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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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there is such a thing as social advertising , you see, i think that my favorite actor misha porechchenkov will not be offended if there are fewer advertisements about him eating sausage on all channels, and as they say, there will be social advertising promoting family values, large families, i was here, although misha eating sausage belongs to family values, in this regard it is wonderful, yes, that is, everything is fine there.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia.
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it makes sense to return to retirement age for women, to the one who was, because in our tradition the grandmother is of great importance, something that does not exist, by the way, in the west , everyone who has been, worked in the west knows, there this issue with grandmothers is completely different, everyone who lives and raised children in our country understands that the russian grandmother is of fundamental importance, our families... for the most part do not have the means to have
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nannies, everything is like that there, not everyone wants to send them to kindergartens, these are grandmothers we were always saved, but strictly speaking, it’s one thing when a woman retires at the age she was before her promotion, still quite energetic and many are happy to look after their children, it seems to me that the question here is simply not that well, we’ve made a decision, let’s , well, we need to weigh it. we need to weigh and see what is generally more profitable, i don’t mean in relation to men, specifically in relation to women, yes, talk about the fact that we do not have enough workers, listen, so we all come to mosvin, right there at the beginning worth it, there used to be a wonderful technical school there, machine tool building was called in soviet times, it was one of the best technical schools in general in moscow, it was famous, famous for technology.
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if you pass by, look that there is now a college of foreign trade, what is this so relevant, what is so important, now this is foreign trade, what does this have to do with it? renovated, rebuilt, it looks, i don’t know, some kind of nightclub, just look, if you go from here, it will be on your left hand, and if you come to us, on your right, well , maybe it makes sense to think about this, maybe think about what listen, well in soviet times, we actually had an article on zatuniyatstvo, well, i don’t propose such radical measures, but in general it’s a fact that half of moscow simply doesn’t work for us. people don’t work, well, guys, there’s a war going on, actually, actually there’s a war going on, but there are a lot of things that generally need to be accepted and taken, including quite tough measures, i’ve said it many times, but i can’t watch we have pictures on our tv channels, okay, just american, but they
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depict russians as murderous bandits, and this it’s coming now, it’s coming now , but we have someone doing this, okay, show me, i say
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, it’s generally terrible, deadly, and i must say, they have these weapons, and if all this is on our borders, well, excuse me, that’s it, we’ve lost our sovereignty , we we we we don’t make any noise anymore, so that’s why february 24, 2022, so it’s still necessary to explain such things , it needs to be explained, we explain solovyov’s evening all the time, you know, this needs to be promoted somehow. well it that’s right, in the eighth year, when nato carried out exercises in crimea, no one understood this, that’s right, koryn says, now we need to show people, but for that to happen, then 10,000 people came there, communists, zyuganov, khariton, and they didn’t allow these teachings, it is necessary to say, but
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everyone watches your program a lot, but it is necessary to say this, this is what would happen if, if, this is correct, absolutely, yes, in short, thank you for your support, but you me. i didn’t shoot it down, it was leonid who shot it down, as always, about the paintings, karen, sorry for what i said, about the paintings, i watched your interview, this is yours , there’s this okhlabystin, there are many, many others, there’s even sainz, dima, well, wonderful people, you all understand everything, how to change culture, there’s mikhalkov, well, get on with it, well, deputies can’t, you say, let the deputies, you must do it, those who understand, who understand what it means to show a picture from a carseza, who understand that it is impossible to show this.
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ideas among, well, well, i don’t see a reaction, but i understand, so to speak, we may not be the smartest, but at least discuss, at least, at least say something about it, we just communicate all the time with the collective central bank, which considers it beneath one’s dignity to answer someone there, this is such a general approach, by the way, they started talking about terrible technology, they just sent me mine friends, another abrams, our legendary fighters of the twenty- fourth brigade overwhelmed. special forces from novosibirsk, i visited them, fantastic guys, now
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they have captured another area of ​​berdychi, well , of course there are people there, that’s who we should make films about, that’s the real hero of our countries, abrams, yes, these are our soldiers, they are already mocking him at everything, i think that we should make such a greeting card and send it to biden. well, in order to understand what is happening with all this technology, i ask , of course, for a very interesting discussion, karan georgievich raised the difference between the cold war and the hot war, but we have it all the time, but i’m not talking about that now, i’m just talking about johnny joseph biden , i liked the speech, i applauded it, because such a speech, you know, comrades are on the right course straight head on into the stump. insofar as biden remembered roosevelt’s speeches back in 1941, the speech when roosevelt
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had just won the election, the elections were difficult because, in general, the republicans spoke there with indel willkie, who also spoke with internationalist views in general positions, although he was forced to reckon with the resolutionist electorate. the electorate in the united states was split between isolationists and internationalists. rosvelt would have belonged to the second movement. this was the speech. four freedoms, four freedom is freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom from poverty and freedom from fear, this speech was designed to unite american society, just when there was a war going on in europe, when americans needed to make a decision, well not the entire american society, only white, because at that time african americans were still being pushed around with might and main in the american army, even under roosevel. roosevelt really wanted to include
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the black population in his electorate personally, well, it was like i said, well in general, yes, i say included: what is biden doing? well, i’m not even saying that he was late, the speech lasted 67 minutes, that’s a lot, after it, although the majority discussed what biden was drugged with, there are different versions. that he held it like that, this is one of the versions, they talked about others, this is what the comrade supported and that he was so excited, and then really, if you sometimes need to listen to the americans with the sound turned off, this is this these are all the facial expressions, gestures that he had there, only americans, well, not only americans, now i want to show you two germans , okay, well, we can do it with sound, now we’ll come back , please tell me, ursula vonderden with her spiritual mentor,
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in general, the speech was structured in such a way that he constantly contrasted his policies, contrasted them with the policies of the republicans. what is state of the union address? that's basically it. well, in the states this is a presidential form of government, he is, the president is the head of state and head of government, that is, a report on the situation in the country, a message on the situation in country, it was supposed to sum up the results of the previous, past year and outline plans for the future, that is, in america there is no separation of powers, well, in principle, no , power is divided into the executive,
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the executive and the president, strictly speaking, and the government. legislative , this is the congress and the judicial, everyone was present in the hall, not formally, yes, really no, well , in reality it also exists, it also exists, insofar as biden now has the democrats, the democrats are now proceeding from the formula, everything is ghostly in this raging world, there is just joe, hold on to him, just like that, insofar as the main thing for them now is not only to re-elect the president.
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further, if he is talking about re-election, and he says that the republicans are constantly bothering him, he never called trump by name, but he kept addressing him, but he forgot his name, he kept addressing him to him, no, i think that they just pumped him up very well, because his little eyes were sparkling, so to speak, he stood there for 67 minutes, said something, but in general he just made a mistake once, well, with moscow, with medications, what was he wrong about, he said it correctly, well he said it correctly, right? he definitely didn’t want to talk about moscow very clearly , so he outlined his foreign policy priorities to skakhov, and i thought that he would say more about china, but he spoke about china as a rival, by the way, thereby causing very harsh and negative assessments on the republican side because they thought
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china should have spent a lot more time than he did, but he focused on putin. this is the main one an opponent for him, personally , even the main opponent, from this beginning, he has something personal for putin, i think, yes, i think that he has something personal, that’s how obama at one time everyone thought that he had obama’s personal, especially after snowden, when , in fact, we didn’t give up snowden, then biden, so he believes that in his brilliant presidency, it would have been brilliant if it weren’t for putin, i think that.. what exactly is so, that he has already perceived it, already perceives it as personal, so when biden himself he said nothing in foreign or domestic policy, here they talked, for example, about the migration issue, but on the migration issue he didn’t say anything about what he was going to do, this is the most key sore point in the relationship between the executive and legislative branches, he
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there is no need to do this, but they expected these explanations from him, because... in a number of states, everyone votes, even non-citizens, yes, yes, so why should he fight before the elections with what they give him somewhere plus 5 % of votes, yes, that’s understandable, it’s just that the point is that for him now this is just a barrier in legislative terms in relations with congress, and he is a person from congress, that is, in theory, previous presidents did not come from gubernatorial posts, but from congress, remember?
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surprisingly, he can’t do this, so in principle it is believed that he very often calls his colleagues in congress, the senator, yes, he simply forgets what their names are, i think that they remind him, consult with them about what steps to take undertake, but now, when he spoke in congress, he actually in other words, i couldn’t present any unifying ideas; on the contrary, the split went much deeper. well, look, the question is on the one hand: money for ukraine or the opportunity to win the elections, well, baydon is not crazy, so what for him.
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not the main ally, in theory he should transmit information all the time, but how will he transmit it if zelensky didn’t pick up the phone when he called as the head of the military, that is, well, this is bullshit, for
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the british the main thing is that the ambassador can pick up the phone at any time to contact the president, but this is impossible, this is not the point, so of course support, that’s not the point, even though you don’t have anyone, of course biden’s support, i like to count, and in 67 minutes kamala haris. became 91 times, this is what happens to a person if you put a button on her chair in time, no, at the same time, the speaker of the house of representatives sitting next to him, we can show his face, mike johnson, well, show his face, he stood up four times, only four times, that is, she got up more often than once a minute, yes, more often than once a minute, that’s each on purpose i started to think, the leader of the republicans, he’s just dragging his feet.
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like the right president they have, they don’t have anyone who can be the right president, no, no, i think, i think that the right president will be trump, who will destroy everything else, oh, there’s just some kind of destroyer here, please don’t i may not return to the discussion that at the beginning was about demographic policy and population management, russia has a unique experience, i’ll even tell you, probably other nations don’t have such domestic experience, because sometimes everything reduced to such a stereotypical... attention, how russia is winning, well, throwing corpses at you, now the entire western press is only writing about this, although this is not the case, how people are being resettled, well, they are being driven there in the gulag and so
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on, listen, russia developed new territories of siberia, the far east - central asia at the beginning of the 20th century, just think about the numbers, from 906 to 912 , 438,000 peasant farms moved to the territory of kazakhstan alone, present-day kyrgyzstan after the war, when russia was already developing the soviet union, western siberia, the north economic methods stimulated the resettlement of people in huge quantities, new cities grew there, and in a matter of years, the experience of using economic motivation, which alexander mikhailovich says, russia has amazing, and in a short time, with limited means, they stimulated resettlement in the interests of the state, but in the interests of the individual .
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in general, it is written in the publications how they answered him, so i will quote somewhat softly, what the hell? but they keep doing it? look, macron did this in february several statements, received a generally negative reaction from colleagues, what is he doing? on march 7, he gathers the leaders of parties, parliamentary factions, the reaction of the opposition is also critical, he retreats, no, he schedules debates in parliament on the twelfth or thirteenth. first in the national assembly, then in the senate, that is, he leads this line. in general, it is necessary here, i think, when we analyze scholz’s behavior, macron’s behavior, to understand what is happening in politics, both european and in these countries, well, macron has extremely difficult relations with the military, in general, complex, the most complex, when he came in the seventeenth year, the president was such pierre develier, a general, and so macron
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for... so that the military would simply listen to him, on the eve of july 14, the day of the embrace of bastille, he directly said: “juciuschef, i'm your boss." they refused to obey him.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere, anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. and special gifts. who are you all looking at? maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without doing anything on your own, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
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pierre devellier retired in 1977, by the way, in 22, he assessed that the french army is not ready for a large-scale armed conflict, the next
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chief of the general staff, who... the european army is not ready to wage war with russia, not one, i already i’m not talking about the combat experience that the russian army has, but in terms of the number of weapons, listen, we sometimes juggle these numbers here, there in poland 168. and not 300, they actually have combat-ready fighters somewhere around 45-50 thousand, well 60, maybe they have four divisions, they have brigades, for example france, two divisions in general, about 44 regiments .


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