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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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it can be used much faster. artillerymen open fire on the enemy observation post. one by one , high-explosive fragmentation shells fall on the enemy... 82 mm caliber, per minute the mortar fires 20 shells, the maximum firing range is almost 7 km, the minimum is 85 m. mortar, shot! despite its modest size, this mortar has become a formidable weapon, with its help it destroys enemy artillery, military equipment and stops attacks by sabotage groups of militants, we work on counter-batteries, it turns out that the enemy’s manpower is infantry, we raise.
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we look where we get the appearance of a living enemy, but what happens is we deploy the mortar, aim , practice the target, while the mortar crew hits the enemy, the fire support group closely monitors the sky, enemy drones will sense the terrain, if a drone appears, it will be shot down or grounded with an anti-drone gun, after completing the task, the fighters turn down the weapon and move to another area, from where they are again ready to strike the enemy. artillerymen on the front line work around the clock, they can quickly move to any given square and strike the enemy with lightning speed. regular training and training at the training ground made the fighters professionals: every specialist in a mortar crew can conduct aerial reconnaissance, load and point the gun at the target. the instructors who trained us, and officers in general, they have a lot of experience, taught us how to use a mortar, taught us how to aim, shoot, load, evaluate.
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spoke at campaign events in georgia, a swing state where victory is especially important. in during the rallies, biden accused trump of seeking to establish a dictatorship; in turn, trump said that biden was too old to rule the country. valentin bogdanov will tell you more about how the presidential race is going in the states. having stood the test of super tuesday, the us presidential candidates scattered across america to be close again. first stop.
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both have the ever-swinging georgia, where a lot was decided in the last election, joe biden, one was not released. hello atlanta, i'm joe biden, husband of jill biden, husband of milania, 100 km from his opponent, a couple of days from victory in the republican primaries. if donald trump takes georgia, mississippi, hawaii and washington on tuesday, he guarantees himself the nomination, 1215 electors. hi, george. rum in floyd county, like rome in italy, after which it is named, stands on seven hills, and in america there are 26 berlins, 21 paris, only there is not a single kiev, and the ukraine of america, not 51 states, no matter how biden wanted during the recent state of the union address. rogue joe biden talked about in ukraine, before talking about america, he also talked about the size of the bars. joe biden. should not shout angrily at america,
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america should shout angrily at joe biden. so, in general, it turned out that, on trump’s order, biden was shouted at at his own rally. you are a genocidal dictator, joe, tens of thousands of palestinians are dead. look, thank you, i'm not outraged by this ardor. many palestinians have been victims of injustice. in short, biden wants it to be so, can we do it? one more take, look at me, i'm young, energetic and attractive, and where did i come from, but it turns out like this, like in the parody from the trump campaign: i’m not a young guy, it’s no secret, in any case, well, with this msnbc interview, the magical effect of the message to congress has finally come to naught, biden has become biden again. america did it.
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mistake, we chased bin laden until we finally got to him, but we shouldn't have gone into ukraine, and i mean, we shouldn't have. we can only guess what he will do with this information. adam schiff hints at a criminal case alleging trump improperly stored classified documents in florida. biden's boxes in a garage in delaware, of course, were left out of the frame of this interview.
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there is no law that would require american intelligence to familiarize us presidential candidates with current threats. however, since 1952 for the current heads of bely. at home, this was something of a rule of good manners, however, in times of fights without rules, good form can easily be abandoned. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and maria bolatvina, news from new york. three new special economic zones will appear in russia, and two will be expanded. more than 100 billion rubles of investment have already been announced. alexandra nazarova will tell you what preferences businesses in which regions will receive. the network of special economic zones in russia is expanding; the government decided to create three new facilities in mordovia, rostov and tver regions. in saransk and the lyambersky district of mordovia , construction materials, electrical equipment, electronic optical products, chemical and mechanical engineering products will be produced. in
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novocherkassk, trailer equipment, industrial refrigeration equipment, synthetic resins, protective decorative materials. an lng complex will also be created there. in the kalininsky and kanakovsky districts of the tver region they will be engaged in the production of polyethylene pipes, concrete polymer structures, dry building mixtures and sheet metal processing. the special economic zone system in mordovia will receive the most investment at the initial stage, more than 33 billion rubles. and maus in the tver region is over seventeen, and the rostov region is about nine. first of all, new industries will arise with the expected volume of investment somewhere. about 60 billion rubles. and about 10,000 jobs will be created, and it is very important to say that this is a fairly high-tech production, this includes mechanical engineering, electrical equipment, high-quality building materials, chemical products, that is, there
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may also be a qualitative leap for the regional economy. it is already known that the launch of the first production facilities of the special economic zone in the tver region is scheduled for the first half of next year. they form three clusters: logistics, industrial and chemical. the total declared area is about 300 hectares with the prospect of expansion to 1,800. in addition to the creation of new special economic zones, two will be expanded. in the kaluga region it will add sites with three pharmaceutical production facilities. more than 17 billion rubles will be invested in them. and in lipetsk, on the territory of a former tractor plant, production of agricultural machinery and trailers will appear. investments of almost 30 jobs, respectively. expansion usually happens for three reasons, and moreover, these reasons usually act together in their part, that is, the first is the significant degree of occupancy
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of existing sites, the second reason is that the region is usually interested in including new municipalities in the theme of special zones, the third point is new presidents. often require some special location; for a number of reasons, they may not be satisfied with the sites that were previously there due to logistics due to the fact that they may already be located in another municipality or have adjacent neighbors. in total, there are more than 50 special economic zones, the volume of declared investments is about 6 trillion, over 60 thousand jobs have been created, over 18 years more than 100 residents have registered there, they use tax and customs. benefits and can expect a reduction in rental payments. there are income tax benefits; for the first 8 years, as a rule, it is 2% instead of 20%. from the ninth to the fourteenth year it is approximately 9-14%, from the fourteenth year it is
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15.5%. plus , property tax is usually reset to zero for about 10 years, and motor vehicle tax is reset to zero for 5 years... land, what is more important is not even tax breaks, although this is of course also important, relatively simple access to infrastructure, electricity, water supply, heat supply, sewerage, zones stimulate structural changes in the economy, experts say. this is especially important given the production development goals that vladimir putin has set for the next 6 years, including increasing the level of gross value added in the manufacturing industry by at least 40% compared to the twenty-second year. proposal for the development of a special project economic zones, is associated with the tasks of industrialization, such reindustrialization of the russian economy in the context of sanctions and continuation. svo technology of institutional special economic zones, even if it is not
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very large-scale when compared with the russian economy as a whole, nevertheless , it has already created for us, well, dozens of growth points in various regions of the country, helped to revive some very important for the country production of mechanical engineering and pharmaceuticals , in chemistry, food industry. special economic zones are one of the most large-scale projects. to attract direct investment in priority sectors, it will now develop especially actively. the pope called on the kiev regime to have the courage to start peace negotiations. however, the pontiff’s message was extremely disliked by washington, london and brussels. the vatican press service even had to eventually issue an explanation of what exactly the pope meant by truce or capitulation. artyom krosulin understood the details. in light of the imminent defeat, kiev should have the courage to raise the white flag with such a statement
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pope francis spoke in an interview with the swiss media, according to the pontiff, it is necessary for the ukrainian authorities to agree on a ceasefire in order to save the country, in ukraine there are those who are asking to finally surrender, to raise the white flag, but others believe that such a scenario will reveal the strongest, what do you think? i believe that the one who sees the situation, the one who thinks about people is stronger. who has the courage to raise the white flag and negotiate. today it is possible to negotiate with the help of international powers. the word negotiations is bold. when you you see that you are losing, that things are going wrong, you need to have courage and negotiate. shame on you, but how many deaths will this end in? a few hours later, the vatican press service was forced to correct the statement. they say francis meant a truce, not capitulation. in kiev, however, the pontiff’s call was met with hostility. the country's embassy at the vatican noted that the only way to complete.
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harsh criticism from kiev against francis is shocking, embarrassing and insulting. this is not the first time this has sounded. ukrainian the leadership systematically rejected the peace initiatives of the pontiff; last year, the pope was even included in the peacekeeper’s base for calling on russian youth not to abandon the legacy of the great empire. he said the corresponding words during an online speech at the all-russian catholic meeting.
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and also independent upiri, like boris johnson, who hope to get rich from interviews, zelensky is at the center of it all, he does not rule history. stories are ruled by nato and the united states, stories are ruled by putin, this guy, zelensky, turned out to be here. experts are not they doubt that with the current balance of power at the front, calls for a peaceful settlement will be heard more and more often. intermediaries. you won’t have to search for long; several states immediately proposed to hold negotiations between the warring parties. beijing has prepared
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a twelve-point peace plan, and china's special representative for eurasian affairs, lihui, recently visited moscow and kiev, then went to countries that support ukraine. last summer , the leaders of african states presented their version to vladimir putin settlement. turkish president recep tayyip erdogan also maintains active contacts with moscow and kiev. ankara is not only ready to act as a mediator in the dialogue, but also to become a platform for an international peace summit. let me remind you that the ukrainian conflict could have ended in the spring of twenty-two in turkey, but then the british one.
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wanted to understand what happened. moreover, the politician recalled that the press service of the government of the fifth republic decided to accredit a journalist who asked a question about explosions in the baltic sea. between joe a serious dispute is flaring up between biden and benjamin netanyahu, which has already gone beyond the boundaries of high offices. the new york times writes about this on the front page. journalists quote the israeli prime minister as saying that he acts on behalf of the majority. this is a response to a recent comment. the american leader who accused netanyahu of cruelty, saying that with his policies he harms israel more than helps. biden called on his colleague to take into account the civilians in gaza who are dying as a result of indiscriminate strikes tsahal. but israel appears to have no plans to change its tactics. moreover, netanyahu intends to violate the united states' red line by invading rafah on the southern border
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of the gaza strip. according to human rights activists, more may die as a result of this operation. 30,000 inhabitants of palestine. amid the crisis , egypt has suffered colossal financial losses, and global logistics patterns have also changed. the author and presenter of the vesti nedeli program, dmitry kiselyov, spoke about all the details. world attention on the red sea. this is a global maritime trade route that passes through the vanity canal in egypt, from asia to europe and back. egypt charges a fee for passage through the soviet canal. to put it bluntly, until recently the egyptians earned up to a billion dollars a month for tickets through suez. now the americans have made it so that egypt receives half as much, income has fallen by half. but the point is not that
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it is egypt that is suffering losses, the point is that if merchant ships, tankers, dry cargo ships and container carriers go from... to europe not through the red sea and the suede canal, around africa, then the global logistics scheme changes, everything becomes longer and more expensive. clearly, in this graph, since january 24 , the volume of traffic through the suede canal has fallen to 2 million tons, which is three times less than what was transported bypassing africa through the thought of good hope during the same period. but why are we talking about americans again? but because they support the israeli military operation in the gaza strip, which began in response to the ruthless terrorist attack by the hamas 7 group october, but now for the entire muslim world it looks frankly excessive, it is expected that this excessiveness will cause a forceful response, perhaps asymmetrical, it so happened that the yemeni
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houthi rebels announced that they would attack all ships off their coast in the red sea. those associated with israel did this, for example, with the side of the msc sky 2 under the flag of liberia punctured, obviously a trace from a missile, one of the containers began to smoke. on march 6, the houthis attacked the barbados cargo ship true confidence in the gulf of adon. these ships still they were lucky, they stayed afloat, here is the cargo ship of the sub-fleet. hit on february 18, went to the bottom, sank epically for a week, deciding to deal quickly with everyone, the americans sent the navy against the houthis, but this did not help, the us ships themselves came under daring
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fire, in the end it was stupidity, and the task of protecting shipping was not resolved. now the us wants china to have its say, but china's position is as simple as truth: stop the genocide in gaza, the houthis will stop, international shipping in the region will return. and this is where the damaged submarines appeared internet cables that are laid along the bottom of the red sea. someone tore them, there are 16 of them in total, four of them are miraculously damaged. each has its own name. seacombe. but there is a nuance: 80% of traffic from china and india towards the west passes through damaged cables. now telecommunication flows have been redirected, but the call is very
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serious. and there is the main question: who? israel points its finger directly at the houthis. the houthis deny any involvement and usually take direct responsibility for their attacks. not now. yes and no against them no evidence and here’s the most interesting thing: the americans have experience in concealing terrorist attacks on the nord stream gas pipelines. why not now break submarine telecommunications cables with impunity? motive? the lebanese tv channel alma 1 interprets it this way. one of the reasons that could prompt washington to do this is to turn the world community against the yemeni houthis, especially european ones. countries and china. the us wants to influence china to intervene in the red sea crisis. beijing, in their opinion, should put pressure on tehran, so that it, in turn, calls on ansar allah to stop attacks in the red sea.
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if so, then the united states is intriguing against china, trying to anger it and drag it to its side. but the americans would not be themselves if they did not also want to directly harm china by setting suspicion on the wrong trail. but that's how it is. they pointedly refused to investigate this terrorist attack, and even actively took care to set public opinion in the right direction; washington lost
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the presumption of innocence in such matters. from now on the initiative damage to global infrastructure will forever be associated with the united states. american handwriting. the rupture of internet cables in the red sea, the americans will have to prove that it was not them. there is no presumption of innocence, we need to really investigate what happened, not just point the finger at someone, but realistically at the international level, let the united states assemble an international team for this, but they love coalitions and forward, and at the same time restore the proportionality of actions , listen to all participants in the process, countries and civilization, otherwise sea and ocean internet cables will break as if by themselves, increasingly at the most inopportune moment. the russian football union presented a new uniform for the national team. now
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valery karpin's team will play in fabulous equipment. the designers took as a basis one of the most striking, one of the most striking plots of russian folklore. my colleague stas radikultsev attended the presentation. illustrious veterans, star football players of the past and talents of the future are looking forward to the presentation of the new national team uniform russian football. at the entrance to the hall, like museum exhibits, there are t-shirts from previous years, from the first, still cotton national team of the soviet union, to the technologically advanced ones of our time. the national team uniform is not just equipment, it is a dream for any football player. dmitry sychev’s path to it began in childhood at the omsk market. there was no marketplace back then, so probably not, we only had chinese markets, everything could be said there, but of course not like that.
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russia to present the new uniform of the national football team. by the way, this is what it looks like a new t-shirt, the fabric is very pleasant to the touch, almost weightless, interesting.
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for the first time, the country's national team will play in domestic uniforms, made and for russia. the shape certainly has symbolic meaning. the national team uniform is not only and not just equipment, the national team uniform, accordingly, implies a certain responsibility. and is a symbol for football players that he has achieved this goal, his dream, his cherished dream, to become a national team football player, is a confirmation of his talent and his merits, certainly new the uniform should motivate and become desirable for young football players, young players, for the big premiere and big matches, the russian national team has meetings with serbia and paraguay ahead, a new uniform from the russian manufacturer.
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fans will be able to watch the russian national team against the backdrop of powerful serbia and terrible paraguay on march 21 and 25 at the dynamo stadium in moscow. stas ridikultsev, vladimir shabalin, andrey melnikov and umar tuskaev, lead. muslims have begun the holy month of ramadan, a time of strict fasting, prayer and pure thoughts. ramadan will last until april 9 and will end with the holiday of uraza bayram. about how the holy month is celebrated in bashkiria, a report by murat zarip. people
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begin to gather at the mosque long before the azan, calls to prayer literally a few minutes before the start of the night prayer, there are practically no empty seats here. the holy month of ramadan, or ramadan in the turkic manner, begins at sunset, then after night prayer, believers perform tarawih prayer and read a special holiday prayer. at this time, the mosque is usually it's so easy not to get there. indeed, we have holidays on fridays. perform namaz in the mosque in the circle of your brothers and sisters in faith, and not only today, but throughout the entire holy month, a special benefit for every muslim believer, as well as fasting, due to the fact that it fell this year for
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early spring. even more parishioners will be able to join him, well, he’ll only turn 12, so this is the first year he’s been here, so i hope for the best that he ’ll go to the mosque all his life, even after me, this month i will be there, let’s say in the summer there are 18 hours, 19 hours, yes , this fast lasts, and he was lucky that his first fast fell in these months, fasting during the holy month is one of... islam believers should refrain from eating during daylight hours; if the morning meal - suhur - is traditionally celebrated at home, then believers often perform the evening breaking of the fast at wtar collectively. we work during ramadan, not as usual, we work so that people can come to us and conduct ivtar in our cafe. it turns out that we will already be working until 12 to 11. it happens that there is no work space,
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but somehow... sometimes families come for dinner, sometimes guests are invited for 30, 40, 50 people, the month of ramadan for muslims is not just a time of refusing to eat, a time of spiritual cleansing, pure thoughts , good deeds of fervent prayer. the muslim holy month of ramadan, the month of fasting, will last 30 days and end with the holiday of breaking the fast, eidal fitr or eid al-fitr. this year it falls on april 10th. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, leading bashkyrtyzstan.


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