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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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supported us, encouraged us, laughed, joked, encouraged us, and never for a split second doubted what he was fighting for and what he was suffering for. alexey loved russia more than anything else in the world, he loved our country, he loved you, he believed in us, in our strength, in our future, in the fact that we deserve the best, he believed not in words, in fact, so... deeply sincerely that was ready to give my life for this, i ask you to share with me the rage, rage, anger, hatred for those who dared to kill our future, i address you in the words of alexei, in which i really believe, it’s not a shame to do little, it’s a shame to do nothing, and this is where i want to dwell on this text. it cannot
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be mistaken for a sincere cry from the soul, these are not the words of an inconsolable widow, this is not sincere bitterness coming from the heart, a desire for compassion, and so on and so forth, they wrote to her, she read it, look at how the dramaturgy of the text itself is built, that’s interesting, that’s these oppositions, russia is hope, russia is the future, russia is happy, these are dreams and desires. navalny, yes, a prison beyond the arctic circle, thousands of kilometers from civilization, this is today's russia, correctly, that is, two poles, a villain, a murderer, and a pure , honest person who wants the well-being of his fatherland, as a result of which there is a call to take to the streets with protests with the desire to overthrow the existing system, pure and simple. propaganda
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work. now let's look a little at the external form of this speech of hers. this is how her speech is analyzed by people who want to convince us that it is true, that it is sincere. this is how, say, the new york times does it. it's a no-frills, stripped-down, almost rugged look, appropriate the seriousness of her life, a visual analogue of navalny’s demand for transparency. and the uncorrupt russian government , the open cutouts the board means create a wide zone of clear, uninterrupted space around her head and shoulders, providing an unobstructed view, there's even something slightly regal about it, as if she already existed in a future portrait of herself as king. or the first lady, her red
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manicure gives the only visual hint of the emotions hidden beneath the surface, thanks to which we clearly see what she may be on the inside. torn to shreds, but on the outside she looks extremely withdrawn, motherfucker, and now... let's look from the other side of the cameras, this is the observation of a professional person who has worked a lot on television, he is a screenwriter, and videographer, blogger, and so on , his name is rosslan nigomatyanov, a whole filming studio has been put up, non-chrome key, a well-developed volume of space, they selected the location according to the canons of cinematic images,
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the geometry is the same on both sides, the void on the right is artificially filled with a chair with its coat, supposedly just thrown, in this episode, she probably returned from the munich conference. videographers will confirm that in this regard, everything in the frame is artificial and thought out. three-point light pattern, drawing light, filling the backlight on the top of the head, and it is clear that the light is set. professionally, that is, behind the scenes there is a whole battery of film equipment behind on each side of yulia, three warm sources, against the background of the woman they put additional blue cold lighting to convey to the viewer yulia’s state. noticed the screen cauchet, these are black stripes at the top and bottom of the screen. this usually happens when they shoot with anomorphic lenses, and not due to... the special structure
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of the lenses, as if they expand the visible space, i must tell you that this is a very expensive pleasure, and only... editors will notice this, but between shifts plans show that the lavalier microphone on the board abruptly changes its position relative to the chain on the neck, this only happens when the fish, that is , the final video cord, is assembled from different takes, between which julia probably moved, so another confirmation that this is edited from different takes, look how... when a person who really experiences great grief and wants to share it, he
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cannot be distracted, he cannot get up, drink a cup of coffee, apparently, howl into the toilet, so they removed the microphone, then they put it back... and we see that in relation to the chain it is really in different places, that is, this is a film set that has a very specific task that needed to be completed, and now let's disconnect from everything for a second , and let's imagine a person, a woman who really experiences grief, who really suffers, who really...
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now i want to draw your attention to the meanings, there are many of them, they are a very interesting counterpoint to the truth, look, i want to draw your attention to the words about their love with navalny. putin took away the most precious thing i had, the closest and most beloved person. all these years i have been next to alexey. elections, rallies, house arrest, searches, detentions, prisons, poisonings, more rallies, arrests prison again, here is our last meeting with him in mid-february 2022, our
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last photograph, exactly 2 years later putin will kill him. all these years i was next to alexey, i was. happy to be next to him and support him, guys, listen , she is not under arrest, she is not under sanctions, she can come, go, anywhere at any second , but after learning about the death of her husband, after 3 hours she finds herself in the wrong place his body, at the munich conference, okay, let’s say she’s scared, she can be frightened by the fact that she will be arrested, but then... then why in 2021 is she dragging him to russia herself, knowing what awaits him there, but something doesn’t add up here, it means someone needs it, maybe including her , who knows, and once again about
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love, well, okay, i don’t want to interfere in personal relationships, but still the realization that someone close to you...
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how mrs. navalnaya defines the life and torment of her husband, who, by the way, , he had never been there. he just sat, he didn’t sit like others sit, he was tortured, he was kept in a punishment cell, in a concrete box, please, just imagine, they mocked him, cut him off from the world, did not give him a pen and paper to write a letter to me or our children, how what mrs. navalnaya says is corrected in the difficult situation and torment of her husband, how much...
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“it was you who forced him to come to russia, then he had just left the godfather
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, he could not assess the situation, you forced all of alexei’s property to be transferred to you, you even disinherited your own son, which is why he did not talk to you, you set up your daughter against my son, it was strange for me to see how you, with a smile, a few hours after alexei’s death, speak on his behalf in munich, how you appropriate...” his voice after his death, you didn’t even take a break for the sake of decency, not they took the grass, ran to sell his death, you are a sweaty and low person, i despise you, i forbid you to speculate on the name of my son, my child, well, of course, a dispute broke out here, hysteria, that this is a fake, a scam, and so on and so forth, no i want to get into these debates, me i’m interested in... the essence: could this woman say what she said, especially since
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navalnaya herself admits that she has not seen her husband since february 2022. here is our last meeting with him in mid- february 2022. our last photo. i think this is a confirmation of what lyudmila ivanovna said. but it also happens that yulya borisovna did not come to the funeral of her, as she says, beloved only husband. navalny's funeral took place on march 1. quite a lot of people came to the funeral, supported navalny, believed him. the only person who was not at the funeral, who probably should have been, was his wife, as she said, loving and only, his children. those were other people, if we remember novodvorskaya’s words about navalny, we
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talked about this today, remember, alexei navalny inspires panic in me, as the future leader of the distraught, so that’s it. if we try to throw everything away and just
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look at the situation, as if from a bird’s eye view, we came across an article by the writer of our friend roman nosikov, which called navalny and a special type of corruption, that’s what it says there. let's better talk about the phenomenon that alexey anatolyevich personifies. the irony of alexey's fate. the fact that, while claiming to be a fighter against corruption, he himself personified a very special type of corruption, the corruption of the opposition . all over the world, alexey anatolyevich wanted money, it was this quality that became the reason that foreign intelligence services paid attention to him, alexey quite rightly accuses him of being an agent of hostile influence, a saboteur and a traitor, that is, another type of damage that remains outside the scope of attention, the fact
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is that with the help of alexei and his clones, the yashens, the chiriks. and also with the help of his gang of volkov, alburov, sobol and so on , the opposition in the country was completely destroyed, abroad russia is accused of destroying the opposition, and the west is absolutely right, it is really being destroyed in russia, but not the bloody tyrant putin , the west itself, it destroys it with the help of corruption.
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even understanding what they are fighting for at the time, like navalny’s children themselves were in london, they were driven by promises, promises of money. remember our besagon, continue, how to maintain interest, this is how to maintain interest. alexei navalny, everyone, if the policeman is so
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careless that they detain you on march 26, then i promise to sue you for 10,000. euros , here is one of the victims of this message promises , look, okay, they support us in the comments, they write that everyone will receive 1000 euros, in general, all the best, thanks for 1000 euros, they are waiting, well, there are usually 1000 euros for illegality, promised.
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but how, how to be detained, how to earn 10,000 euros? very simple: hit a policeman, throw a molotov cocktail at a police car, take rebar, cut the face of a law enforcement officer, do something that will get you detained, then you will get 10,000 euros, and what will anyone? received this money? no, has anyone ruined their fate? yes. and when those who call themselves the opposition and who are supposedly fighting corruption are themselves corrupt, asking for money from western partners to
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destroy their own country. is not the opposition are traitors. the opposition is those people who see the mistakes of the authorities and want to help correct them. the opposition is those who comprehend and meaningfully approach certain decisions of the authorities, creating, trying to correct them. an entire program was dedicated to this story with navalny, because today more than... never before, when there is practically a war going on, we need to understand who is who, who is fighting for what, who is responsible for what, who
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wants what for the country in which he lives , today, thank god, we have a leader who trusted by the majority of the population of our country, at least by me personally, and not only because...
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i like how he shuts everyone’s mouth, he is a real leader, but we won’t give him up, and now we won’t break our tradition , and as always, i propose to raise a glass to victory, to our victory.
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and again our crooked swordman was late, he was late, but he said, we’re leaving one by one, if anything happens, we geologists are looking forward to seeing you on our god willing new meeting. all the most important things in life are in our hands, fulfill the children's a dream, gain new knowledge, feel inspired, build a career, make your plans come true, start a family, give the gift of life. it is in our hands to pass on traditions, preserve the memory of the past and conquer new heights,
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to choose our future and the future of the entire country. together, we are strong, we vote for russia. fdp. we are going on vacation, and we are going, for the third year, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster, you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank, you can take time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open an online deposit reliable in rosbank at 16% per annum, rosbank is a real opportunity, one of my friends has become very popular on social networks, try it, try it. the internet is over, you’re not on
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project
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of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. we return to the main topics, in april with vostochny cosmodrome, the modernized angara a5 launch vehicle launches for the first time. previously, its launches took place only from plesetsk. the head of roscosmos, yuri borisov, announced this at a meeting with the president. let me remind you about a heavy-class rocket, a completely domestic space truck. about what load it will fly with.


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