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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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i swear by zeus, gaia, helius, the maiden, the gods and goddesses of the olympian heroes, who own the city, the region of the fortifications of the chersenesites, this is the text of an ancient oath, why do you consider this one of the most important objects of antiquity? the text of the oath states that there was probably a coup attempt in the city shortly before this oath took place ; the coup was suppressed. and so that no one else would be bothered, the khersonites engraved the following words on this slab in high style: it is from here that we learn that khersones is a democratic republic, that every citizen had the right to participate in the life of his state. khersanez, as we all know , existed for a very long time, 2,000 years, building remains from different eras, different centuries have been preserved, and sometimes they intertwine and create something like this...
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history and new types of burials, new coins and new inscriptions and so on before... the second world
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war, before the great patriotic war, this is a city that is full of history, that’s why it has, that’s why it radiates a special energy, of course, when you personally visit the ancient hersanese, you understand how ancient it is. how much is connected with it, there are layers of history, in the end we became the heirs of all this wealth , because for us this place is essentially such a state of education, it is to a certain extent the cradle of our, our spiritual self-awareness, after which the creation of a single russian nation began of the numerous...
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slavic tribes that lived in this territory, later it was one of the centers and the creation of a centralized russian state, therefore chersonese has special significance for us, and we will certainly develop it. a year ago you accompanied vladimir vladimirovich when they opened the buildings of this school, when they opened the building of the artek branch here in sevastopol, what memories do you have of that meeting? finishing work, that is, in essence , the facilities were ready for their operation to begin, and we had to, in fact, report this to the president in the video conferencing mode, when preparations for the video conferencing were almost completed, we were generally ready for report, objects were built in the background, then suddenly a car drives up, vladimir vladimirovich got out at the wheel.
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the president visited almost all the classrooms, the premises that had been prepared - the library, the assembly hall, and then also went to the artek branch to also take a look. in addition to the existing museum, there will be 20 thousand km of exhibition space, that is, they will be able to accommodate all collections, including those that were found during the largest archaeological expedition that was carried out before construction and plus, respectively the museum of crimea and novorossiya and the museum of christianity have already been completely built
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, all this was shown to the president, he clarified when it will all be completed, and we hope that this year the project will be completely completed, first, there is not a single standard building or structure here, tell us , how did you and the transneft company join this work, what was the impetus for participating in this grandiose project? well, you know, i would start with the fact that transneft has been supporting a large, serious significant project for many years
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with a historical context, so when in 2015 year, vladimir vladimirovich proposed to create and build a kind of spiritual and educational center near chersonese, which would revive... the historical mission of that ancient chersonese as the cradle of russian orthodoxy. we, of course, also responded to this proposal with interest. this project was immediately conceived as grandiose, large-scale, corresponding to the historical significance of this place. if you name only the numbers, this is 24 hectares of territory on which all the facilities are located. this is 86,000 km of building area, of which 34,000 are.
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in the summer of 988, a huge army on combat boats takes a tight siege of khersanez, at the head
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of this army is the kiev prince vladimir, the defensive walls will not save the city, prince vladimir, together with his squad, captures khersanez, however. the city will not be sacked and will not be turned into a base for future raids on the rich byzantine empire. he is destined for a completely different mission. he decided to take it first of all to put pressure on constantinople. he did not intend to annex it to the kiev state. this was impossible to do due to the distance just everything. but he decided to show his strength, his will. i decided to show that our support should also be here, that is, it had political, economic, religious, military, whatever significance. prince vladimir decided to show his strength in response to non-compliance with agreements on the part of the byzantine emperor vasily
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ii, who a year earlier invited prince vladimir and his squad to suppress a military rebellion. this is another squad that has been known to the byzantines since the time of svyatoslav. they barely.
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birth, he enters the baptismal font, the squad is present and does not understand
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what is happening next to the prince when they see that a healthy man, a completely healthy man, is coming out of the redemption, a man to whom the lord has returned not only his bodily sight, but most importantly, that this man has received his sight in his heart, because who is here? came, the beast, who came to kiev, vladimir krasnosolnyshko, here russia is married to byzantium, and we become the heirs of the byzantine empire, here the kiev prince, a pagan, came here, the king, the heir of byzantium, left here. big for vladimir monotheism mattered, so he sought to ensure that the centralization of power was based on the centralization of faith, so that it would be together, because it was christianity that could illuminate his power, christianity could give him spiritual foundations, in this case this spiritual enlightenment influenced prince vladimir fundamentally, we worship the holy prince vladimir.
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you see, orthodoxy has always defended itself, was forced to maintain a perimeter defense, and today nothing has changed, you see, they always want to take up arms against russia, all the dark ones forces, those who have dreams, desires to divide our country, but what to do, this has always been the case, but the country with the largest territory, with enormous potential, everyone pulled teeth on us, everyone tried, that is, to say, one way or another, that- then we always try, but no one succeeded, history shows, the only bad thing is that their history does not teach them if it teaches us certain things. then, unfortunately, there are no our opponents, what historical analogies do you see, but in the differences or similarities of the challenges and elections
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that were then in the 20th century before russia, are now facing us, yes, the same situation, a crusade has been organized against us with the goal of bringing us to our knees, but what is there to understand, so now it’s just consolidation, unification, in general, a return to the roots, an understanding of where we came from, where our history, what we wanted to glean from this, that is, as it were, everyone should be aware of this whole continuous connection of ours and... in general, he repeated the desire that emperor nicholas ii once had, namely emperor nicholas ii before outbreak of the first world war in 1913 signed the preliminary design of the museum of christianity. which should have been built here in hersanes, but unfortunately, the first world war, then the revolution, then the civil war, and then the soviet government, it did not provide the opportunity to implement this project, so vladimir vladimirovich is implementing the project, but on a larger scale, if we see now, yes, the new chersonese, which emperor nicholas ii began, again continuity, again sacredness, continuity of power, continuity
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of the continuation of those important undertakings, which were made by our ancestors. when the special military operation began, i had a chance to talk with vladimir vladimovich, i understood how difficult the situation in the country was, and i asked him what we had with hersanes, we are suspending now, he said, no, everything continues, and it was very important, that is, it is extremely important. for the whole country, for understanding our past, present and future project, so the responsibility has increased even more, of course, we, we understand the full extent of the responsibility for ensuring that there is something here, what was conceived by both the president and
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blessed by the patriarch, we must here sum up some kind of... intermediate, of course, but an important, important result. the museum of christianity, the museum of byzantium , the museum of antiquity, the museum of crimea, the youth center , the pilgrimage center, the most beautiful restoration workshops for employees, the most beautiful equipped areas for the work of museums, the museum community, that is , it’s absolutely incredible, this is happening now, of course, in ukraine this it was impossible, it was a swamp. i know hersenez since the eighties, we held byzantine conferences there, when the crimea and this part fell under the rule of ukraine, it was neglect, i would use this exact term: neglect, when no great importance was attached to all this, when no money was invested in it, when
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excavations were not restored and did not continue to the extent that was necessary, that is, it was abandoned. i would even call the places where the famous temples of fersanes were a dump; the coast was used as such a publicly accessible urban beach, in general, there was a feeling that there were just ancient walls, which, well , few people were interested in, no reports on these excavations could be found anywhere, although the object was under the protection of unesco all these years, there are no reports, no inventories of what is there got it, where did it go, no one understands, there’s a lot here...
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how differently today it’s done with love for this place, with an understanding of its significance for our country. the work that was carried out here in the twenty-third years, over the course of these 3 years, they are in their own way in scale, in significance, for the development
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of archeology in terms of the number of finds, of course, this is a completely unique event in the history of russian archaeology. and we feel family ties to him, now, when this new stage has begun, when it has become possible to excavate these... inviolable things, the opportunity has arisen to do this, every thing is a mystery, and the state
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of preservation and some unexpected things, from vast territories, which you used to encounter in the process of work, every time it’s such a certain tension, every time this is an interest , of course, here we have actually organized... a full-fledged laboratory, of course, with some limitations in terms of methods, but nevertheless we can restore a number of objects from beginning to end and transfer them to the museum in chersonese and ready for exhibition, for study, the most important thing, frankly speaking, is a feeling of pride that such an opportunity has arisen to take part in these large, grandiose excavations, i’ve been in archeology for almost 50 years, but of course this is such a grandiose... project, this , certainly, for the first time in my life, we worked without interruption in all seasons, winter, spring, summer, the most interesting moments, of course, were when we discovered these unique burial
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structures, these are columbariums, we were the first to find heroon, it was generally for us, well it was so amazing, unique and therefore of course that all attention was focused on this object, i suggested that it could even be one of the founders of himsades, because it often happened in... there are 4627 stone parts, that is, we disassembled them and now let's gather in front of the building museum of antiquity and byzantium in the historical and archaeological park under construction. this work is being carried out by the same team that was involved in the restoration of the triumphal arch of palmyra. this is a very difficult job, because each object consists of thousands of parts, we
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had to take into account each of them, give it a number, and then accurately assemble it in a new place, restoring each part in its place. this is the decision of such a large-scale archaeological expedition, including the working group before the presidential administration , and this was also the most important the event and it was, at least for a year, and... sort of postponed, well, the beginning of implementation, but it was important, because today no one in the world can blame that someone here got by with the wrongs, the values ​​that existed in this territory. last year alone, we had 2,500 children from 89 constituent entities of the russian federation from 68 countries, an interesting question is what kind of children leave after visiting... excursions to the city of hero sevastopol - this is the formation of one of the basic spiritual and moral values ​​- this is pride, pride in one's country, and here
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children visit the sites of the first defense of sevastopol, the crimean war, these are, of course , objects from the period of the great patriotic war, these are our victories, the liberation of sevastopol, and of course this is khertsanoursky, all these objects form, form pride. for the country, pride in its history, they go beyond the class, they immerse themselves in the era, walk with their feet and feel how it all happened, russia is us, it’s you and me, russia.
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criteria for the reality of our experience and understanding of where the truth is and where the lies are, and russia is now fighting not only to defend its borders, not only for novorossiya to be returned to our orbit, political, ideological, whatever, but we are also fighting to defend our age-old values, the beginning of these age-old values ​​is also located there in crimea. there must be one choice: the choice between morality and immorality, the choice between tradition and absence, between harmony and disharmony,
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all this together, rising to philosophy. foundations and makes us worthy and equally worthy of those great, i would say, feats that were performed on earth khersanes and crimea. russia is the biggest country in the world. 11 time zones, more than 145 million inhabitants. over 110 million voters who can vote at almost 100 thousand polling stations at home or online. every voter's vote is counted and guaranteed to be protected, with approximately 1 million election organizers helping with this. observers, video surveillance at polling stations, electronic complexes for processing ballots, a mobile voter mechanism and remote
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electronic voting. state automated election system provides accurate and fast vote counting. elections in russia are important, fair, and convenient.
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does she really read minds or not? the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has special data. look all the time, well , there’s a girl standing in a burial place, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without doing anything on your own, stay in place, don’t move, that’s why i tell you -i believe, anna is a medium, we watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
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dear friends, i invite you to our the next release of the besagon tv author's program, which will be called the anatomy of betrayal or the merry widow. i look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.
9:00 pm
90 thousand military personnel, fifty ships, 80 fighter planes, drone helicopters, more than a thousand ground combat vehicles, nato exercises, and even the largest since the cold war, are taking place in close proximity to the russian borders. today , abrams tanks delivered from the united states were involved in the maneuvers, which started at the end of january and will last until may. the tank platoon went to march through poland. along with the topic.


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