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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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artillerymen from the west group of troops disrupted the rotation of ukrainian militants in the kupinsky direction. calculations of artudium nonak.
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struck at the manpower of the armed forces of ukraine, ukrainian militants set up their positions in a forest plantation, there they were watched around the clock by our reconnaissance drone, which revealed all their plans on the battlefield, at the moment when the armed forces of ukraine tried to rotate, they were hit by artillery, we destroy their manpower strength, dugouts, equipment, well, basically they no longer have equipment, basically there is only one manpower, well, there was a rotation, but... today they interfered with the rotation today. in a special military operation in the southern donetsk direction, ukrainian armed forces facilities are destroying crews of russian akatsiya installations. our self-propelled howitzers destroy armored vehicles and fortified enemy positions. eduard punigov will tell you how the fighters work. the position of the artillerymen of the vostok group is approximately 15 km. they are located in a forest belt where there are no public roads, so we are going there in this... all-wheel drive army truck
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; this is impossible to do in a passenger car, since you can definitely get stuck there, near the combat contact line , this should not be done under any circumstances, it is too dangerous, the battle crew, these crews, the vostok groups are working on the border of the donetsk people's republic and zaporozhye, by the time our film crew arrives, the soldiers are just leaving for the next combat duty. akatsiya self-propelled howitzers clear the way for infantry, destroy armored vehicles and... fortified enemy positions, the main 35-24 on target 35-49, the load is ready to be found, the crew is reloading the guns, the gunner corrects the coordinates again, the fire command sounds, one fire, and accepted fire, the crew repeatedly came under return fire , the gun loader remembers how once he miraculously survived, the drone flew through the commander’s hatch, then it got into this part, that is, it was turned around accordingly, well, what you can see here is that the weapon has all turned black, here are
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the fragments, here, here, here, here are the fragments, here are the fragments, this part has all been replaced , there are always a lot of drones on the front line, so the acacias are constantly maneuvering, going to position, fire a series of shots and immediately return to cover, the strikes are always corrected with the help of reconnaissance drones, so the shooting accuracy is almost one hundred percent, the task is received, the vehicle is driven out. we sit down with the whole crew on the car, drive to the position, the target arrives , load a shot, so until the target is hit, due to the fact that we now have experience, we hit from the second, from the third projectile, sometimes we hit from the first projectile, the range is calculated 18 km, legs, guns, mortar are not enough to reach the crews, the soldiers operate at their maximum harmoniously, understand each other perfectly, the apparatus is normal, it works normally , it hits many targets, the most important thing is to keep an eye on the machine so that it works
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instantly, if there is an accumulation of equipment, then we work according to the technology, manpower, mainly the support workers , the means of objective control confirmed that the enemy’s stronghold, hidden in the deep rear, was successfully hit, in the daytime, as they say, everything is visible, and accordingly it flies there, you know, having drunk drones, komikaze, accordingly, during the day it is necessary it’s much faster to aim, and there’s enough time, well, two minutes is already enough to... be ready to work from scratch, yes. immediately after hitting the target, acacia turns around and safely returns to its original position. not a single drone managed to detect our artillerymen. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the pope's words about the need to conduct peace negotiations went unheeded. western european leaders are trying their best to help kiev. emmanuel macron announced his imminent visit to ukraine, truth is on the agenda. there will be no peace
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negotiations, plans for the supply of long-range weapons, our correspondent, emil mirsaev, will talk about whether the party of escalation has a chance of success in the eu, about who, on the contrary, is ready to end the conflict. donald trump will not finance the security of europe and military actions in ukraine, this was announced by hungarian prime minister viktor orban, who recently met with the former american leader in florida. without american money, the eu will not be able to support the ukrainian army, then the conflict will end. trump hasn't yet president of the united states, but his party in the us legislature is preventing investors from investing.
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usa, which is a third more than in the previous period, which is noteworthy; for the first time, france was in second place as global suppliers, whose military exports increased by 47% during the reporting period. france is using the opportunities created by high global demand to expand its defense industry through exports. paris has succeeded in selling combat aircraft outside europe. apparently, being in a spirit of courage, the opposition, the president of france, says is throwing around loud language about sending nato troops to ukraine. emmanuel. macron will visit kiev in the coming weeks, agence francepress reports with reference to the elysee palace, and will discuss the creation of a so-called coalition for deep strikes on the russian rear, which implies the supply of independent long-range missiles, and this is precisely what the germans and others have been denying all last week allies
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of paris, and the french themselves. today we are embarking on a dangerous path for the future of europe and for peace in europe. we are on the verge of a dangerous military escalation and we do not want to destroy the world. but macro does not intend to listen to his people; instead, he wants to support the plan of czech president petr pavel, who, as the german newspaper bilt writes, announced his readiness to provide ukraine with 800,000 shells within a few weeks, half a million will be of nato caliber, 155 mm, the rest 3000 caliber 122. at the same time, the politician did not indicate where they came from, nor did he indicate with what money the military contracts were signed. for ordinary european citizens fatigue from the ukrainian conflict has accumulated, and the money goes to the taxpayer.
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glasses. emil mirsaev, news. paris, france. french politician and leader of the patriots party florian philippot said that the west is not investigating the undermining of the northern streams because nato countries are to blame. according to filippo, russia will not suffer from the results of the investigation. the involvement of the us, uk and other members of the alliance was clear from the very beginning. the sabotage damaged the interests of france and germany, but the state did not declare a desire to understand what happened. that at the end of february local the journalist asked a question to the official representative of the cabinet of ministers of the fifth republic about gas pipelines, after which he was deprived of accreditation without explanation. and now alexander’s economic news: in february, russia increased the export of liquefied natural gas by almost 3%,
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experts say. tell me, how much did you bet? tatyana, about 3 million tons, i continue the topic of energy. traditional oil and gas industry yet? will dominate the global energy balance for a long time and russian companies will not cut investment programs to the detriment of it development. deputy prime minister alexander novyk said this in an interview with a magazine expert and noted that investments have only been growing recently. in 2022, despite the introduction of sanctions, investment in the russian oil and gas industry increased by more than 25% compared to the previous year. investment growth continued in 2023, and this applies not only to the exploration and production sector. investments in oil refining in 2023 doubled compared to 2022, amounting to about 200 billion rubles. this indicates the self-sufficiency of the russian oil and gas industry. moreover, how
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alexander novak stated that russia has confirmed its role as a reliable partner and key participant in opec plus. according to him, if it were not for the reduction in production within the framework of the agreement on the oil market of... by 3% in annual terms , according to keppler, it was possible to ship about 2,800,000 tons. deliveries to european countries and turkey exceeded 1.5 million, and more than a million tons were sent to asia. in addition, russia ranks third in terms of lng supplies to spain. in february, the kingdom purchased more than 5,000 gwh of liquefied gas from us. and for the entire last year, more than 72.500. s&p lowered credit. ukraine's rating from triple c to double c, the agency believes that its medium-term economic prospects are subject to a high
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degree of uncertainty, primarily due to the conflict with russia and population outflow. therefore, experts have a negative forecast for ukraine; kiev will almost inevitably not be able to pay off its external debts. the probability of default on external commercial obligations in the snp is assessed as very high and they expect that the country will begin negotiations on restructuring in the near future loans with creditors. foreign electronics brands, which had previously curtailed promotion in russia or even stopped official supplies, are returning to advertising activity. according to telecom daily, it recovered by 65-100% last year. examples include chinese honor, xiaomi, korean samsung, taiwanese acer and others. also, new chinese smartphone brands, tekna and infini, increased their marketing activity by 60%. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are 90 rubles, 74 kopecks,
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euro 9887 that's all i have for now, let's check your memory, remember in detail what you did 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, with memory problems an innovative drug for apept u can help... helps improve cerebral circulation, restore memory and attention, the choice must be balanced, time-tested, to keep your head working, we take loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we are all in con bank, we take out loans, they are approved quickly, we are in sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, it’s easy to find your job on avito place, dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i won't be late now. mom, guess who started a new job today? grandma, what
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an eighty-year-old teacher in the case; she was accused of separatism. what was the verdict? evgenia petrukhina will talk about this. confiscation of an apartment for supporting russia. this punishment was invented by a ukrainian court for alla stodnitskaya, an eighty-year-old pensioner from vinnitsa. and this despite the fact that the trial was in absentia. the woman went to visit her relatives in russia during a pandemic. in addition to the physics teacher. she paid attention to the so-called pro-russian posts, that is, in ukraine , a pensioner was actually sentenced to a real criminal term for liking, well, they study and proclaim that they are a democratic country, that they are following the path, which means their model there is european, american democracy, where the actual right
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of property is a sacred thing, a sacred cow, well, that is, it turns out to be something they have... they take property away from people for political reasons. and this is how they drag potential ukrainian soldier vakop. this is the lviv region. as a result, he is a military officer with zero motivation. what does he expect that in the trench he will have no choice and will have to shoot? they count on this when they find themselves in conditions of survival. people will use weapons and or at least create the appearance that there are ukrainian soldiers in the trenches, otherwise the west will not give money, no matter how you persuade it, remember how kuleba, out of nerves, began to smoke a cigar right on ukrainian television, but it is unlikely that he will at this moment worried about the lives of the dry landowners, there are actually two ways for these citizens of ukraine
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to either flee abroad or surrender to russian troops. this is the only way they can save their lives, because they often fail to even escape, and now everyone is discussing why 30 boys could not resist the ukrainian security forces, who threw them out of the minibus and beat them with bestial cruelty, because they were trying to escape to romania, paying 10,000 euros. where does such humility come from? and against the backdrop of this, kuleba is trying to argue whether the russians are capable of protest, and can russians be called slaves? still, that smoked cigar on ukrainian television was probably expired, attempts at maliciously bilious statements, they completely destroyed their country, first with a riot in the nineties, the so-called revolution on granite, then with the maidan of 2004 and led it to complete destruction as a country, because today it is no longer a country, it is a colony in
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2014, and now they are trying to tell someone that... a brawl, tsk, the police and future dryers, its use, they didn’t like something, shot and moved on. but kiev, which already has triple work with young people, is not really preparing to issue a summons to a young man. so, buvinsky is already being prescribed to you, god damn it,
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where has the world gone? this question is probably now being asked by those whom the tetsekashniks have already packed up to be sent to the ukrainian trench. but in reality these are the chevrons with the cynical inscription ttsk works, they probably forgot that their turn to the front could also come up. evgenia petrukhina, anna pogonina, news! funeral announcers of central television svetlana morgunova's funeral will take place tomorrow at the troekurovsky cemetery. information about the place where the farewell will take place will still be clarified. the tv presenter's relatives reported this. murgunova passed away on the eve of march 10. just a couple of days before, on march 7th, she. turned 84 years old, the announcer came to television in the early sixties, and hosted the blue light morning mail program. for her services to the development of domestic television and radio broadcasting, she was awarded the order of friendship and awarded the titles of people's artist of russia and honored artist of the rsfsr. svetlana morgunova studied at
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theater studio at the mostsoveta theater , and even in her student days she took part in performances. came to television in 1961 , worked as an announcer, introduced viewers to the tv program program, hosted episodes of the famous blue light and the music program morning mail, hosted concerts and festive events, 2011 was awarded the order of friendship for great services in the development of domestic television and radio broadcasting, and was also awarded the title of honored artist people's artist of russia. mobile point voting, dad, are you waiting for someone? but will you see it now? this is a special mobile unit that will go where there is none.
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who will ensure development, who guarantees stability, who unites us, in whom you are confident, only in him. russia! vote for someone who can be trusted with the country. this is us, in siberia in the far
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east, in smolensk and yekaterinburg, in the volga region and in the south of the country. we all want to move forward, we have a clear program of action. come to the polls on march 17, this is our time, the time of new ones. vladislav davankov, candidate. presidents of russia, number one on the ballot. time for something new. remember, vladimir zhirinovsky, the ldpr party, were not afraid to tell the people the truth. the great people, great russia, do not lie and do not be afraid, not a single unemployed, homeless, hungry person. all these years, zhirinovsky and the liberal democratic party fought for you, defended your interests. we continue the work of zhirinovsky. honest prices, russia is more than moscow, everyone needs the truth, for the cause of zhirinovsky, for the ldpr, for slutsky,
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nikolai, where are you going, where, where, to work, to the kremlin. so, let’s play at capitalism and that’s enough, for nikolai kharitonov, for socialism. now let's talk about sports, alexander, the twentieth round of the russian football championship has ended, sum up its results. tatyana, good morning, zenit returned to first place at the end of the round, krasnodar is one point behind, dynamo is two points behind. the twentieth round of the russian premier league ended the night before with the spartak-torch match. due to the poor condition of the lawn at spartak's home luel arenni,
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this match was played at the luzhniki stadium. voronezh the torch became the author of the sensation. for the second time this season, the torch beat spartak. both times it was 2:0. the day before, the guests opened the scoring in the thirty- seventh minute. the penalty was converted by evgeniy markov. the score 2:0 in favor of the torch was an own goal scored by danil prutsev in the middle of the second half. the spartak player cut. the ball into an own goal after a cross from the left flank. the torch broke a streak of five rounds without a win. voronezh remained in eleventh place in the table. spartak is sixth, 31 points and nine points behind the leading zenit. in other matches of the cska tour also with won with a score of 2:0 in samara. rostov beat krasnodar in the southern derby 2:1. krasnodar, which went into the winter break as the championship leader, scored only one point in two rounds after the winter break. osichko... hadara took advantage of zenit 4:1 in yekaterinburg and after this victory zenit returned to first place in the table. parien minimal victory in kazan, dynamo 2:0 against akhmat. dynamo
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is a championship contender, one point behind krasnodar and only two behind zenit. orenburg-baltika - 1:0 and lokomotiv lost points in the home game against outsider of the sochi championship. six of the eight participants in the second round have already become known in the gagarin cup. on the eve of exit to the second round. the playoffs were decorated by a chelyabinsk tractor. the chelyabinsk team closed the series against solovat yulaev with a score of 4:2. in the sixth game , the tractor's victory turned out to be super strong-willed. even in the first period, the ufa team scored twice within one minute. next came the tractor's impressive comeback. at the beginning of the third period the score was already equal, and the winning goal in the match was 3 minutes before the end of the third period abandoned by semyon dar arguchentsev. after which there was another puck into an empty net. 4:2 in the match and 4:2 in the series. chelyabinsk sensationally knocked out the favorites of this series from the gagarin cup. traktor is now waiting for its opponent in the next round of the playoffs, and without slovat yulaev the season is over. for the second year in a row
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slovat yulaev. kaprizov scored and provided an assist. kirill scored his thirty-first goal of the season at the end of the second period during the power play and finished off the puck from the pit. effective actions of the russian helped minnesota win this game. kaprizov is his team's best sniper and top scorer this season. minnesota continues. fighting for getting into the stanley cup playoffs, but so far kiril kaprizov’s team is not included in the eight cup cup in the west. in the vtb united league, cska moscow broke a four-game losing streak. the army team beat lokomotiv kuban away. during the fourth quarter, lokomotiv was ahead of cska by 10 points, but the muscovites managed to win back this gap. regular time of the match ended in a draw 78-78, so the strongest team was determined in overtime. where
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csk's defense worked to its full potential. emil raikovich's team allowed the krasnodar team to score only four points in overtime. as a result , cska won 96-82. this is lokomotiv's first home defeat since the beginning of october. in the aan group standings, csk is level with unix and shares first place. lokomotiv kuban is in fourth place. that 's all about sports for now. see you next hour.
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meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin, your brother in donbass must go there you go just like that for passengers to ride here i’m not a fighter i came for my brother in a couple of days you’ll go there to the gray zone behind this line you’ll become different and what happened there was childhood and youth, and now it’s darkness, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no , it’s hard to get used to, a lazy passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him.
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is there still hope? there is always hope. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions, we look to learn about the world, educational
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programs and documents. and movies, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website, now in the weather section in moscow, april warmth will come to st. petersburg in the coming days, as forecasters promise, evgeniy tishkavets will tell you how many degrees it will be. spring is going into a counterattack, this week in the european part of russia will be the warmest since the beginning of the year, what processes are behind this and how quickly will the temperature rise in the region? time for weather news on channel russia 24. i'm evgeniy teshkovets, presenter specialist of the fobas center. hello, in russian.


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