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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 10, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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powerful explosions occurred in ukraine. late at night, messages came from several regions of the country at once. according to local publications, there were at least two series of attacks in the odessa region. we heard the roar of detonation in odessa itself. explosions also occurred in the kharkov region and the capital. from
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this region. a little earlier, similar information came from the territory of the kherson region, controlled by the kiev regime, and the city of snegerivka in kherson itself. an air raid alert was announced in 13 regions of the country, as well as in territories of the kherson region, where militants are now in control. but in the kherson region , the russian military helped the artillerymen carry out precise strikes on the enemy. the drone operators successfully handled reconnaissance and fire adjustments. during the flight over the right bank of the dnieper, the fighters spotted the position of the ukrainian armed forces radar station. the coordinates were transferred to the command, and it was decided to fire a salvo of high-precision, adjustable projectiles from krasnopol. this task was effectively completed by the combat crew of the msta s self-propelled gun, which was located 20 km away the militants' radar was destroyed from the target. it's no secret that most of the information is obtained thanks to.
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surrender to raise the white flag, but others believe that such a scenario will reveal the strongest, what do you think? i believe that the one who sees the situation is stronger , the one who thinks about people, the one who has the courage to raise the white flag and negotiate, today you can negotiate with the help of international powers, the word negotiations is brave when you see what you are enduring defeat, that things are going wrong, you need to have courage and negotiate, you are ashamed, but how many deaths will this end, but in the meantime france is gathering alliances of states. which in theory could send troops to ukraine, the political publication reports. it is known that the three baltic countries have already supported the idea, unlike germany, the czech republic and others, who refused to send their military. the most likely pretext for the deployment of nato troops in ukraine is considered to be a mine clearance operation. let me remind you that earlier the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania stated that there could be no form of support for kiev excluded. and the head of the foreign ministry. said that he did not
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see anything incredible in the presence of nato troops in ukraine. polish farmers are threatening to organize mass protests across the country if the authorities do not change their rhetoric towards ukraine. among the demonstrators now are not only farmers, but representatives of various professions. they do not support nato's idea of ​​fighting in ukraine. olga panomaryova will tell you what else residents are dissatisfied with. granddaughters and sisters, polish women took to the streets to protest against sending them men for the war in ukraine, if women took to the streets, then the problem has affected every family, the outbreak of popular anger cannot be extinguished so easily when children come out on stage and say, let those who fight for the war themselves. tussky to the ukrainian front, koszyniak morawiecki, to the donetsk front, they showed how to take seven the day before. polish farmers
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protesting against benefits for ukrainian goods. and after prime minister tusk refused to close the border to grain from ukraine, farmers are threatening to block all of poland on march 20. it is possible that to they will be joined by these people who also want to stay away from kiev. who is not our war, who is not our war. when the french president almost suggested that european leaders send troops to ukraine, germany and other major players said no and pulled away. and only the baltic countries took up the russophobic idea. the head of the polish foreign ministry tried to do the same. i appreciate the recent french initiative because there are good intentions behind it to... the kremlin wondered what our next step would be and were not sure that we would not take nothing creative, therefore they could not freely plan their scenarios, this ability of asymmetric escalation should also be on our side. it was these words that provoked people to take to the streets. the polish elite
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has been demonstrating its mood for escalation for a long time, increasing the american military presence on its territory. in december , another us base was put into operation in redzekowie, poland, not far from the russian border. in february they held a large-scale nato exercise on polish territory, and now president duda wants to build an air hub near warsaw for rapid transfer of alliance equipment. a large airport should be built in poland to provide logistics for nato troops in eastern europe. we need an airport that can accommodate the largest military transport aircraft. but according to an investigation by the polish media, they have to pay for the transfer of american ones. equipment, both due to the maintenance of us bases, comes from the warsaw budget. in addition, as former cia analyst larry johnson admits, when the united states considers hypothetical conflict scenarios, they assume that retaliatory strikes will be carried out on nato bases in europe, and then
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poland will become extreme. a conflict with a nuclear power, which is russia, is unacceptable for us, i am not an apologist for russia, but our policy is divorced from reality, poland has been sent for 25 years. 2% of its gdp goes to the nato budget, which is controlled by the anglo-saxons in their own interests, despite the fact that russia is no longer the same as under the ussr under stalin. wojcach esman is one of the representatives of the polish diaspora in the united states. they are trying to prevent for their country worst case scenario. on the eve of the visit of prime minister tusk and president duda to washington, on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of poland's accession to nato, public figures sent an open letter to these leaders. nato must stay. defensive alliance and should not become a tool for realizing the unbridled geopolitical ambitions of the bloc’s key members. we call on polish politicians to refrain from offensive and rhetorical excesses and empty threats, which, unfortunately, indicate an inability to truly appreciate opportunities poland in a situation of real military
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confrontation. the polish ambassador to the united states tried to clumsily hush up the scandal with a warning about the tragic consequences of the escalation. pan magirovsky did not find anything better than to blame his compatriots. conditions, that night the vks board with children landed at the chkalovsky airfield, where the plane was met by the commissioner for children's rights maria lvova belova. it was thanks to the work of the ombudsman’s office, the help of diplomats and the military that it was possible to find the minors and negotiate their
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return. in russia, children will first go through medical examination and social rehabilitation, after which they will meet with relatives. 32 children, 20 boys, returned to their homeland. 12 girls aged from 5 to 17 years old, all these children were in the rosh camp, in the cuban country, and lived in very difficult conditions, and half-starved, cold in terrible living conditions, and today they flew to moscow, now they will undergo rehabilitation , at the beginning of the examination in a medical clinic, and then rehabilitation in the moscow center, and after which they will be handed over to their close relatives, mostly grandmothers, more eighty palestinians have been killed over the past 24 hours as a result of israeli shelling in the gaza strip, the al-jazeera arabic television channel reported, citing the ministry of health. at least 120 more were injured. doctors continue to transport victims to area hospitals. the hospital
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is already overcrowded and lacks medicine and equipment. local residents are leaving their homes, which were turned into ruins after air raids. idps in the south are given gas. there is not enough food, as reported by the ministry of health, the number of known cases of death from hunger has reached 25. even in the usa they paid attention to the excessive cruelty of the israeli army. joe biden said that pm... he is hurting israel more than helping it by making the rest of the world go against what israel stands for, and i think that is a big mistake. meanwhile, the israeli army carried out attacks on missile launch sites in lebanon. the military struck the infrastructure of the hezbollah group, destroying several.
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why russians were detained in thailand, how the investigation into the murder of a st. petersburg lawyer is going on, about this and more immediately after the advertisement. pain may be different, no matter what caused the pain if there is pintalgin. universal remedies against different types of pain. pentalgin, we can do without the pain. deposit is
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hello, main right topic. in the end , i am andrey ivlev. in thailand they are figuring out the release of the program to conduct the duty department with you the circumstance of the detention of three russians, the owner of a cosmetology clinic and two of her employees. local police suspected them of carrying out illegal beauty procedures. it turned out that the establishment was making injections of youth without having special permission to do so. well,
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we ’ll talk further about the victims of beauty and those who profit from it, and here’s what else you’ll see. today, air smuggling, using a quadcopter, a drill and a spinning rod, criminals from kaliningrad tried to smuggle half a ton of amber across the border, and what the former deputy did in their ranks. unique details of the high-profile case of the contract murder of a st. petersburg lawyer: is the most dangerous person in this story at large, a linden for his beloved, or the opposite country. a new twist in the sensational story of the contract
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killing of a st. petersburg lawyer, let me remind you that the killer confused the victim and shot the driver. the lawyer, the alleged perpetrator and organizer were quickly detained, but this week it turned out that the most dangerous person, the customer, may remain at large crime, who gave the order for the fatal shot. what is known about the suspect, and what does the formerly influential crime boss have to do with it? my colleague olga zhurenkova found answers to these questions and talked with the probable killer. the probable killer andrei artyukhin, surrounded by security forces , leaves the office of the st. petersburg investigator. skr management. the man's face is hidden by a hood. according to the criminal case, artyukhin was supposed to deal with st. petersburg lawyer viktor patrushev. criminal in front of numerous eyewitnesses shot in the back of the head the man who brought the child to the gymnasium, but mistakenly shot the lawyer driver. only our film crew managed to ask artyukhin a couple of questions. tell us in general, how long did you follow the lawyer
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and why did you decide to shoot at the gymnasium? i repent of the crime i committed , i will explain it to you later. already at night, now he is being taken to the detention center in a paddy wagon. andrey artyukhin, a man with a rich criminal past, has several criminal records. in the late nineties, together with generalists attacked entrepreneurs and cashers. one of the crimes to which andrei artyukhin may be related is an attack on collectors, not far from the rus hotel in st. petersburg, in 2002. he left the colony 7 years ago, did odd jobs, and maintained
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friendly relations with his old acquaintance ginter rogauskas. last summer , ragauskas allegedly converted. for help , he told kartyukhin that for several million rubles he needed to eliminate the person. the meeting took place in one of the shopping centers in st. petersburg. and here, not far from the building of the arbitration court, artyukhin saw lawyer patrushev for the first time, remembered his face, clothes, gait, and manner of behavior and began to follow him. the killer did not even have a photograph of the victim, perhaps that is why at the time of the crime he identified himself as patrushev’s lawyer and shot his driver. they say that they were similar in appearance. this is footage of checking the testimony of a possible killer. northern. the cemetery of the city, a remarkable place, is where konstantin yakovlev, nicknamed kostya mogila, rests. influential in the past, a criminal authority, at one time he even bore the peculiar title of the watcher of st. petersburg. it was here in the cemetery that the accused artyukhin hid the weapon he used to shoot. much deeper, further away. there he is, yes, yes, forward, into the hole there, yes, yes. appeared, appeared.
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the investigation considers ginter sorogauskas, a resident of st. petersburg and owner of a small garbage collection company, to be the probable organizer of the crime. in the 2000s he could have been a member of the gang of crime boss arthur grizhewicz, known as the king of conflicts. he received such a nickname for his violent temper and excessive aggression. this was the basis for his system of retaining power in this criminal group due to a certain rigidity, certain foundations that were supported by the environment. his group, which he created in st. petersburg, consisted mainly of people from the authority . he died in 2007 from acute heart failure in a cell in a former internal fsb prison. investigators have yet to find out what role ginter’s detainee played in grzhizewicz’s criminal group. by according to operational data, he took part in committing some criminal
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cases in the group of zhevich, he does not really look like a driver, it is clear that, at a minimum, maybe if he was a driver, he combined the functions of a driver and a bandit with other functions, judging by his cache, he is a serious and difficult person, that's what... an arsenal was found during a search in rogauskas's garage, sniper rifles, several models of makarov pistols, glock, compact rapid-fire pistols, machine guns, magazines with cartridges, grenade launchers, tnt blocks and magnetic mines, rpgs, surveillance equipment, grenades, explosives, kalashnikov assault rifles. in total, investigators counted more than 50 weapons and ammunition. two expendable plates and two grenades were discovered. it is possible that rogauskas was the link between the killer. and the real customer of the crime, who still remains at large, we have an understanding that perhaps this is not just one customer, there is also a customer who is
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either higher or there together the order was carried out, and therefore we are still continuing to understand, we are investigating, collecting evidence, the investigation is ongoing, some media reported that the st. petersburg businessman sergei zhitkovich could have ordered patrushev’s lawyer, allegedly they have a long-standing financial and legal dispute. presumably, it all started in 2016, when patrushev asked an entrepreneur for a loan of 65 million rubles. as journalists wrote earlier, one of the disputed real estate objects between lawyer patrushev and businessman zhitkovich is this parking area with an area of ​​almost 7,000 km, on the outskirts of st. petersburg. according to one version, zhitkovich lent money drove patrushev into credit bondage, reduced the repayment period for millions to 6 months instead of 2 years and imposed interest. later, i... baizhitkovich, behind patrushev’s back, completely re-registered the property to his company and resold it. patrushev lost this house in st. petersburg. he was listed as collateral for the deal. according to documents, the house belonged to the lawyer's wife
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, louise michel. after a dubious operation , the right to the property was bought by the same alleged organizer of the murder, ginter rogauskas. but if you carefully study the documents, they contain the name zhitkovich and the name of his company. it is possible that the businessman used rogauskas as a figurehead. well-known in certain circles , he was involved in such large projects, where there were millions of money, what is characteristic of him is that he can cheat his business partners, as they say, at any stage, with the same citizen viktor patrush, they had a lot of projects, judging by the order , of course he didn’t want to resolve the issues, he was probably interested in somehow, i don’t know, maybe getting rid of him from patrushev, in in april last year, zhitkovich was tried for fraud and illegal security. term 3 years, conditionally. now, according to rumors, the businessman is on the run with an outstanding criminal record and is hiding abroad. investigators are now sorting out the details of this complicated criminal story. one thing is clear:
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the final episode of this gangster series from st. petersburg will not be released soon. olga zhurenkova, timofeev alileyev, ivan knyazev, maxim ovchan, maria bukata, dmitry kamsky. news, duty department. details of the case of two high-ranking police officers became known on saturday. arrested this week in moscow. colonels alexandra. karasev and rafael karagizyan were accused of murder; according to investigators, they committed the crime in 2009, when they served together in the internal affairs directorate of the poom region. both took turns heading the economic security department. subsequently, both korasev and karagizyan ended up in moscow at the academy of the ministry of internal affairs. according to news agencies, police dealt with the general director of an omsk construction company. the officers allegedly owed him 6 million rubles and decided to get rid of him this way creditor. he's running the business.
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it fell out of zaitsev’s bag and probably should have brightened up his being in pre-trial detention. there are nine other people in the company with the accused. investigators consider them perhaps the most cunning inventors in the region. here, near the nemon river, which separates russia and lithuania, they established amber smuggling by air. a quadcopter with a cord attached flew to the attackers from the lithuanian coast, bags of amber were attached to it, and then this cord was pulled through the water using a spinning reel. they transported about 189. kilogram amount over 25 million rubles. on october 12 , 2020, while trying to move amber weighing 3-34 kg, they were detained by fsb officers. the roles in the group were clearly distributed, for example, former deputy zaitsov allegedly handed over shipments of valuable goods. simple couriers were responsible for delivery. during the arrest, they rushed into the scattering and left packed bags with kilograms of sunstone in the forest. these
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operational shots are on screen for the first time. gang member pavel eroshevsky, already the person convicted in this case shows investigators how he transported the amber. you and the lithuanian call each other or whatever you call. yes. that's it, he hands the giftopter with a cord. yentar was stored in inconspicuous garages in the city of sovetsk. here it was packaged in bags, then loaded into cars and delivered to the krasnoznamensky district, where the neman flows. smugglers purchased raw materials from illegal miners. they travel daily. baltic sea, together with the police we go out on a raid in search of amber poachers. you and i can now observe two boats, right now we are heading towards them, most likely they are illegally mining amber. this man in a large shawl and torn overalls was most likely engaged in illegal fishing, but managed to unhook the ropes from the boat that held the pipes for soil erosion. the catcher introduced himself with the unusual name koroles
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and said that he was just fishing. we didn’t see any fishing gear in his boat, but we did notice an oxygen tank for a diver, binoculars to monitor the situation, a green enema, it is needed for washing amber mined from bottom, as well as a high-speed japanese motor worth hundreds of thousands of rubles. how much does your motor cost? misunderstanding. the burying of serious and expensive equipment is carried out by wealthy leaders of amber groups; ordinary citizens work for them. the so-called fishkari monitor the situation. they bring divers to the beach. on old suvs, such cars can easily drive through sand dunes. the car is completely beat up, old, for amber seekers it is important that it can drive anywhere, here there is a trailer, on they will leave him a boat, now it is not there, in all likelihood it will already be covering the expanses of the baltic sea somewhere. police regularly seize the main weapon of amber poachers -
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high-speed boats. on average it is estimated at 50,000 rubles. almost all russian reserves of sunstone are concentrated in the kaliningrad region. the criminal business has gradually evolved. previously, amber was mined by black moles who dug pits. but after the change of governor and heads of law enforcement agencies, the moles were dealt a crushing blow. illegal miners have gone to the bottom baltic sea. our colleagues from the eduard petrov investigation program have spoken about this problem more than once. the amber miners were in such
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a hurry that they abandoned their things right in these boats, so all this is lying around here, and it is clear that this is absolutely a weapon for committing a crime. once upon a time, members of the amber groups were at enmity with each other over the redistribution of spheres of influence, made threats, and burned competitors’ cars. thanks to the well-coordinated work of the police, the number of such crimes has decreased significantly. decriminalization amber sphere under the personal control of the head of the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander. the fight against these crimes and offenses is a priority today. in 2023 , more than 5 tons of raw amber were seized from illegal trafficking; 2022 was a record year; more than 15 tons of sunstone were seized. smugglers, as a rule, legalize money received from illegal trafficking. for example, former deputy zaitsev, whom we
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talked about at the beginning, across the country. coincidentally owns the company


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