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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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russian troops took more advantageous positions in the donetsk and avdeevsky directions, and improved the tactical position in the south donetsk direction. this was reported to the ministry of defense. enemy losses are estimated at hundreds of military personnel and dozens of pieces of equipment. in the donetsk direction , units of the southern group of forces, conducting active combat operations, occupied more advantageous positions along the front line, inflicted defeats on the eighty-first airmobile, seventy-ninth air assault, fifth and ninety-second formations.
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assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of belogorovka, lugansk people's republic, georgievka, kleshcheevka, krasnaya, kurdyumovka and novomikhailovka, donetsk people's republic. in the avdievsky direction, units of the center group of troops, as a result of coordinated actions, occupied more advantageous positions. in addition, the twenty-fourth, twenty -seventh, forty-seventh, 503 mechanized and 59th motorized infantry brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of ochertina settlements were hit by fire. novoselovka first, taretsk and novogrodovka of the donetsk people's republic. in the southern donetsk direction , units of the vostok group of forces, as a result of active actions , improved the tactical situation, inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment of the 127th terrorist defense brigade and the 72nd mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of ravnopol and vodyanoye of the donetsk people's republic, and also repelled an enemy attack in the area settlement of vladimirovka , donetsk people's republic. "the ministry of defense
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published footage of the destruction of the ukrainian s-300 launcher near the village of pokrovsk in the donetsk people's republic. after reconnaissance managed to establish positions in the ssu, they were attacked from iskander operational-tactical missile systems. an accurate hit destroyed the s-300 installation. the ministry of defense also reported that two enemy attacks and seven counterattacks were repelled in the avdiivka direction. and during the counter-battery fight, several were hit. foreign artillery systems, as well as a us-made radar station. read more about the course of hostilities in alexander katsub's report. hurricanes on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. each missile penetrates the enemy's layered defenses. the artillery of the troop grouping center supports the advance of our infantry in the avdeevsky direction. all the missiles hit
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the target, our reconnaissance drone coordinates the actions of the crews of the multiple launch rocket systems, hurricane. a hurricane for the enemy is like a sniper rifle, the more we work, the less the loss of infantry, the greater the loss of the enemy. at a camouflaged artillery position another combat vehicle is preparing for battle, the crew is in place. the enemy has gathered powerful forces into a fist, so it is necessary.
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the grouping of troops of the center does not stop for a minute: hurricanes cover the positions of militants in the ssu from several directions at once. the enemy continues to move backwards , losing dozens of his soldiers every day. alexander malyshev, news: avdeevskoe direction. powerful explosions occurred this night in ukraine. messages came from several regions at once. according to local publications, two series of attacks occurred in suburb of krivoy rog, this is the dnepropetrovsk region. explosions also occurred twice in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. in both cases, details about the consequences have not yet been provided. an air raid alert was sounded throughout the night. ukrainian border guards
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detained a cargo minibus near the romanian border, in which drug evaders were hiding. there were 34 people inside, who literally crammed into the cabin. the border service of ukraine stated that the number of people wishing to flee the country one way or another is steadily growing, the chronicles of the ukrainian mobilization from denis alekseev. as a rule, an agreement is made with such passengers on shore; the money is not returned if something happens; for them, the opportunity has come. for travel across the ukrainian-romanian border in a crowded bus without windows, each of... away from the stacks, they came here with those running from the military commissars, the legends of mobilization do not stand on ceremony about their omnipresence, they throw them on the ground, put them in stacks, judging by the footage , they are all no more than thirty, the age to which
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the tsekashniks immediately react, their target audience, those who are 27 over, is scandalous the bill on mobilization lowers this threshold to 25, this applies to those who did not undergo urgent training. service, and those liable for military service are expected to join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine from 18 to 60 years old, well, as they wait, they forcefully insist to join. those who don’t want to go to the front line are now making good money from the so-called ferrymen, they, of course, also risk going to hell, if not to the front, then to prison, but the money is good, so the truck driver could earn $5,000, if not border guards, they found two illegal passengers in his truck, they tried go to... to moldova. military commissars are very disliked in ukraine. the degree of hatred is off the charts, especially in small settlements, where there is almost no one left to take away. and they are still prowling. they fight off the tetsekashniks as best they can with axes and
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crush them with cars. the verkhovna rada has already approved the mobilization bill in the first reading. now it is, as they say, being groomed for the second reading. rada speaker stefanchuk said they are working on it. bills that the ukrainian parliament is working with, because it concerns everyone, everyone is obliged to protect their country is a universal responsibility that applies to every citizen. potential conscripts are trying to gain time by playing hide and seek with military commissars of the border guards, running in all directions, in kiev they are developing a plan b, and distributing them in ukrainian schools. pistols and conduct instructions , in case the army of mobilized people does not form, they train young saboteurs and partisans, they definitely won’t run away yet, they have entrance exams soon, the first higher education is now ignorance for the sake of one of the few chances to get a deferment, they
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those who receive a second higher education will not have such a chance after the bill is approved. denis alekseev, lead. a just world can only be achieved through force, that is. words of the head of johnson, spoke out sharply against the negotiations of the british foreign ministry, which are in the spirit of boris on ukraine, and as david cameron stated, quote, following this logic, london is ready to offer berlin the following scheme: great britain gives storm shadow missiles to ukraine, in return receives taurus from germany. what else are they willing to do in the west, pursuing politics to the last ukrainian, will tell ekaterina shamaeva. help from washington may arrive, but now it will have to be paid for. as the american media report, republicans in congress are developing an alternative plan for military support for kiev, it assumes that part of the money will be provided in the form of a loan, frozen russian assets can be used as collateral, so the speaker of the house of representatives wants to kill
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two birds with one stone to reassure lobbyists for further assistance kiev can’t ruin relations with opponents of such a policy while there is an undercover war going on on the capitalist hill struggle, struggle on the battlefield once... - the american media admit. without increased military assistance from the west and major changes in kiev's strategy, ukraine's military position will continue to deteriorate until it reaches a tipping point, perhaps by this summer. at the current rate, with kiev's needs for ammunition and manpower unmet, ukrainian units are likely to be exhausted, making a russian breakthrough quite likely. they also complain in kiev that the west is creating obstacles on the issue repair. equipment, as foreign policy magazine reports, ukrainian companies do not have permission to repair the barrels of american m-77 howitzers. you can make copies at your own risk, but this may violate intellectual property rights. this war relies mainly on mechanized systems, which in
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turn rely on artillery. artillery ammunition is what ukraine needs now to strengthen its positions, because even the advantage of terrain means nothing if russian artillery can. france stands out, as the political publication reports, the army of the fifth republic is conducting an exercise simulating a high -intensity conflict with an enemy that is not inferior to it in firepower. it’s not hard to guess who such maneuvers might be directed against. considering macron’s statement about the possible dispatch of a contingent to ukraine, this is a development option. not so unthinkable, confirmed the head of the polish foreign ministry. i appreciate the recent french initiative
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because there are good intentions behind it, so that the kremlin will think about what our next step and were not sure that we would not do anything creative, so we could not freely plan our scenarios, this ability of asymmetric escalation should also be on our side. sikorsky is objected to by the polish military; general leon komarnitsky called the desire to send troops to ukraine a quid pro quo and a struggle. with windmills. the polish army lacks both equipment and skills, the military man believes. in his opinion, instead of such proposals, politicians should think about restraint and responsibility for their words. ekaterina shamaeva, lead. pay as conveniently as possible with alfa with any smartphone, receive super cashback every month. not easy. this is even more opportunities, because every month
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ika’s information, that is, who is running for president of russia. federation. the election information project helps residents of the zaporozhye region clarify information about polling stations and the possibilities of early voting outside their homes. you can scan the qr code and subscribe to our channel. similar. tell me, please, do you live at this address? great. early voting itself zaporozhye region has already begun. it will cover 94 remote settlements. residents of the villages that are located are the first to vote. near the line of combat contact, we thus, well, sort of observe the security regime, people do not gather in one place, being in the same rozovka, well, this is, which is close to the line of combat contact, i’m standing there talking with the chairman of the precinct election commission, periodically there is a roar somewhere in the distance, yes, members of election commissions, of course, work accompanied by representatives of the authorities law and order, and a lot of provocative threats
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come from the ukrainian country, threats, yes, that is, they were not afraid of anything, they could call phones there... they could threaten relatives, friends, physically, that is, threaten. the ssu continues shelling of the zaporozhye region, especially focusing on the energy dar. ukraine doesn’t like not only the current elections, but also the fact that the city and region are developing, that the nuclear power plant is working, kindergartens and schools are being repaired, and medicine has reached russian standards. for example, specialists from the federal medical and biological agency of russia are treating residents of energodar. the local medical sanitary unit received equipment worth hundreds of millions of rubles. new sports facilities are opening, russian artists are coming to give concerts. for a performance at the melitopol regional center for social and psychological rehabilitation of children, the komsomolsk group selected songs, of course, suitable for the youngest
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audience. unexpectedly, those who were older asked the guests to sing something from their personal creativity. let a ray of golden sunshine penetrate their souls for a while, but you need to be with your own people and with their country, we need to help them all, and this is the only and simplest thing we can do, and the zaporozhye region , together with the whole country, is preparing to make an important choice, there are 3 days of voting ahead, there is a peculiarity, there is martial law in the region and
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a curfew is in force hour, because in villages polling stations will be open from 8 to... the mission of the american agency for international development was expelled, the us state department reported this. according to washington , us officials and contractors were deported. who oversaw the so-called issues of democracy and development. human rights, in turn, the united states itself this week extended sanctions against the president of zimbabwe's top officials. the authorities of the african country reminded washington that it is not a global regulator, and therefore the restriction of sanctions is illegal, according to international law. emergency services
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in the united arab emirates and saudi arabia are eliminating the consequences of severe flooding. the reason is unusual for this region. another disaster became torrential rains, as a result, sea and air traffic were disrupted, dozens of flights were delayed and cancelled, traffic on some roads was completely stopped, schools and government organizations were transferred to remote work, and large fines and even sixty-day confiscation of the car were provided for violators. our country, our president, our choice, on march 15, 16, 17 we vote for. our president, why
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they cannot recruit military personnel into the army of the united states of america, and thus now the united states resembles the roman empire at the beginning of its fall. about it tucker carlson was told by colonel douglas mcgregor. they also talked about illegal migration, which is destroying cities, and the failed foreign policy of the joseph biden administration. details in our. how rome fell, historians have been actively discussing this issue for 2 thousand years, but everyone agrees that one of the reasons is quite obvious: the roman army and its legions were dominated by non-citizens, who in the end, since they were not loyal to rome, rebelled against its citizens. so. knowing this, let us consider a number of facts: our the country was flooded with tens of millions of illegal immigrants, 7,2000 people, this is only official data
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during the presidency of joe biden. the number of migrants exceeds the population of 32 states. so what should we do with these people? are we deporting them? no. the us congress thinks differently. here's their idea. there is no greater honor than serving your country in uniform. and this honor can be given to migrants in accordance with. courage to service provides a fast track to citizenship for qualified and vetted migrants if they enlist in the military. by ryan said the military collectively missed out on about 41,000 recruits last year, leaving some important positions unfilled. if people have the courage to raise their right hand, take an oath to defend our constitution and risk theirs.
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like he knows, but think about it for a second, the military can't recruit, lectures on what it means to be an american, who makes up the backbone of our fighting force, sorry but it's white men, it's always been that way, the us military is in the business of attacking on white men in the literal sense, us against you, white men, so many white men no longer want to join the army, who would have thought? we have a problem recruiting american citizens born here to defend their country. in a normal country , you would ask yourself what we are doing wrong, why young americans don't want to defend their homeland, maybe we should change and become better, but not here, not with this congress, they say: let's allow the invasion, not let's stop him with the help of the army, let's fill the army with people who invaded the country and hope for the best. wow, if we...
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could you appreciate the wisdom of the decision to let people invade our country and then hand them machine guns? you know, i listened to comments coming from the senate or the house of representatives, not to mention the white house, sometimes i remember the famous saying about vietnam, in order to save the village, we had to destroy it, i get the impression that this is exactly the plan in washington, we must destroy the country to save it, obviously at least from the point...
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they will say that they are willing to defend the united states, but they don't see much evidence that we are defending the united states. in any case, we abandoned this in favor of
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what? defense of ukraine or defense of a part? the middle east, we didn’t sign up for this, i think this is also a huge problem. however, i wonder what impact this will have on our domestic politics and life. when you're in westpoint, as a newly minted army officer, you feel it's your duty to defend the united states from foreign enemies. but the ministry of defense plays, i think, an unprecedented role in the internal life of our country. you saw it on january 6, you see the department of defense leading the effort. on promoting censorship, should we be a little nervous about the idea of ​​arming foreigners, lawbreakers, people who have broken federal law, why on earth should we worry that it could be used against us, but if you were playing for the eagle, you would suddenly get fired, and the eagles manager would decide to hire players who played in dallas, texas for dallas
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the cowboys, then in the process... no, they don't deserve it, they didn't do anything for it, meanwhile what the americans get, you know, we now have an army that cannot successfully defend anything abroad, look at the failed military operations , which we have been conducting for over 20 years, and look at the border, no one raises this issue, no one even tries, no one seems to care, i think the main
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problem is that washington is ideologues... goths were accepted into the roman empire, in part because the romans were no longer able to hold them back, then they decided, well, let's use the goths as soldiers. essentially, they took the gothic armies and placed them under roman command. in the end, the goths decided, you know, we still have to be
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in charge, ani. marched on rome, defeated the roman legions, conquered rome, and this put an end to the roman empire. in fact, this is exactly what they are talking about, because these people are not going to answer to an american officer who speaks english, talks about the country and its defense, defense constitution, the bill of rights , they don't know anything about it, they don't care, so we're talking about the collapse of the entire military department, they took on the most important department, and i say: this is serious, because the regular army is the last line of defense of the united states for american people and state. thus, you create the conditions for its total destruction. thanks for bringing us back to the obvious. you are absolutely right, of course, this is the most important institution in any country, and people who strive for political power understand this is much better than others. i guess, but why would someone like pet ryan, who i
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think is... spineless and mediocre, even though he served in the us army. why is he so supportive of this idea? he seems to be part of that group in washington that is intent on denationalizing us. this brings us back to the statement at the beginning. you know, the communists had a joke about a man who was in the gulag. when this person was asked what you did wrong, did you commit a political crime? and he said yes. he said. i plumber, i was sent to the party headquarters to inspect the water supply system. i came back and said that the whole system was in disrepair, it was damaged, and it needed to be replaced. i was immediately accused of a political crime and sent to the gulag. this is what we are facing right now. the whole system has fallen into disrepair, but from the point of view of someone like ryan, denationalized.


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