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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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i can’t tell you, there is a tank that is in the arch, a ukrainian tank that is in the arch of the house, which drove out, hiding behind the backs of civilians, fired aimed fire, including at the city, and then cowardly hid in a residential area, yes, a tank this one, well, everyone comes, everyone tries to take pictures , everyone forms the opinion that today the entire city of severodonetsk is in such a state, and the daughter-in-law has already laid out her entire pregnancy in the basement in the eighth month, now he... is running around, everything is fine, everything will work out, purchasing power has increased since liberation, so people began to receive more pensions and somehow spend it more fun, well , it’s russian, i speak, and we speak russian, well, well, like who occupied us, we are going home.
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the battles for severo-donetsk continued for 4 long months; according to numerous testimonies, the ukrainian army turned the city into more than just one continuous fortification. naturally, it is simply impossible to restore everything quickly after such destruction, and yet severodonetsk lives. it was just a hit there, a hit there, there hit, that’s why everything was so given to us, that ’s where the hike too, what kind of people are they, calm down, sasha, calm down, just everyone, oh!
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this window that was replaced for us has now been replaced, but i think it’s clear from the wreckage that is still lying around that there was a problem here, there was a problem for everyone, that is, during the first arrival we were not hurt at all, but probably 70, 75% of the house was damaged, that is , it crumbled when you went out onto the balcony, well , you could just see glass, strewn glass, it was scary, but the second time... ice
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everything else that was not filled fell down, and even we too, the builders already changed it , they changed it in december, it turns out the year before last, they changed the heating system, the sewer system, in our guards, oh, just stand there, wait, closer to the building , sasha, do you hear, yes, so, closer to the building, quickly home, of course. but most likely this is all happening outside the city, some even wrote that yes, that you are writing history, well, i didn’t want to broadcast this as a representative of the city, or something, yes, that is , this is my life, i share what through what am i i’m passing by, but i don’t know, the car is also natural , here all the entrances flew right out , there were even boats flying out, or whatever they call frames
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, i got to work, i don’t know what it ’s connected with, but still, i came across wonderful people, wonderful bosses , wonderful colleagues, wards, well, that’s all, it was very hard to leave, but you understand that your heart is not here, and the apartment is intact, everything was done, the children are with me, home is always home.
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even before i moved, it was natural, word of mouth, excuse me, yes, it works like this, so i immediately found a manicure where the first time i went to the hairdresser, well, they are here in any case, that is, you ask where the hairdresser is open, there are 1, 2, 3, 4 of them, somewhere closer, somewhere further, i came up and talked, it even turned out that they worked until three, and i work until three, but people will always meet you halfway, that is, we agreed, i came running a little in advance and spent time with me, they painted me, yes, now i’m going to see another girl, they’re no longer responsive, but it seems to me that they were like that, you know, it’s just that they’ve dropped out, probably something like that, yes, that is , after all, that kindness, she was more
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concentrated, probably, after all, yes, that responsiveness, care, perhaps some kind. well, i’ll be honest that i was even criticized, that i create an illusion, some kind of illusoryness, but the civilization of the fact that everything is fine here, that i’m lying, in fact, but i don’t call anyone to do anything, i’m sharing to show that , that is, i got a manicure, i ’m showing it, yes, i went to the hairdresser, i’m showing it, i told you that i pulled out my teeth, i hope i’ll get them fixed again at home, that is, everything that i bought, that too, even the prices, yes, now... to share , that is, as if this is not a problem, those who want, believe, those who don’t want, they will definitely criticize and begin to slander, what are you lying about, inventing, creating, many people also doubt that it is possible to find a job, it seems to me that whoever wants it will definitely find it, because well, i don’t know
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where in the city you can be left without work or with what profession, you can remain without a job, because well, everyone i know, they found themselves, found a use in the city , i really like my... city , i walk with friends, i study well, we have teachers, they explain everything well, and the city is beautiful, it is being rebuilt, very beautiful, for example, my school is the eleventh, it very beautiful, at the moment i am studying at the university, at st. petersburg state university, majoring in law with in-depth study of the chinese language and the law of the people's republic of china, why chinese? well, because china now. that's why we are friends with china, that's why i i think this is promising, our city is very small, quiet, with good people, and everything is always close, and it’s very convenient, but
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when you come, you kind of take a rest from this whole civilization, you understand that you won’t be able to go into internet, you, well, you don’t need it here, you forget about it. you cleanse yourself here , then you just go to st. petersburg and you understand that you have bright thoughts in your head, you know what you are doing, why you are doing it, what do you want to achieve, what are you striving for? realizing that the residents are returning, but one of the main indicators is the number of children, it literally increased almost four times during this period, uh, that is, the task was... to create more or less comfortable conditions at the first stage, to launch the education process, the education process began in dilapidated schools, then the menstroy of the russian federation came, the first objects were identified in order to resume the educational process, today, of course, we are
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again a front-line territory, and this affects us, we are forced to work remotely, that is, our children receive paper assignments at school.
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i’m 73 years old, i’m standing by the chair, we ’ve been working in this particular salon for 23 years, i’ve been
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working in this field for only 53 years, i’ve taught a lot, i never regret my knowledge, when... they bombed, the second floor was hit once by a shell, and on the first floor we were all sleeping on the floor, children, three families, and we, then the second shell hits, we were told the ceiling would collapse, we were all getting ready to leave, but when we left, the convoy was only going to dnepropetrovsk, we are going to dnepropetrovsk, by we spend the night somewhere along the way, in total we changed 12 places, we are with the children, we have had an infant for six months. there was a deck by the river, then 2 years, 4 years, 7 years, these were the children, four
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children, and we all, from old to small, lived with the thought that we needed, the sooner, the better to return home, although everything was booming all around on the internet, we all saw how severdonetsk was bombed, everything, when june-july began to calm down, so we began to gather, and the leader who... identified us there in this community, says how you there, there’s the occupation, they didn’t even know what it was, i say, well , there’s russian, i say, and we speak russian, well, how come, like who occupied us, we’re going home, here six apartments, i have an enterprise , which i sweat with blood, i say, i worked for, i say , i taught my children, how many people do i have, i have jobs, how many were 15 people, i say, people, we were baptized there, they poured candle water on us, all that, they thought that we are going to hell. and we were driving home, we had such a feeling, everything inside was trembling, my brothers from the village called, they called that
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drive faster, you will never get out of there, faster, faster, you have everything intact, the interior is intact, the apartments are intact, so come on, let's hurry up, here you are, now we have everything. and we arrived in august, we arrived right away, we immediately started doing something,
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it was empty here in the city, there was no one, the shells were still sticking out in the asphalt, all the holes were open, as soon as i looked out the window, i thought, oh my god , well , how did the shell get there, how are the people there, what’s going on there, in general, it’s very scary, they don’t do hair styling, they do haircuts, they rarely do coloring, but men regularly
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get their hair cut, we are at the expense of men, so many cosmetologists strive for it, they do tattooing of eyebrows, arrows, lips in cosmetology, so they do cleansing, many buy professional perfumes, so hair care, lamination, botox, hair treatment. well, i have a lot of clients doing extensions, french manicures, gel polishes mostly, someone will order pebbles, they were so dressed up for the new year, and such fun manicures. i'm right on stream manicures are in demand, by march 8th, by the new year, it was difficult to get to me, they signed up, i went out on weekends,
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they took corps from the people's police and... everything is here, everything is here, and they pay a pension, everything is there, everything is possible buy, cappuccina, here, well , i take it right away so as not to go for a month, i like coffee, yes, i also have coffee myself and greet guests.
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that purchasing power increased after liberation, so people began to receive more pensions and somehow spend it more fun, and before the new year there was a general excitement, of course, and after the new year at the holiday in in ukraine, they were prohibited, all these christmas, the seventh day of baptism, but it was all like this, everyone was hiding, so it became easier to communicate with people, because in ukraine we were forced to communicate with customers in ukrainian.
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somehow i got a small starting capital to start this whole business, food, i’ll tell you honestly, i didn’t eat so much meat in ukraine, i mean fresh meat, because now, for example, there is a very large assortment, you approach, the prices are affordable, no, there are no problems with supplies,
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no, yes, i receive products from lugansk, from rostov. we are bringing it from there, there is, they are bringing it from moscow, there are more goods, and the quality of the goods has become better, much better, butter, for example, sausage, for example, an assortment, a very large assortment, when we came under the protectorate of russia, we will say this , lpr became part.
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we opened, we started working with flowers in december of twenty-two, it was always a dream to work related to flowers , i love poking around in the soil, i love poking around in flowers, well, my, there wasn’t much in the city yet shops, like grocery stores in general, and people are already so, well, dull , this is it... liberation has survived that they are not there, so as if at that moment we are no longer, no, no, there is water, there is bread, there is
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, there was not enough joy and this bright piece that everything would be fine after all, they just buy food, that is... they couldn’t do it anywhere, we didn’t go out, well, also on march 8th i killed my own brother right in the apartment,
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took my father to live with us, we live there in kazota, well, when we already came under fire from hail in the city, our son and daughter-in-law came down pregnant, my father, my husband and i are in the basement of a neighboring house, which is not the case in ours and we lived in the basement for 3 months until the russians came and freed us, and our daughter -in-law was already taken out in the basement during her entire pregnancy in the eighth month, now the grandson is running around, everything is fine, everything will work out, this is how severodonetsk lives now , a year and a half after liberation. on june 5, 2022, after 4 months of fighting for the city , 80% of the buildings were destroyed. today, according to
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the estimates of our ministry of industry , the lugansk people's republic is probably one of the territories that manifests itself most intensively in registration in the creation of a small-medium business. business is a thing that he really feels, yes, where to come, what time to come, what services to provide, in the beginning it’s basically... opening large supermarkets and declaring their strategy of opening additional stores.
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after the liberation of the city, the city was in a terrible state, which means the problems are the presence of corpses on the streets, so to speak, temporary burial places, people of their neighbors, loved ones during intense
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shelling, simply, as they call it, dug in their yards, and another terrible problem is... the terrible mining of the city, the city was mined like this, those people who were then involved in demining said that from military science so much was not necessary, that is, these were not torn bulls , just abandoned bulls, well , they were installed, charges were deliberately placed that were supposed to harm the civilian population, it took us 2 months to a month to put the city in order in terms of demining and then begin the removal of solid household waste. order free a credit card with a whole code without interest and receive a superkick in rubles every month a.
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children's sports schools were among the first to begin to be restored in severodonetsk, as employees note, children with parents regularly come in, ask when classes are, when can we start, when can we start , and those who stayed here to teach, but did not leave their hometown, in spite of everything, the sweep has finished management, we run, we run, we run, slow running, faith , since the eighty-third year i have been leading the boxing section at the beginning of the school.


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