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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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the slogans of today's festival: we are starting the future together, we will consider that the future has begun, but what it will be depends on you, we are now right at the stage, so we cannot show you emotions, but we can hear them, on the same days that young people from all over the world met in sochi, the french president made one statement after another: about the possible sending of troops to battles with russia in ukraine. one thing is obvious, mr. macron is convinced of his line of inflicting a strategic defeat on our country. he continues to increase the level of direct french involvement in this war. from our point of view, this in no way corresponds to the interests of the french. in such different, complex world. right now
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, processes are underway that are changing the entire post-war system, when the soviet union, as the victorious country, and the allies agreed to divide the world, they successfully divided it into this. balance of power built international relations created a modern system of international law, then the soviet union ceased to exist, there was only one superpower left, i believe that the united states could not cope with this burden of responsibility, they created a monopoly and began to strengthen it, everyone sought to join the west, in volume including russia, when it sought to join the seven, eight, then we realized that this did not make sense, because...
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what was mr. johnson talking about then? the trouble is probably in today's germany, where did it come from? modern germany after world war ii has never been sovereign in the full sense of the word. it was not me who said this, it is the german polities who say this. in the history of our countries, we have always experienced a golden time when we, russians and germans, joined forces. at all times when germany and russia were together, we achieved great things. obvious successes, today this is not the case, but i think that the national, deep-seated interests of germany will inevitably sooner or later bring to the top politicians who will adhere to national interests, now we hear that europe should already have its
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own armed forces, europe should to be more independent, which means that despite the well-known hierarchy in the western world , the truth about the events in ukraine breaks through in the western world, thanks to military officers. putin shared what he was talking about i asked the heads of the tv channels about the girls, the reporters, to remove them from there. what did this lead to? they took a vacation and went there themselves. moreover, the head of the channel told me that they were ready to quit, but they would go there anyway. the same goes for other women who perform combat. the task is there, i just know it, i talked to them, they serve their homeland, this is their calling, their inner life impulse. and those who serve their homeland, both men and women, will definitely not forget the barbaric attacks against the russians cities. shelling civilian targets across squares
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is certainly a war crime. this is how we will treat what happened, and we will not leave those who did it alone. we published presidential statements here. subscribe, the president's speech at the closing of the youth festival was scattered all over the world, despite the fact that we look different, just look at these young people, hello, to understand that we are different in appearance, but there is something that we all unites, what is it? yes we are all human and we are all equal. and if we are all equal, then there is no place in the world, no matter what you are and no matter whose exclusivity you are, we are all equal from the moment we are thanks to mom and dad, this is how people appear today in the world, there
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is no other way , even with modern technologies, we appear in the world as equals, but the question is, are we growing
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... i know, but she eventually greeted the president like this: hello, without a single blot, however, she firmly told those who jumped up to her photo time with the president: such a rush also because in african countries they remember well how russia behaved and behaves, on what conditions did western countries issue loans? by definition it is impossible to give, but such conditions for financial relations were formulated, and african countries were forced to take out loans, there was such a moment in the history of mankind, after the first world war, the then greedy rulers of france... britain created such financial conditions for germany and imposed such
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indemnity, that it was by definition impossible to give them, and this was one of reasons for the rapid rise of hitler, because he told his people: “look what these bandyugans are doing, never from generation to generation the germans will be able to pay off and become a normal country.” we have only one way - to fight for our interests by force . why are such conditions being created and imposed for africa today? financial repeated the world festival vladimir putin 's obligations the president several times this is not an attempt to prove something to anyone, russia is glad to see its friends. we do not organize an event of this kind some kind of tool to combat sanctions. our government is fighting sanctions and quite successfully, as you can see, with such results in the agricultural sector. there has never been a 30-fold increase in
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export revenues in the country; they would have sent us to try the concept of political cuisine, so they made delicious sprat, because delicious sprat during putin’s trip. in the stavropol region, yeah, chicken noodles were presented, you say, we have sour cream, greens, here we have blackberries, isn’t it dangerous, journalists had questions, the security service works and does what it must to ensure the safety of the head of state, do you prefer cucumbers or tomatoes most of all, depending on what is tasty, the canteen of the holding company is in greenhouses... of which a third of russian tomatoes are grown, and what do you like more, tomatoes or
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cucumbers tomatoes your very corporate answer now you have given, the management will praise you if they hear it, the whole country will watch it, very interesting and unusual footage, you can always see it in our program, the presidential auros comes straight to the greenhouse, where they grow tomatoes, we go by car, we go, but it ends, the end of the screen is not visible. it’s not my time to come here, they cleaned it up like that, everything is so clean, from planting a seed to the first tomato it takes 90 days, and we collect it for 10 months, we collect it for 10 months, then it’s liquidated again, and so on all year round, that is, it has a lifespan here this vine has one, 10 months, 10 months, and life - these are the tomatoes that are necessary for now also under the supervision of robots, the camera determines which tomato is ripe.
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don't mind, we need helpers, and if they there will be so many people here that there’s just a lot, we don’t need a lot, we can handle it ourselves, let’s go break his wheels there, let’s go, we don’t need competition, let’s go, let’s go, we already know who not to let in, okay, it’s a joke, it’s it’s a joke, just rewrite the names , but this will not lead to unemployment for us, no, in no case, in no case, we will build more, the enterprise will expand, this is class, there are not enough people, but the robot will work 20 hours,
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after all, the work is hard, in the summer in a greenhouse under the direct rays of the sun, such monstrous heat, that the robot is a rescue, 8 kg of tomatoes, the robot harvester will pick, the box will be filled, and what next? the robot stops , signals this directly to people, a person should still come through, when there is a robot that itself drives up somewhere and places it, some kind of plant grower, no, this does not inspire confidence in the designer, plant grower, agronomist - it sounds proud , agronomists are in high demand in the country today, right? absolutely true, in great demand, just, you know, there is a huge shortage of good specialists, you want to be a designer, a plant breeder, yes, plasticine of the plant
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world, well, this is more like it, but how did it come to your mind? just so that young people are somehow more or less familiar , now everyone strives to be some kind of designers, few people know about agronomists, we have never had such harvests before, we have become the fourth country in the world in the export of agricultural products, and the first in terms of agriculture country in the world, potatoes were sent to us at one time as humanitarian aid, our producers were left here, i remember these conversations, like a good thing, gum-aid, she came, our producers died inside. because they can’t sell their products , now in the west, when they talk about the food of the future, they talk about some kind of moths and show worms, and russian natural products are in hot demand, the largest quantity of tomatoes in russia, in greenhouses, in greenhouses, yes, there will be more. well, unfortunately, yes, sometimes
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i didn’t expect such a reaction from myself, it was just very close, so such a reaction happened, there are no accidents in tomatoes, there is a taste, there are signs in the dining room, everyone was watching, will putin smell any other flavors here? he immediately pushed the soup away, pushed the compote closer, and took a few sips. well , it’s clear that putin’s interlocutors completely froze, that’s what our program saw. the photographer put the camera directly on his shoulder, i didn’t understand what it was, so i think who it was, but they were afraid to turn around, right? no, i heard a click and before me, in general, i understood what the point was, well, i just saw that you froze and didn’t even hesitate, at that moment
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they could have put it on you, it seems to me that’s it, just big, well, i can’t eat like that. nothing. well, as you can see, cutlets, goulash, borscht, mashed potatoes, buckwheat, everything is whole and unharmed, they didn’t eat anything, they just drank a little compote. why didn’t you eat, not even anyone? we are excited, embarrassed, as if we haven’t eaten. we simply waited until the president had eaten, only after that. he ate the tomato and tasted the compote. yes, we also tried the compote. very, very thirsty. but the conversation turned out to be useful and interesting, take more, throw it further, this is putin about his work in the construction brigade, i thought that i athlete, yes , yes, yes, well, what nonsense is there for me, i found out that no, by the end, by the end of the day i was already dragging my feet, we worked for a week,
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excuse me, we went to the bathhouse, it was like i came to this bathhouse in armitage, there was such a feeling, there was a feeling. absolute, complete rest. participants in presidential events in stovropol could afford approximately this kind of rest after their completion. putin left, they stretched their backs, then their shoulders. well, the president is under cameras almost every second, before his meeting with the governor. two vladimir vladimirovich. we we’ll talk to him separately today, with the governor, we’ll decide what can be done.
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but after the meeting, putin asked the minister separately and not publicly about the problems. such a successful company certainly deserves special support, including this one. when every employee wants a photo, photographers should see everything. here’s a photo, attention, and behind them their leader is a marker, wait, yes, yes, as it seems to him, unnoticeably, he begins to urgently look for a felt-tip pen. because he also came up with the idea to ask the president
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sign on the company banner, and of course. everyone photographed the presidential motorcade in the stavropol region, but will there be a stop?
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they asked if he had a smart device, for example, from sber? why do i need sber if we have sber leaders who are always in touch, connected and close? minister and governors on the development of the south of russia. a necessary project for people. the president also had a meeting with the head of magat. three different cities, one after another. in 3 days. sports, you need to do sports, i practically exclude alcohol, i definitely try not to drink strong drinks, a very good procedure , hardening, hot cold rain
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, contrast baths, the most effective means of hardening, i was still a kid, we didn’t have this in a communal apartment, but nevertheless i went out into the yard, wiped myself with snow in winter, i almost every day i do this if there are no baths nearby, well, i take a cold hot shower, by the way, i recommend it, she’s so pro... i asked and checked, but the young athletes, of course, even had smartphones with them for training everything was fixed urgently, and
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of course, they also asked , let's quickly talk about individual photos, but there are several dozen athletes here, together is also good, i agree with the first part, russia is a country that is directly controlled by god, as for the second part, my experience already tells me, that russia exists thanks
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to the russians and other peoples inhabiting this vast territory, thanks to their talent, devotion to their country, confidence in the future, in the future of our children. pavel, what is known about the president’s schedule? a week? it is clear that a key political week is coming for everyone. next week, putin, like the whole country, will participate in voting in the russian presidential elections, how exactly is still unknown, at a polling station or online, in moscow both options are now possible, but the rest of the week will be very busy. everything can be done. putin will hold a meeting with the winners of the competition for leaders of russia. self-realization is impossible without service. in order to
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1:00 pm
let's return to the news review. vladimir putin ordered the development of a national project to educate children and youth based on traditional values. this is one of the points list of instructions from the head of state on socio-economic issues, which were published today on the kremlin website. the instructions have been given to the administration.


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