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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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quite rightly accuses him of being an agent of hostile influence, a saboteur and a traitor, that is, another type of damage that remains outside the scope of attention, the fact is that with the help of alexei and his clones, the yashins, chirikovs, as well as with the help his gangs, volkova, alburova, sobol and so on, the opposition in the country and abroad was completely destroyed. russia is accused of destroying our opposition, and the west is absolutely right, it is indeed being destroyed in russia, but not the bloody tyrant putin, the west itself, he destroys her through corruption, turning her into his agents. and this is exactly what vladimir volfovich was talking about, by the way, who just represents... a real, real
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opposition, but not a destructive one, but a creative position, the question arises: does the government need opposition? of course, it is necessary, very necessary, by the way, i spoke about this back in 1993, i generally believe that the majority is never right, and any majority needs a minority that will become a majority, and it will need a new minority, because without opposition to democracy can't be anywhere and never, opposition is a sign of the quality of democracy, only what kind of opposition can we call it opposition, those youngsters who were kicked out by the navalnists on the street, not even understanding what they were fighting for, while navalny’s children themselves were in london, they were being driven out promises, promises of money, remember our besogon. continue, how
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to preserve your interest, here’s how to preserve your interest, alexei navalny, everyone, if the policeman is so careless that he detains you on march 26, then i promise to sue you for 10,000 euros, here’s one of the victims of this message are promises, look, okay, okay, they support us in the comments, they write that everyone will succeed.
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how old is this boy? 14-15 look at him, funny, charming , naive, terrible, charming, in all seriousness, in all seriousness, he says that he has already figured out where to spend the money, only for this you need to break the law, but how , how to be detained, how to earn 1000 euros, very simple, hit the policeman, throw a molotov cocktail at the policewoman...
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they are fighting corruption, they themselves are corrupt officials, asking for money from western partners to destroy their own country , this is not the opposition, these are traitors, the opposition are those people who see the mistakes of the authorities and... want to help correct them, the opposition are those who comprehend and meaningfully approach those or other decisions of the authorities, and, by creating, try to correct them. why did we devote an entire program to this story with navalny, because... today, more than ever, when
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there is practically a war going on, we need to understand who is who, who is fighting for what, who is responsible for what? i saw once again that there is a leader whom the majority of our residents trust , by the way, not only the residents of our country, but also many other countries, citizens, would like to see vladimir putin as their president,
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look, i consider him one of the greatest leaders in history, i like president putin, he is a worthy guy, brother. he spent many years trying to get russia back on its feet. we highly appreciate the russian side and putin in particular. he is magnificent, and at the same time holds everything with an iron fist. very cool man because he rules america while remaining in moscow. he is beautiful. i love how he shuts everyone up. he is a true leader. but we won't give it up. well, now. we will break our tradition, and as always, i propose to raise a glass to victory, to our victory.
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and again our swordsman krivoruchka was late, he was late, but he said, we’re leaving one by one, if anything happens, we are geologists, i’m looking forward to you, at our, god willing, new meeting, russian troops took up more advantageous positions in the donetsk and avdeevsk directions. on yuzhnodonetsk improved their tactical position. this was reported to the ministry of defense. enemy losses are estimated at hundreds of military personnel and dozens of pieces of equipment. in the donetsk direction, units of the southern group of forces, conducting active combat operations, occupied more advantageous positions along the front line,
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defeated the formation of the eighty -first airmobile, seventy-ninth air assault, fifth and ninety-second assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of belogorovka, lugansk people's. republics of georgievka, kleshcheevka, krasnaya, kurdyumovka and novomikhailovka of the donetsk people's republic. in the avdievsky direction , units of the troops-center group, as a result of coordinated actions, occupied more advantageous positions. in addition, the twenty-fourth, twenty-seventh, forty -seventh, fifty-third mechanized and fifty-ninth motorized infantry brigades of the ukrainian armed forces inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment in the areas of the settlements of ochertina, novoselovka first, taretsk and novogrodovka of the donetsk people's republic. in the south-donetsk direction of the unit as a result of active operations, the vostok groupings of troops improved the tactical situation, inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment of the 127th territory defense brigade and the 72nd mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of ravnopol and vodyanoye,
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donetsk people's republic, and also repelled an enemy attack in the area of ​​​​the settlement of vladimirovka, donetsk people's republic. the ministry of defense also published footage of the destruction. inskaya s-300 launcher near the village of pokrovsk in donetsk people's republic republic. after reconnaissance managed to establish the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. they were struck by iskander operational-tactical missile systems. an accurate hit destroyed the s-300 installation. the ministry of defense also reported that two enemy attacks and seven counterattacks were repelled in the vdievsky direction. and during the counter-battery fight , several foreign ones were hit. artillery systems, as well as a us-made radar. and all the details about the course of hostilities in the report by alexander katsuba. hurricane by positions of the armed forces of ukraine. each missile penetrates the enemy's layered defenses. the artillery
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of the troops center group supports the advance of our infantry in the avdeevsky direction. all the missiles hit the target, our reconnaissance drone coordinates the actions of the crews of the hurricane multiple launch rocket systems. a hurricane is like a sniper rifle to the enemy. the more we work, the fewer losses the infantry has, the more losses the enemy has. at a camouflaged artillery position, another combat vehicle is preparing for battle: a crew in place. the enemy has gathered powerful force into your fist, so you need to hit quickly and accurately. aerial reconnaissance detected the advance of an enemy armored column to the west of our forward positions. the hurricane is fully charged. shells, high-explosive fragmentation. the weight of each missile is 280 kg, there are 16 guides,
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the affected area is equal to ten football fields, 50-22, the missiles fell very closely together, the enemy’s attempt to stop our offensive on this section of the front was thwarted, we worked through the concept with adjustments, they hit, the enemy suffered heavy losses, there there were armored vehicles of theirs. information from local publications two series of strikes occurred in the suburbs of krivoy rog, this is the dnepropetrovsk region, and explosions also
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occurred twice in khersun, controlled by the kiev regime. in both cases, details have not yet been provided. the air raid alert was announced several times during the night. more than thirty ukrainians are waiting to be sent to the front line after a failed escape abroad. men of military age wanted to cross the border into romania in a minibus. perhaps we could have stayed at home for a long time, avoiding mobilization, but we decided to take the risk and paid 10,000 euros, but lost. the security forces treated the draft dodgers harshly, dragged them outside and threw them at each other. and, judging by the pictures published online, the sbu participated in the arrest. the head of the british foreign ministry spoke out against negotiations on ukraine, as stated by david cameron. quote: a just world can only be achieved through force. following this logic, london... is ready to offer berlin the following scheme: great britain gives stormshadow missiles to ukraine, and in return receives
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taurus from germany. what else are they willing to do in the west, ekaterina will tell you about it shamaeva. help from washington may arrive, but now you will have to pay for it. according to american media, republicans in congress are developing an alternative plan for military support for kiev. he assumes that part of the money will be provided in the form of a loan ; frozen russian assets may be used as collateral, so the speaker of the house of representatives wants to kill two birds with one stone, to reassure lobbyists about further assistance to kiev and not to spoil relations with opponents of such a policy. bye there is a behind-the-scenes struggle going on on the capitalist hill, the struggle on the battlefield is not unfolding in favor of ukraine - the american media admit. without increased military assistance from the west and major changes in kiev's strategy, ukraine's military position will continue to deteriorate until it reaches a turning point. moment, perhaps by the summer of this year. at the current rate, with kiev's needs for ammunition and manpower
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unmet, ukrainian units are likely to become exhausted, making a russian breakthrough quite likely. they complain in kyiv and the fact that the west is creating obstacles to the issue of equipment repair. as foreign policy magazine reports, ukrainian companies do not have permission to repair the barrels of american m777 howitzers. you can make copies at your own risk, but this may violate intellectual rights. this war relies mainly on mechanized systems, which in turn rely on artillery. artillery and ammunition are what ukraine needs now to strengthen its positions, because even the advantage of terrain means nothing if russian artillery can fire at positions from afar. with the slowdown in the supply of equipment, western sponsors of kiev are trying to support at least with money. great britain promised to provide ukraine with 325 million pounds. a question of strengthening. and square were discussed by the eu foreign and defense ministers during a teleconference.
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against this background , france stands out as particularly belligerent. according to the political publication, the army of the fifth republic is conducting exercises simulating a high- intensity conflict with an enemy that is not inferior to it in terms of firepower. against who such maneuvers may be directed, it is not difficult to guess. taking into account macron’s statement about the possible dispatch of a contingent to ukraine. that this scenario is not like that. unthinkable, confirmed the head of the polish foreign ministry. i appreciate the recent french initiative because there are good intentions behind it, so that the kremlin thinks about what our next step will be and is not sure what we won’t do. this ability of asymmetrical escalation must also be on our side. sikorsky is objected to by the polish military, general leon komarnitsky called the desire to send troops to ukraine a quiver and a fight against windmills. the polish army lacks either equipment or skills - considers it military. in his opinion, instead of such
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proposals, politicians should think about restraint and responsibility for their words. shamaev, to lead. turkey is ready to organize and hold a summit on the peaceful resolution of the ukrainian conflict with the participation of both sides. this was announced by the country's president recep tayyip erdogan at a meeting with zelensky in istanbul. erdogan also recalled that the black sea initiative, adopted through the mediation of ankara, made it possible to prevent a global food crisis. the leader of the kiev regime, as expected , opposed the idea of ​​the turkish president and said that russia was not participating in his peace plan. i note that... during the press conference, zelensky found himself in an awkward situation, a turkish journalist asked him a question, but the translator could not translate it, and after some confusion, zelensky asked the reporter to repeat the question in english, but he refused, as a result , the translator had to be urgently changed, as the future of ukrainian-russian,
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ukrainian stosunki and... and the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, before being appointed british ambassador, was declared unfit for military service. this was reported by the ukrainian publication zerkalo nedeli with reference to its sources. according to these sources, zaluzhny did not pass the military medical commission in the winter. in february, let me remind you, he wrote a report on his dismissal from military service, after his dismissal he was placed at the disposal of the minister of defense, but no significant military. he was not offered. residents of the zaporozhye region are preparing to cast their votes in the russian presidential elections; they will be able to decide on their candidates together with the whole country from march 15 to 17. also in the region , early voting has begun for remote areas
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that are located near the contact line. this topic will be continued by egor grigoriev. i would like to tell you about the upcoming presidential elections in russia, you can look at our information, information ika, that is, who is running for president of the russian federation, an election information project helps residents of the zaporozhye region clarify information about polling stations and the possibilities of early home voting. you can scan the qr code , subscribe to our channel, in the same way , it has already begun, it will cover 94 remote early voting settlements in the zaporozhye region, the first to vote are residents of villages located near the line of combat contact, we are thus, well, sort of we also observe the security regime, people do not gather in one place, being in the same rozovka, well, this is the one that is close to
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the contact line, i am standing there talking with the chairman of the precinct election commission, periodically there is a roar somewhere in the distance, and members. election committees, of course, work accompanied by representatives of law enforcement agencies, and a lot of provocations and threats come from the ukrainian side, threats, yes, that is, they were not afraid of anything, they could call phones there, they could threaten relatives, friends, physically, that is, threaten . in the ssu, shelling of the zaporozhye region continues, they especially focused on the energy dar, ukraine does not like not only the ongoing elections, but also the fact that the city and the region are developing, what is working for the es,
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in the regional center for the socio-psychological rehabilitation of children, the komsomolsk group selected songs, of course , suitable for the youngest audience, unexpectedly those who were older asked to sing something from the personal creativity of the guests, with whom, it turns out, they are well acquainted, where they were or will be your shadow, they sang along, asked questions about musical tools, choice of profession and just about life. they took photos together, showed off on social networks, of course, there were gifts, they are just as affectionate, just as kind and just as attentive, yes, children always need about the same things. let a ray of golden sunshine penetrate their souls for a while, but we need to be with our people and our country, we need to help them all, and this is
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the only and simplest thing we can do, and the zaporozhye region, together with the whole country, is preparing to make an important choice , there are 3 days of voting ahead, there is a feature, there is martial law in the region and there is a curfew, so in villages polling stations will be open from eight to... the leadership of roscosmos, headed by general director yuri borisov, honored the memory of yuri gagarin. today is the 90th anniversary of the birth of the first cosmonaut on earth. wreaths and flowers were laid at his burial on the kremlin wall. also the manual.
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for headaches, there is askafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. pay as convenient with alphapay on any smartphone, get super cashback every month, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, hurray, we’ve finally arrived, how you’ve grown, and now to the point, this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, here you go, where did it all come from, already retired, and the pension was registered with vtb , and there is a rate for pensioners according to the accumulator:
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network dance in the world heritage, sports - an invincible machine, let's go, go into space
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, send a star to your mother in the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world , turn the department into an application, knowledge into a vocation. technology into live communication, dream work, tradition into innovation, only here, in the country on which the sun never sets. tinkov - 40 million clients in the largest country in the world. sasha, turn on the morning playlist, turn on the music. sasha, how should i dress today? dress warmly and take it!
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sasha, how many of you are at my meeting? at 15:00. sasha, where should we go tomorrow? i found three establishments nearby, but vote first. sasha, what’s the best way to get there? i've built a route, turn left, you 've arrived. sasha, who am i for? vote? and you must decide this for yourself. together. we are strong, we vote for russia. the houthi ansar allah movement attacked a commercial ship and several american destroyers in the red sea and the gulf of vadon. according to representatives of the military command , anti-ship missiles were used to hit the target, as well as more than thirty drones. houthi leaders have assured that they will continue to attack ships in the red sea until the fighting in the gaza strip ceases.
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information about the attack on ships. confirmed in washington, the us military clarified and reported the destruction of several missiles and about 15 uavs. hussites. gaza authorities confirmed and criticized the airdrop of humanitarian aid. according to the administration, this method of delivery led to the death of five people. footage from social networks shows that the parachutes on some of the boxes became tangled and the cargo fell into residential areas. according to media reports. the delivery of these goods was carried out by the united states, however, the pentagon denied the data on casualties. let me remind you that earlier the central command noted that the united states and jordan airdropped more than 11,000 rations of gas to the residents. there was an attempted armed coup; several hundred people attacked government buildings, including the presidential palace.
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eyewitnesses say they heard gunfire and explosions, and dozens of attackers were killed by security services. the reason for the violence was plans to deploy foreign armed forces in haiti to fight bandits. after the assassination of president muiz in july twenty-one cartels began to control several areas of the country, including fuel terminals. now the leaders of the largest gangs have united and plan to completely seize power in the state. during the state of the union address, he was under the influence of psychotropic substances, californian psychiatrist carol lieberman gave this assessment of the behavior of the head of the white house in an interview with the washington post. she noticed the unusual gestures and aggression that the president showed, while, as usual, he speaks slowly, holds his hands on the podium and reads texts from the teleprompter. according to a specialist, biden was given certain medications designed to hide his dementia. and i’ll add that in
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the use of drugs. and how did you do it? the song helped me. few doubted that the songs would help the new bremen musicians cope with all the difficulties of conquering the audience. there was no doubt about the box office success. favorite actors in the leading roles, excellent work by alexei nazhny and nikita mikhalkov’s trite film studio, as well as the participation of the tv channel russia-1's production and release of the film guaranteed high box office receipts for this fun, mischievous comedy. and still. the amount
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of the bremensky cash register is very large. there are only five such films in the entire history of distribution in russia. cheburashka, avatar, both serfs. this is the company of multi-billionaires the bremenskys are now in. because the thing is canonical. it's well made. and the risk is very high. this is very thin ice. i think we managed to convey the spirit. the main thing is that there is a very important story in it and a message, as they say now the youth. love will save the world, love, goodness is light. although bremensky was released 2 months ago, the film is still among the leaders in box office receipts, maintaining competition with other domestic blockbusters that have recently launched in cinemas. more than 8 million people watched the bremen film alone, and this is not the limit, the troubadour teams continue their journey across the screens.


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