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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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and the result of this is that the world is now closer to nuclear war than ever before in history, closer than it was during the cuban missile crisis, we don’t know where this is going, well, what is this going to? dmitry anatolyevich medvedev, having seen this speech by trump , said an idiot, not biden, biden was said by an idiot, and i confuse them, but at the same time, speaking objectively, biden is not an idiot. he just happened to tell the truth about the invasion of ukraine. i held a meeting with the israeli military cabinet. i told them: listen, don't make the mistake that you did america. america made a mistake. we pursued bin ladon until we eliminated him, but we shouldn't have gone into ukraine, which means we shouldn't have gone into iraq and afghanistan. there was no need for this, there was no need for this. this only created more race problems than it helped. that's what my grandfather said.
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really really by chance, and his dmitry anatovich for this, yes, although on the other hand, these are not related things, he really, yes, is a strange person, meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin, your brother on donbass. you have to go there, you have to go, it’s just for the passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter , i came for my brother, in a couple of days you’ll go there as a gray wife, beyond this line you’ll become different, and then what, my childhood and youth were there, and now it’s darkness , that’s it, we’re leaving, there’s nothing scary, “it’s hard to get used to, my
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passenger, 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there’s still hope, there ’s always hope ". let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website. trump just thinks biden is an idiot.
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he's now talking about nuclear weapons, and do you know why? because he knows that the president of the united states is an idiot. if you think about it, there would be no inflation, there would be no attack on israel, there would be no attack on ukraine involving russia. russia-ukraine, this would never have happened. everything joe biden touches turns to crap. all. listen,
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european brutes, you are all cretins who imposed sanctions against almost everyone who is here now, and you have a bench press, what are you against?
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what else can be done against us, and the president says that demography is now almost the goal, the immediate goal of the future development of our country, and let's see what needs to be done in order to achieve this goal as quickly as possible, although this is a complex process, so we are discussing here that the monetary policy, it gets a lot, of course, the new monetary credit policy, it will help us move on to solving many of the problems facing our country, i’ll talk about this a little below, but we’ve already talked about it enough here... we’ve said it, but the problem is that, in addition to a monetary credit policy, we have there are still quite a few topics that probably require adjustments , let’s put it this way, because here there is the concept of the housing issue, but not quite the correct formulation of the question, why, excuse the taftology, the topic of the housing issue should rather be transformed
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not into the topic of building square meters, yes, on the topic of creating sufficient conditions under which demography would acquire a positive trend, we would begin to return to what, in fact , and... has been said more than once. moreover, we are talking about a comfortable living environment that extends beyond just individual regions. here are statistics, world statistics show that urbanization, that is, concentration in cities, leads to the fact that, unfortunately, the birth rate is falling. and i can tell you that even our enemies, the americans, were faced with this idea, with this problem even before the second world war, when, with a fertility coefficient of 3.5, they suddenly, intensively developing cities, were faced with the fact that... fell to 2.5 immediately after the second world war, they announced the program of one-story america and immediately increased the inverse coefficient up to three and a half, this means that today the processes are basically similar, according to surveys, 2/3 of the population would like to live on the land, but on
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the land, not just on the land, on a land that is comfortable, provided with industrial infrastructure there associated there with electricity, light and so on, and most importantly with social infrastructure, allowing... to talk about equalizing the standard of living in the regions, look, in moscow, when we often talk about the high price per square meter, we must understand that this actually virtual, virtual reality, why? because people overpay for the fact that there is a shortage of quality here, unfortunately, here is moscow, yes, this is not a comparison with another region, so developing quality is not a shortage of quality, no, in moscow there are shortages compared to others regions, moscow is a unique entity where people buy apartments. the deficit is not in moscow, but the deficit in the country, and moscow today, therefore, the faster we begin to develop and raise the quality of life in other regions, the more the price
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here will decrease and develop, accordingly the tendency is that housing under construction will tend to reducing the cost per square meter in other regions, the main thing for us here is to move on to the topic here... related to the following: we also have a unique situation in russia: 98% housing under construction is paid for by the population itself, this is generally a unique phenomenon, why? because in many countries there are various funds, states participate to a lesser extent, we also need to go in this direction. so let’s look at what uh, in terms of fertility, well , 18, 18, 45 years were also discussed here, this is the period when a person is ready to not only start a family, but also produce children. so, when you and i look at a young man or young girl 24-25 years, which requires additional documents to obtain a mortgage, especially a preferential mortgage, what they can provide, they do not yet have a formed professional status, that is, they do not
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have sufficient wages , and so on and so forth, it turns out , that today we must understand that they need a completely different approach to solving the housing problem, and by the way, one of the options is... connected with the fact that the state needs to create, it is necessary to create a huge fund of rental housing, which would allow these young people to form a family based on what they can rent.
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and in soviet times this was the case, we just need to get away from the soviet idea of ​​what the conditions for clearing are: an officer ’s dormitory, not a barracks, well, yes, well, an officer’s dormitory - well, still, i would like a foundation and a civil sector, even the mortgage itself, it it also requires adjustments, so our financial unit says that it’s 6-8%, this is even a preferential mortgage, well , let’s calculate, 5 million rubles, let’s assume the apartment costs 300 months, if we take out a twenty-five-year mortgage, and we come to the conclusion that based on this mortgage, plus interest of 8%, we put a person before having to pay 50,000 rubles. per month , well, this is quite a large amount, based on the median salary that we see today, if we make 2%, this will
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significantly reduce, practically halve, make this very mortgage affordable, but you and i must understand that construction must still follow the path of qualitative change, we must understand that today in order for a family to think about not just simple, but expanded reproduction, we need a correspondingly large number of children; this cannot possibly fit in 50 km, so we need to build much more housing. size, we need to strive to ensure that this housing is affordable in terms of price, and most importantly, that it is distributed evenly throughout the country. so let's look at this same aspect, which affects demography from the point of view of converting a huge amount of resources in our country from physical to economic factor, here too, you often emphasized this, that the resources that the country has and which are excluded from the economy are useless, and we must make sure that these resources become available, how can this be done? any resource has arisen and becomes available economically when there is, relatively speaking
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, electricity, water, light, roads and people; in general, the state is not a corporation, because it is in the corporation that people are perceived or can appear as , well, a significant factor or cost that it is necessary to reduce in this case if we strive to obtain maximum profit, so we are talking about government influence on this process in setting government tasks related to the fact that people...
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returning to the current period and solving the demographic problem, of course we need to understand , that today, when i say that a lot needs to change, this does not mean that we criticize this industry, in fact, enormous efforts have been made by the construction segment, and business, and even financial, which supports, and that a square meter costs so much money, because today there is, today the one who builds the developer, he pays for everything, and first of all for the infrastructure, and...
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but why should we overpay for this separately, even if it makes money , the state is still us, well, it’s us who are talking about this, that is, this is our total budget, this does not mean that this is all the money. thousands and thousands of enterprises, highly qualified people should work at these enterprises, they should live, the state should help, but the market does not will solve this, just a minute, i always take this very simply, how much does the land cost, and why does it cost so much, who decided, and who owns it, you pose this problem, of course,
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immediately the second point, why does it cost so much to install gas, install electricity , and whose interest is there, and why such crazy money? that it was necessary to raise questions from the level of the president in order to spend how much, well, any person who has encountered this, what kind of project should be created, some hundreds of thousands to say, are you generally sick or what, what projects are you in favor of? you make money, you turn this on from someone stupid, after that you start to look , why does a square meter cost so much, so i ’ll build it myself, yes, if i just buy it on the market, i’ll get a meter cheaper than what i they offer to buy yachts for themselves, but the questions are simple, so if you take it all and consider it all. look, for you and me, when we talk about money about financing, that is, about the money that the developer takes to build, and excuse me, he takes out a mortgage, he too applies for a loan, with such bank interest rates this does not work, money must turn into the same resource as electricity,
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water, gas, and become an element available both to the developer and to the one who purchases it, we when... with you we are talking about the fact that the state today must intervene, take responsibility, it should not stimulate supply, not demand, we must take the risk of the liquidity of this housing, when we talk about what the state is obliged to do, it looks forward if a business engaged in the creative sphere earns a profit, and this is normal for business, but for the state there are other tasks that go beyond the horizon of 20-30 years, these are social obligations, this is development, this is, after all, an objection. excuse me, i'll ground everything, well , mariupol needs to be rebuilt, now avdiivka will need to be rebuilt, at some point in time artyomovskaya, which one, donetsk, which one, lugansk, there is a terrible shortage of housing, which private business will do this, you answered the question , state task, state efforts, what's the difference then, why doesn't the state do it, well, we want
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people from the far east not to leave, that's right, so elementary, make the price there such that a young specialist wants to come there, gets... develop that based on from this is also a question, whoever listens to us, he will say, where can we get the money for all this, but money is not a problem at all, the state has enough money, and moreover, it is the project that is the transformation of the country’s physical resources in economic - this is the most profitable economic project, it gives hundreds of thousands of percent profitability, but this is an obvious thing when you finally... i can’t even understand in this wording where the money will come from, as a result of a special military operation , four territories of crimea returned to us , in general , someone translated their monetary equivalent, that ’s all that is there, that is, in theory, our money supply should have grown multiple times,
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so, excuse me, that’s what we’re doing today , we’re not, we’ve distributed the current money supply. if we look at what today the national debt, its servicing there already reaches almost 2 trillion, this is the same problem, only on the other side, but it’s time for the financial bloc to say long ago: listen, well, if this is a public debt, it’s from one pocket to another, but you stop issuing ofzs at a yield of 12-14%, this is what we pay for, i understand when there is interest and you overpay to the same banks that they are risking something, they are studying.
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other solutions, the most powerful ones, but how can you win if you rely on models and depend on those with whom you are fighting? well it some kind of nonsense, nonsense, we need to fix it, as the sapo classics say.
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housing for young professionals , i’ll give you, or did you agree on democracy , and cited meritocracy there and the early years of the combination of soviet power, not only the early years, in the eightieth year i came to a city of almost a million, where i didn’t know a single person, after 3 for a year i was a deputy of the city council, it depended on you whether you created opportunities for yourself for this elevator, or my brother-in-law and my sister were there, which means he graduated from the cherepovets school there. arrived, got in immediately an apartment in a military garrison, yes, the same exchange fund that you are talking about now, alexander mikhailovich, absolutely correct,
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yes, they then went to germany, they also received a garrison there, they arrived, came back, there were two children, another apartment, there is nothing unsolvable here, but what i liked even more is vladimirich, you, when you keep stopping me about this, when i spoke on this topic several times, as... a former employee of raoes, you say why is it so expensive the earth, why is electricity so expensive , why are other energy resources so expensive, and i kept trying to talk about this here at the dawn, at the dawn of the existence of the post-soviet state, fragmentation by russia, we still had cheap energy resources, but they forced us, it’s just that many people forgot the imf talked about this, you need to equalize, equalize the price of electricity. for gas, here it costs so much, but with you it is much cheaper by three times, this is our advantage, including a cold country, they took it and liquidated, but i’m saying now
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what it’s for, we can go back, we can’t exist, you’re right when you say in that paradigm, we can’t solve these problems, but in the thirty-first year, you just remembered stalin, he said, he as if he guessed, we need to run in 10 years, that we are 100 years behind, he seemed to guess this ten-year period in forty-one. year, which ended, yes, i had to carry out industrialization and arm myself with many other issues, with some, that is, different costs, but i, returning to today's agenda, i must say that these two messages, which i listened to carefully, one message from our president, sitting in the hall, and the other message from the president of the united states, i read it quite carefully, how different are they? different in their, after all, your messages are addressed to the federal assembly, to the deputies who were elected by the people and you say, we need to do
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this, this, this, these are the goals, objectives, for the first time in the country in russia a six-year plan was used, as as if to five-year plans the president returns, talking about the future, and the specific task that the other president has ahead of him. elections, now i don’t want to be perceived as a person who praises the president, only the current one, because our party has a different, different candidate, well, the realities are clear to everyone, known, but biden looks back at that approach, says, and i looked closely at what happened yesterday, i did it, i did it, lgbt, i swear to you, i will protect you, he says, in the audience, he talks about how he feels about immigration reform. although who was stopping him, well, please make this law, which requires, by the way, where biden is elected, well, he’s going to, there he had an appeal when he was elected, that he was accepted into congress, yes, he was elected, no,
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to make it clear who we are dealing with, now, now i will take back the floor, just look, small town, i have a message for you, elect me to congress to support this right, and i promise you that we will take back congress. yes, but at the same time, it’s like your presidential campaign, essentially speaking, the whole message was conveyed by the future presidency, elect me, trump is bad, ukraine, let’s elect him to the duma, by the way, but it’s a pity, you don’t feel sorry for us, but you scold us all the time, you don’t, you know, it will be in new people , biden comes and says, i’m new, they tell him for sure, come in. to us, we will re-educate him, the communist party of the russian federation, we will re-educate him, we don’t, we don’t have one , we, you know, we have discipline, be healthy, just ask, you don’t have enough of your own oligarchs, now you also need an american one, what kind of
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oligarch is he, he? the same parliamentarian is one of the richest, but the point is, we also proposed, although like many communists not officially, yes, well, here you are , trump, that oligarch, that oligarch, healthy, yes, but by the way, a correct remark, look, biden, looking at him , they drew it there, there are these two pieces of glass standing there, he reads the text, he read the text well, i have to give it to him, he can still read it, but if you just got a little distracted, here you are... but i’m saying about the messages i must say that of course that message was sent back, i did everything, this is a message forward, however, of course, when we talked about president putin’s message, we of course talked about what you and alexander mikhailovich just talked about, the tasks that have been set, if they are completed, it will of course be
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great for the country , although there are many there.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear, clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general... part of the overall picture, chasing views it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you only see entire locations being changed, it’s easy to make a deepfake,
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change your voice.


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