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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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france, according to him, i will quote, will do everything to prevent russia from winning this war. there is hysteria in the baltics , the estonian authorities said in february that the greatest threat to the security of the republic is posed by russian policies, and today the government adopted a resolution on the mandatory construction of bomb shelters in multi-storey buildings, on what europe could eventually come to under the influence of washington and nato . alexander khristenko. an unknown submarine was discovered in norwegian waters, the crew of the newest french frigate normandy was raised alarm, a helicopter was deployed to detect the submarine. the submarine, actually german, is all a legend of the stage of nato exercises, a northern response, with a poorly hidden subtext, the maneuvers are directed against russia, for the first time the thirty-second nato state, sweden, which has just joined, was involved in them.
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that soldiers could be sent abroad on behalf of nato. some conversations with conscripts can be compared to therapeutic conversations, where they are explained their rights and how to apply for alternative service. organization believes that the government has not explained clearly enough what nato membership entails. especially when sweden, even geographically , obviously is not in danger, the chances of going somewhere within hours of yar to fight for zelensky suddenly became different from zero. macron's idea continues. to excite european
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minds, the eastern part of which, in particular poland, is in no way determined, then they reject the very idea of ​​it, then they begin to flirt with the idea. i appreciate the french initiative of recent days, because in my opinion she has good intentions, namely, so that the russian president asks himself what our next step will be, so that he is not sure that we will not do anything creative, so he can plan his own scenarios. putin. “putin, you angered macron, macron is angry.” the excitement, rather expected from ordinary citizens , at the sight of the movement of a military echelon, followed macron and captured french political circles, some of which, judging by the report of the politician’s publication from the training ground, the area of ​​​​which is larger than paris, did not away from sending soldiers from the champs-elysees to the european killing fields. french troops are preparing for a high-intensity conflict against an enemy that can match their firepower. officers do not call it
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an enemy, like russia. it is clarified that against potential enemies, but the training is aimed at preparing troops to combat such exercises, french soldiers sleep on average 4 hours in uncomfortable military vehicles, which they move every 5 minutes, otherwise an artillery strike follows, so far in the form of explosions of training mines. learn to work with drones and read paper maps, it is assumed that electronic ones may not work due to rap. the goal is by 2027 for the french army.
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must save germany from the status of a direct participant in the conflict, and at the same time from difficult thoughts associated with historical memory. in cameron's interview with the germans, the scheme was already outlined. is it possible to have a ring exchange, in which germany supplies you with taurus, and the uk supplies it to ukraine. we are ready to consider all options for achieving maximum effect for ukraine. i won’t go into details and tell our opponents, what we are planning, what else the west is ready to go to in order to save its geopolitical project of turning ukraine into anti-russia from collapse, the first deputy of our permanent representative to the un spoke at a meeting of the security council. the vaunted american abrams burn no worse than
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the advertised german leopards. in much the same way as their predecessors, the german tigers and panthers, burned in the steppes of ukraine 80 years ago. this prospect seems to excite a number of irresponsible europeans. politicians desire to achieve escalation of the ukrainian conflict, bringing it to a new level, no longer indirect, direct clash between russia and nato. it is difficult to interpret otherwise the position of french president macron on the need to send alliance troops to ukraine to prevent the collapse of the kiev regime. even at such venues, westerners do not even remember diplomacy; only china and switzerland insist that russia participate in the upcoming summit to end the conflict in ukraine. the newspaper writes about this with reference to sources. south china morning post. the article notes that beijing and bern share a pragmatic view of how to achieve peace and that a format without russia risks becoming the diplomatic equivalent of a potemkin village. zelensky is even happy with this kind of pr. but moscow has made
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it clear more than once that the development of a so-called peace formula without russia’s participation is nothing more than an attempt at an ultimatum, and of course, will not be taken into account. alexander. khristenko, inna koshkina, news. the russian aerospace forces attacked strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces in severodonetsk direction. footage of the work of attack aircraft was demonstrated by the ministry of defense. the department clarified that unguided aircraft missiles were used for this. all goals have been successfully completed. afterwards, the crews performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned to the airfield. and on the ground , within 24 hours, our military improved the tactical situation in several directions at once. special operations. in the donetsk direction , units of the southern group of troops, conducting active combat operations, occupied more advantageous positions along the front line, inflicted defeat by the formation of the eighty-first airmobile, seventy-ninth air assault, fifth and ninety-second
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assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of belogorovka, lugansk people's republic, georgievka, kleshcheevka, krasnaya, kurdyumovka and novomikhailovka of the donetsk people's republic. units in the avdievsky direction. groupings of troops in the center , as a result of coordinated actions, occupied more advantageous positions, in addition, they inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment twenty-fourth, twenty-seventh, forty the seventh, fifty-third mechanized and 59 motorized infantry brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of ochertina, novoselovka first, taretsk and novogrodovka of the donetsk people's republic. in the southern donetsk direction, units of the vostok group of troops, as a result of active actions , improved the tactical situation and inflicted damage. defeat of manpower and equipment of the 127th defense brigade and 72 mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of ravnopol and vodyanoye of the donetsk people's republic, and also repelled an enemy attack in the area settlement of vladimirovka, donetsk people's republic. well, today
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the ministry of defense showed spectacular footage of the destruction of the ukrainian s-300 complex near pokrovsk in the dpr. the strike was carried out by an iskander missile system. an accurate hit and the target is eliminated. deportation of more than 1,200 russians. this is the plan of the latvian authorities for this year, the formal reason is a violation of migration laws. we are talking about our compatriots who, before december last year, did not have time to submit documents for a permanent, two-year or temporary residence permit. most of the supposedly malicious violators are pensioners who are unlikely to be able, at least in a short time, to fulfill the requirements of the new law. to pass the latvian exam, vitaly kormazin tried to find out why all these people who had lived in the republic for decades were suddenly seen as a threat to national security. thank you for not forgetting us, but what about? activist olga petkevich delivers bags of food to elderly russian-speaking residents
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of daugovpils, latvia. many of them disabled people whom latvia has deprived of residence permits, along with pensions and medical care. she has not received a pension for 6 months; she is diabetic. well, somehow it exists, the state doesn’t care how it exists, all because they speak russian, have a second russian citizenship, now there are plans to deport 1167 people,
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let’s say the russian president, then preventive measures are applied to them, censorship is everywhere , broadcasting of russian television is prohibited, well , this is discrimination, because i, for example, want to watch what i want, they are literally are being forced out of latvia, those russian citizens who have not yet been expelled are awaiting inspections and trials, but local authorities have already stated that the deadline will come in april of this year. vitay kormazi, gor bushuev, natalya novgorodova, anastasia zorina and marina naumova, news! after the dam was blown up and the kokhovskoye reservoir was depleted last year, the zaporozhye npp was practically
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left without water; now it is supplied by 11 wells, but this is not enough for the normal operation of the nuclear power plant. about how it is possible to maintain the functionality of the largest nuclear power plant in europe and how the residents of energodar and its city of sputnik live. special report by egor grigoriev. zaporozhye nuclear power plant is the largest in europe and the first in the world. having generated 1 trillion kilowatt-hours through the efforts of the armed forces of ukraine, it also set an anti-record ; it has already been in the so-called blackout mode eight times, that is, it was completely disconnected from the power supply, but it not only managed, it lives and works, and began its large-scale development path in the large rosatom family. zaporozhye nuclear power plant supplied
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electricity provided over 10 million people and dozens of the largest enterprises in ukraine covered 20% of all the country's needs. it supplied electricity to the zaporozhye, dnepropetrovsk, nikolaev, kherson, and odessa regions until 2015, and powered crimea until ukrainian militants blew up the power line. yuri chernichuk, until 2022, chief engineer, and now. the director of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant recalls: we had one of the lines, it went to mariupol, this is our famous shoulder-famous azovstal, it’s not from this unit, by the way, well... if we’re talking about geography to say, from the fifth or sixth, yes, the fourth power unit worked in zaporozhye, the first second in nikopol and manganets, each was built essentially as a powerful industrial facility. since september 11, 2022 , the station has not been operating in generation mode, when the last unit was turned off, but since then we have been operating in electricity consumption mode.
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from that moment to this day , we receive electricity from the ukrainian side, where we have. a week ago there was a shutdown of one of the lines supplying the station, at the moment we are on the same line, the 750 kv voltage line is called dneprovskaya. electricity was supplied to the territory of ukraine through open distribution lines. ukrainian militants began striking a couple of other zaes facilities from the moment the station came under russian control. it’s literally right under our feet right now. a place where in the summer of '22 or in the fall, i don't remember, probably in the fall, after all, in october a shell arrived from the opposite side, right next to the reactors, these are practical walls, from zaes through the shallowed kokhovskoye the storage facility
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is less than 10 km from the controlled kiev, nikopol and margans, from there shelling and drone attacks, virtually daily, the analysts attacked indiscriminately, the possible consequences, a man-made disaster on a global scale, did not worry them much. auxiliary infrastructure facilities of the nuclear power plant, for obvious reasons, less protected than reactor units, were used in the ssu for strikes, artillery, and drone attacks. here, next to me, the shank of the earth sticks out a little under, there is a blank from a cluster munition and all this is in in close proximity to the so-called shayat. shayat stands for dry storage. spent nuclear fuel, it was, is now in charge of viktor radionov, all 25 years of work on the race for him now seem like an instant in comparison with the last two years of ukrainian terrorist attacks. the most powerful was in august 2023, in july 22 only because it was a day off, there were no casualties, on the nineteenth there was no one at work if staff were present at work,
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the trailer was stitched on both sides with fragments through and through, everything is at chest level , if there were staff, i wouldn’t have staff , there were 16 arrivals around this building, i was left alone from the site, everyone left me, but now i have recruited almost all the staff and the site is working, so well, we didn’t leave our jobs, now we’re like new people , we can still hear it working in the distance, but it’s ours that’s working, well, ours, well, if we fly in, it doesn’t matter where we go, we have to work, live, we’ll live. due to shelling, zaes power units were switched to shutdown mode, and of four there is only one working line left to supply the station: there will be no electricity, the cooling system will be disrupted and a man-made disaster cannot be avoided, as in the case of the fokusima accident, when the external power supply was disrupted, the two existing diesel generators could not cope with the task, such installations
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are called in at a critical moment supply the control system with electricity to the pumps, which in turn pump cooling water through... the reactor core and prevent it from melting, this takes a few hours, then a powerful explosion. fokushima script arrival is completely excluded , dozens of mobile electric generators running on diesel fuel are in full readiness, then the loss of external power supply, when the station switches to powering its own needs, then diesel generators, now we are passing by the red building, we have six blocks, on each block has three such diesel generators. and there are two more so-called station-wide diesel generators, for a total of 20 of them. currently , five reactors are in cold shutdown mode . one power unit in hot shutdown, gives steam heat to the station itself and the satellite city energodar. you know, the most important support for the words of gratitude to rosatom is that they took on such a complex, for us
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very, well, i will say directly problematic object for today. it is necessary today to resolve the issue of the periphery, which the enemy. barrelless artillery, this means networks, substations, transmitting, serving communications, which they knocked out, so in the near future, as soon as we drive away the fask a little, then, in general, here we will have the opportunity to work and provide economic support for the zaporozhye region. the majority of npp employees live in energodar. now the city's population is over 20 thousand people. last year. it was half as much. 95% of residents have already received russian passports. everyone receives due payments and benefits, pensions, scholarships, maternity capital. business comes thanks to the created special. public transport has started operating in the economic zone, shops are open, people are returning home, from the first day of formation
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military-civil administration, caring people came here, those who were waiting for a return to their family, and were waiting for the arrival of the russian federation, people are faced with psychological pressure from the other side with threats. here we are under fire, people calmly accept this, they are ready to work in these conditions, to fight these difficulties that we now have, they are ready to overcome, for the sake of the future, they see that they have a future, a kind of museum has even appeared in the energodar administration , in the collection there are shell fragments, flying around the building and surrounding area.
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air defense goes off, an enemy uav is shot down in the sky, but no one pays attention, here this is already a familiar thing, like a playground for you, but as a playground, excellent, excellent, come often, how old are you? the local boxing school is using the new outdoor sports ground. in demand no less than an indoor hall. thanks to the support of rosatom, sports facilities have been transformed beyond recognition. the renovation was extensive, from replacing utility networks, insulating facades to installing
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sports equipment, boxing bags and rings. the school named after manzuli is the sports pride of the zaporozhye region; european and olympic medalists were educated here. the athletes are very happy, the athletes and their parents are not happy, and in general the hall has filled up. the only medical facility in energodar is the medical sanitary unit. the treatment of residents of zaporozhye npp employees is carried out by specialists from the federal medical and biological agency of russia. this year the hospital's bed capacity was completely renewed, and renovations began at the clinic. the technical base is being modernized; 900 units of modern equipment have already been supplied and 300 computer places. we bought five special vehicles. local employees have long been unaccustomed to such working conditions. but they didn’t invest money in... maintenance, they got used to working with old equipment, they got used to repairing it themselves, what are we talking about, now we have, in my opinion, six or eight plumbers, then
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then we had two plumbers and then they were chasing after them, i open door, look at the door, that ’s how it was and how it is now, people come, call for tests, employees from the departments come, every day, except for admiration, there are no conversations, how are you, how are you, how... parts are staffed by local doctors and seconded specialists from the fmba, the so-called consolidated medical detachment from different regions of russia, under the compulsory medical insurance policy, here you can now receive any available medical service, as in every city in the country. plans for this year include renovating two more floors of the clinic and two hospital departments. we received equipment in sufficient quantity, the latest equipment, the equipment is completely new. from the hospital, the operating room, the entire diagnostic department, the emergency department, received many functional beds
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for the sick, the entire vehicle fleet in the hospital has been completely renewed, major renovations are underway in the kindergartens of emergadar, major renovations are underway inside the premises, playgrounds have already begun to be installed in the adjacent territory, the previous ones have not changed since soviet times, the reconstruction of the largest orthodox church has resumed. construction did not move for 10 long years. repairs have begun at the first zaes power unit. according to the maintenance plan for diesel generators of safety systems, such preventive maintenance will then be carried out on the remaining five units. our the site, one might say, is one of the very first to start a repair company. alexander kukolev has been working at the station for 30 years and intends to work until retirement, though. he, like many of his colleagues, was threatened more than once after the plant came under russian control. they write in the telegram channel, they said that they will hire people, in general, they will lie with
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nearby and gave it to him, gave him one of these fragments, which was, on which were clearly visible, well, the identifier of this projectile, why it was made there, the serial number, since then the magathe commission has been working at the station, in on the day of our filming, we checked the water level in the splash pools again. after the dam was blown up in the kokhiv reservoir last year, an abundance of water appeared on the territory of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. there are 11 such wells, now they fill the spray pools, the method is simple but very effective, the rod cooler will receive additional recharge, for this purpose it is planned to install special pumping stations on the banks of the dnieper, but everything depends on safety issues. installation of special protection over the storage facility has been completed at zas spent nuclear fuel, including american production, from the station itself
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and what was brought from other ukrainian ones. ac total 174 concrete containers. they didn’t know how to process it in ukraine, and no one was going to export it. now we are entering a facility that was purchased by ukraine by the american company duke power engineering, it was called. this is the technology for dry storage of spent nuclear fuel. did they purchase the technology itself or a license for exploitation? launch zaporozhye nuclear power plant it will be possible quickly, but there are several important conditions: the station must leave the range of ukrainian shelling, it is necessary to solve a number of technological problems, such as ensuring a drive with the required volume of water, and of course determine where the generated electricity will go, and this is...
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100 mw power, all the most important things in life are in our hands, to fulfill a childhood dream, to gain new knowledge, to feel inspired, to build a career, to realize our plans, to start a family, to celebrate life, to pass on traditions, to preserve the memory of the past and to conquer new heights, it is in our hands to choose our future and the future of the entire country. together, we are strong, we vote for russia. receive
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regional support measures: the status of a combat veteran, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year, and other benefits from the state, everything is fair here, serve under a contract. to pave new paths into space, but not to leave the ground, to choose a route, to hold the helm firmly, to speak quietly, but to make one hear, listen, can only the one in whom we are confident, no one listened to us.


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