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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 10, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

12:30 pm
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immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country. come to the russia forum exhibition. we go to the police to the employees of the line department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia at the moscow leningradskaya station. they were the first to see the smoke and even before the firefighters arrived, they rushed to help. oh!
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a colleague heard that there was a knock on the door from inside, that is, the building itself, which the guest was in this hangar, yes, shouting, knocking, yes, knocking, voices, that is, they ran up, saw that the door locked from the side of our department, using improvised means, that is, crowbars, hooks, they began to open this door, the door was padded with iron, the door itself is wooden, that is , that is, you broke this door before the firefighters arrived, yes, yes, you already tried to break it, to help people, that is, they began to break the lock , they opened the sheathed, well, the tin itself, they realized that we couldn’t open the door, they just started breaking down the door, when they broke a small hole, they asked how many people were there, they put a crowbar in there, man , who was on the other side so that he could tell us helped, as if from both sides, so that it would be...
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faster to open this door, they knocked down the door , well, yes, they cut through, roughly speaking, a small window there, that is, through this window we began to sort of catch the people who were there, here you two were all the time, yes, well, not just us... the police were awarded medals for their courage and bravery, but the most important reward for them were words of gratitude from the people they rescued from the clutches of death. the officers recall this with obvious embarrassment. a child of about 45 years old, five
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women and a man. did you then meet with these people? yes, they came later, as if they were words of gratitude.
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in the fire, my uncle broke the wall with some kind of iron thing, and then other uncles were police officers - they pulled us out of there, saved us, and then, quite unexpectedly, leva began to feel afraid of everything, the little boy could not react normally to seemingly ordinary things and events, he became very sensitive to smells, he began to worry that food could be poisoned, that is, a fear of death appeared, and well, it’s called phobic, yes, that is, everything around seemed to pose a threat to him , he couldn’t take the subway because it’s noisy there, and the noise is like the sound of a fire, even in
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the pool the water also smells like a fire for him, it was cigarettes on the street, well, candles, yes, then there is everything... related to fire or pungent odors, even vinegar also smelled like this fumes to him, and he was afraid that he was not safe. the child suffered serious stress and needed the help of a professional psychologist. according to ekaterina, the owner of the burnt flower base, anton machulyuk partially paid for the treatment. in fairness, it is worth noting that immediately after the fire the entrepreneur. behaved quite decently, firstly, at his own expense he sent the body of the deceased welder bigzat telchebekov to his homeland in kyrgyzstan, and secondly, he began to pay very substantial sums to the relatives of the victims, but no amount of money could return their loved ones.
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the flower base destroyed by fire, as it turned out, had already burned once. during the last inspection by the ministry of emergency situations. more than twenty violations were identified in the buildings, and, as visits to similar enterprises showed that this state of affairs is more a system than an exception. in our country , there is still a ban on unscheduled inspections for businesses, rescuers and police cannot just come, they need good reasons for this, and it seems that this is a double- edged sword: on the one hand, business can sleep peacefully, on the other, how many more... such enterprises as mochelyuk’s base throughout russia, we will return to the fire in moscow.
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the northern district of moscow is starting another raid by moscow obp officers, good afternoon, hello, we need it faster. speed up, let's go in and see what 's going on here? at the end of february 2024, employees of the capital's oep ipk, with the support of the patrol service, the main department of the russian ministry of internal affairs for moscow, visited a large flower warehouse in the northern district; according to operational information, there were many violations here, the police decided. check the authenticity of documents and find out where the goods were brought from and who works here.
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well, they also found citizens in the warehouse who came from various republics, where are you from? have you arrived? from tajikistan, tajikistan, where are you from? tajikistan, uzbekistan, uzbekistan, where are you from? tajikistan, tajikistan, tajikistan, it’s clear, that is, everything is in order with your documents, yes, everything is an agreement, everything is there, payment is due, everything is there, yeah, well, now he’ll check your documents, aren’t you worried?
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we were especially impressed by the so-called refrigerator, where expensive currency plants are stored. holland, israel, italy, in general, imported flowers. and this is chryzonthema. let's look at where chryzontheme came to us from, the netherlands. even here everything signed, beautiful, chic roses, apparently,
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foreigners also came to us in russia, and here in the back we can see a real russian mimosa, it turns out to be such a mixed business here, mainly imports and a little bit of russian flowers. we learned how they deliver. flowers from the netherlands, trucks travel to moscow in exactly 3 days, travel routes are well laid out, products arrive without interruption , it’s impossible to tear yourself away from the variety of flowers, these roses came from ecuador, tesa company, the so-called dry packaging, flowers live in such packaging exactly once month, as for the other... products that we see here, look what wonderful, beautiful flowers came to us,
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they came from kenya, colombia, the netherlands, as local employees say, flowers are now arriving to them quickly, literally three day, and from the netherlands these flowers come to russia, so in principle, as for these flowers, according to rosselkhosnadzor, everything is in order with the documents, they arrived in russia. in a legal way. moscow police officers carefully studied the documents in administrative building of the azalia company. basa's management assured us that everything was in order with the papers, and they were not afraid of such raids. how many flowers do you sell per month? there is a quantity. the number is, well, about, well , i think about 250,000.
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a landing of capital police officers, rosselkhoznadzor employees and journalists spent several hours in the huge auto center. we talked with company employees. good afternoon, what are you doing here? no, what are you doing here? we are in the process of assembling. as you name? galina. galina. where are the roses from? look how beautiful the beautiful roses are, the beautiful roses, where the russia plantation came from. are there many russian flowers? of course yes. you see, there are also flowers from russia in this
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warehouse. so. tell us, can you show us anything foreign that arrived here? oh. the netherlands, basically everything is from an auction, from an auction - this is holland, yes, holland, the netherlands, yes, yes, an auction, but what about sanctions, how does it all come, i don’t know, this is already for management, we only deal assembly, amazing, and these roses, tell me, where did these flowers come from, and this is ecuador, ecuador, ecuador, this is also the netherlands, the netherlands, it’s clear what percentage of russian flowers and... from holland, how many flowers? well, i think 70% russia, 70% russia, 30% from abroad, it’s our manager who orders the flower who is more informed, but if the inspectors have questions about flowers from ecuador, kenya, colombia, the netherlands, israel, italy and russia did not arise,
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then some pots with plants turned out to be suspicious. from the inspector. there is a few questions for the flowers: these cacti came from holland, their documents are checked, and these beautiful orchid flowers are also studied carefully, they want to know where they came to our country from, what insects they brought and whether they entered the russian federation legally? specialists from rosselkhoznadzor promised to report on the results of the examination later. and the employees of the oep ipk moscow carefully work with the documents of the azalia company. we noticed a bunch of wires hanging on the walls. it seems that not everything is in order with the fire safety system here either. security.
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to see how things are going with the flower business in russia, our film crew went to the tula region. under sanctions, our citizens prove by personal example that nothing is impossible. this is the chekhov nursery, a unique enterprise in central russia. there is still snow outside the window, but real spring reigns in the greenhouse. delicate roses and tulips are everywhere. we control it from a computer, it’s not difficult for us to manage it.
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several years, especially after the sanctions, our russian market began to actively to develop, this is normal, this is very good, very pleasing, unfortunately, there is not enough assortment, or this assortment is very seasonal. in the capital's flower shops , the cost of a rose sometimes goes through the roof, this phenomenon is especially noticeable before the holidays. sellers often blame customs authorities for supposedly very high fees. it turns out that this is not at all true, since the most popular flower is a rose, the average price of one flower is approximately 40 rubles.
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still factors related to the situation market, related to the relationship between demand and supply, well, with those events that are coming up, holiday events, and it is under these kinds of events that these prices change. according to employees of the federal customs service, the flower business in russia has ceased to be criminal; moreover, it has begun to generate significant income for the state. twenty-fourth, yes. in less than 2 months, the federal budget transferred 2.2 billion rubles.
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let's return to the story of the fire at a flower warehouse in the center of moscow. the criminal case was transferred to court, in the very near future we will find out the fate of the head of the nova flora company anton mochalyuk and fire safety specialist vladimir kanovalov. seven people died, and accordingly we sent the case to court under article 219, this is a violation of fire safety rules against the head of this organization. and accordingly, a criminal case against the person who organized these works and did not control compliance with all the necessary standards, which is why the fire broke out,
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this person is accused by us of committing crimes under article 216, this is a violation of the rules for conducting other construction work, this is also a criminal case, accordingly , our investigative department sent it to the court in december, where it is now in the active phase. the trial stage is underway. we talked about a resident of the capital, elizavita letunovskaya, whose beloved brother kirill died in a fire, at the beginning of our program. the woman recalls a meeting with the accused head of the nova flore company, anton chilik. then we ran into each other in the corridor, i i remember me as you know, like an electric current, i look at him, i don’t know what to say to him, and he also looks at me, he doesn’t know what to tell me, well, we then went out, talked,
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smoked, so to speak, yes, that is , well, we talked, he apologized, so i accepted his apology, but i understand that it was not he himself personally who killed the guys there, well, in general, it is clear that he had no intent, yes, he had intent it wasn’t, of course, he lost everything, well, he lost us more than all of us. essentially, we lost loved ones, yes, and now he has to live with this for the rest of his life, you know, with the feeling well, with this, with the feeling that he killed people. elizabeth always turns any topic of conversation to her brother; it is clear that he is infinitely dear to her. yes, of course, he hears me, i love him very much, i miss him very much. you know, he was the sunshine in our family, that is, he created everyone’s mood, yes, when i was sad and bad there. he’s always like that to me, well, you know, like a kick, sister , are you unstuck, yes, yes, and i miss him very much, i miss him very much, kirill, i love you
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, we’ll meet again someday, i hope. this is how we saw the story of the fire at the flower base in the komsomolskaya square area of ​​the capital, and also studied how the flower business works, which continues to generate
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enormous income. its participant. this was our investigation from moscow and the tula region. it's up to you to draw conclusions. see you on the russia-24 tv channel. there is no history center for christianity in the world yet, the idea of ​​the project, of course, it belongs
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to our president, here...
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is she really reading minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you still looking at? well, there the girl is standing buried. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. stay still, don't move. for some reason i believe you. anna is a medium. let's look before everyone else. in the application. or on the website.
1:00 pm
ukrainian troops shelled donetsk gorlovka, as dpr representatives said, the ukrainian armed forces fired 27 155 mm caliber shells, and in donetsk the kirov, petrovsky and kuibyshevsky districts were under fire.


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