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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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18:00 moscow time, this is russia 24, information hour, we start with reports on what is happening in the special operation zone. russian troops took more advantageous positions in the donetsk and ovdeevsky directions, and improved the tactical position in the south donetsk direction. this was reported to the ministry of defense. enemy losses are being assessed. and dozens of pieces of equipment. in the donetsk direction, units of the southern group of troops, seeing active hostilities, occupied more advantageous positions along the front line, and defeated formation eighty the first airmobile, seventy-ninth air assault, fifth and ninety-second assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of belogorovka, lugansk people's republic, georgievka, kleshcheevka, krasnaya, kurdyumovka and novomikhailovka, donetsk people's republic. in the avdievsky direction. units
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of the center group of troops, as a result of coordinated actions, occupied more advantageous positions, in addition, inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment, twenty-fourth, twenty- seventh, forty-seventh, fifty-third mechanized fifty-ninth motorized infantry brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, in the areas of the settlements of ochertina, novoselovka first, taretsk and novogrodovka of the donetsk people's republic. in the south-donetsk direction, a unit of the vostok group of troops, as a result of active operations, improved the tactical situation. fire defeat of manpower and equipment of the 127th terrestrial defense brigade and the 72nd mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of ravnopol and vodyanoye of the donetsk people's republic, and also repelled an enemy attack in the area settlement vladimirovka, donetsk people's republic. and today the ministry of defense published footage of the destruction of the ukrainian s-300 launcher in the area of ​​​​the village of pokrovsk in the donetsk people's republic. after reconnaissance managed to establish positions. the ukrainian armed forces
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attacked them from iskander operational-tactical missile systems. the installation was destroyed by an accurate hit. ukrainian border guards detained a cargo minibus near the romanian border, in which mobilization evaders were hiding. it contained 34 people who literally crammed into the salon. the ukrainian border service stated that the number of people wishing to flee the country one way or another is growing steadily. chronicles of ukrainian mobilization. denis alekseev, as a rule, negotiate with such passengers on the shore, the money is not returned if something happens, for them the opportunity has come. for travel across the ukrainian-romanian border in a crowded windowless bus, each of the thirty-four men paid 10 thousand dollars, just to be away from the military commissars, their omnipresence is already legendary lay down the load. here
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they don’t stand on ceremony with those fleeing mobilization, they throw them on the ground , put them in stacks, judging by the footage, they are all no more than thirty, the age to which the tsekashniks immediately react, their target audience is those who are 27 over, the scandalous bill on mobilization lowers this threshold to 25 , this applies to those who did not serve in military service, and those liable for military service are expected from 18 to 60 years old, so how do they wait, forcefully insist on joining? ferrymen are now making good money from those who do not want to go to the front line, so so-called, they, of course, also risk going under the radar, if not to the front, then to prison, but the money is good, the truck driver could have earned $5,000, if not for the border guards, they found two illegal passengers in his truck, those tried to leave for moldova, military commissars in ukraine are strongly disliked, the degree of hatred is off the charts, especially in small settlements where they are already taking something...
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potential conscripts are trying to gain time by playing hide and seek with military commissars border guards, running in all directions, in kiev they are developing a plan b, in ukrainian schools they are distributing pistols and conducting instructions, in case there is no mobilized army, they are training young saboteurs and partisans. they definitely won’t run away
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yet, they have entrance exams soon, the first higher education is now not for the sake of knowledge, one of the few chances to get a deferment, for those who receive a second higher education, this will not happen... after the approval of the bill. denis alekseev, lead. now a short advertisement, then we will continue. for headaches, there is askafen p, at an affordable price. ultra s enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen for headaches. dear men, a holiday is coming soon. i'll tell you a secret. on ozone, 3% cashback on sbp for everything, and no matter what you want to give, buy gifts on ozone on sbp at a profit, register on under the silver foil there is a delicious chocolate layer, inside there is a beautiful, perfect plambier,
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per annum in sberbank online. in europe , they became concerned about the issue of strengthening civil defense; the association of german cities and communes called on the government to allocate billions of euros for the construction of new bomb shelters. the head of the association explained this by the need to protect the population from military threats, which he did not specify, but noted that during the cold war there were more than 2,000 bunkers in germany, now only 600 remain, and this provides protection for only half a million citizens, in estonia, air-raid shelters may become mandatory in new...
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london gives stormshado missiles to kiev, in return it receives taurus from berlin. ekaterina shamaeva will tell you what else the west is willing to do to pursue politics to the last ukrainian. help from washington may arrive, but now you will have to pay for it, as the american media report, republicans in congress are developing an alternative plan for military support for kiev, it assumes that part of the money will be provided in the form of a loan; frozen russian assets were used, so the speaker of the house of representatives wants to kill two birds with one stone, to reassure lobbyists for further assistance to kiev and not to spoil relations with opponents of such a policy. while there is a behind-the-scenes struggle going on on the capitalist hill, the struggle on the battlefield is not unfolding
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in favor of ukraine, the american media admit. without increased military assistance from the west and major changes in kiev's strategy, ukraine's military position will continue to deteriorate until it reaches a tipping point, perhaps by this summer. of the year. at the current rate, when kiev's needs for ammunition and manpower are not being met, ukrainian units are likely to be exhausted, which makes a russian breakthrough quite possible. kiev also complains that the west is creating obstacles in the matter of repairing equipment; as foreign policy magazine reports, ukrainian companies do not have permission to repair the barrels of american m-777 howitzers. you can make copies at your own risk, but this may violate intellectual property rights. this war relies mainly on mechanized systems, and they, in their the line is held by artillery. artillery ammunition is what ukraine needs now to strengthen its positions. that even the advantage of terrain means nothing if russian artillery can fire at positions from afar. with the rate
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of supply of equipment slowing down, western sponsors of kiev are trying to support at least with money. great britain promised to provide ukraine with 325 million pounds. the issue of strengthening nezalezhnaya defense was discussed by the ministers of foreign affairs and defense of the eu countries during a teleconference. against this background, special belligerence france stands out, as the political publication reports, the army of the fifth republic. conducts an exercise simulating a high -intensity conflict with an enemy that is not inferior to it in terms of firepower, against whom such maneuvers could be directed, it is easy to guess, given macron’s statement about the possible dispatch of a contingent to ukraine, that this scenario is not so unthinkable , confirmed the head of the polish foreign ministry. i appreciate the recent french initiative because there are good intentions behind it to make the kremlin think about how will be our next step and were not sure that we were... doing anything creative, so we could not freely plan our scenarios. this ability of asymmetrical
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escalation must also be on our side. sikorsky is objected to by the polish military. general leon komarnitsky called the desire to send troops to ukraine quixotic and tilting at windmills. the polish army lacks both equipment and skills, the military man believes. in his opinion, instead of such proposals, politicians should think about restraint and responsibility for their words. the us congress has approved more than $7 billion to be given to pacific island countries in exchange for a military presence. the amount is calculated for two decades, as one of the senators noted, thanks to this washington can resist china in this region. in these countries, states are allowed to deploy long-range radar missiles and conduct tests of intercontinental ballistic missiles. let me remind you that the american military is already present in the state data. within the framework of the compact of free association. well now let's take a break for a short commercial, and later
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the capital's flower warehouse, the fire lasted 2,500 km, a fire occurred at a flower warehouse in moscow. i am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, now he has to live with this for the rest of his life, with the feeling that he killed people, what caused the fire? a trifle led to grave consequences, why people died and how the flower business works in russia, we took up this matter and conducted our own investigation. we always do everything together
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we support each other, believe in the best, care and give warmth and overcome difficulties ourselves. together we are strong, we vote for russia. hello, the duty department is broadcasting live, let’s summarize the legal results of the outgoing week, i’m andrey ivlev with you. let's start with this saturday's news. in thailand , the circumstances of the detention of three
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russians, the owner of a cosmetology clinic and two of its employees are being clarified. local police suspected them of carrying out the crime. it turned out that the establishment was injecting youth without having special permission to do so. about we will tell you further about the victims of beauty and those who profit from it, that’s what else you will see today. air smuggling, using a quadcopter drill and a spinning rod, criminals from kaliningrad tried to smuggle half a ton of amber across the border. what was the former deputy doing in their ranks? unique details of the high-profile case of the contract murder of a st. petersburg lawyer. is the most dangerous man in this story on the loose? linden. for the beloved or reverse country of international women's day, we looked a gift horse in the mouth and made up anti-rating of fake gifts for lovely ladies, a holiday behind bars in the mozhaisk women's
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correctional colony, a shaman spoke on how music helps the socialization of convicts. a new twist in the sensational story of the contract killing of a st. petersburg lawyer. let me remind you that the killer confused the victim and shot the driver-lawyer. the alleged perpetrator and organizer were quickly detained, but this week it became clear that the most dangerous person, the mastermind of the crime, who gave the order for the fatal shot, may remain at large. what is known about suspect and what does it have to do with a formerly influential criminal authority. my colleague olga zhurenkova found answers to these questions and talked with the probable killer. probable killer. andrei artsyukhin, surrounded by security forces , leaves the office of the investigator of the st. petersburg department of the investigative committee. the man's face is hidden by a hood. according to the criminal case, artsyukhin was supposed to deal with st. petersburg lawyer
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viktor patrushev. the criminal, in front of numerous eyewitnesses, shot in the back of the head the man who brought the child to the gymnasium, but he misidentified himself and shot the lawyer’s driver. only our film crew managed to ask artyukhin a couple of questions. tell us in general, how long did you follow the lawyer and why did you decide to shoot at the gymnasium? i repent of the crime i committed , i’ll explain it to you after cameraless. the killer had no chance to escape; he shot under cameras in front of witnesses. the operatives worked quickly and competently, just a couple of days later artyukhin was detained, and the probable organizer of the assassination attempt, local businessman ginterest ragauska, was also captured. do you understand? no. the alleged cellman andrei artyukhin did not remain silent and told everything to the investigators. why did you agree to commit the crime? how long did they follow you? long, several months? investigative actions with the alleged perpetrator of the crime ended at night, and now he is being taken to the detention center in a paddy wagon. andrey artyukhin is a man with a rich
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criminal past and has several criminal records. in the late nineties, together with generalists, he attacked entrepreneurs and cashers. one of the crimes that andrei artyukhin may be related to is attack on collectors near the rus hotel in st. petersburg in 2002. he left the colony 7 years ago, did odd jobs, and maintained friendly relations with an old acquaintance. with the interest of rogask, last summer ragauskos yakovi turned to artyuhi for help, but said that for several million rubles it was necessary to eliminate the person. the meeting took place in one of the shopping centers in st. petersburg. and here, not far from the building of the arbitration court, artyukhin saw lawyer patrushev for the first time, remembered his face, clothes, gait, demeanor began to monitor him. the killer did not even have a photograph of the victim, perhaps that is why, at the time of the crime, he identified himself as patrushev’s lawyer and shot his driver instead. they say that...
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which he created in st. petersburg consisted mainly of people from kazan. the authority figure died in 2007 from acute heart failure in a cell in a former internal fsb prison. investigators have yet
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to find out what role the detained ginterras played in the grzhizewicz criminal group. rogauskas. according to operational data, he took part in committing some criminal cases in grupzhevich’s group. he doesn't look much like a driver. that well, at a minimum, maybe if he was a driver, he combined the functions of a driver and a bandit with other functions, judging by his cache, he is a serious and difficult person, this is the very cache that the investigator is talking about: the arsenal was found during a search in the garage ragauskas, sniper rifles, several models of makarov pistols, glock, compact rapid-fire pistols, machine guns, magazines with cartridges, grenade launchers, tratyl. it is possible
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that rogauz was a link between the killer and the real mastermind of the crime, who still remains at large. we have an understanding that perhaps this is not just one customer, there is another customer who is either higher or the order was placed together, so we are still continuing to look into it, we are investigating, collecting evidence, the investigation continues. patrushevo could have been carried out by st. petersburg businessman sergei zhitkovich, allegedly they have a long-standing financial and legal dispute. supposedly it all started in 2016, when patrushev asked an entrepreneur for a loan of 65 million rubles. as journalists wrote earlier, one of the disputed real estate objects between lawyer patrushev and businessman zhitkovich is this parking lot with an area of ​​almost 7.00 square meters on the outskirts of st. petersburg. according to one version , zhitkovich lent money, drove patrushev into credit bondage, and reduced the repayment period
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for millions. up to 6 months instead of 2 years and charged interest; later, allegedly zhitkovich, behind patrushev’s back, completely re-registered the property to his company and resold it. patrushev lost and this house in st. petersburg. he was listed as collateral for the deal. according to documents, the house belonged to the lawyer's wife, louise michel. after a dubious operation, the right to the property was bought by the same alleged organizer of the murder, ginter rogauskas. but if you carefully study the documents, they contain the name of zhitkovich and the name of his company. it is possible that it is a business. used ragauskas as a figurehead. a certain sergei zhitkovich, known in certain circles, was involved in such large projects involving millions of money. what is characteristic of it, what he can ditch his business partners , as they say, at any stage, with the same citizen viktor patrush, they had a lot of projects, of course he didn’t want to resolve the issues in court, probably, he was interested in somehow, well i don’t know, it’s possible to get rid of him by patrushev. in
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april last year, zhitkovich was tried for fraud and illegal possession of weapons, a suspended sentence of 3 years, now, according to rumors , the businessman is on the run with an outstanding criminal record and is hiding abroad. in the details of this complicated criminal story now investigators are looking into it. one thing is clear, in this gangster series from st. petersburg, the final episode will not be released soon. olga zhurenkova, timofeev, ilileyev, ivan knyazev, maxim movchan, maria bukata, dmitry kamsky. news, duty department. in the sertlovsk region , police investigators are looking into the details of the death.
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transport almost 200 kg of valuable mineral abroad. who were the inventors, and what did the former millionaire deputy do in their company? our correspondent alexander mostovay went to the kaliningrad region and found out how does the shadow business work in the solar stone? in the krasnoznamensky district court of the kaleningrad region , former svetlogorsk deputy sergei zaitsev, a philanthropist, an entrepreneur and one of the richest people's representatives of the city, is running fussily, but he came here in a different status, accused in a high-profile case of amber smuggling. we asked zaitsev if he was involved in shadow supplies of solar stone? allegedly , you built up your business at the expense, it was nothing like that. come here. the acquittal
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of the former deputy was interrupted by a crash from the fall iron utensils. it fell out of zaitseva’s package and must have brightened up his life in the pre-trial detention center. there are nine other people in the company with the accused. investigators consider them perhaps the most cunning inventors in the region. here, near the neman river, which separates russia and lithuania, they established amber smuggling by air. a quadrocopter with a cord attached flew to the attackers from the lithuanian coast. bags of amber were attached to it. this cord was then pulled through the water using a spinning reel. they transported about 189 kg amount over 25 million rubles. on october 12 , 2020, while trying to move amber weighing 334 kg, they were detained by fsb officers. the roles in the group were clearly distributed. for example, former deputy zaitsev allegedly conveyed.


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