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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 3:30pm-3:59pm MSK

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muslims have begun the holy month of ramadan, a time of strict fasting, prayer and pure thoughts. ramadan will last until april 9 and will end with the holiday of muraza bayram. about how the holy month is celebrated in bashkiria, a report by murat zaripov. people begin to gather at the mosque long before the adhan, calls to prayer literally a few minutes before the start of the night prayer here.
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in the circle of his brothers and sisters in faith, and not only today, but throughout the entire holy month, a special benefit for every muslim believer, as well as the observance lent, due to the fact that this year it fell in early spring, even more parishioners will be able to join it, we are only turning 12, so here is the first month.
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a year that he has been here, so i hope for the best that he will go to the mosque all his life, even after me, this month it will be easier, for example, in the summer there at 18:00, 19:00 yes it lasts, this post, and he was lucky that his first fast fell during these months; fasting during the holy month is one of the pillars of islam; believers should refuse to eat during daylight hours if morning meal, suhoor is traditionally done at home, what is the evening breaking of fast iftar joe biden, husband of jill biden, husband of milania 100 km from his opponent a couple of days from victory in the republican primaries, if on tuesday donald trump takes georgia, mississippi, hawaii and washington, then he guarantees himself a nomination, 1215 electors. hi georgia, i'm glad to be back in rum. rum in floyd county, like rome, italy, for which it is named, stands on seven hills.
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that is, only the most necessary information will be provided, nothing more, to us one can only guess what he will do with this information. adam schiff hints at trump's criminal possession case. secret documents in florida. biden's boxes in the garage in della verire were, of course, left out of the frame of this interview. there is no law that would require american intelligence to familiarize us presidential candidates with current threats. however, since 1952 , this has been something of a rule of good manners for the current heads of the white house. however, during times of fighting without rules, and from good manners they can easily. refuse. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and maria bolatvina. news from new york. nato countries are behind the bombing of the nord stream gas pipeline. this is why the west is not investigating sabotage. this was stated by the leader of the french patriots party, florian philippot. according to him, the involvement of the united states,
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great britain and other members of the alliance was clear from the very beginning. sabotage was for the interests of france and germany, but they did not want to understand what happened. moreover, the politician recalled that the press service government of the fifth republic. decided to accredit a journalist who asked a question about explosions in the baltic sea. a serious dispute is flaring up between joe biden and benjamin netanyahu, which has already gone beyond the boundaries of high offices. the new york times writes about this on the front page. journalists quote the israeli prime minister as saying that he acts on behalf of the majority. this is a response to the recent remark of the american leader, who reproached netanyahu for cruelty. they say that with his policies he harms israel more, how does it help? biden called on his colleague to take into account the civilians in gaza who are dying as a result of sahal's indiscriminate strikes. but israel has no plans to change its tactics. moreover, netanyahu intends to violate the united states red line by invading rafah on the southern border of the gaza strip. human rights activists estimate that
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another 30,000 palestinians could die as a result of this operation. russia - traditional, modern, technological.
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how do moscow assess the negotiations between the head of magater fal grossi and vladimir putin and russian delegation about the future fate of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant and whether they will react to the anti-russian resolution, which the council subsequently adopted. there was his meeting with russian president vladimir vladimirovich putin , this is his second meeting, the first was on october 11 , 2022, as far as i understand, the meeting was quite successful, in any
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case, rafael himself told me that he was very pleased with this conversation, for him she was very important, the content of the conversation... is confidential, i cannot disclose, but naturally, we were talking about issues that fall within the competence of magatte, in particular, our president confirmed russia’s readiness for close cooperation with the agency, confirmed its readiness to promote the development of the nuclear industry in the modern world, share competencies, expertise, knowledge and continue the construction of nuclear facilities everyone...
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now they are discussing how realistic it is to restore the station to full operation, what basic conditions must be met and what is happening in fact, you know, now... nuclear reactors at the station , six of them, are in stop mode, cold, hot, these are special terms, it is clear that sooner or later the station will resume energy production, but now it’s too early to talk about this, as far as i understand, everything must be calculated, thought out, must be preparatory work has been carried out, that is, this is not a matter of today or tomorrow. well, is this kind of work being done? well, as far as i
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understand, our specialists at the station are figuring out what can be done here, the question is, when should it start? take into account all the circumstances, including the military-political, military situation in the vicinity of the station, and it continues to be turbulent, also thanks to. neutralize these drones, but an emergency could occur at any moment.
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the city of energadar, where plant employees and their families live, is constantly being attacked; the last two such drone attacks took place on march 1, but they occur regularly. according to the general director of mgt, six out of seven, i’ll quote. concerns nuclear energy in general in conditions armed conflict, to say that
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the first of these principles, namely ensuring the physical safety and integrity of nuclear power plants, cannot be fully respected, because ukraine regularly tries to strike at russian nuclear power plants, primarily at kursk, at the city of kurchatov, a satellite city of this nuclear power plant power plants, along... power lines, that is, by and large, the first of the seven principles is also incompletely observed, not observed absolutely by the ukrainian side, in my opinion , the third of these seven principles, which assumes that the station personnel should be free from external pressure and be able to work in normal conditions, but when the city of energodar is subjected to regular shelling, of course people feel -
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it affects the psychological state of people, it cannot but have an effect, this principle is also violated by the ukrainian side , and as for the work of magath observers, do they record all this in general, how objective are they, how effective is their work in your opinion? means regarding the campaign intimidation, then magathe in every possible way avoids writing this down in his reports and reports, although i personally conveyed this to grossie more than once. instead, these materials are on paper, just so they
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can see what it really looks like. and the agency is afraid to publish such data, to make any assessments, for which we criticized them, including at the session of the board of governors, which was held here last week. in general, i think that the presence of magatte employees is useful, beneficial... not only for the agency itself, for the international community, but also for the russian federation, i have already mentioned that after the deployment of personnel.
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are taken into account, if those who do not agree , then naturally, we take note, we do not carry out this, this is a normal process, but overall, i repeat once again, the presence of plant employees meets our interests , the interests of the business, the interests of maintaining nuclear safety, as far as
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the issue of expert access is fundamental today to individual station facilities, to power units, to spent fuel storage? and so on, you you know, they regularly visit various objects, points at the station, but naturally there are restrictions, there are, after all, this station is located near a combat zone, snipers are working, the russian side is responsible for the safety of international personnel, and to let these people there, where... their life may be in danger, we can’t, and the magistrates sometimes complain, sometimes they tolerate it, wait for it to allow them to visit this or that object, it comes, frankly, to the point of ridiculousness, at one time the agency really insisted that to climb onto the roofs of nuclear reactors , it’s really funny, because firstly,
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they have satellite images of these roofs, and secondly, nowhere in the world on the roof, a lot, if necessary i can share specifics, but we openly criticize the agency for this this is some kind of imbalance in reporting on the state of affairs, but i repeat once again, i would not dramatize all this, this is a normal work process. mikhail ivanovich,
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on march 8, the board of governors of magat approved the resolution proposed by kiev on nuclear safety guarantees in ukraine, was it named?
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in 2020, only five countries abstained, now 12 abstained, i will list them with great pleasure, because in the current conditions, abstaining is almost like voting.
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the solidarity of our chinese friends, that is , out of 34 countries that have the right to vote in the union of governors, only 20 spoke in favor and 14 refused to support this resolution, everything can be compared, and i mentioned the numbers, the trend is clearly in our favor, and this is very nice. how will you react to this resolution officially? what for? we all. they said that we consider it legally and politically insignificant, we will continue to work as we have worked for the previous 60 -plus years, we will prepare for the next
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discussion on ukraine in the board of governors, it will take place in june and will be very difficult, apparently this discussion is ours the task is to ensure that there are no unpleasant consequences for the russian federation from all these politicized ones. there were no discussions, we will try. mikhail ivanovich, i thank you for your comments, thank you for answering the questions live, i will remind you that direct contact was the permanent representative of russia to international organizations in vienna, mikhail ulyanov. deposit - the best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. appetite anywhere. dad will tame, dad can, dad can , fiendish, sausages, dad can, hurray
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a new mission is preparing to launch to the iss. the angara launch vehicle will again soon set off on its first flight from vostochny. vladimir putin received the head of roscosmos in the kremlin. what is the future in our astronautics? “nato does not plan to increase the number of countries with nuclear weapons, is it worth believing stoltenberg’s words, because at one time the alliance allegedly did not intend to expand to the east. how do moscow assess the negotiations of the head of magatha.”


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