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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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flowers, money and fire. investigators in the capital have found out all the details of the deadly fire at the flower base. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. today on the program. my colleague called me and the fire is on fire again. a deadly fire at a flower warehouse in the capital killed seven people.
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a fire at a flower base near komsomolskaya square in moscow occurred on november 20, 2022. the flames instantly engulfed the ancient hangar, destroying tons of plants in its path. seven people, three cashiers, a logistician, an accountant, a welder, the client found themselves in the traps were burned alive. rescuers were able to control the fire only after 10 hours. the investigation of the case was carried out by employees of the western interregional investigation department for transport of the investigative committee of russia. they quickly realized the building did not have a fire safety system installed. the director of the base, businessman anton matcheluk, according to the investigation
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, knew well about the problem, but he just had no intention of solving it. there was also information that the publication had stolen a safe containing 20 million rubles. so what? caused the fire, why they died people and how the flower business works in russia. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. a resident of the capital, elizaveta letunovskaya
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, has been waking up and falling asleep with the name of her beloved brother kirill for a year now. he worked as a logistician in a large moscow company, flowers from mochalyuk. died in a fire, burned alive, my colleague called me, it was somewhere around 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and my colleague called me and said fox, there’s a fire there again, and i say, oh well, that is, i didn’t expect it, i say, i’ll call kirill now and we find out everything firsthand, as they say , yes, so i started calling him, i couldn’t even connect with him anymore, well, the line was unavailable, i got nervous, worried, started calling everyone who was at work, that is, they are there everyone was running around in a panic, no one could really answer me, well, i burst into tears, got ready and went there to fight the fire
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on the afternoon of november 20th. one of the most popular wholesale centers where people came to buy plants from all over the capital region. a deadly fire at a flower warehouse in the capital, rescuers are still continuing. thousands of passengers.
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fire crews rushed to the scene of the emergency; it was necessary to extinguish the fire as far as possible along the oktyabrskaya railway, and this was faster, because a few tens of meters from hundreds of tons of cargo, some employees and clients of the flower base were able to run out into the street. i heard distant cries for help ; black smoke rushed into the greenhouse with terrible speed, followed by fire, thank god, the three of us managed to run out, there is someone else. several people were rescued by the police, but there were also those who were stuck in narrow aisles, between racks of flowers and fertilizers. the fire quickly spread across the old wooden floors. within
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minutes, the flames engulfed both warehouse buildings, a total distance of 2,500 km. the massive beams of the second floor resisted. it didn’t take long for the fire to collapse, the old brick walls glowed white. it soon became clear that everyone who did not manage to get out of the fiery nightmare was burned. they fought the fire at 10 o’clock, a special fire train had to be brought to the warehouse premises, and by midnight the fire was over, rescuers announced seven dead, the name of the one who rented the large... hangars became known, it turned out to be the director of a large flower company flowers from mochalyuk, according to
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novaya flora documents, anton machelyuk. on august street, the company of successful moscow businessman anton mochelyuk is holding a new year's party. elegant dress, the aroma of freshly cut flowers, sparkling wine, and finally, father frost and the snow maiden. but why not new year, and even prize drawings for dear guests. in fact. this event is not suitable for winter celebrations has nothing to do with it, it’s just a flower tycoon
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presenting a new year’s decor collection , really get your sleigh ready in the summer, clients don’t want to travel a lot, waste a lot of time, so it seems to me that the best feature of this season will be sales automation, remote sales, all sorts of implementation of technologies in he tries to debug the company's work taking into account the most modern requirements. all fashionable flash mobs are a priority , such as this comic dance during the celebration of the western holiday halloween. the employees are happy, the salary is solid, however, the manager is strict and
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demanding, but never forgets about his subordinates, this is how the team greets women, employees of the company, these shots were taken on the eve of international women's day. congratulations on march 8, happy holiday to you, our beloved women, may everything be fine with you, once again. be happy and loved, fewer horses and burning huts on your way, just a few months later a monstrous tragedy occurred. upon the death of people at the flower base there was
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a criminal case was initiated, its investigation was entrusted to employees of the western interregional investigation department for transport of the investigative committee of russia. the first to be detained was the head of the nova flora company, anton machelyuk. his wife and business partner stated that from the safe at... fire safety labor, vladimir v, security specialist kanovalov was detained next. in order to thoroughly understand everything, icr employees needed to examine the scene of the incident as carefully as possible. died as a result of the fire seven people, whose bodies were found in one of these two buildings, and during
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the inspection it was established that the area of ​​​​all the premises had unauthorized second floors, which at the moment were all located - the second floor was located yes, where the accounting department was located, the department marketing, as well as the office, the director and his deputies, it was there that they found an open safe, there they found an open safe, yes, burnt money, burnt bills, and also here there are burnt notes throughout the room. flowers, it looks like it was the same money, oh the wife of the director of the base said that they were missing, this is how the first assumption about the causes of the fire appeared, because it is quite possible that in this way the company or one of the employees wanted to hide a major shortage or simply steal cash. during
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the re-inspection of the crime scene , some funds were recovered. weighty, given that we were talking about seven dead, cctv footage from the flower gallery was restored, this is what the opinion of colleagues is, the argument is not too fragment of the recording: the last seconds before fire, the hall is completely filled with goods , there is decor on the shelves, dried flowers and packaging material
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, a girl is walking between the shelves, followed by a young man, a worker is climbing onto the scaffolding, he takes off his jacket and, apparently, picks up an electrode for welding, sparks splash, further there is a small tongue of flame, the welder jumps down trying to put out the fire, protective seconds the flame engulfs the entire gallery, the lights go out, deliberately... judging by these frames there was no arson, and the fire, which led to the death of people, started because of a spark. worker's name found out fast, welder, citizen of kyrgyzstan, freksad telchebekov. he worked at the flower base unofficially, without a contract. tyuchebekov did not have the appropriate education or qualifications as a welder, and the welding work
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that he carried out in the organization did not initially meet safety requirements. welder from the fire. i was never able to get out, the melting point was very high, and accordingly, everything that was inside was destroyed by fire, even the metal i-beams on which the mezzanine was attached were bent as a result exposure to flame. why was it necessary to carry out welding work at all? the answer is simple: the building, which was turned into a shopping pavilion, was built back in the 19th century. the brick arched structure was erected conscientiously.
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in the occupational safety and fire safety of the ditches, vladimir anatolyevich, while inspecting the territory of the buildings, found that the roof of the passage was damaged, he instructed the foreman of the general workers to repair this damage. it would seem that this is the end of the story, but in reality it was just beginning. the investigation still had to establish who exactly should be held accountable for what happened? there were two of them. the owner of the company is anton machelyuk and an occupational safety engineer. fire safety vladimir kanavalov. macherik was charged with committing a crime under the third part of article 219, violation of fire safety requirements, resulting through negligence in the death of two or more persons. a criminal case has accused kanoval of committing a crime under the first part of article 216, this is a violation of safety rules when conducting other work. both the accused visited the site of the burnt
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flower warehouse and answered questions from investigators. here is a fragment of investigative actions involving. well, it was impossible to get into this territory, it’s closed , well, as they explained to us, as they gave it to us, well , that is, it’s like a closed territory for us, we never had access to it from the first, from the first day of our presence in this building , uh, so even from the outside you can see that all the doors, all the windows, outside, everything is closed. will ensure development, who guarantees stability, who unites us, in whom are you confident, only in him,
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russia, vote for the one who can be trusted with the country, my grandfather is a chemist with a world title and... in the nineties they called him abroad, but he always refused, he said, that the donankovs have only one homeland - russia. i want us to be proud of our scientists and respect our teachers. therefore, investments in science education should double. and this is in my program. with love for people. vladislav davankov. time for something new. the same door through which we will walk, it is also here, it is it was bent and clogged, from the outside,
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there were emergency exits from this building, to this part of the territory, any, no, exits here were impossible, in this building there were, there was an alarm system, i remember exactly that there were fire extinguishers. a fire extinguisher, a carbon dioxide one, and right next to it there was a fire extinguisher, a powder one, 100 liters , with a volume of 100 liters, and here along the passage
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we had an extinguisher trench, here was also the evacuation plan, it was on this wall, in that there were shifts here, here was evacuation plan, a little further there there were three fire extinguishers along the wall of op-35 and two fire extinguishers. for op 4 or 6 6 l - that is, i don’t remember exactly and the fire extinguisher, if we are standing here now , was in the rooms with a bulkhead of flowers, the fire extinguisher was located there directly at the exit to the hall. the defendants were not arrested, the fire department was soon referred to the court, the accused regularly goes to all lengths.
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we met the businessman on the threshold of the mishchansky court in moscow after the next meeting. anton, please tell me if you don’t want to just ask for forgiveness from the relatives of those people who died. well, i personally asked everyone for forgiveness, and again. i want to apologize to everyone who suffered in this fire, yes, that is, you admit your guilt, yes, yes, i admitted my guilt from the very beginning, yes, thank you very much, please, and based on the material
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of the criminal case, can you do something express my position, some, i agree, i disagree, i admitted my guilt, i agree, well, that’s all, vladimir kanovalov, who initially denied involvement in the emergency, his changed position. kanavalov is a professional in his field, he graduated from the fire academy at one time, and said that he worked at macheryuk’s company for only a few months. didn’t go to the site, what was it like, and were there any problems there? well, what do you think? well, at that moment there were no visible, visible problems, that is, yes, there were shortcomings, there were, well, like everywhere else, yes, that is, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that everything would be done. 100% yes there were some shortcomings there, it was necessary to finish the fire alarm system, okay kanavalov remembers that fateful day, it was
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sunday, i was doing my own thing. household chores in the city of serge, and how did i find out , but i didn’t watch tv, but i just saw that a person was calling from work, it was an electrician, well , i think, okay, well, i’ll answer, maybe there, well, some questions are not urgent, then i looked, they called a second time, then i saw that anton mochilyuk was calling directly, this is the director of the company, and from him i learned that we had a fire in the company, when i saw it, i arrived at the scene of the fire, one might say, i already i understood that the scale would not just happen, the scale was very large. initially, vladimir kanovalov was accused of violating fire safety requirements, but then the case was reclassified to a more lenient charge. now i am accused of the fact that i, as a specialist in charge of fire safety, did not issue work permits to those people who
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were directly involved in repairs. but according to the law, yes, let us remind you that they decided to carry out repairs in the flower base building on sunday , the day when kanovalov had a day off, he had no idea that welding work would begin in the warehouse, but he doesn’t relieve himself of guilt and, as it seemed to us, sincerely repent of what happened, i understand that it’s hard for me, and yes, it’s hard for them. first of all, well , i would like to ask for forgiveness for the fact that i didn’t see it 100%, this is what it turns out to be like a little thing, but this little thing led to serious consequences, further in the program, how many people were saved from a terrible fire moscow police, roughly speaking, cut a small window there, like security forces and specialists are rosselkhoznadzor inspecting flower
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shops in the capital? as local employees say, tsvyatoy comes to them quickly, literally in 3 days, but what does the price of roses depend on when the russian market conquers domestic bouquets? we cut it today, tomorrow it will be worth half a carcass for the store. watch the continuation of the exciting investigation of eduard petrov immediately after a short advertisement on the russia 24 tv channel . pain can be different, it doesn’t matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types pain. pintalgin, we can do without pain. deposit - the best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. maybe a neighbor, anywhere appetite.
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