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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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flowers, money and fire, metropolitan researchers have found out all the details of the deadly fire at the flower base. hello, in the studio
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, i heard distant screams, thank god , the three of us managed to run out, techebekov did not have the appropriate education, qualified as a welder, i am the director, it’s my fault, it’s my company, it’s my responsibility, there were shortcomings there.
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moscow occurred on november 20, 2022, the flames instantly enveloped the ancient hangar, destroying tons of plants in its path. seven people, three kasirs, a logistician, an accountant, a welder the client was trapped and burned alive. rescuers were able to control the fire only after 10 hours. the investigation of the case was carried out by employees of the western interregional investigation department for transport. the investigative committee of russia, they quickly realized that the building did not have a fire safety system installed, the director of the base, businessman anton matchalyuk, according to the investigation, knew well about the problem , but he was not going to solve it, and information also appeared that the publication had stolen a safe with 20 million rubles, so what caused the fire, why did people die and how does the flower business work in russia? we took up this matter and conducted our
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investigation. a resident of the capital, elizaveta letunovskaya , has been waking up and falling asleep with the name of her beloved brother kirill for a year now. he worked as a logistician in a large moscow company, flowers from mochalyuk , died in a fire and burned alive. my colleague called me, it was. somewhere around
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3 o’clock in the afternoon, and my colleague called me and said lis, there’s a fire there again, and i said, oh well, well, that is, i didn’t expect it, i i say, i’ll call kirill now and we’ll find out everything first-hand, as they say, but i started calling him, i didn’t even connect with him, well, that is, the caller was unavailable, i got nervous, worried, started calling everyone in a row who was at work, that is , they were all running around in a panic, no one could really answer me, well, i burst into tears, got ready and went there in the afternoon of november 20, 2022, pillars of black smoke enveloped komsomol square. was not
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just a warehouse, but one of the most popular wholesale centers where people came to buy plants from the entire metropolitan area. a deadly fire in the capital's flower warehouse, rescuers are still continuing to clear the rubble. the investigative committee is investigating the causes of a strong fire in moscow on the square of three train stations, the fire covered 2,500 km, and according to the latest data, seven people were killed. the cause of the fire could have been numerous fire safety violations. fire crews rushed to the scene of the emergency. had.
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black smoke burst into this greenhouse at terrible speed, followed by fire, thank god, the three of us managed to run out, several people were rescued by the police, but there were also those who were stuck in the narrow passages, between shelves with flowers and fertilizers; the fire quickly spread across the old wooden floors in a matter of minutes.
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the fire was brought under control at 10:00. a special fire train had to be brought to the warehouse premises. by midnight the fire was over. rescuers announced seven dead. the name of the one who rented the large hangars became known. he turned out to be the director of a large flower company, flowers from mochalyuk. according to documents new flora, anton machalyuk
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on august street, and the campaign was successful in moscow.
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a comic dance during the celebration of the western holiday halloween. the employees are happy, the salary is solid, although the manager is strict.
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a criminal case was opened into the death of people at the flower base; its investigation was entrusted to employees of the western interregional investigation department for transport of the investigative committee of russia.
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fire, because it is quite possible that this is how the first assumption about the causes appeared in the way of the company or one of the employees wanted to hide a large shortage or simply steal cash, during a re-inspection of the scene, some money was also found in the building, it was in the chest of garbage and had traces of thermal... impact, a bag was also found in which there was money
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and the passport of one of the dead cashiers, bazhutova, evelina olegovna. evelina bozhutova worked in the company for several years, all this time she had access to money. her colleagues respected her, and her management completely trusted her. but the investigators understood that the opinion colleagues - the argument is not very weighty, given that we were talking about seven dead. footage from cctv cameras from the flower gallery was restored, here is a fragment of the recording: the last seconds before the fire, the hall is completely lined with goods, there is decor on the shelves, dried flowers and packaging material , a girl walks between the shelves, followed by a young man, a worker is climbing onto the scaffolding, he is filming jacket, and apparently... picks up a welding electrode, sparks splash, then a small tongue of flame,
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the welder jumps down trying to put out the fire, protective seconds, the flames engulf the entire gallery, the lights go out ; judging by these frames, there was no deliberate arson, and the fire, which resulted in the death of people, started because of a spark. the worker's name was quickly found out. welder, citizen of kyrgyzstan, peksat kelchebekov. he worked at the flower base unofficially, without a contract. tyuchebekov did not have the appropriate education or qualifications as a welder, and the welding work that he carried out in the organization did not initially meet safety requirements. the welder was unable to get out of the fire. the melting temperature was very high, so everything that was inside was. destroyed by fire, even the metal i-beams on which the mezzanine was attached
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were bent as a result of exposure to flames. why was it necessary to carry out welding work at all? the answer is simple: the buildings that were turned into a shopping pavilion were built back in the 19th century. the brick arched structure was erected conscientiously. before the revolution , there was a settling tank for trains, then there were barracks, then a building. passed to the customs service during the soviet years a book warehouse, a small furniture factory , and finally, anton mochelyuk's flower store, while no one ever... became necessary to fork out for serious repairs, the seemingly eternal structure eventually cracked. about a week before the fire , fire safety specialist vladimir anatolyevich kanavalov , while inspecting the buildings, found that the roof of the passage was damaged, and he instructed the foreman of the general workers to repair the damage. it would seem that this is the end
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of the story, but in reality it is only began, the investigation. it had yet to be established who exactly should be held accountable for what happened. there were two of them. the owner of the company is anton machelyuk, fire safety engineer, vladimir kanavalov. machelyuk has been charged with committing a crime under the third part of article 219, this is a violation of fire safety requirements that, through negligence, resulted in the death of two or more persons. in the criminal case charging kanoval with committing a crime under the first part of article 216 - violation of safety rules when...
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they had from this building to this part of the territory, any, no, exits here were impossible, in this building there were, there was an alarm system, i remember for sure that fire extinguishers and fire extinguishers were evacuation plans by the narrators,
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that’s for sure everything was there, it was 100% here. alarm system, it seems to me, no, the person responsible for fire safety, vladimir kanovalov , also spoke about extinguishing agents, there was a room in which there was a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, and next to it there was a 100 liter powder fire extinguisher, with a volume of 100 liters, also here we have transition. we had an extinguisher trench, the evacuation plan was also located here on this wall, because there were overhangs here, there was an evacuation plan, a little further away there were three fire extinguishers, along the wall, op-35 and two fire extinguishers op 4 or 66 l, that is, i
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don’t remember exactly, and if we stand here now we’ll find a fire extinguisher. in the rooms with a bulkhead of flowers, there was a fire extinguisher there, located directly at the exit to the hall. do not arrest the defendants steel, the fire department was soon referred to court. the accused regularly attend all hearings and occasionally give restrained comments to the press. i am the director, this is my fault, this is my company, this is my responsibility. i didn't have sunday in place, i shouldn't have. work, i was hired, to create such working conditions, but it turned out, well, what we mean, that is, my fault, well, as such, there, we tried to meet with the main defendants in the fire case. of course, we were most interested in anton machalyuk, however, the owner of the flower business
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refused an extensive interview, citing the secrecy of the investigation: we met the businessman on the threshold... of the mishchansky court in moscow after the next meeting. anton, please tell me, don’t you just want to ask for forgiveness from the relatives of those people who died according to you? well, i personally asked for forgiveness from everyone, and once again i want to ask for forgiveness from everyone who suffered in this fire. yes, that means you admit your guilt, right? yes, i admitted my guilt from the very beginning. yes. thanks a lot. please, according to the material criminal case, you can express your position, some in agreement, some in disagreement, i admitted my guilt, i agree, well, that is...
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there were reports, well, like everywhere else, yes, that is, there is no one hundred percent certainty that it would be everything was done , everything, one hundred percent, yes, there were some shortcomings, it was necessary to finish the fire alarm, kanavalov remembers well, that fateful day, it was sunday, i was doing my household chores in the city of serge passad, and when i found out, i didn’t have a tv i looked, and i just saw that a man from work was calling, it was electr.
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but at the same time he does not relieve himself of guilt and, as it seemed to us, he sincerely repents of what happened. i understand that it’s hard for me, yes, it’s hard for them, first of all, well, i would like to ask for forgiveness for not seeing it 100%, this is how it turns out. domestic bouquets will conquer, we cut it today, tomorrow it will already be on the shelves in stores, watch the continuation of eduard petrov’s exciting investigation
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immediately after a short advertisement on the russia 24 tv channel. those who are always in a hurry to help, aim definitely pain. and the pension was issued at vtb, and there the rate for pensioners on the vtb savings account is as much as 18% per annum, how thin you have become and
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we go to the police to the employees of the line department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia at the moscow leningradskoye station, they were the first to see the smoke even before the firefighters arrived and rushed to help. let's take it.
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that is, you broke down this door before the firefighters arrived? yes, yes, they already tried to break it, already help people, that is, they began to break the lock, they opened the sheathed , well, this tin itself, they realized that we couldn’t open the door, they just started breaking down the door, when they broke a small hole, they asked how many people were there, they put a crowbar in there, the man who was on the other side to he helped us, as if from both sides, so that it would be faster to hide this door. they knocked out, well, yes , they cut through, roughly speaking, there was a small window there, that is, through this window we began to contact the people who were there, you two were there all the time, but no only we were here, well, yes, there were colleagues, everyone who was at work came running here, as if they started doing all this together, how many people were there, how many people did you bring out five girls, a man and a child of about five years old, probably a little, yes it’s clear what you did next,
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you tried to get there yourself somehow. they tried to put it out or not, but the fire was already strong and it was no longer possible to go there, the main thing was that people were taken away, the firefighters had already arrived, they were doing the extinguishing. the police were awarded medals for their courage and bravery. but the most important reward for them was the words of gratitude from the people whom they rescued from the clutches of death. the officers remember this with obvious embarrassment, a child of four or five years old, five women and a man. man, did you meet these people later? yes, they came later, as if, thank you , thank you, they brought you a cake, well, maybe they brought it, i , to be honest, did not catch this moment. ekaterina ivanova, mother of lyova, the same baby who was saved by the police. i don't just want to say thank you to them.


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