vaccinated people. compared to 60,903 deaths among. unvaccinated, do you estimate
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the ratio? this means that a total of 1.26 were registered during this period. blood clot, but we know that navalny was vaccinated four or even five times, why, why, for what? researchers say such effects could occur
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up to 5 years after this vaccination. navalny was vaccinated in 1920 and died from a rupture. must immediately unconditionally resign from her position as president of the european commission, due to the fact that her actions are currently under criminal investigation by european prosecutors. the commission signed contracts on behalf of member states amounting to 71
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billion euros until november twenty-one. for the purchase of more than 4.5 billion doses covid-19 vaccines. this means that... derlein lobbied for use in europe, four or five could get to navalny. can't this happen? actually, this is quite symbolic and strange, look, the main oppositionist survives after our bloody government
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tries to poison him with a chemical warfare agent, but dies from the western faizer vaccine, which, so to speak, is intended to save. people, there is something symbolic in this, isn’t it? let's go further, a parallel question is why tortured, died in a ukrainian prison, an honest, opposition journalist, american citizen, gonzalo liro lopez, somehow did not receive the attention of the world community, and why in america itself is it somehow frivolous, easy and in no way... without researching and not studying, treated such an unexpected death as a suicide of the child supplier of high-ranking pedophile jeffery epstein. why? or else, it ’s interesting, those who mourn the death
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of navalny, have they ever heard what valeria ilineshten said about navalny. vodvorskaya, who is difficult to accuse of being a fan of putin and putin’s, so to speak, regime, listen, alexey navalny inspires panic horror in me, as the future leader of maddened crowds, and even with a nazi slant, they don’t bring up at rallies, at they light up the rallies, no one comes to the rallies to think, much less think about the fact that... that the rally participants are wrong, and i am very frightened by this wave that is now rising, because it is rising not only against putin, she is rising for the undemocratic future of russia or for the future of fascism, and
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navalny is one of the potential leaders of this new destruction, i think that mrs. novodvorskaya, when she spoke, did not foresee all this. that mr. navalny’s activities are broader and more ambitious, for example, how mr. navalny was discussed. sales of rosneft and gazprom, when we recently sat with navalny and discussed how we would sell the natural russian heritage of gazprom in parts and rosneft, everyone also agreed that this would take several years for preparation, the bankers must be very correct, everything must be combed so that the budget receives the maximum price, or like a master’s assistant.
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i think that he will be canonized over time, this will not happen right away, but this awareness has already appeared among many, and over time he will be canonized. he said that i think that his life is death, his return to russia, his speeches at the trial, his sacrificial and realizing...
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“hello, this is yulia navalnaya, today for the first time on this channel i want to address you, i shouldn’t was to be in this place, i'm not i should have recorded this video, there should have been another person in my place, but this man was killed by vladimir putin, 3 days ago vladimir putin killed. my husband, alexei navalny, but putin also took navalny away from you, somewhere in a colony in the far north, beyond the arctic circle, in eternal winter, putin killed not just a man alexei navalny, he along with him wanted to kill our hopes, our freedom, our future. but today i want to be with you because i know that you have lost as much as i have. alexey died in colonies. after three years of torture. he didn’t just sit, he didn’t sit like others sit. he
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was tortured. he was kept in a punishment cell, in a concrete box. please just imagine, he was starved. 3 years of famine. and not only did he not give up, he supported us all the time , encouraged us, laughed, joked, inspired, and did not doubt for a split second what he was for... and for what he was suffering? alexey loved russia more than anything else in the world, he loved our country, in you, he believed in us, in our strength, in our future, in the fact that we deserve better, not i believed in words, in fact i was so deeply sincere that i was ready to give my life for it, i ask you to share with me the rage, rage, anger... hatred of those who dared to kill our future, i address you in the words of
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alexei, in which i really believe, it’s not a shame to do little, it’s a shame to do nothing , this is where i want to dwell on this text, it is not emotional, it cannot be mistaken for a sincere cry from the soul, these are not the words of an inconsolable widow, these are not sincerely coming from the heart. bitterness, desire for compassion, and so on further and so on, they wrote to her, she read it, look at how the dramaturgy of the text itself is built, it’s interesting, these are these contrasts. russia is hope , russia is the future, happy russia, these are navalny’s dreams and desires, yes, a prison beyond the arctic circle, thousands of kilometers from civilization, this is today’s russia, that’s right, that is, two poles, a villain, a murderer, and the purest, most honest,
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a person who wishes prosperity to his fatherland, as a result of the call...
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a professional man who worked a lot on television, he is a screenwriter, and videographer, blogger and so on, his name is from the other side of the cameras, this is an observation by rosslan nigomatyanov, a whole
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filming studio has been set up, non-chrome keyed, worked out. volume of space, selected according to the canons of cinematic images, location , symmetry was maintained , there are identical windows on both sides, the void on the right is artificially filled with a chair with her coat, supposedly just thrown, in this series, she probably returned from the munich conference. videographers will confirm that in this regard, everything in the frame is artificial and thought out. three-point scheme. light, painting light , filling the backlight on the top of the head, and it is clear that the light was set professionally, that is, behind the scenes there is a whole battery of film equipment, behind the sides of yulia there are three warm sources, against the background of the woman they put additional blue cold lighting to convey
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to the viewer yulia’s state, noticed the screen cauchet, these are black... from the top to the bottom of the screen, this usually happens when they shoot with anomorphic lenses, and not due to the special structure of the lenses, they seem to expand the visible space, i must tell you that this a very expensive pleasure , only the editors will notice this, but between changes of shots it is clear that the lavalier microphone on the microphone abruptly changes its position,
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when a person who really experiences great grief and wants to share it, he cannot be distracted, he cannot get up, drink a cup of coffee, apparently go to the toilet, so they removed the microphone, then put it back, and we see that in relation to the chain it is really in different places, that is, this is a film set that has a very specific... task, which had to be done, but now let's disconnect from everything for a second and imagine a person, a woman who is truly from...
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only then can one truly understand where it is false and where it is not. and now i want to draw your attention to the meanings, there are many of them, they are a very interesting counterpoint to the truth. look, i want to draw your attention to the words about their love with navalny. putin took away the most precious thing i had.
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putin will kill him, all these years i was next to alexey, i was happy to be next to him and support him. guys , listen, she is not under arrest, she is not under sanctions, she can come, go, anywhere at any second , but after learning about her husband’s death, after 3 hours she ends up in the wrong place where his body is, at the munich conference, okay . let’s say she’s scared, they might scare her because she’ll be arrested, but then, then why in 2021
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is she dragging him to russia herself, knowing what ’s waiting for him there, but something doesn’t add up here, so it’s for someone maybe she needs it too, who knows, but once again about love, okay, i... i don’t want to interfere in personal relationships, but still the realization that the person close to you, whom you talk about as a loved one, about whom you suffer, is in prison, where at this time where are you? and what’s most funny and cynical is that what you do and how you live while your husband is in prison is explained by another person, we talked before, listen, life is given to a person once, it is given solely to extract joy, pleasure , travel, on the contrary,
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is extremely important for a person located, being under pressure, under pressure to travel as much as possible, see, read, and fill her life with something interesting, unfortunately, alexei was imprisoned, but no one imprisoned her. but listen to how mrs. navalnaya defines the life and torment of her husband, who, by the way , was never there with him, he didn’t just sit, didn’t sit like others sit, he was tortured, he was kept in a punishment cell, in a concrete cell box, please just imagine, on one of...
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2022, you do not have a ban on places in russia, not a single criminal case has been opened against you, but you have not come to file it for 2 years, in fact, since the spring of 2020.
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the first year you are not a member of the brothers, you publicly appear in society with dear men, it was you who forced him to come to russia, then he had just left the godfather , he could hardly assess the situation, you forced all of alexei’s property to be transferred to you, you even disinherited your own son, which is why he doesn’t talk to you, you turned your daughter against your son, for it was strange for me indica to see how you and...
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fake, forgery, and so on and so forth, i don’t want to get into these disputes, i’m interested in the essence: could this woman say what she said, especially since navalnaya herself admits that since february 2022 she has not married her husband i saw it. here is our last meeting with him in mid-february 2022. our last photo, i think, confirms what lyudmila ivanovna said is that yulia borisovna did not come to the funeral of her, as she says, beloved and only husband. navalny's funeral took place on march 1, at the funeral quite a lot of people came who supported navalny, believed him, bedinsky was not at the funeral, who
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probably needed it...
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it turns out that valery lenishen was not so far from the truth even in the eleventh year, if you try to throw everything away and just look at the situation, as if from a bird's eye view, we came across an article by the writer of our friend, roman nosikov, which is called navalny and a special type of corruption, that’s what is written there. let's better talk about the phenomenon that alexey personifies anatolevich. the irony of alexei anatolyevich’s fate is that, while claiming to be a fighter against corruption, he himself personified a very special type of corruption, the corruption of the opposition. more than anything in the world , alexey anatolyevich wanted money. it was this quality that became the reason why
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foreigners paid attention to him. alexey's special services quite rightly accuses him of being an agent of hostile influence, a saboteur and a traitor, that is, another type of damage that remains outside the scope of attention, the fact is that with the help of alexey and his clones, yashins, chirikovs, as well as with the help of his gang, volkov, alburov, sobol and so on, the country was completely destroyed. abroad, russia is accused of destroying our opposition, and the west is absolutely right, it is indeed being destroyed in russia, but not the bloody tyrant putin, the west itself, he destroys it with the help of corruption, turning it into his agents, this is what vladimir spoke about .


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