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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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forces built international relations , created a modern system of international law, then the soviet union ceased to exist, only one superpower remained, i believe that the united states failed to cope with this burden of responsibility, they created a monopoly and began to strengthen it. everyone sought to join the west, including russia once sought to join the seven to join the eight. then we realized that this does not make sense, because with our interests no one there...
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today this is not the case, but i think that the national, deep-seated interests of germany will inevitably sooner or later bring to the top politicians who will adhere to national interests; now we hear that europe should already have its own armed forces, europe should be more independent, and this means that despite the well-known hierarchy in the western world, it breaks through to the surface of desire. to
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independence and to the defense of its sovereignty, i am sure that this will happen in germany, sometimes in the western world the truth about the events in ukraine breaks through, thanks military officers putin shared what he asked the heads of tv channels about the female reporters, to remove them from there. what did this lead to? they took a vacation and went there themselves. moreover, the channel’s managers told me that they were ready to resign, but they would go there anyway. the same goes for other women who perform combat missions, i just. i know this, i talked with them , they serve their homeland, this is their calling, their inner life impulse, and those who serve their homeland, both men and women, will definitely not forget the barbaric attacks against russian cities. shelling civilian targets across squares is certainly a war crime. this is how we will treat what happened, and we will not leave those who did it alone. we published presidential statements right there.
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subscribe, the president’s speech at the closing of the youth festival spread all over the world, despite the fact that we look different, it’s enough to look at these young people, hello, to understand that we are different in appearance, but there is something that we all share unites what it is, yes we are all people and we are all equal, and if we are all equal
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... conditions, the answer, unfortunately, is no, and this is the main injustice of the current world order, but is it possible to make sure that everyone is on equal terms, i don’t know, but what i know for sure is that we should all strive for this, a festival participant with such a hairstyle then calmed down another participant, who, after a joint photo with putin, became very emotional. thank you very much, seeing this, others also became worried, suddenly words were heard in pure russian, everything is fine, your russian language is very good, thank you big, i studied russian, you know , i even hear the interjection there, calmly, yeah, i even know dialects, i know speech, i know punctuation, but the president. in the end, she greeted
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like this: hello, putin, without a single blot, however, she firmly told those who jumped up to her while taking photographs with the president. there is such a stir also because in african countries they well remember how russia behaved and behaves, on what conditions loans were issued by western countries, by definition it is impossible to repay, but such conditions financial relations were formulated, and african countries were forced to take out loans; there was such a moment in the history of mankind, after the first world war, the then greedy rulers of france and great britain created. such financial conditions for germany and imposed such indemnities that it was by definition impossible to give them back, and this was one of the reasons for the rapid rise of hitler, because he told his people, look what these bandits are doing, the germans will never be able to
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to pay off and become a normal country, we have only one way - to fight for our interests by force, why are they creating such conditions for africa today, imposing such financial obligations? never have export revenues increased 30 times, they would have sent me to try,
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the concept of political cuisine, i did that, delicious sprats, because sprats are delicious, during putin’s trip to the stavropol region. russian tomatoes, and do you like tomatoes or cucumbers more? your tomatoes are a very corporate answer, now you gave, the leadership will praise it if it hears it, the whole country will watch it, very interesting and unusual footage, you can always see it in our program, the presidential aura comes
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straight to the greenhouse where tomatoes are grown, we drive in the car, we drive, it ends, there is no end in sight, playing, this is not to mine. he will collect, a person collects a ton of 200, that is, in fact, he is four people for four times more, four times more
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, probably there will be a competitor or something, a person still distinguishes, he feels this tomato, he grows it, and he is a robot what feel it, taste it, smell it, well, let it help, we don’t mind. we need helpers, and if there are so many of them here that there are literally a lot, we don’t need a lot, we can handle it ourselves, go break his wheels there, let’s go, we don’t need competition , let’s go, let’s go, we already know who to keep out, oh well, it’s a joke, it’s a joke, it’s just a census of names, well, this won’t lead to unemployment here , no, under no circumstances, under no circumstances, we’ll build everything,
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they also can’t sell their products, now in the west, when they talk about food of the future, everything about some moths is shown, worms, and russian natural products are in demand, the largest quantity of tomatoes in russia, in a closed group, in closed ground, yes, there will be even more, don’t worry. we got a little worried, well, unfortunately, yes, it happens
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, i didn’t expect such a reaction from myself, things were just very close, so this reaction happened, there are no accidents in tomatoes , there is a taste, there are signs in the dining room, everyone was watching to see if anyone else here would feel putin's tastes, he immediately pushed away the soup, compote pulled it closer, took a few sips , but the interlocutor... i didn’t understand what it was, so i think who it was, but they were afraid to turn around, yes, no, i heard a click before me, in general, i understood what the point was , well, i just saw that you just froze and didn’t even move, that is, at that moment they could have put everything on you, it seems to me, just big, well, you didn’t eat anything, that’s it. well , as we see, cutlets, goulash, borscht, mashed potatoes, buckwheat
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, everything whole and unharmed, we didn’t eat anything, we just drank a little compote, why didn’t you eat, even no one, in addition, very we’re embarrassed because we haven’t eaten, we just waited for the president to eat, after that he only ate the tomato and tasted the compote, and we also tried the compote, we were very, very thirsty, until... the conversation turned out to be useful and interesting, take more, go ahead, this is putin about his work in the formation detachment, i think that i am an athlete, yes, yes, yes, what nonsense to me, i found out that no, by the end, by the end of the day i was already dragging my legs, i worked for a week , excuse me, let’s go to the bathhouse, it’s like i came to this bathhouse in armitage, it’s like that there was a feeling, a feeling of... absolute, complete relaxation, approximately the kind of rest that participants in presidential
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events in stavropol could afford after they were completed, putin left, they stretched their backs, then their shoulders, and the president was under the gun of cameras almost every second before the meeting with the governor. two vladimir vladimirovich, we will talk separately with the governor today, we will decide what can be done specifically for your leadership. exciting every spring all agricultural regions, fuel prices, ensure the holding of spring agricultural work, last year there really was some kind of stupid situation when you had to travel from one region to another, some kind of nonsense, please keep under control, don’t even doubt that any decision will be supported, but as always happens at such events, here they quickly tried to resolve other issues of their companies, and publicly, it would be better if you whispered this in my ear. but after the meeting
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, putin asked the minister separately and not publicly about the problems. so successful the company certainly deserves special support, including this. when every employee wants a photo, then everyone should see photographers, what else is a photo. and behind them is their leader , a marker, then wait, as it seems to him, unnoticed, he begins to urgently look for a felt-tip pen, because he also came up with the idea of ​​asking the president to sign the company banner, and of course, everyone photographed the presidential motorcade in the stavropol territory, but there will be is there a stop?
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i practically exclude alcohol, for sure i try not to drink strong drinks , it’s a very good procedure, hardening, hot cold showers, contrast baths, the most effective means of hardening, i was still a kid, we didn’t have a bathtub in a communal apartment, but nevertheless i went out into the yard and wiped myself with snow in winter , i do this almost every day, if there are no baths nearby, but i
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do a cold hot shower, by the way, i recommend it, it’s so simple, but in my opinion the effect of the procedure is to support the immune system a little, well, that’s probably all, i’ve been doing a contrast shower for six months , well, that’s right, well, i turned on, turned off hot cold water, nothing complicated , sawed the roof, one, two, three, four carpets, a new palace, samba in krasnodar, the height of training, asked around and checked. the smartphones immediately corrected everything and, of course, they also asked the next one, quickly about individual photos, but there are several dozen athletes here, together it’s also good,
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the presidential team is demonstrating new successes. russia is a country that is directly controlled by god, because if it is not so, it is not clear how it even exists. i agree in part, russia is a country that is directly controlled by god. as for the second part, my experience already suggests that russia exists thanks to the russians and other peoples inhabiting this vast territory, thanks to their talent, devotion to their country, confidence in the future, in the future of our children. pavel, what is known about
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the president’s schedule for the next week? it is clear that it is coming for everyone. key political week. putin next week, like everyone else the country will participate in voting in the presidential elections in russia, it is still unknown how exactly, at a polling station or online, in moscow both options are now possible, but the rest of the week will be very busy. everything can be done. putin will hold a meeting with the winners of the competition for leaders of russia. self-realization is impossible without service, to people without service. also on the presidential schedule are meetings with the cabinet of ministers, members of the security council in the era of information storms, when tons of unverified and unnecessary information, subscribe to zaru's telegram channel. in order to know about the most important and interesting things before others, well , we will again show more than others only in our program. thank you pavel, as always, we will see you
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in a week, and i don’t say goodbye to the audience after a short pause, i’m waiting for you in the studio on sunday evening. voting at home. eh, some time ago i got sick. well, of course,
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sealed portable boxes are used for home voting. that's good, and i'll vote. western leaders are kicking their mouths about defending their system of government, which they completely wrongfully call democracy, that is, they ruined the greek term, which, by the way, was never positive in those days. but then it acquired some kind of almost sacred sound and, by the way, largely thanks to the soviet union, that is, it was the soviet union that spoke about democracy, giving
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a completely different, though true, meaning, the meaning of democracy, because even now , remembering the soviet era, then you understand that just when we were saying that a person from almost the bottom could achieve the highest positions in the state, that is, in essence it was, especially in the initial period, of course a meritocracy. when people achieved everything thanks to their human and professional qualities, which , seriously speaking, is much closer to the ideals of ancient greece as an ideal form of government than all other transformed forms, then the dispatch of large capital, which we see now in the west, then the rule of power crowds, ahlocracy, which is much closer to the concept of classical modern democracy, but this is true for terms, because this game of terms is sometimes misleading, why did i start talking about this topic at all? i was in avdiivka for the second weekend in a row, every time i hear all these discussions about
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a colossally cruel, unprecedented, cruel war, what the west says, it surprises me, well, how can you lie like that, the official data of the un structure says that during the war they died... in ukraine there are 10 thousand civilians, a little over 2 years, from october to march in israel has already killed 30,000 palestinians, but the west pretends that everything is fine, doesn’t even talk about colossal cruelty, by and large i say: so what? and russia makes some claims, that’s what struck me in ovdeevski:
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they don’t like peace, they feed, sing, make sure that people can live, because they have to carry out gigantic work to clear mines, unlike the ukrainians who just leave like that just in case , they killed all those who they didn’t like, by the way, to the story like mariupol, but the west doesn’t see all this, the west is lying about something all the time time, something is dragging itself into this war, and an arrogant fool at that. declared that his troops should, the mission, already the polish cretin declares that in fact, yes, we know that there are nato troops there, well, now they fucked up, buried two, well there...
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here macron argues that they should participate, but the main french nationalist died in avdievka, there are plenty of french people there, they either took a leave of absence for a couple of days, or as soon as they died, they stopped being active, this is not so important, the french are now preparing themselves for a high-intensity conflict in europe with whom, what are the ukrainians like us and
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what i said... what the french want to prepare for, because they think they will sing songs and dance the cancan merrily, there is zero chance, some incomprehensible mongrels russophobic, they started yapping and yapping, lithuania demands that red lines be drawn not for themselves, but for russia, they are now going to send
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lithuanians and latvians, but they are howling there anyway. “well , at least send your entire army, but we ’ll beat it in a couple of days, it’ll be easier for us, if we enter the baltic states, you think that the germans will protect us, but if you want to destroy your peoples in this way, return yourself to the same tragic demographic hole as ukraine, where men are already running out, women are already being sent to prison in large numbers front, so that they die there, well, there will be no pre-balts, not through our fault, but if you want to abandon this meat grinder? your best personnel, you must understand what will happen to them, they will all remain in our land, there are zero options, it was, it will always be, it’s just not options, the norwegian military is ready to fight russia knee-deep in snow, lord , where am i from, and of course, the main instigator and sponsor of the confrontation between the west and russia, the president of the united states, in an address to congress, yells
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that everyone must resist. maybe it's because russia is the largest christian country in the world, maybe because they profit from the war, this is certainly true, there may be other reasons, we can guess, but there is no need to do this, because we know that the war against russia will not be the only one in that we will be participating in, it is not the only one that biden announced tonight, and the result of this is that the world is now closer to nuclear war
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than at any time in history,


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