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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 10, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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this week, almost all over the world , international women's day was celebrated, initially it was a day of women's struggle for their rights, including the right to vote and be elected, the power formula recalled meetings with bright women, politicians from different countries, watch right now. march 8th in many countries. the world
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celebrated international women's day, in a number of countries, it is not even a working day, a holiday, however, uh, in neighboring china, it is a day off only for women, on march 8 in china , men work, but nevertheless, it after all, it’s a holiday, a holiday for women , whom we traditionally joyfully congratulate on march 8, however, i must say what exactly... a non-working, holiday day, it was not always this day, initially it was the day of women’s struggle for their rights , for equality with men, to be elected, to have equal suffrage with men, to have equal rights in work, and here i cannot help but remember two wonderful women, about whom later - even ... all sorts of
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fables or jokes were told, but nevertheless less, these two women have made a huge contribution to freedom for women around the world, these are rosa luxemburg and clara zetkin, it was clara tsenkin in august 1910 at an international conference in copenhagen who proposed establishing march 8 as a day of women’s struggle for their rights. in different countries, women received voting rights at different times. the first countries to give women the right to vote and be elected were new zealand in 1893 and australia in 1902. in 1918, soviet russia adopted a constitution that enshrined legal equality of men and women. alexandra kalantay became the first. history
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of a woman minister. many years later , the united nations explicitly enshrined women's suffrage in the 1952 women's political rights convention . after another 27 years, in 1979, the un adopted the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. it always arose as one of the priority topics. he, this is the topic of gender equality, this is a very important topic, and yet, you are only the first woman here in the office in geneva, so not yet also the un secretary general, women, we now have at the level of heads of the organization deputies, the secretary general, at the level of residents, coordinators, special representatives and so on, parity is 50 to 50, so from the point of view of gender...
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equality we are a shining example, general the secretary says that it is necessary not only, as they say, to achieve this equality, but then to fight to preserve it, and this is very important, that is, it is not by chance that for example, an initiative was born here in geneva, in russian it is very difficult translate, in english it sounds good, gender champions, this is an informal organization, an informal structure, it was born here in geneva, but now there are already divisions in new york, in vienna and...
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that these women, with their life path , refuted the generally accepted and in my opinion , this is a very dubious statement that politics is not a woman’s business. in 2009, for the first time , the united nations educational, scientific and
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cultural organization, unesco, was headed by a woman, irina bokova. by the way, she was the first representative of eastern europe on this.
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climate change, in my opinion, all of these are deeply humanistic goals that also have an impact on humanity, on the individual. irina bokova was again replaced as director general of unesco in 2017 by a woman, audrey azoulay, a representative of france, whose roots go back to morocco, she has already been elected twice. high position in the united nations system. today, unfortunately, there are still many conflicts in the world. and education for women and girls must be the driving force in transforming the world. in africa,
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sub-saharan africa, the problem of women and girls' access to education remains a factor of inequality. we must mobilize. occupy positions where political decisions are made. today, there are only 28 women among the heads of state and government, the average share of women parliamentarians in the world is 26%, and women ministers - 21%. this is
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significant progress compared to the last century, but gender parity is still a long way off. this was discussed by the participants of the meeting, which took place on the sidelines of 70.
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i think in our countries, in chile, for example,
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we have both women and men who are very talented, but we cannot afford to lose the talents of half the population. we, women and men, achieve harmony when we complement each other, when we work together constructively on the future.
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more and more women are holding positions and being appointed to government positions. at one time , the first woman prime minister of india. there was the legendary indira gandhi, protiphatel was elected the first woman president in 2007, i must say that on the way to the post of president, protiphatel went through a long political path, holding various ministerial positions in indian governments.
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there is a saying in our culture
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: to convince people, and in the majority she leads male teams, that in the international monetary fund, in the european central bank, where he works now, i believe that in almost all countries of the world, talents, energy, strength, confidence, due to the fact that women are not fully employed, that they... are not paid extra, that they are exploited and often discriminated against. i'm with i say this with great regret, but this is a complete waste of talent and strength. i will continue to try to find out in all the countries where we work how we can encourage women to make a greater contribution to the economy, so that they are respected,
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not discriminated against, and can make full use of their knowledge and strengths. yes, the scale of activity of the first vice-president of azerbaijan mehriman aliyeva is simply enormous, yet she pays the closest attention primarily to issues in the humanitarian, social, cultural spheres, which is beremankhan’s favorite brainchild he is heydar aliyev, one of the most authoritative...
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how the president must constantly answer, and this constantly makes me think about other women in the same position, what should we do, what decisions?
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we especially love to read together and comment on what we read. these moments become some of the most important in my life, moments from my childhood. i think that it is difficult for any politician to combine his work with family life, and not only mothers, but not all politicians have three children, and not all politicians women prime ministers. yes, that's true, but i think, as a strong supporter of gender equality, it is very important that... women can become prime minister and have three children, and not have to choose, have a family, be a wife and a mother, or to be only
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a politician, and i think, from the point of view of gender equality, that men should not face such a choice either, because they too should be active fathers of families, in my government there is a minister of finance who has four children, so it may be even more difficult for him, he has four, and i only have... three, three sons. aren't you worried that, due to your busy schedule , you don't have much time to spend with your grandchildren and whether your grandchildren complain that your grandmother has so little time to spend with them? yes, they complain a little, and not only the grandchildren, but also the sons and my sister rihana, who is 10 years younger than me. after the death of father and mother. played almost a parental role for her, we have little time to see each other no more than once a year, but i rest my soul among them when
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they all come, i try to forget about my problems and become just a grandmother, i try to find time to stand at the stove, cook something tasty, play with my grandchildren, of course, there is still a lot that needs to be done, including at the regulatory level, to ensure. life has broken me more than once, and said goodbye to me as if forever, betrayed me, cursing our
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eyes, closing my eyelids with nickels, i fought in a bloody battle, for the desire to live to the fullest, for my love and soul, and my path was, believe me,
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the besagon tv program, which will called anatomy of betrayal or the merry widow. i look forward to seeing you at our next meeting. russia is traditional. modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear
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to everyone. all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? scratched. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter? and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. don't move. let's look before everyone else. in the application
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or. on the site.
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9:00 am
powerful explosions occurred in ukraine, messages came immediately from... several regions of the country, early in the morning the roar was heard in the khmelnitsky region, in the odessa region, according to local publications, at night it was like...


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