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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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well, depending on the ground , maybe 30 centimeters wide, maybe a meter wide, it all turns out to be a path, the infantry runs along it, that is, the mines that are nearby, they either throw them aside, or they detonate and nothing exploded, that’s all whole, no, everything is fine, as you can see, the substance is stable, don’t be afraid of it, nothing will happen to it, well, we guys need a lot of these tubes. about 20 pieces exactly, the rustling commander is respected by his colleagues, for many he is a mentor friend, he knows how to find a way out of seemingly stalemate situations, because one group will leave, another will go, everything will turn out differently there, a kind person will always help , will not refuse anything, the work is quite dangerous, that is, god forbid, what happens, you are confident in these people that they will never leave you, and until the last moment they will be next to you they...
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i’m probably upset that i only recognized him under such circumstances, it’s a pity that we didn’t meet earlier, now look who it is, whether it’s a badger or not a badger, it’s a badger, for sure , you can see from his mustache, you can see from his mustache how the whiskers of a cat and a cat differ, yes, i’m also interested, they are in different directions, the cats are more gentle, everything is fine, yes, my daughter didn’t go to cola, she didn’t want to, but is this possible?
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and what, there’s mom, i’m here, and my rules don’t apply yet, that is, if i were at home, everything would be different, yes, someone has an alarm today, but i didn’t sleep at all, i say, a nervous tic , i suggest that today everyone set alarm clocks and put them next to him, and let them ring every 10 minutes, soft, and we have the guys there on the front end, which we hear everything about them, it’s probably dangerous to destroy there straightaway. where there are a lot of people, well, you and i recently filmed a police policy, it was a rebuke , it was scary, well, there they also decided on whether to blow up or not to blow up, but you arrange it if they blew up, 43 pieces were immediately given out positions, well, you have to think about it, now so it seems to me that everything should be blown up when we go further there.
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so we found as many as we could at first under the trees, you come to the task , the minefield is indicated, that’s it, you walk, no, they say it’s not in vain that you always walk in one line, uh-huh, back of the head comrades, try to keep up, keep up, we love animals, but you can’t take him with you on a mission, they are naughty, they run, remember that too, we went on a mission, well , some kind of stray... by chance, he was rescued while clearing mines, at the very beginning i had my first minefield , the cat came, but vanya wouldn’t let him pick it up, he carried it, he was already walking through a minefield, there were anti-personnel mines and that’s it, well, there’s already tension there, all this you go, look for, mark, such a fat cat, just fat. diagonally
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across this minefield, there was a commander with us, he began to take out a pistol, i didn’t i know, i started to worry about the cat, i said , no, no, don’t, i said, well... i took it carefully, gave it to a distance, asked, he took it to another unit 500 meters away, and so, well, it seems nothing should have happened, but as they say , it’s better to remove it, many people seem to keep dogs there, but in our unit it turns out that it’s impossible to deal with them in any way, the commander is a church-going man, so before a combat exit he sees off his subordinates in a special way, the main thing is that you crossed your back, if you don't baptize, we scold.
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and the father of two children who are really waiting for him to come home, the rustle has a fourteen-year-old son and a seven-year-old daughter, the child sees in front of him a caring person, a father who loves him, teaches him not to be afraid to have his own view and his own opinion. of course, children are not ideal, and mine is no exception; sometimes i, as a father, am perplexed by some of my children’s actions, but we always discuss the event together and come to the right decision. i talk to them about respect for elders. that one should not offend weak little ones, that you need to take care of the elderly, love your parents the same way i love mine, love your homeland, the place where you were born. not only children send letters to soldiers at the front, but participants of the special operation pass news home. shorokh wrote a letter
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to schoolchildren in which he spoke about his service in the northern military district zone. we asked his son maxim to read this letter. first, i would like to thank the children who wrote the letter to the front. datom and officer, guys, thank you so much, your letters help us a lot in our difficult work, receiving from you sincere words of support, it’s very nice , i’ll be honest, some of my soldiers carry these letters with them, take them to carry out combat missions, and your drawings hang on the walls in our dugouts and shelters, thank you very much again for your support, you are murzave before mobilization rustle played in the folk theater in the nizhny novgorod region. in his acting range, both dramatic and character roles, which are nothing, this is a military secret, and who are you? you come to this theater and relax your soul there, that is, you are surrounded by a group of such good people, communicating with them, it somehow calms you down, somehow you take your mind off
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it all. what roles did you play? there was one main role in one play, that is , a fairy tale for children, and i played some kind of fairy-tale general, or what, they said, are you a military man? you will be a general , murzorian, how cute he is, throw the cat out of the palace, leave the cat in the palace, i said throw it away, leave it, throw it away, leave it, shave it, kitty, kitty, kitty, general, why aren’t you following the order, yes, i’m waiting for you and the princess will finally agree on many people know the officer’s hometown , he is an active and caring man, from many thousands of families like mine... our state consists of, if every parent raises their children correctly, teaches them goodness, spares neither effort nor time for their formation, then society will consist of decent, honest people, and this means that we will live in a country for which every person is important, whether big or small, i am
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the chairman of the council of fathers, the secretary for resolving some incomprehensible issues at school every day. parents teachers with i go everywhere with my children to nizhny novgorod, i take them on excursions there all the time with the class , that is, i’m always with the children, i take them on snowmobile rides in the winter, we have hills everywhere, this is what i had an active and very active social life, i want to return to it , the commander was awarded medals for bravery for combat distinction, the sapper told how he had to clear the way for tanks in the kupinsky direction from a landmine. the task came to scout out the path for the tank so that the tank could jump out to its position and shoot back , they found mines, the path was mined this one, well, but since the ground was frozen
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there was no time to dig them up, we started destroying them, blew them up once, found one mine, thought there was one, started looking for another, another, then another, in general, in the end in this little patch we were at some kind of intersection, we found about 16 pieces, they blew one up, everything was quiet, they blew up the second one, and the enemy started attacking us. it was possible to get to
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the point , they were laying out a route for the infantrymen, we needed a support man , it was 200 meters away. done, everything went well. in the intervals, when you hear something flying , you run away, hide somewhere, wait it out, flies away, run out again, finish as much as you can until it comes back, so there ’s this constant running back and forth, it drags on for a very long time, and what is the distance to the enemy at this moment, 250 m, only 250 m, how do you interact with each other, mostly with gestures, something needs to be brought, carried, something has been found, it needs to be blown up. gestures, there are already concepts of each other together we work a lot, the main difficulty
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is that everything is in fragments, so the mine detector doesn’t really help, so we did everything manually, that is, we probed every centimeter of the ground, made a passage of 60-80 cm so that we could walk along this small path, we cleared the mines s... 70 m 170 175 m, the first person cleared mines 20-25 meters, that is , this is also all very long, that is, 20 m can be cleared for a whole hour, because there are still damaging actions of the enemy, this is a mortar, this is artillery, this tanks, this is an ordinary missile launcher, these are ethereal flying enemy vehicles, which also do not allow this to be done, well , they took a total of this from us...
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our task is to go a little further forward, make sure that there are no mines on the line that the tank will see, they came, and they started for us immediately work it out, we were just lying there on the ground, because we had nowhere to hide, uh, it was winter, snow, the ground was frozen, some time passed, the order came to withdraw, everyone came out, a little stunned someone there, but thank god, not three hundred nothing, all whole, it turns out when we
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came out, offensive actions , they needed a place to turn around, they could turn around, they had to throw it off so as not to endanger
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the crew, the copters did not allow them to work very often, it was difficult to constantly crawl at night, to get there, there were also a lot of mines, mostly they fired at him with a mortar , they didn’t let us crawl half a line up, they tried to get him for 2 days, while they cleared the path of mines so that a special vehicle would come... the car pulled him out , then we dragged the cables to him, hooked everything up, got everything ready, gave the command when everything calmed down, the car arrived before...
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20 minutes, military equipment is passing by us, the weather today is cloudy, well, even in our case this is good, enemy birds will not fly, as soon as i got into the zone of a special
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military operation, there were... american ammunition, polish anti -tank mines, that is, all this is not found in such large quantities, but it’s all there, basically the enemy also uses domestic ammunition, that is, we have them in principle the same, we understand every day that theirs is getting worse and worse, there have even been cases where we are walking, we see an anti-tank minefield there, there is a leaf on it, we don’t want war, that is, well, amines in the transport situation even talk about them... often, sappers find foreign-made ammunition, as a rule, they take them to a training ground for detonation , sometimes you have to destroy dangerous surprises on the spot, a little american infection when you find something. something new,
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you start to take it apart, you do something wrong , some sound occurs, everyone immediately gets scared, the sappers usually laugh at this, like a black sappers always have humor, in addition to their main job, demining territories, engineers help local residents who find unexploded ammunition in their own courtyards and vegetable gardens, there was a house in front of the forest, my grandparents lived there, they came up to us and asked... for directions, there were two roads, one road was already broken, so their car couldn’t get through, they asked to look at the road through the forest, basically there was nothing on this road, they transported milk along this road, local residents often came to us the same way they come, ask for help, they either find something in the garden, they need to help it, either
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neutralize it or blow it up, then mushroom pickers come, it was in the summer... that i couldn’t go somewhere, they found something, they came, we complained, look, we come up, we help the local residents, the sappers, with the help of a mine detector , carried out engineering reconnaissance, discovered a mine and detonated it, i went to a safe distance, because fragments from this mine fly tens of meters away. what are the main qualities that help a sapper? attentiveness, it’s never necessary, well, for nothing, here it will be very expensive, such a mistake, if
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well, you can make a mistake yourself, plus people, so it’s like, well, i have my own specifics. we try, like, if you are the first number, you know that there are mines ahead, you try to push the person further, well, to drive away the person behind you, the whole truth , people don’t need to know why, it’s okay, he says everything, to the point it’s already going, well, god grant that it goes on like this. and have you changed in any way internally? you have grown up, your views on life have changed, you look at everything differently. how do you fight your fear? you know that soon everything will end. family helps, you constantly think about it , well, the fear seems to go away, but there is still anxiety inside, you know that you need to complete your task responsibly so that everything
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goes well, successfully, many soldiers and commanders who gained experience during the svo would like pass it on to recruits, train and teach military affairs to the future generation of military personnel. honestly, now i would like to show with my experience. teach, realizing that i already know that i i saw that it’s simply a waste of such information to go to waste, if it can be given to people who will further engage in this business, practice, develop, thereby saving more than one, more than a dozen lives, maybe even hundreds, let’s go home, i began to appreciate that , that before this you didn’t even appreciate, roughly speaking, water from the tap, hot water, for example, there, yes, it ’s like you actually begin to appreciate that there are conditions when you can calmly go there, wash everything there, you overestimate, yes, communication
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with loved ones too, but it seems like i didn’t communicate there, well, no, this, here you are directly drawn to them, even on vacation i always go to church, i always light candles from the first days, from the first tasks i always cross them, and they somehow make it easier for me too. thank god, everything is fine, that is, even we were in such difficult situations, we came out, the group came out without losses, without anything. the opportunity is always very important and valuable for fighters to convey greetings to their loved ones, now to congratulate loved ones on international women’s day, march 8th. i want to say hello to my family, mother, wife, daughter. kiryukh, don’t hurt your mothers, study well, then i’ll come, i say hello to my mother, my father, my beloved girlfriend yulia, my grandmother, grandfather and aunt, i say
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a huge hello to my family, my wife, my son, my daughter, a huge hello to my parents, i love you very much, we hope that we'll be back soon, everyone is alive and healthy, i want to say hello to my parents, i love you very much, eh , i also want to say hello to my fiancee, thank you for waiting for me, i love you very much, i want to say hello to my family , friends, wife ekaterina , i love her very much, dear ladies, and we you congratulations on the upcoming march 8th, we wish that all your dreams come true, that you never get sick, that you are always beautiful. be healthy and happy, congratulations!
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i came to the zone of a special military operation at the call of my heart, due to my years, of course , i did not fit, but as a military specialist i considered it necessary to be here in difficult times for russia, i just took it, went to the military registration and enlistment office, the time had come for russia that i had to get back into line with your former colleagues, men, our fathers, our grandfathers during the great patriotic war
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stood to the death for... our homeland , many, even children, fled to the front to get there, take up arms and fight this nazism, now nazism is raising its head again, so if anyone doubts, doubts are all gone, stand up in our ranks, take up arms, defend our homeland , victory will always be only ours, until we destroy this nazi hydra, we will not calm down, serve under a contract,
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severdonetsk, liberated, there’s a hit, there’s a hit, that’s why everything gave so much away to us, so i’ll go there too, so what? these are the people, here under the church they had a weapons depot, well, not... the germans, lord, well, that’s what we called them, the nazis, here there were weapons, it’s impossible to describe, there is a tank that is in the arch, a ukrainian tank, which is located in the arch of the house, which drove out , hiding behind the backs of civilians, fired aimed fire, including at the city, and then cowardly hid in a residential area, yes, this tank, well, everyone comes, everyone tries to take photographs, everyone forms an opinion about it
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that today all...


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