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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 10, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations , we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there is a prospect, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are not comparatively original in your questions, but what about production in general ? house of export, what it is, our product , children's sports schools were among the first in severodonetsk to begin restoring, as employees note, children and parents regularly come in, asking when are classes, when... to start, when
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you can start, and those who have remained teaching here are those who did not leave their hometown, in spite of everything, the sweep was completed by stealing, we run, we run, we run, slow running, i took my hands, since the eighty-third year i have been teaching a boxing section, first at the school of technical education, after... on a voluntary basis for a decade i ended up in this school by accident, as it happens, but as there were no coaches, and i was passing by here and they asked me to come in, i’ve been here for 10 years already, the street is doing one thing, the hall is doing another, they probably said everything from above - after all. take care of the children, they waited even before the svo,
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when we get closer to russia, but how did we survive, since everyone, i probably didn’t even, i don’t know how to say, i didn’t go down to the basement, i looked, i didn’t look, in the apartment, but one main wall, the second stood behind it, lay . we were hiding and there was a dog, because of which we could not leave here, since no one would accept us with the dog, or maybe they would, but we decided to stay here, it was because of the dog, ours occupied severodonetsk, after six months he was not in the house
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was 4 years old, the facade, it was from the side of lesichansk that they beat us, so everything is fine, family survived, the team gathered, there was one coach from the lisary, and we spent the night here in turns, all the windows were covered with plastic, it was normal here, the dirt was no longer flying, and the kids immediately began to come, we do our job, first of all we raise children, and then the sport will be lucky... unlucky, he will become a champion
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, he will not become, this is another question, first of all , for him to become a person, and how old are you 11, in april this will be 12, and what are you studying here, boxing, and you have been for a long time you work out, well , i went in the summer, and then because this gym settled. i couldn’t walk far because it was, and now i’ve come again, well , now everything has changed here, it’s brighter, the lights are done properly, you like it, yes vladim petrovich, he’s very kind and teaches his lesson well and normally, in sports i i want to achieve strength, strength of confidence, in a year or two i broke all the bags. new ones are hung up
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if the group is 10 people, and we have bags , probably 15 shells, but not bags, shells, therefore it turns out one... well, it was hard to study there, here there is a lot of space, here it’s good, here you can jump rope, i won’t hurt anyone, but i myself am a refugee from lisichanskaya, i want to become
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an athlete, i want to become a coach, i will teach children, i also want to start my own gym. the only indoor tennis court in the lpr has already been repaired here. the hall has existed in the soviet union since 1959 and to this day, as you can see, it is functioning and ready to receive its own. walls both for training and for competitions of participating athletes. there were hits in the hall, there were hits on the roof, which, let’s say, destroyed it on a large scale, but today the renovation work was carried out at a professional level, so everything
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has been repaired. i would like to thank the builders for treating the restoration of this hall with such professionalism. after the northern part of the then lugansk region remained under the control of the kiev regime in 1414, the city of severodonetsk was made the capital and was actively used for propaganda purposes, which continues to this day, now the ukrainian side declares that there are absolutely no people in this city, but as we see this is not so, for 8 years ukrainian... the media methodically carried out anti-russian propaganda, those who believed, but quickly became convinced in practice of the opposite: in the summer of twenty-two, immediately after the liberation, the new city administration tried to help everyone in need first of all children who survived the fighting in the city. it was necessary to solve
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the problem with children this summer, because there were quite a lot of children in the city, several hundred of whom it was decided to take for rehabilitation obshestsky region, perm region. it was problematic to do this, firstly, it was necessary to identify the children who lived with their parents in the basement, and secondly, it was necessary to convince the parents that we would really send the children for recovery, everything would be fine with them, because that ukrainian propaganda , who worked for eight years in the city, they clearly hammered home that the russians would come today and take your children to organs or some other terrible thing, there is no need to do this under any circumstances, but we managed to work with perm, people worked hard, a lot , met with parents , convinced, showed how it would be, and the first group of children that we took out was for the sake of heroic deeds, you need to understand that they not only talked, but they did it, they did it very professionally, at the time of the announcement of the svo, a clear
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program was built in order to show the whole world that their efforts were crowned with success and today all residents of severodonetsk will leave their beloved hometown, because they do not expect the russian world, they hate russia and so on, there was a clearly structured program, a cruel program , it is inhuman, it was implemented here on the territory of the city, at first timid, let’s say, agitation was organized to leave the city, when the population decided to courageously overcome the difficulties that had been created, then yes, well, we’ll survive the winter, spring will come, we’ll try to have electricity, warm up, then the decision was made to start shelling the city, the first shelling of the city.
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here under the church they had a weapons depot , some of the germans, lord, well, that’s what we called them nazis, there were weapons here, it’s impossible to tell, and they flew here. everything, well, when all these detonated, it was impossible
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to be here at all, because everything was flying here, everything was in holes, we patched it up, the barn burned down, the cow was burned, they could barely pull it out, it was terrible, everything was on fire, explosions, we they couldn’t stand it anymore, the cow was just kicking its legs like that, you know, it’s scary, they threw it, i thought, well, it’s going to kill, it’s going to kill, they jumped out. cellar, let’s barely untie her, she’s burnt, let her out, and they themselves go back to the cellar and the calf with i went to her, they went to the field, and then the burnt one, well, at lunchtime she came to milk, they cried here in general, here i was hurt, and how many times they ran in, it’s good that the door is iron, they only heard, you know, fragments ding-ding day- day, well, we made it. we lived
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here during the war, these were all empty houses , everything was there, we just looked out and didn’t go out, but we still had a divine thing here on our edge, at the end there, oh, horror, it was horror there , of course, there, what are they like, nitrogen, azov or whatever they are? what did they do, they did what they wanted, oh my god, to the store comes in, glory to ukraine, everyone is silent , because we are all russians here, well, what a glory to ukraine, and what kind of ukraine, if we survived, 2.0 pension, and for gas i had to pay 3.5 a month, how could i live, we collected it for firewood, that’s how we survived, now , thank god, we’ve returned to... they say home, that’s how you can, you can, now you can live and not
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only live, i say, you can put it aside and give a gift to your children and grandchildren , and it was as if we lived on a bread farm in ukraine, we all had to help, the eldest 2002 in samara, and lyosha left in 14, because they started walking around with machine guns, i said: leave, i just can’t stand it, no, they came where you were hiding, to take him, to take our boys, so they climbed into the cellar, where did you find him? you’re hiding it, on a mountain, and what’s under the machine gun, i’m standing there, i’ll tell you, but look for it, it’s not there.
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i am a resident of the village of borovskoye, this is my school , where i studied, where i work with pleasure, we were here, i stayed with my family, thank god everything is fine, we all survived, the whole house and continued to work at the school, i worked v our school is in its ninth year, it has changed. for the better, well, i mean in terms of renovation, a very modern school, children are provided with all the opportunities for learning, like interactive whiteboards, a computer, a projector, we didn’t have that, well, now they study in russian, at first it was kind of difficult to switch , because we taught them in ukrainian, well, in principle, they cope , they try, there are difficulties, also of course with
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writing in russian, with the rules, well , in general they try. as if it were theirs, well , their native language is easier for them, of course, well, big it’s quite cool, we now have 29 people, and children come, even from other countries , a boy returned from germany, people come from russia from different regions, well, the children want to go home, and many, many children were here, i saw them during the war , that is, they are our little heroes, i met them, it was of course, they hugged, they went to school, probably already like a family, well, there is such a thing, yes, i love them very much, and i’m glad that they stayed here, here are lermontov and kassil, we have a lot of military books, and bondariva, the hot snow, basically we received more
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ukrainian literature, russian classics, m... we received practically no children's literature, no classics, the supplies were also old, so they read children's books, in russian, but they read more in russian children, when the russian army came, well, that means we began.
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is due to the fact that today control over the implementation of this project is directly with the president of the russian federation, a huge amount of work is being done, maybe not at the pace we would like, yes, because we today we are in the front-line zone and there is a certain fear, but believe me, it is really big, today all of russia is working here in the city, according to pr rules it was possible to do pr
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initially, yes, that is, a certain object, contractors came in, we decided, we will ... to defend your country is a duty, an obligation, without fulfilling which you will lose honor, this is who we, the modern generation, should take as an example
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from our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, this granddaughter wrote everything, yes, then she wrote essays from stories mothers, grandmothers, they all talked about the war, about grandfather, he himself talked about it, i was little, i remember everything, if my daughters are asked to write at school, we will write an essay with her. on may 9, we continued to gather all the time at our dachas, turn on music, grandfather, who loved songs, with st. george’s ribbons, we celebrated may 9 all the time to this day and will continue to celebrate, and for us this is the biggest holiday of the year, in the twenty-third year we also noted, i even have photographs, i bought st. george ribbons, we have flags the car was hung up here in the city, we drove around, we weren’t afraid of anything and we won’t be afraid, because...
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and after the fighting he returned to school, looked, although they were already shooting here and there, they gave him a coin next to him, he went there for the last time, again there were flowers here, roses, a narwhal of roses went home, and flowers on the street.
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“i want it to be very beautiful, i think it will be like all cities in russia, excellent, beautiful, everything is fine with us now, everything suits us already, everything will be restored, in the near future there will be beautiful girls, it will be a beautiful city, gradually everything will be fine.
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" "the battles for severodonetsk lasted for 4 long months, of course, it is simply impossible to restore everything quickly, after such destruction, and yet severodonetsk lives, it was empty here in the city, there was no one it happened, the shells were still sticking out in the asphalt, they opened the salon as soon as water and electricity appeared, purchasing power increased, people began to receive more pensions and somehow spent it more fun. we already have peace, everything will be restored, there will be a beautiful city, gradually everything will be fine.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
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russia, russia.
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90 thousand military, fifty ships, 80 fighters. helicopters, drones, and more than a thousand ground combat vehicles. nato exercises, and even the largest ones since the cold war, are taking place in close proximity to the russian borders. today , abrams tanks delivered from the united states were involved in the maneuvers, which started at the end of january and will last until may. the tank platoon set off on a march across poland. simultaneously with the topic maybe.


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