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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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at our academy of cinematic and theater arts, otherwise we would teach her how to play, at least temporarily, the role of an inconsolable widow, but she is not ready for this, she cannot contain the smug smile of a person whose dream, apparently, of being in in the center, not in the shadow of her husband, in the center, here comes new news. from whom else, from our, so to speak, sworn friend, mr. budanov, is this what he says? i can disappoint you all, we know that navalny’s throne has really been torn away, that is, you heard, budanov claims, that navalny died because his trumpet came off. but now the question arises, well, maybe, i’m not an enemy either.
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well, the question is, why did the tromom come off, well, there are probably some reasons, it turns out there are, you remember that after poisoning, as it were, navalny, he ended up in a military hospital in the charité in berlin, where he was treated, and where he had four or five shots of the fizer vaccine, and now compare that to what is being discussed in the world regarding what vaccination with this vaccine could lead to? researchers proved that those who were vaccinated with this vaccine, among them, the number of people dying from a detached blood clot increased indecently. here is the document: in england only from july. from 2021 to may 2023
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, there were 965,609 deaths among vaccinated people, compared to 60,903 deaths among unvaccinated people, do you estimate the ratio? this means that during this period a total of...
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researchers say that such consequences may occur within 5 years after this vaccination, navalny was vaccinated in... in this died from a blood clot at the beginning of twenty-four, again absolutely , so to speak, at the risk of being accused of conspiracy theories, i can personally blame navalny’s death on, you know who, ursula vonlein, remember a piece of our besagon, you know that she is a defendant in criminal fiizer vaccine investigations, listen up.
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ursula fonder must immediately and unconditionally resign from her position as president of the european commission. due to the fact that her actions are currently being investigated by european prosecutors in criminal procedure. the commission signed contracts on behalf of member states worth €71 billion until november twenty-one. to purchase more than 4.5 billion doses of the covid-19 vaccine. this means it has purchased 10 doses of vaccines for every eu citizen, based on contracts that have not been made public. this is what the contract she signed with these pharmaceutical companies looked like, as is possible in the european union, which is supposed to be transparent about how people's money is used. so i ask you again again calling for her immediate and unconditional resignation.
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why did the tortured , honest, opposition journalist , american citizen, gonzalo liro lopez, who was tortured, died in a ukrainian prison, somehow not receive the attention of the world community, and why did america itself
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treat it so casually, easily and without any research or study? to such an unexpected death, as if the supplier committed suicide. children by high-ranking pedophile jeffery epstein, why or else, i wonder, those who mourn the death of navalny, have they ever heard what valeria ilinichta novodvorskaya spoke about navalny, who can hardly be accused of being a fan of putin and putin’s, so to speak, regime, listen.
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only against putin, she rises for the undemocratic future of russia or for the future of fascism, and navalny is one of the potential leaders of this new destruction. i think that ms. novodvorskaya, when she said all this, did not assume that mr. navalny’s activities are broader and more ambitious, for example, about how mr. navalny from god. chechvarkin was discussed sale of rosneft and gazprom. when we sat down with navalny recently, we discussed how we would sell the natural russian heritage to gazprom in parts. and rosneft.
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everyone also agreed that this would require several years of preparation, the bankers must be very good, everything must be neat so that the budget receives the maximum price. or how mr. navalny’s assistant vladimir ashurkov asked british mi6 intelligence officer james williams thomas ford for 10 or 20 million to organize a coup in russia, look if somebody spends, i don't know, 10-20 million dollars to support this, they 're going to get a completely different result. and this is not that much money for those with billions at stake. i'm trying to convey this message in my fundraising campaign, to convey it to leaders in the business community, and so on. we need to play on different chess fields: mass protests, civil initiatives,
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propaganda. we need to establish contacts with the elite and convey to them that we are reasonable people who will not destroy everything and deprive them of assets. “his sacrificial and conscious ascent to the chopping block, finally his murder is not seen , only one parallel with christ is normal, but it so
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happened that christ did not have a wife, but navalny did, now i want to talk about her, this is also very interesting indicative, look. 3 days after the death of navalny on february 19, yulia navalnaya makes the following statement. hello, this is yulia navalnaya. today for the first time on this channel i want to address you, i should not have been in this place, i did not must was to record this video, there should have been another person in my place, but this person was killed by vladimir putin. 3 days ago, vladimir putin killed my husband, alexei navalny, but putin also took navalny away from you, somewhere in a colony in the far north, beyond the arctic circle, all... together with him he wanted to kill
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our hopes, our freedom, our the future, but today i want to be close to you, because i know that you have lost as much as i have. alexey died in a colony after 3 years of torture, he didn’t just sit, he didn’t sit like others are sitting, he was tortured, he was kept in a punishment cell. in a concrete box , please, just imagine, he was starved, 3 years of hunger, and not only did he not give up, he supported us all the time, encouraged us, laughed, joked, inspired, not for a split second did he doubt that for that he was fighting and for which he was suffering, alexey more than anything else in the world, loved russia, loved our country , in you, he believed... in us, in our strength, in our future, in the fact that we deserve the best,
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he believed beyond words , in fact, so deeply sincere that he was ready to give his life, i ask you to share with me the rage, rage, anger, hatred for those who dared to kill our future, i address you with the words of alexei, which i really believe in, it’s a shame to do little, it’s a shame to do nothing. this is where i want to dwell on this text, it is not emotional, it cannot be mistaken for a sincere cry from the soul, these are not the words of an inconsolable widow, these are not sincere bitterness coming from the heart, a desire for compassion, and so on and so forth. they wrote to her, she read it. see how the dramaturgy of the text itself is built. here interesting, these contrasts, russia is hope, russia is the future, russia
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is happy, these are navalny’s dreams and desires , yes, a prison in the arctic circle, thousands of kilometers from civilization, this is today’s russia, right, that is, two poles, a villain, a murderer , and the purest, most honest person who wants the prosperity of his fatherland. as a result, the call to take to the streets with protests with the desire to overthrow the existing system, pure propaganda work, and now let's look a little at the external form of this speech of hers, that's how her performance is dissected by people who want to convince us that it's true, that it's sincere, that's how, say, the new york times does it, it's no frills. a stripped-down, almost severe look befitting the seriousness of her life, a visual counterpart
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to the navalnys' demand for a transparent and uncorrupted russian government , the board's open cutouts are meant to create a wide zone of clear, uninterrupted space around her head and shoulder, allowing for an unobstructed view. there's even something slightly regal about it, like as if she already existed in a future portrait of herself as queen or first lady, her red manicure provides the only visual hint of the emotions hidden beneath the surface. thanks to this we clearly see inside it can be torn to shreds. but from the outside, she looks extremely withdrawn, motherfucker, and now
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let's take a look from the other side of the cameras, this is the observation of a professional person who worked a lot on television, he is a screenwriter, and videographer, blogger and so on, his name is rosslan nigomatyanov , exhibited a whole set. studio, non-chrome key, well-developed volume of space, selected according to the canons of cinematic images, location, symmetry was observed on both sides . videographers will confirm that in this regard, everything in the frame is artificial and thought out, a three-point light pattern, a painting light, filling the backlight on the top of the head,
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and it is clear that the light is set professionally, that is, behind the scenes... there is a whole battery of film equipment behind the sides of yulia three warm springs, additional blue cold lighting was placed against the background of the woman, to convey to the viewer yulia’s state. we noticed the screen coche, these are black stripes at the top and bottom of the screen, this usually happens when shooting with anomorphic lenses, they are due to the special structure of the lenses. as if they expand the visible space , i must tell you that this is a very expensive pleasure, only the editors will notice this, but between changes of shots you can see that the lavalier microphone on the dress sharply changes its position relative to the chain on the neck,
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this only happens when the fish , that is, the final video cord is assembled from...
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a person, a woman who really experiences grief , who really suffers, who really throw out their emotions and feelings, when it ’s real, when it’s impossible to do several takes, i’ll be honest, it hurts me to show it, and it hurts to watch it, but i can’t do it not to make you...
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putin took away the most precious thing i had, the closest and most beloved person. all these years i have been with alexei: elections, rallies, house arrest, searches, detentions, prisons, poisonings, more rallies, arrests prison again. here is our last meeting with him in mid-february 2022. our last photo. exactly in 2 years putin will kill him. all these years i have been next to alexei. i was happy to be with him and support him. guys, listen. she is not under arrest, she is not under sanctions. she can come, go,
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anywhere at any second. but, having learned about the death of her husband, after 3 hours she finds herself in a place other than where his... body is, at a munich conference, well, okay, let’s say she’s scared, she can be frightened by the fact that her will be arrested, well then, then why in 2021 is she dragging him to russia herself, knowing what awaits him there, but something doesn’t add up here, it means someone needs it, maybe including her, who knows, and also... since it’s about love, well, okay, i don’t want to interfere in personal relationships, but still, the awareness that the person close to you, the one you ’re talking about, is...
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on the contrary, extremely important for a person, located, under pressure, to travel as much as possible, to see, read, and fill as much as possible his life is something interesting, unfortunately, alexey was imprisoned, but no one imprisoned her , listen to how mrs. navalnaya defines the life and torment of her husband, who, by the way, was never there with him, he
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is not just sat, did not sit like others sit, he was tortured, he was kept in a punishment cell in a concrete box, please just imagine, he was mocked, cut off from the world, not given a pen and paper to write a letter to me or our children. how is what ms. navalnaya says about the difficult situation corrected? and the torment of her husband, how much can this be combined with the way she received an oscar for the best documentary film, the quality of which was determined not by the cinematography, only by the fact that it was a film about a russian oppositionist, it seems to me that the document is most ...
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a dispute broke out, hysterical that this is a fake, a forgery, and so on and so forth, i don’t want to get into these disputes, i’m interested in the essence, could this woman say what she said, especially since navalnaya herself admits that since february 2022 she can't help herself i saw, here is our last meeting with him in mid-february,
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and just to look at the situation, as if from a bird’s eye view, we came across an article by the writer of our friend, roman nosikov, which is called navalny, a special type of corruption, that’s what is written there. let's better talk about the phenomenon that alexey anatolyevich personifies. the irony of alexei anatolyevich’s fate is that
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he claims. the name of the fighter against corruption itself personified a very special type of corruption, the corruption of the opposition. most aleksey anatolyevich wanted money. it was this quality that became the reason why foreign intelligence services paid attention to him. alexei is quite rightly accused of being an agent of hostile influence, a traitor and a traitor. there is another type of damage that remains beyond attention, the fact is that with the help of alexei and his clones, the yashins, chirikovs, as well as with the help of his gang, volkov, alburov, sobol and so on, the opposition in the country was completely destroyed , abroad russia is accused of destroying our the opposition, the west is absolutely right, it...
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russia is really being destroyed, but not the bloody tyrant putin, the west itself, he destroys it with the help of corruption, turning it into his agents. and this is exactly what vladimir volfovich was talking about, by the way, who represents a real, real opposition, but not a destructive one, but a creative position, the question arises. does the government need opposition? of course it is necessary, very necessary, and by the way, i spoke about this back in 1993, i generally believe that the majority is never right, and any majority needs a minority that will become a majority, and it will need a new minority, because without opposition there can be no democracy anywhere and never, opposition is a sign of the quality
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of democracy. just what kind of opposition , what can we call it opposition, those youngsters who were kicked out by the navalnists on the street, not even understanding what they were fighting for, while navalny’s children themselves were in london, they were driven by promises, promises of money, remember our besogon, continue, how to keep interest, here's how to keep interest, alexey navalny. everyone, if the policeman is so careless that he detains you on march 26, then i promise to sue you for 10,000 euros, here is one of the victims of this promise message, look, okay, okay, in the comments they support us, they write that everyone will receive 10,000 euros, in general, everything is great, thanks for the price, about 10,000 are discussing.
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