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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 10, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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and movies, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website. ukrainian media are reporting explosions in odessa and the nikolaev region against the backdrop of a previously announced air raid warning, and in odessa three explosions are reported at once in one area of ​​the city; these images, apparently, are the result of being hit by one of these same explosions. it is reported that geraniums are working, in addition, information about arrivals is also coming from kharkov. an air raid alert has also been declared in poltava, sumy, kharkov and cherkasy regions. appeared
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footage of the arrest by fsb officers of a moscow resident who, according to the department, was selling secret data to the ukrainian special services. it is reported that the suspected engineer of the mars design bureau found a special program on his work computer, with the help of which he transferred secret information to the cloud, to which representatives of the ukrainian side also had access. a criminal case has been opened under the article of treason. france. is creating an alliance of countries ready to send western military personnel to ukraine, an american publication writes about this politico. the authors of the publication note that paris is thereby deepening its confrontation with the more cautious berlin. let me remind you that emmanuel macron previously not only did not rule out sending the french military to help kiev, but stated that in the matter of supporting the armed forces of ukraine for him, quote: there are no red line limits. and this is against the backdrop of the largest nato exercises since. about what
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europe may ultimately come to under the influence of washington and nato, alexander khristenko. an unknown submarine has been discovered in norwegian waters. the crew of the newest french frigate normandy is on alert. a helicopter was used to locate the submarine. the submarine, actually german, is all a legend of the stage on...
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sweden, even geographically, is obviously not in danger, but the chances of going somewhere under the clock of yar to fight for zelensky suddenly became different from zero. macron’s idea continues to excite european minds, the eastern part of which, in particular poland, cannot make up their mind, either they reject the very idea of ​​it, or they begin to flirt with the idea. i appreciate the french initiative of recent days, because in my opinion, she has good intentions, namely that... the russian
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president asked himself what our next step would be, so that he was not sure that we would not do anything creative, so he could plan his scenarios, putin, you angered macron, macron is angry, the exaltation, rather expected from ordinary citizens, at the sight of the movement of a military echelon, followed macron and captured french political circles, some of which, judging by the report of the politician’s publication from the training ground, the area of ​​​​which is larger than paris. send soldiers from the champs-elysees to the european killing fields. french troops are preparing for a high-intensity conflict against an enemy that can match their firepower . officers do not name potential enemies, but the training is aimed at preparing troops to fight an adversary such as russia. it is clarified that during exercises , french soldiers sleep on average for 4 hours in uncomfortable military vehicles, which they move every 5 minutes, otherwise an artillery strike follows. so far in the form of an explosion.
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educational min. learn to work with drones and read paper maps. it is assumed that electronic ones may not work due to turnips. goal: by 2027, the french army should be able to deploy one. the british foreign minister prefers to act a little more subtly; he is against sending western soldiers even to train the armed forces of ukraine in ukraine, but is both in favor of hybrid war. it was leaked to the press what proposal for tauros cameron came to berlin with. a simple two-step move should
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save germany from the status of a direct participant in the conflict, and at the same time from difficult thoughts related to historical memory. in an interview with cameron, the german südeutschitzeitung has already outlined the scheme. a ring exchange in which germany supplies you with taurus, and the uk supplies stormshed to ukraine. we are ready to consider all options for achieving maximum effect for ukraine, but i will not go into detail and tell our opponents what we are planning. at a security council meeting, he spoke about what else the west is ready to go to in order to save its geopolitical project of turning ukraine into anti-russia from collapse. our first deputy. the vaunted american abrams burn no worse than the advertised german ones.
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and only china and switzerland insist that russia participate in the upcoming summit to end the conflict in ukraine. the south china morning post writes about this, citing sources. the article notes that beijing and bern share a pragmatic view of how to achieve peace and that a format without russia risks becoming the diplomatic equivalent of a potemkin village. zelensky is even happy with this kind of pr, and in moscow more than once. gave understand that the development of a so-called peace formula without the participation of russia is nothing more than an attempt at an ultimatum, and of course, will not be taken into account. alexander khristenko, inna koshkina, lead. and in poland there are mass protests again. now not
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only farmers took to the streets, representatives of different professions took to the march. the poles do not want to fight in ukraine for the interests of the west and demand that the hawks in the country's leadership finally hear them. olga panomareva. more details, mothers, wives, turks, mothers, wives, daughters, granddaughters and sisters, polish women took to the streets to protest against their men being sent to war in ukraine. if women took to the streets, then the problem has affected every family. and the outbreak of popular anger cannot be extinguished so easily when children come out on stage and say: “let those who fight for the war themselves.” and after prime minister tusk refused to close the border to grain from ukraine, farmers are threatening to block all of poland on march 20. it
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is possible that they will be joined by these people who also want to stay away from kiev. this is not our war. when the president almost offered it to france. leader of europe to send troops to ukraine germany and other major players said no and stepped aside. and only the baltic countries took up the russophobic idea. the head of the polish foreign ministry tried to do the same. i appreciate the recent french initiative because there are good intentions behind it, so that the kremlin thinks about what our next step will be and is not sure that we will not do anything creative, so we would not be free to plan our scenarios. this ability is asymmetrical escalation as well. it was these words that provoked people to take to the streets. the polish elite have been demonstrating their mood for escalation for a long time, increasing the american military presence on their territory. in december, in the polish redzekowie, not far from the russian border, another
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us base was put into operation, in february a large-scale nato exercise was held on polish territory, and now president duda wants to build an air hub near warsaw for the rapid transfer of alliance equipment. a large airport should be built in poland to provide logistics for troops north atlantic alliance in eastern europe, we need an airport that can accommodate the largest.
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community leaders sent an open letter to these leaders. nato must remain a defensive alliance and must not become an instrument for the unbridled geopolitical ambitions of the bloc's key members. we call on polish politicians to refrain from offensive and rhetorical excesses and empty threats, which, unfortunately, indicate an inability to realistically assess poland's capabilities in a real military situation confrontation. the ambassador tried to clumsily hush up the scandal with a warning about the tragic consequences of the escalation. poland in the usa, pan magirovsky could not find anything better than accusing his compatriots of sympathizing with
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the kremlin and repeating the mantra about military support for ukraine as the only chance for peace in europe, but it is unlikely that these people who came out would agree with pan, who is sitting in a distant washington office to the streets and ready to go to the end. olga panomaryova, evgenia zemtsova, news! a large-scale anti-government rally is taking place in israel, between clashes have already begun between protesters and police. the protest is taking place near a complex of government buildings, and traffic at one of the central intersections of the city is blocked. thousands of israelis took to the streets of tel aviv, they demand the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu , early elections and the signing of a new exchange agreement with hamas. the deportation of more than 1,200 russians is
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the plan of the latvian authorities for this year. formal reason for violating immigration laws. we are talking about our compatriots who, until december last year, we did not have time to submit documents to obtain a permanent two-year or temporary residence permit. most of the supposedly malicious violators are pensioners who are unlikely to be able, at least in a short time, to fulfill the requirements of the new law and pass the latvian exam. but as it exists, it’s all because they speak russian and have a second russian citizenship, now there are plans to deport
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1167 people who did not pass the linguistic test, most of them are over 60 years old, but pensioners can hardly learn a new language, she didn’t go to take the exam because she was signing up, but she had some kind of psychological barrier, she knew that she wouldn’t pass, she was very afraid, she had no income, not from relatives, not from latvian, nothing, she was detained in own house, taken to the local police station, arrested, taken to the airport, the family remained there, that’s what i
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receive information from people who, therefore, are connected with the resettlement, 40, 40 families every day, every day contact the migration service when leaving latvia, mostly russian-speaking, he now plans open an ngo to provide consultations to those facing deportation. mitrossiy has already promised the expelled citizens assistance in settling down. alexander bobrov did not wait for deportation; he left on his own. now he has returned to riga as a tourist and is thinking about how to get his mother away. this new law. i would call it the law of discrimination, it affected 90-95% of pensioners, hope for the future that here it will be possible to get a residence permit or extend it or get another or permanent one, there is no hope for this, why? because it seems to me that things like this won't end. the former mayor of riga, nil ushakov, tried to challenge the decision on mass deportation in the constitutional court,
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but representatives of the seimas in court stated that there are too many russian citizens in latvia, and this. a threat of 70 years, a pensioner, a russian citizen, does not know how to put garvarzin, this is how all this can threaten the security of latvia, and which expulsion from our country forcibly will increase or improve this security, lithuania has also followed the latvian path, vladimir voda, who lived in vilnius, 35 years old, considered a threat state security and expelled from the country, the local authorities did not like his answer to the question whose crimea is, in vilnius he will be left alone with oncology. my mother blamed me for the fact that 5 years ago i was on red square in lithuania, a photograph of a man against the backdrop of the spasskaya tower is a death sentence. those who were deprived of vng in latvia are not paid a local or russian pension; our pension fund is transferred every month, but european banks constantly slow down payments due to sanctions. if people say more directly that they are not
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they are satisfied with this political regime or what they like, say, the russian president. then preventive measures are applied to them, censorship is everywhere, broadcasting of russian television is prohibited, well , this is discrimination, because i, for example, want to watch what i want, they are literally pushing out of latvia those russian citizens who have not yet been expelled, they are awaiting verification and courts, but local authorities have already stated that the deadline will come in april this year. vitalzny gurbushuev, natalya novgorodova, anastasia zorina and marina naumova, news! russian emergency situations ministry warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. zaporozhye nuclear power plant is the largest in europe and the first in the world to generate 1 trillion kilowatt-hours. through the efforts of the armed forces of ukraine, they also set
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an anti-record. i have already been in the so -called blackout mode eight times, that is, i was completely disconnected from the power supply. but she didn’t just cope, she lives and works and began her large-scale development path in the large rosatom family. zaporozhye nuclear power plant supplied provided electricity to over 10 million people and dozens of the largest enterprises... covered 20% of the country's total needs, supplied electricity to the zaporozhye, dnepropetrovsk, nikolaev, kherson, odessa regions, and until 2015 it supplied power to crimea, until ukrainian militants blew up lep. yuri chernichuk, until 2022, the chief engineer and now the director of the zaporozhye npp, recalls: we had one of the lines, it went to mariupol,
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this is our famous, infamous azovstan, from this unit, by the way. well speaking geographically, then from the fifth or sixth, yes, the fourth power unit worked in zaporozhye, the first second in nikopol manganets, each was essentially built as a powerful industrial facility, since september 11 , 2022 the station has not been working in generation mode, when it was turned off the last block, since then we have been working in electricity consumption mode, from that moment until today we receive electricity from the ukrainian side.
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now literally this is the place where - in the summer of twenty-two or in the fall, i no longer i remember, probably, in the fall, in october , a shell arrived from the opposite side, well, it’s right next to the reactors, these are practically walls, and the walls are cut, from zaes through the shallowed kokhovskoye reservoir to kiev-controlled nikopol and manganets, less than 10 km, from there, shelling and drone attacks are virtually daily. ukrainian nationalists struck indiscriminately; the possible consequences, a man-made disaster on a global scale, did not worry them much. the auxiliary infrastructure facilities of the nuclear power plant are, for obvious reasons, less so. protected than the reactor blocks, the apu used them to carry out strikes and artillery and drone attacks. here, next to me, the shank sticks out of the ground, a little further down, there is a blank from a cluster munition, and all this is in
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close proximity to the so-called shayat. skhayat stands for dry storage facility for spent nuclear fuel. it is now headed by viktor radionov. all 25 years of work for the race now seem like a blink of an eye for him compared to the last two years of ukrainian terrorism. and so the most powerful was in august 2023, in july twenty-second only because it was a day off, there were no casualties. 19 there was no one at work, if there had been staff at work, the trailer is stitched through on both sides with fragments, everything is at chest level, if there had been staff, i would not have had staff, here there were 16 flights around this building, from the site i i was left alone, everyone left, but now i have recruited all the staff. practically the site is working, so we didn’t leave our work, now we’re like new, we can still hear it in the distance
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it doesn’t work, but it’s ours that works, well, ours , well, if they arrive, it doesn’t matter where to go, we have to work, live, we will live, because of the shelling, the power units of the plant were put into shutdown mode, and of the four lines feeding the station, only one remained working : there will be no electricity, the system... the cooling will be disrupted and a man -made disaster cannot be avoided, as in the case of the fukushima accident, when the external power supply was disrupted and the two existing diesel generators could not cope with the task, such installations are designed to supply electricity at a critical moment control systems pumps, which in turn pump cooling water through the reactor core and prevent it from melting, this takes a few hours, then a powerful explosion, the fokusima scenario for the race is completely excluded, full readiness. there are dozens of mobile electric generators running on diesel fuel, this is a loss of external power supply when the station switches to powering its own needs from
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diesel generators, now we are passing by a red building, we have six blocks, for each block there are three of them diesel generators and there are two more so-called general station diesel generators , in total there are 20 of them, now there are five reactors in cold shutdown mode , one power unit is in hot shutdown... time, as soon as we drive away the fashk a little, then, in general, here we have we will have the opportunity to work and provide economic assistance for the zaporozhye region.
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the majority of npp employees live in energodar. now the city's population is over 20 thousand people. last year it was half as much. 95% of residents have already received russian passports. everyone receives due payments and benefits, pensions, scholarships, maternity capital. business comes thanks. in the created special economic zone , public transport began to operate, shops are open , people are returning home, from the first day of the formation of the military-civil administration, caring people came here, those who were waiting for the return to their family and were waiting for the arrival of the russian federation, people are faced with psychological pressure from from the other side and... with threats, here we are under fire, people calmly take it, they are ready to work in these conditions, to fight these difficulties that we currently have,
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they are ready to overcome, for the sake of the future, they see that they have a future, the energodar administration even has a kind of museum, in the collection are fragments of shells that flew through the building and the surrounding area . shells, more remnants from rockets, hummers that flew here, artillery also visited, the famous sadness, one of the arrivals hit right on the roof. reception of the head of the city, but not only did they not frighten everyone, on the contrary, they stimulate them to work. together with the mayor, we go to a number of social facilities where reconstruction is underway. air defense is activated.
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they shoot down an enemy in the sky, but no one pays attention, here this is already a familiar thing, like a playground for you, like a playground, excellent, excellent, come often, i come every day, how old are you? 66, a new street sports ground near the local school boxing is in demand no less than an indoor gym, thanks to the support of rosatom, sports facilities have been transformed beyond recognition, major repairs have been carried out, from replacing engineering networks, insulation of facades before installation. europe and the olympic games. the athletes are very happy, the athletes are happy, their parents are happy, in general, the hall has filled up. the only medical facility in energodar is a medical sanitary unit; specialists from the federal medical and biological agency of russia are treating residents of zaporozhye npp employees. the
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hospital was completely renovated this year. local employees got used to such working conditions a long time ago, but they didn’t invest money in maintenance, they got used to working with old equipment, they got used to repairing it themselves, what are we talking about now? i think there were 60 or 80 plumbers, then we had 20. technicians and then they were chasing them, they open the door, look at the door, that’s how it was and how it is now, people come, call for tests , employees from departments pass by, every day, no circle of admiration there are no conversations, how are you, how are you, how local doctors and seconded specialists of the fmba, the so-called consolidated medical detachment from different regions of russia, work in the medical unit, under the compulsory medical insurance policy, here you can now get any...
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available medical service, as in everyone city ​​of the country, this year plans to renovate two more floors of the clinic and two hospital departments. we received sufficient quantities of equipment, the latest equipment, a complete set, starting from the hospital, the operating room, the entire diagnostic department, the emergency department, we received many functional beds for patients, the entire... vehicle fleet in the hospital was completely updated. major renovations are underway in emergadar kindergartens, including major renovations inside the premises. playgrounds have already begun to be installed in the adjacent area. the previous ones have not been changed since soviet times. reconstruction of the largest orthodox church has resumed. construction did not move for 10 long years. repairs began at the first zas power unit. according to the
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maintenance plan for diesel generators. security systems, then such preventive maintenance will be carried out on the remaining five units. our site, one might say, is one of the very first to begin a repair campaign. alexander kukolev has been working at the station for 30 years and intends to work until retirement, although he, like many of his colleagues, was repeatedly threatened after transfer of the plant under russian control. in the telegram channel they write that they will hire people in general. they are looking for a car with me, yes there is such a thing, they said this because i signed an agreement, a contract with rossatom and received a passport as a citizen of the russian federation, because of this, yes there is such a thing, yes, many people have this and many people they were afraid of this, they were threatened, so some of them lived with us in norgadar until a certain point in time, then , due to such pressure, they could not stand it and
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left. the ukrainian armed forces back up their threats shelling of objects at the station in july, in my opinion, twenty-two , hymers arrived in one of the locations of these spray pools, we had to take it out for repairs, restore its functionality, and when mr. grossi arrived, we showed him this area, which was damaged this hymers. shell and gave it to him, gave him one of these fragments, which was, on which they were clearly visible, well , the identifier of this shell, why it was made there, the serial number, since then the magathe commission has been working at the station, per day during our filming, the water level in the spray pools was checked again, after the dam was blown up, kokhovsky...


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