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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 10, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

7:30 am
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and zber bonuses thank you for taking care of loved ones megamarket to please profitable home where the family is, in the bank house of the russian federation 16.2% per annum on deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family, it is important to us. stand out to be noticed at any time of the day or night. our job is a race against time and the elements, to win it, we need someone who is fully involved, who is ready to devote himself wholeheartedly to the work, who feels the strength in himself, the strength to help, destinies are at stake, and we accept the challenge. jetur t2, a hero by nature.
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purchasing power has increased, people began to receive more pensions and somehow spend it more fun, we already have peace, everything will be restored, there will be a beautiful city, gradually everything will be fine.
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we go to the police to the employees of the line department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia at the moscow leningradskaya station. they were the first to see the smoke and even before the firefighters arrived, they rushed to help.
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a knock on the door from the inside, that is, of the building itself, which is in this hangar, yes, they were shouting, knocking, yes, knocking, voices, that is , they ran up, uh, they saw that the door was locked from the side of our department, and with improvised means, that is, crowbars, bogrs began to open this door, the door, it was upholstered with iron, the door itself was wooden, that is, then you broke this door even before the firefighters arrived, yes, yes, you already tried to break it, already help people, that is, uh, they started breaking the lock, uh, they opened it, the paneling, well, the tin itself, they realized that we couldn’t open the door, they started breaking it just a door , when they broke a small hole, they asked how many people were there , the man who was on the other side gave a crowbar there so that he would help us, as if from both sides, so that it would be faster to open this door, the door was knocked down, well, yes, we cut, roughly speaking, a small window there, that is, through this window we they started to kind of smoke the people who were there, so you two were together the whole time, right? well, not only we were here, well, yes, there were colleagues,
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everyone who was at work came running here, as if they started doing all this together, how many people were there, how many people did you bring out? - five girls? a man and a child about five years old, probably small, yes, it’s clear what you did next, you tried to somehow break in to put out the fire yourself or not, you tried, but there was already a strong fire there, it was no longer possible to go in, the main thing is people they took them away, the firefighters had already arrived, they were engaged in extinguishing, the police were awarded medals for their courage and bravery, but the most important reward for them was the words of gratitude from the people whom they rescued from the clutches of death, the officer... recalls this with obvious embarrassment: a child about four or five years old, uh, five women and a man, a man, did you then meet these people? yes, they then came, as if, thank you , thank you, they brought you a cake, well, maybe they brought it, i
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honestly didn’t catch that moment anymore. ekaterina ivanova is the mother of lyova, the same baby who was saved by the police. i would like to.
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we were pulled out of there, rescued, and then, quite unexpectedly, leva began to appear, afraid of everything, the little boy could not react normally to seemingly ordinary things, events, he became very sensitive to smells, he began to worry that food could be poisoned , that is, the fear of death appeared and is called phobic, yes, that is, everything around seemed to be imagined. a threat to him, he couldn’t ride the subway because there noise, and the noise is similar to the sound of a fire, even in the pool the water also smells like fire to him, it was, well, candles, yes, that is, everything
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related to fire or strong odors, even vinegar also smelled like this soot to him, yes and he feared that he was insecure.
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there is still a ban on unscheduled inspections for businesses, rescuers and police cannot just come, they need good reasons for this, and it seems that this is a double-edged sword, on the one hand, business can sleep peacefully, on the other, how much longer such enterprises as the mochelyuk base throughout russia, we will return to the fire in moscow later.
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the northern district of moscow is starting another raid by moscow obp officers, good afternoon, hello, yes. we need to speed up quickly, let's go in and see what 's happening here at the end of february.
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the violators had to be taken to the nearest police station. together with employees of the eep and pkk, specialists from the rosselkhoznadzor arrived at the warehouse, who carefully examined the plants, made cuts, took soil samples, and selected several pots with foreign goods. for laboratory study, what are you looking for in these flowers, possible harmful organisms, well, what do you
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sometimes find, mainly thrips, western california thrips, it should be noted that most of the fragrant products based on azalea were legally, there was and russian goods, foreign ones, we walked through all the warehouses, we were especially impressed by... the so-called refrigerator, where expensive currency plants are stored. holland, israel, italy, in general, imported flowers. and this chrysanthemum. let's look at where chryzontheme came to us from, the netherlands, even here everything is signed. beautiful, chic roses, apparently, also foreigners came to us in russia. and here in the back, we can... see real russian mimosa, it turns out to be such
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a mixed business here, mostly imports and a little bit of russian flowers. we learned how flowers are delivered from the netherlands. the trucks travel to moscow exactly 3 days. the transportation routes are well built, the products arrive without interruption, due to their diversity. it’s impossible to tear yourself away, these roses came from ecuador, tesa company, so-called dry packaging, flowers live in such packaging for exactly one month, as for other products that we see here, look what wonderful, beautiful flowers came to us, they came from kenya, colombia, the netherlands, as they say ...
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but before march 8 there will be more than 500, well , perhaps, god willing. god forbid, it’s clear, well, now the moscow police will check you, are you worried during the check? well,
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of course, there is a little, because this rarely happens, extremely rarely, before holidays, maybe , maybe it will happen, but everything will be fine, yes, yes, you are sure, you are sure, a landing of capital police officers, rosselkhoznadzor employees and journalists spent several hours in a huge auto center, we talked with employees... of the company, good afternoon, what are you doing here? no, what are you doing here, we are assembling, what is your name? galina, galina, where is ruse from? plantation russia russian many russian flowers of course yes you see from russia there are also flowers in this warehouse so tell me can you show us something foreign that has arrived here in our countries, the archidea of ​​the netherlands, basically everything is from an auction from
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an auction - this is holland, yes, holland , the netherlands, yes, yes, an auction, holland, but what about the sanctions, how does all this come? i don’t know, this is for the management, we only do assembly, it’s amazing, but these roses, tell me, where did these flowers come from, and this is ecuador, ecuador, ecuador, this is also the netherlands, the netherlands, it’s clear what percentage of russian flowers and from holland, how many colors? well, i think 70% russia, 70% russia, 30% from abroad, it’s our manager who orders the flower and informs us more. but if the inspectors had no questions about flowers from ecuador, kenya, colombia, the netherlands, israel, italy and russia, some pots with plants turned out to be suspicious. the inspectors have several questions about the colors. these cacti came
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from holland, their documents are checked, and these beautiful orchid flowers are also there. they study carefully, they want to know where they came to our country from, what kind of people they brought insects and legally entered the russian federation. specialists from rosselkhoznadzor promised to report on the results of the examination later; employees of the moscow oepipk carefully work with the documents of the azalia company. we noticed a bunch of wires hanging on the walls. it seems that not everything is in order with fire safety here either. to see how things are going with the flower business in russia, our film
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crew went to the tula region. in conditions of sanctions, ours. citizens prove by personal example that there is nothing impossible. this is the chekhov nursery, a unique enterprise in central russia. there is still snow outside the window, but real spring reigns in the greenhouse. delicate roses and tulips are everywhere. it seems that it has its own personal sun. we have all the conditions for plant growth, such as lighting, we have very good lighting in efe, and watering. for us, it’s not difficult to manage this, 17 flowers are cut here every day, which are then sent to different
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stores throughout the country, the goal is to replace dutch or ecuadorian plants for now no, the russian product is already better in quality, but no one is going to limit buyers in their choice, the russian manufacturer has a fresh flower, we cut it today, tomorrow it’s already on the shelves, in stores, that is, in the morning, today it’s a cut flower, tomorrow it will be delivered to moscow, to other regions, well, a day-old flower will be delivered, so its water resistance is of course higher than that of an imported flower and... this is why he loves the russian manufacturer, because it pleases the eye, for at least 2 weeks. experts are confident that in the near future there will be more and more flower businesses in russia. in recent years, the quality in russia has become noticeably better, if you compare it directly like this, yes, that is, over the last few years there, especially after the sanctions,
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our russian market has begun to actively develop, this is normal, this is very good, very pleasing, unfortunately , not... the average is 50 rubles. 10 rubles goes to the state, 10 rubles goes to the state budget, 40 rubles. its price, the price at the import stage. when we see that a rose in a store costs 250 all
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they say: this is customs, this is not so, this is not so, most likely these are still factors related to market conditions, related to the relationship between demand and supply, well, with those events, including the upcoming holiday.
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let's return to the story of the fire at a flower warehouse in the center of moscow. the criminal case has been transferred to court, in the very near future we will find out the fate of the head of the nova flora company, anton mochalyuk and the fire safety specialist. this person is accused by us of committing a crime under article 216, this violation of the rules for conducting other construction
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work, also a criminal case, was accordingly sent in december by our investigative department to the court, where the trial stage is now in the active phase. and we told a resident of the capital elizaveta letunovskaya, whose beloved brother kirill died in a fire, at the beginning of our program, the woman recalls a meeting with the accused head of the nova flora company anton chilik, we collided in the corridor, i remember me like you know, how it’s like electric shock, i look at him, i don’t know what tell him, and he also looks at me, he doesn’t know what to tell me, we then went out.
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you know, he was the sunshine in our family, that is, he created the mood for everyone, yes, when i was sad, bad, hard, he always made me feel like, you know, like a kick, sister, are you falling apart, yes, yes, and i really miss him, i really miss him. i love you, we'll meet you someday, i hope.
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this is how we saw the story of the fire at the flower base in the komsomolskaya square area of ​​the capital, and also studied how the flower shop works a business that still brings... a colossal income for its participants, this was our investigation from moscow and the tula region, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia 24 tv channel
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. public control, how many cameras, are they filming movies here? no, cameras are needed so that voting can be observed. there are observers at the site, and all important places are under constant video surveillance. tables of members of the election commission, places of issue, storage,
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movement. all their repayment packages ballots, voting boxes and ballot counting areas, and completed ballots are sealed in safe bags and stored in separate safes or metal cabinets. i wonder who watches these videos? the broadcast can be watched by candidates, parties, public observers, and if necessary, the recording can be rewinded and watched again. everything is transparent and under control. it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours more brutally, there will be more than exactly what the figure helps, you are not comparing to the original in your questions, what is the overall situation with production, raw materials, exports, what is
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our product? meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin, your brother is in the donbass , you have to go there, you just go there, passengers are not a fighter to ride here. “i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there, into the gray zone, behind this line you will become different, and then what, my childhood and youth were there, and now it’s darkness, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it’s difficult
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get used to it, my passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how he was being beaten, and i did not intervene, betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope, soon. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
8:00 am
we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website. powerful explosions occurred in ukraine. messages came from several regions of the country at once. early in the morning a roar was heard in khmelnitsky region, in odessa region, according to local publications, there were at least two series of strikes at night. explosions were heard in odessa itself, as well as in the kharkov region and the capital of this region. a little earlier, similar
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messages appeared about the situation. on the territory of the kherson region and city controlled by the kiev regime.


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