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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. information hour, starting with events in st. -petersburg, the operation of pulkovo airport was limited due to a major fire in the leningrad region, the federal air transport agency reports. it is noted that aircraft crews and airport air traffic controllers are taking all necessary measures to ensure flight safety on
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the volkhonskoye highway. the dpr armed forces of ukraine fired 27 shells of 155 mm caliber. in donetsk, the kirov, petrovsky and kuibyshevsky districts were under fire. during the day, ukrainian militants shelled the nikitovsky and central city districts of gorlovka, as well as the klybyshevsky, kirovsky and petrovsky districts of donetsk. shelling of areas of the donetsk people's republic was carried out using 15mm artillery , including with a cluster warhead . in addition, in the village
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of krasny partizan, in kalininsky and nikitov. gorlovka area, as well as in the village in staromikhailovka , an explosive object was dropped by the enemy. as a result of a direct hit from an artillery shell fired by ukrainian armed formations in the kirevsky district of donetsk, girls born in 2009 and 2010, as well as a man born in 1977, were injured to varying degrees of severity. russian troops improved the position along the front line in the kupinsky direction, and also occupied more advantageous positions in the donetsk and ovdeevsky directions. about it. reported the ministry of defense. in the avdeysk direction the eighth division of the group of troops-center , acting actively in a coordinated manner, occupied more advantageous positions. fire damage was caused to manpower and equipment of the twenty -fourth and 110 mechanized, seventy -first jaeger brigades, as well as the 103rd defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of mayorsk, novokalinovo, berdychye and rozovka of the donetsk people's republic. also , two counterattacks of assault groups of the 70th separate air assault regiment of the ukrainian armed forces were repelled in
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areas of populated areas. in addition, during the counter-battery fight, self-propelled artillery mount m-109 paladin made in the usa, howitzer d-20, self-propelled artillery mount gvozdika, as well as two howitzers d-30. the mess created by current us president joe biden could lead to a world war. it was with these
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words that he attacked his rival on... the head of the association of russian banks , georgy luntovsky, did not. he died at the age of 73 . the honored economist was awarded the order for services to the fatherland, fourth class, and a presidential certificate of honor. long years from 1999 luntovsky worked at the central bank. first he served as deputy chairman, and then first deputy chairman. he has headed the banking association since 2017. colleagues, expressing condolences, note that georgy luntovsky did a lot to ensure that the domestic banking system became strong and independent, thanks to which it was able to withstand the toughest sanctions. now there is advertising, and after that our broadcast will continue with the author’s program nikita mikhalkova, besagon. deposit is the best interest rate in savings with clear conditions, it is reliable and profitable a way to increase your savings at a rate
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together, we are strong, we vote for russia. i welcome you, dear friends, to our next episode of the author’s program bissagon tv. it will be called anatomy of betrayal or the merry widow. i hope you will understand why we named our program that way, but as usual, first. i want to report to you that about 12 million people watched our previous program on channel russia 24, on channel russia 1 on rutube, on our telegram channel, on other platforms, so as you can see, we are practically not losing our viewer, i only hope let's dial it, where i want to start is with a small... historical fact: on may 29
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, 1941, stalin summoned the director of the institute of philosophy, pavel fedorovich yunin, and told him: look, a senior official, a people's commissar, comes , it takes a lot of time to understand what he wants, they don't teach logic, people do not know how to reason consistently, they did not learn to think logically from childhood, how the subject of logic disappeared in schools...
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from the possibility, from the necessity, to specifically answer a specific question, to tell the truth, and as an example i want to give this chain, a consistent chain of what happened with alexei navalny, first i want to remind you of a small excerpt from our bessagon, which we... recorded in 2020, in detail, step by step, we tried to figure out how the whole concept was built, which led to a huge program related to navalny with how the civilized world wanted to accuse us of
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an atrocity, let's see, in the summer of 2020. and whatever, mr. navalny felt bad on board a plane flying from tomsk to moscow on august 20, at 8:40 a.m. urgently lands in omsk, at 9:10 the ambulance doctors began resuscitation measures, at 10:05 navalny was hospitalized in the omsk hospital, later specialists from moscow arrived in omsk. on august 21 at 12:10, the plane from the german brigade arrives in omsk, within 24 hours there is
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improvement dynamics and a decision is made to send mr. navalny to germany. a special plane with a special patient landed at the military part of berlin airport. military transport was already waiting. they were accompanied by the police, who cleared the road to the hospital. fire trucks protected from the rear. human life is valuable, and some lives are more valuable than others. what will happen next, then a tsunami begins, bacchanals, poisoners, a bloody regime, putin personally. on january 17, 2021 , mr. navalny returns to russia, although he clearly understands that he will be immediately arrested, because after his departure, after violating all the rules of the law... which relate to the person who signed
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the signature, and not leaving, he was put on the wanted list , in fact, what happens is that upon his return he is immediately arrested, that is, look how interestingly, those people who took navalny out on a private plane, treated him, those people who know exactly what awaits him in russia, moreover, who are convinced that they wanted to kill him there, they are sending him back. they are squeezing him out, although navalny did not want to return, vladimir volfovich zhirinovsky said this very interestingly then. people like navalny are engaged in taking all measures to destroy our state, but it’s obvious what a scoundrel he is, they are greeted better than the president of any country, so many police, so many flashing lights, and also seeing them off, well, the whole
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world will see it, but it is clear that the person is from there, the person has been recruited for a long time, as a saboteur, so to speak. well, like those who were trained here to create a situation, such as in kiev, maidan, tbilisia and so on, he was thrown out of there like a mangy kitten, he was lying there at his feet all autumn, begging the intelligence services of the west to help him stay in the west, like khodorkovsky, berezovsky is all the other trash, who have three options, i
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said this 20 years ago, prison, emigrant. as an example, listen, all this liberal riffraff, which continues to tell us about reputation, is working today, one way or another, to ennoble the monstrous regime. maxim katz publicly said that he doubted navalny’s authorship, knowing full well that this was not the case. mikhail khodorkovsky publicly
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questioned navalny’s authorship, alfred koch, whoever else, all these people are scoundrels. i consider him a rogue, a swindler. and on february 8, 2024, an absolutely legendary interview with our president will be released american journalist carlson, who managed to get this interview. they started the war in 2000. its resonance was deafening, if you look at the circle in general, it’s practically all together, about
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half a billion people heard our president, they heard the truth, they heard something that they would never hear from their media, and of course , this caused hysteria in the civilized world, all over the world people are watching this... on wednesday, february 14, navalny is visited by his lawyer leonid solovyov, later he also
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reports that he saw his client in absolutely normal, healthy, cheerful state. on february 15, navalny connects via video link to a hearing of the kovrovsky court in the vladimir region, from his colony in the yamalo-ninets district, here we see that he is cheerful, he jokes, he... are you hinting at the news about navalny? so i support alexei
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navalny, i hope that all of us who support him, everyone in the world, who support him, well, one way or another with any mention of ours, will not allow the authorities to commit a crime that they were already... ready to commit 4 years ago i went, in exactly 2 the day after chichvarkin’s speech, that is , february 16, 2024, the department of the russian penitentiary service for the yamalonen autonomous okrug reports the sudden death of alexei navalny in a penal colony, this message appears on the federal penitentiary service website at... 14:19 on this very february 16th. it was reported that after
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a walk on february 16, the prisoner felt unwell, lost consciousness, medical workers from the institution arrived immediately, an ambulance was called, resuscitation measures did not give positive results, doctors stated that the death of the convicted person, its causes
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are being established, this. another 6 minutes later at 14:41 , latvian foreign minister edgar renkiewicz writes: “whatever you think about navalny as a politician, he was just brutally murdered by the kremlin.” 14:51. french foreign minister stephane sejournet, the husband of french prime minister gabriel attal, writes: “navalny paid his due.” life for the fight against a system of oppression. 14:54. minister of foreign affairs of the czech republic, jan
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lepavsky. russia has turned into a cruel state that... kills people dreaming of a beautiful, better future, such as nemtsov and now navalny, who was imprisoned and tortured to death. at 15:02, european council president charles michel eu holds the russian regime solely responsible for this tragic death. 15:10 during a press conference, head of the kiev regime zelensky. apparently he was killed by putin, like thousands of others. tortured 15:20 prime minister of the netherlands mark ruet. navalny's death illustrates the unprecedented brutality of the russian regime. 15:35. minister foreign affairs of germany annalena perbak. navalny, like no one else, was a symbol of a free and democratic russia, which is why he had to die. at 15:43, the chairman
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of the european commission, gloomy... that is, in a minimal period of time, like a carbon copy, almost all the leaders of the countries of the civilized world expressed their condolences over the death of navalny , blaming vladimir putin for this, well, class, and no one doesn’t care why putin needs
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to kill navalny 2 months before the elections? what's the point for all this to start, what's the point? meaning? this means that it is not beneficial for putin, but for whom? those who don’t want, really don’t want putin to win these elections? well , look, i’m not an investigator, i’m not a prosecutor, i’m not an artist, we have a proverb, we have a saying, i’m an artist, my place is in the buffet. i drank in the morning, i’m free all day, but in my profession, in acting, even in directing too, when some text or some role appears, you analyze its logic, you try to understand the meaning of what was said, if you analyze what happened, look , is not a statement, this is an assumption, well, it’s


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