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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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they produce and sell more and more weapons, conduct exercises, expand, and at the same time claim that they do not threaten anyone, and they themselves are not afraid of anyone, contradictory statements of the north atlantic alliance, extremely contradictory statistics. stockholm. the peace research court has published a new report on the state of the global arms trade over the past 4 years. the main trend: europeans began to buy weapons twice as much as in the period from the fourteenth to the eighteenth years. they buy mostly from americans, of course, and they also started selling a lot more. and the leader here is france - an increase of 47%. the french even supplanted russia from second place in the list of largest arms exporters. well, as for importing countries, this one is the leader in europe.
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ukraine is also explainable. it is precisely due to supplies to the kiev regime that the europeans are experiencing such an increase in sales. in general, the worsening militarization of nato and the european union is evident. the united states of america, thanks to the ukrainian case, received the maximum dividends. first of all, this is, of course, in the sale of weapons. they took it upon themselves initiative for gas sales, now we see how arms purchases come mainly from... the united states of america, so europe is tightly hooked on american weapons, while european concerns have sharply reduced their productivity, thanks to the same high cost of gas, which was banned from purchasing in the russian federation. well, as for the weapons that are now being used on the battlefield, western propaganda channel cnn admits that russia has a key advantage, namely quantity produced. and
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shells sent to the front line. according to the channel, russia is reaching a level of 250,000 shells produced per month, 3 million per year, which is three times more than what the united states and the european union can even theoretically produce. and as a result, the successes of the russian army on the battlefield. the military vehicle has been released, the channel states. nato countries are now conducting military exercises in close proximity to the russian borders, almost the largest since the cold war, and they promise to conduct more. sweden and finland, there will be flights right near the borders of russia, while the leadership of the alliance declares that it does not see a threat to itself from the outside, from russia, and they certainly will not increase the number of countries with nuclear weapons. of course, nato must be prepared to protect our borders from potential threats, including to sweden. there are risks, but i have to emphasize that we believe that from the outside. russia does not yet
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pose a military threat to any country in the alliance. nato has no plans to expand the number of countries in the alliance with nuclear weapons. weapons at the expense of sweden, which has joined the alliance. and the new york times, citing its sources, talked about exactly what the supply of f-16 fighters to ukraine will look like. firstly, the ukrainians will receive them in smaller quantities than expected, secondly, it will not be soon, and thirdly, it is not entirely clear who will fly them. european countries , let me remind you, promised kiev a total of about 45 aircraft, but it is reported that by the summer they will deliver at best six, that is, there is not even one full-fledged squadron. moreover, the training of the pilots themselves in the west has stalled, and the point is not only that the f-16, as they say, are complex aircraft both to fly and to maintain, the point is also that, let’s say, in translation difficulties, the ukrainian military has a huge english is hard to come by, and without it it’s difficult to manage american languages. it won’t work, western publications
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do not rule out that in the end nato pilots will have to fly the f-16, and technical specialists will in any case go to ukraine for supervision. and more about western weapons in ukraine. british columnists from the tabloid wanted to film an exclusive report on the challenger 2 tank as part of a special military operation, but the equipment did not perform well. during the demonstration run, the challenger first skidded and then began to sink in the mud. we had to call another armored vehicle to pull out the first one. it is reported that so assessed the gun of this tank, which can hit targets at a distance of up to 4.5 km, however. they try not to use such vehicles on the battlefield, precisely because they are quite heavy, 64 tons and regularly get stuck in soft ground, in other words, mud. in total, britain transferred 14 such tanks to ukraine, of which only seven remain operational, one of them was destroyed by a russian lancet, and the others were
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out of order due to a lack of spare parts. we will learn these and other details about the progress of the special military operation from our correspondent stanislav vasilchik. stas, welcome, what is known about the situation. in the zone of a special military operation. yes gosh, greetings, success, our troops are in all directions, i’ll tell you about it now, that’s why i want start: in the russian army there are snipers in all branches of the military, artillery is no exception. these shots show truly brilliant work by paratroopers and artillerymen from the dnieper group of troops. with an accurate hit, they destroy a motor boat with ukrainian saboteurs, despite the fact that the vessel was sailing at full speed. the group’s area of ​​responsibility is the right bank of the dnieper and...
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the artillery of the vostok group of troops in the southern donetsk direction operates in a similar way, this crew uses the 2s3 akatsiya self-propelled gun. the 152mm gun hits a range of two tens of kilometers, guaranteed to destroy manpower and armored vehicles, crushing the fortified enemy. a big advantage is the mobility of the installation. after the calculation. to practice the self-propelled gun is easy to remove from the return fire zone. meanwhile, the armed forces of ukraine do not stop rotating; after all, mobilization in ukraine is in full swing. so, the next replenishment that arrived in the kupinsky direction was destroyed by the artillerymen of the west group of forces. the crews of the light 120-mm
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gun 2b-16, but they inflicted fire on defeat targets located at ranges up to 3 km. the crews use a wide range of high- explosive fragmentation shells. which allows you to effectively carry out all assigned fire missions. the ministry of defense spoke about the situation in the kupinsky direction. motorized rifle units, in cooperation with artillery and aviation , defeated the personnel and equipment of the twenty -first, sixtieth and 67 mechanized brigades in the impolovka, serebryanka and nevsky areas. three counterattacks by units of the 32nd mechanized division were repelled. fifty-seventh motorized infantry brigade in the senkovka area. enemy losses in the kupinsky direction amounted to over 110 military personnel, two tanks, and three cars. the ammunition depot was destroyed. difficult work, as well as sniper work, is performed by the crews of s-34 fighter bombers in the same
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donetsk direction. recently , the russian army has actively begun to use fap-500 unguided aerial bombs , which are carried by the su-34. application of these. ammunition allows you to deliver precise strikes against concentrations of manpower, strongholds and enemy military targets from a safe distance from the line of combat contact, the factories are not self-governing, so the location of the hit must be accurately calculated. russian aces do this job perfectly. according to the ministry of defense. in the last 24 hours, bombers have destroyed enemy targets in the areas of ugledar and staromaisky, here is what else the military department reports: within 24 hours , two d-20 howitzers, a gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount, an infantry fighting vehicle, an armored combat vehicle,
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four units of automotive equipment and more than 150 military personnel, an ammunition depot was destroyed. according to the ministry of defense , russian units are successfully occupying the entire line of combat contact. maintain favorable positions. attempts by the ukrainian armed forces to break through our defenses are increasingly ending in heavy losses for the ukrainian army. thus, over the past 24 hours in the donetsk direction, the ssu lost up to 180 military personnel. three enemy field ammunition depots were also destroyed. ukrainian nationalists suffered even greater losses in the avdeevka direction. in just one day, more than 430 military personnel, a us-made abram tank, two armored combat vehicles, 18 vehicles and five d-30 howitzers were destroyed. by the way, according to the calculations of the ministry of defense, during the entire period of the special operation the ukrainian army lost. almost 10,000 artillery pieces, including combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, field artillery guns and
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conditions for purchases in march. everyone has their own image of success. some people dream of overcoming gravity and flying into space, others dream of having personal space - their own apartment. a for others it is important to take their business to a new level, we will not achieve your goals for you, but we will give you everything so that you can do it yourself, alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback, i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors. in april , the angara a5 launch vehicle will launch for the first time from the vostochny cosmodrome. previously, its
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launches took place only from plesetsk. the head of roscosmos, yuri borisov, announced this at a meeting with the president. let me remind you of the speech of a heavy class, completely domestic space truck. the topic will continue anastasia efimova. comprehensive crew training tests are being completed. the soyuz-25 spacecraft will deliver it to the iss, as expected, in 10 days.
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about this, the head of the go since august last year, which means it has completed, passed all the exams, is ready to fly, the commander of the ship is oleg novitsky, he is no longer new to space flights, the third crew member is the american astronaut as part of cross-flights tracy dyson, who will replace on the iss, who worked for six months, laura ohara. this means that we expect that on march 21 the soyuz-25 spacecraft will deliver them to iss. we will be waiting for them on the ground on april 2, of course. at the vostochny cosmodrome , work on the angara a5m launch complex is being completed. this is a modernized version of a heavy launch vehicle with a payload capacity of up to 25 tons. they hope to launch the project in the first ten days of april. this is a very important event for the country;
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the space and ground infrastructure will be strengthened. you know that we already have one start in plesetsk. our colleagues from national space agencies, we have worked closely with them in the past chairman, we will also meet with year, we have great prospects, i will report to you our proposal in this regard. the series of accident-free launches that yuri borisov mentioned is a record in recent history, 116 in a row, as of last year, with
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the beginning of this year, the trend continues, among these... successful launches and the first apparatus of the federal project sphere skif-d launched into orbit . in essence, this is a demonstration of the technology of a broadband internet access system, and another step towards eliminating the so -called digital divide with internet connection via satellite, where it is impossible to lay optical fiber in, say, the taiga, tundra or permafrost conditions. space is always a solution for the future, and therefore the state corporation pays special attention to working with... youth, we are not indifferent to who comes to us in 10-15 years, the sphene will continue our activities, in particular with the authorized representative for children's affairs lvova belova this means that we are now actively developing measures to popularize space professions; this year marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of yuri alekseevich
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kogarin, our wonderful cosmonaut, who wrote with his golden letters into world cosmonautics. i would like to give you this portrait, which is a symbol of the cosmonautics pavilion, which after reconstruction you opened in 1918. looking at this portrait, i would like you to be filled with optimism and confidence that we will succeed. by the way, while visiting the reconstructed historical pavilion of the space dnh in 2018, vladimir putin inspected, in particular, the same descent module of the vostok-1 spacecraft.
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the president has set the task of increasing the competitiveness of the domestic economy, here an important role is given to the fight against agreements that limit competition, lead to a deterioration in the quality of goods and services, and the end of prices, both for people and for enterprises. on behalf of the head of state , an interdepartmental program was prepared to identify and suppress such cartels; over the 5 years of its implementation, it was possible to reduce the number of such cartels by three times. violations, we will extend the road map until 2028, special attention will be paid to the digitalization of methods of countering illegal practices, in particular the introduction of information. the anti-cartel system is a development of domestic specialists; it will automatically detect signs of violation of antimonopoly legislation.
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there should also be an improved leniency or waiver process for those who voluntarily report an anticompetitive violation . we hope that as a result, the efficiency of competitive procedures will increase, and, which is very important, the fairness of pricing. they scared us sanctions, the abolition of our culture, predicted decline in the country. the russian economy is now on the fringes, isolated and falling apart, and russia has only become more family-friendly. when we are together, we don't. strong president, strong russia. deputy prime minister tatyana golikova and
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minister of labor and social protection anton kotyakov opened the profession festival at the international exhibition forum in russia. it will run until april 12 and will end with the regional stage of the all-russian job fair. christina kuruma joins with details. christina, hello, what's up? discussed on the first day of work. hello level. unemployment in the country has decreased by 20% over the past 6 years; for the next 6 until 2030, the number of jobs is predicted to increase by 2.4 million, this is compared to the year 2022. 100 educational organizations and 120 employers in one place. the festival of professions at the russia exhibition provides an opportunity to study eight dozen of the most popular professions at the moment in industry, agriculture, and science. hospitality, transport and other areas, a number of professions. by according to labor minister anton kotyakov, the unemployment rate among young people aged
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15 to 29 years has decreased by almost a third over the past 3 years. at the festival, any job seeker will be able to find a profession to their liking. on january 1, 2024 , a free vocational training program was launched for everyone who wants to find work in the most scarce professions on the labor market. these are 150 professions, even if you are busy today, if you have your own job, but want to change your field of activity, this opportunity is also provided. the president of russia announced the creation of a new national project “personnel”. it should help the interaction of the education system with the labor market. therefore, future employers will be involved in the implementation. the launch is scheduled for 2025 . the government is now working on the structures. in the next 5 years , 1 million new jobs will appear in the country. we must focus our admission targets both in higher educational institutions and in secondary specialized educational institutions on those professions that are important and needed.
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retraining of personnel should also be focused on this. more than 600 billion rubles have been allocated for implementation, of which 400 will be spent on the construction of university campuses, 120 on the re-equipment of technical schools and colleges. with all the measures taken by the cabinet of ministers, employment centers and ministries to support job seekers in the labor market. we see systemic changes in the labor market that have been taking place recently, over the last 6 years, our unemployment has decreased by 20%, the average annual number of employees has been. fees, and for the last year 2023 compared to the twenty-
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second by 7.8%. according to the president, in 2030 there will be more than 8 million citizens aged 20 to 24 in the country, and in 2035 there will be almost 10 million. therefore, during the current year , the cabinet of ministers will... forecast the need for labor resources in the near future. the profession festival will end on april 13, the regional stage of the all-russian job fair. and this fall , the ninth all-russian labor safety week will be held in sochi, with the participation of industry ministers of the countries brix. the main topic will be the formation of a safety culture in the workplace. about 20 billion rubles were allocated for preventive measures in the field of labor protection in 2023. and for 2000. russian president vladimir putin extended a payment of 5 million rubles in case
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of death. in a special operation against civilian personnel of the ministry of defense and other law enforcement agencies. in addition, the decree provides for a payment of 3 million rubles. in case such employees are injured. vladimir putin also signed a law banning advertising on the resources of foreign agents, and also the updated law prohibits advertising the information resources of foreign agents. in addition, the president signed a law denouncing the agreement that allowed sailors from england to fish in the russian zone of the barinsky sea, along the coast of the kola ployov. and the president also signed a law that tightens requirements for producers of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages, with the goal of increasing the transparency of their activities and combating the illegal production of such products. elderly caregivers will receive an increased pension, the head of state also signed such a law on monday. the document is posted on the official internet portal of legal information. the federation council approved the initiative on march 6, noting that the bonus is given to great-grandparents who
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raise disabled people. great-grandchildren under 18 years of age, full-time students up to 23 years of age. vladimir putin also spared the honorary title of employees of the penal system. i'll tell you about this a little later. this is also actively talked about and discussed on news feeds. information agent the document has already been published on the official portal of legal information and, as follows from the decree, the title will be awarded to highly professional employees of the penal system for personal merit in the execution of criminal penalties. and preventive measures in the form of detention and house arrest, as well as ensuring the strengthening of law and order in specialized institutions. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from
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