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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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at bikfest, a cheeseburger costs 39 rubles. and other offers at a very favorable price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank, delicious, period. the more accurately the tires are selected, the better the control. go to avito, choose the make of your car right away, and immediately find new summer tires. tires can be found conveniently and quickly; there is a search by car brand. one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops. now prices for flowers are such that it is more profitable to buy a smartphone, for example, honor x8 b with a profit of 7.00 rubles. only in a megaphone. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will get back 2% of the rate with sber bonuses , thank you, hurry up to get a loan with cashback, it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime. depositing the best interest in savings is a simple way to profitably invest money online. just one.
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button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made , one button, savings grow at the maximum rate, one button, and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime. how moscow assessed the results negotiations between vladimir putin and magate head rafael grossi? the meeting was commented on today by the permanent representative of russia to international organizations in vienna, mikhail ulyanov. let me remind you that the negotiations took place on march 6 in sochi, and the head of rosatom, alexey likhachev, was also present at the meeting. it lasted about an hour and in the open part of the conversation, putin and grossi did not talk about the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, although it is clear that this is the main reason for these negotiations. in
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principle took place. they mentioned it, but cooperation between russia and magate in general, projects in various countries. as dmitry peskov stated after the meeting, the kremlin is not going to comment on everything that was discussed behind closed doors. however, grossi himself called the meeting with putin professional and open. a press release on magathe’s website noted, among other things, that grossi, at a meeting with putin, called for military restraint around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. ukraine regularly tries to strike at russian ones. nuclear power plants, primarily in kursk, in the city of kurchatov, satellite city of this nuclear power plant, along power lines , that is, by and large, the first of the seven principles is also incompletely observed, not absolutely observed by the ukrainian side, in my opinion , the third of these seven principles, which assumes that the plant personnel should be free from external pressure.
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following the discussion on nuclear safety and safeguards in ukraine, the iaga board of governors decided to vote for the anti-russian resolution presented by official kiev. the permanent representative of russia talks about this mikhail ulyanov said last friday. the resolution was supported by 20 countries, 12 abstained. it is also known that china and russia voted against it. mikhail ulyanov commented on what exactly this document is and what its significance is. this resolution has no fundamental significance for the reason that we consider it legally and politically insignificant. why? because the board of governors was initiated by ukraine, and before that three similar resolutions were adopted by canada, poland and finland from the twenty-second of the year. these resolutions go beyond magath's mandate and address issues of war and peace, such as containing demands.
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it’s too early to talk about this now, as far as i understand, everything must be calculated and thought out.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in
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russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe.
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in the us, both presidential candidates and joe biden and donald trump spoke at campaign events in georgia. as you know, this state is one of the so-called swing states; victory in it is especially important. during the rallies, biden accused trump of seeking to establish a dictatorship. in turn, donald trump said that biden is too old to govern the country. valentin bogdanov will tell you more about how the presidential race is going in the united states. having stood the test of super tuesday, the us presidential candidates scattered across america to be close again. first stop for both -
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to return to rum. rum in floyd county, like the state, like rome in italy, after which it is named , stands on seven hills, and in america there are 26 berlins, 21 paris, only there is not one in kiev, and the ukraine of america, wouldn’t biden be fifty-one didn’t feel like it during the recent state of the union address. rogue joe biden talked about ukraine before he talked about america, he also talked about the size of candy bars. joe biden shouldn't.
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look at me, i'm young, energetic and attractive, and where did i come from, but it turns out like this, as in a parody from the trump campaign, i’m not a young guy, it’s no secret, in any case, well, with this msnbc interview, the magical effect of the message to congress has finally worn off, biden has turned into biden again. america made a mistake. "we chased bin laden until we finally got to him, but we shouldn't have gotten involved in ukraine, i mean, we shouldn't have gotten involved in all this in iraq and afghanistan. before the publication of the politician , write that, having become a presidential candidate, a republican
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will begin to gain access to intelligence briefings, as those who wrote conspiracy theories about him started the same barrel organ again. one can only guess what he will do with this information. adam schiff hints at a criminal case alleging trump improperly stored classified documents in florida. biden's boxes in a garage in delaware, of course, were left out of the frame of this interview. there is no law that would require american intelligence to familiarize us presidential candidates with current threats. however, since 1952, for current heads this is the white house. was something like the rules of good manners, however, in times of fights without rules, and good form can easily be
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abandoned. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and maria bolatvina, news from new york. 4.5 million voters plan to participate in the presidential elections remotely, online. these figures were announced today at the central electoral office. this is not politics, this is, first of all, the history of people, this is the life of people, the destinies of people.
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early voting is held from february 25 to march 14, in remote locations that are difficult to reach places. march 11 is the last day for accepting applications to vote in the presidential election, at your location or electronically. voters submitted more than 8.5 million such applications. as of 10:00 today and here on march 11 at 39.
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295 voting stations will be open abroad, seven of them in baikanur. remote voting has been organized in 29 regions; in all except moscow, applications to participate in deg must be submitted in advance. people submitted a little more than 4 million applications using the mobile mechanism voter. reception at midnight moscow time on march 11. this was discussed at a round table of the expert institute of social research, three social services carried out calculations, they are very close, the turnout will be from 68 to 71%. the unique situation of spring, three days, big mass money, it is of great importance, that is, for us it is. a very serious challenge in terms of forecasts. on march 17 in moscow, on tsvetnoy boulevard, the brightest status
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event will be held - election night. it took place for the first time in 2017. it's 12 o'clock online broadcasts, forecasts and analyzes from political experts. by the way, three of the presidential candidates will appear at tsvetnoy. 12 hours is certainly a challenge for the entire project team. this is a challenge for experts; some intend to be with us for the entire 12 hours. event, let us remind you that the election night site acts as the main stage, on which literally within an hour several experts appear, where regions go online, and we will contact all federal districts, all public observation centers will go on air to us, and also on the election night site there is a press room and nine round tables, we have prepared for you friends, i think we...
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threats of direct sanctions from the united states for working in russia, the bank did not receive such warnings, the organization said, but the us treasury previously made it clear that companies
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that circumvent anti-russian sanctions will be excluded from the us financial system, raifaizin's action. on the vendian stock exchange they lose almost 9%. the value of telegram before a possible ipo was estimated at $30 billion, the founder said in an interview with the financial times owner of the messenger pavel durov. according to him , this assessment was given by potential investors, these are global funds wishing to buy the company. however, durov ruled out the possibility of selling the platform; as for the ipo, according to media reports, telegram could enter the stock exchange as early as 2025. turkish currency exchange rate. updated its historical minimum against the dollar, its value exceeded 32 lira. since the beginning of the year , the currency has already fallen by 8%, and in 2023 it has lost a third of its value. the central bank of the republic has already raised rates eight times from 8.5 to 45%. however, these steps failed to ease pressure on the currency. and bitcoin rose above $72,000 for the first time in history. in a month, its
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price has already increased one and a half times. at the same time , the capitalization of the cryptocurrency. was approaching the $400 billion mark. among the reasons for the growth is the so-called halving, when the release of new bitcoins is halved. also, the cryptocurrency is supported by the influx of money into the itf due to the expectation of a reduction in interest rates in the russian federation. it was economic news. short. eu countries that support the continuation of the ukrainian conflict will change their position regarding the conflict in ukraine, if the authorities return to power in the united states. trump, hungarian foreign minister peter szijartha said. washington is tired of hinting to kiev that you shouldn’t count on generous handouts; out of the huge government debt, the united states can only help ukraine with obvious loans. american media sources are writing about this. well, what to do next? well, in kiev they don’t know. local authorities say in panic that the delay in western aid is forcing ukraine to consider not only plan b, but
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even some kind of plan c. well, what does this mean? natalya goncharova will tell you. ukraine can lead the european union to bankruptcy, member of the european parliament from france mariani is sure that paris is helping uncontrollably; kiev will soon have to pay its bills. i'll give you just one example. 3 weeks ago, the european union decided, out of its great generosity, to provide ukraine with 50 billion dollars, 17 billion in donations and 33 billion in loans. but everyone knows that the loans will never be repaid, since ukraine is bankrupt. simply put, ukraine. they give 50 billion. however, this money is not earned in the european union. in these are mainly contributions from states, that is, from all european citizens who replenish the european budget; the contribution of the french to the european budget averages 18.5%. the ukrainian issue has split the french political elite. elections to the european parliament will be held in june, with moment x approaching, a number of representatives
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of the left, such as the socialist raphael glucksmann, are demanding the introduction of a war economy in europe. and the french secretary of the communist party criticized the plans of the elysee palace to provide ukraine assistance in the long term and said that this was a provocation against moscow. the agreement says that we will provide unlimited military support to ukraine. what we talked about and what we voted for, what i personally voted for, was the resolution to help ukraine, but today we are taking a dangerous step for the future of europe and peace in europe. we are at the beginning of a dangerous military escalation and do not want to destroy the world. the situation is escalating overseas, where presidential elections will be held in november. the political divide in the united states is irreversible, according to the hill reporters. most voters don't want to vote for either joe biden or donald trump. the article concludes: the united states was crippled by military companies sponsored by the white house.
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the impotence of congress not only to pass reasonable laws, but even to approve a basic budget for... which is outrageous: one of the presidential candidates has been charged with no less than 91 charges, and the other is too old and infirm to govern the country. cnn calculated how many artillery shells russian soldiers and the ukrainian armed forces use per day. military the publication's experts came to the conclusion that nato allies are noticeably inferior to moscow in the production of ammunition for artillery. according to nato and other tv channel sources, russia produces about 250 thousand ammunition for... and social problems, western countries continue to arm kiev and send mercenaries there, however, many of them cannot withstand the psychological pressure.
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the british telegraph reported that the mercenary harry greg, who joined the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces, returned home and took his own life. according to his family, greg returned from ukraine with obvious signs of post-traumatic disorder, the associated press also writes about the physical psychological exhaustion of ukrainian armed forces soldiers. the material comes to the conclusion: this is what caused the surrender of avdiivka and will lead to other failures of the ukrainian military. natalya goncharova, vesti. french president emmanuel macron proposed euthanasia to the residents of the fifth republic. natalya solovyova will tell you what this means. euthanasia - assisted suicide, medically assisted suicide. in france, this vocabulary of death is ready to be expanded. they developed a new definition for the glasarium, which, however, does not change. the main point: president emmanuel macron announced a bill legalizing voluntary death. with this text we look death in the face. the president of the republic
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announces in an interview that the end of life bill will be presented to the council of ministers in april. it provides for the possibility of requesting assisted death under strictly supervised conditions. this is different from assisted suicide or euthanasia. france has legalized the so-called passive euthanasia in 2005, allowing. terminally ill patients should be taken off life support, but lethal injections remain illegal; the new project will allow the lethal substance to be administered independently or with the help of a medical professional. the decision will be made by a council of doctors with the consent of the patient. people with mental disorders, alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, die voluntarily. what i want to say is that i have been helping the dying for 25 years, it is our job to help those who have trusted us, patients until they die, but killing is something else, for many it is unbearably
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difficult, for those who cared for it is difficult and painful, we believe that what macron proposes is a complete revolution of what can be considered care, doctors the focus is on palliative care, which in france is chronically underfunded and underdeveloped. then, what is commonly called a humane death,
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over 300 people come to belgium a year, about fifty patients are french citizens. besides the closest neighbor of the fifth republic, voluntary death was legalized in the netherlands, germany, spain, luxembourg and switzerland. outside the old world , you can get legal help in australia, new zealand, and canada. colombia and some us states, although euthanasia is generally prohibited in the country. macron himself is rather a supporter of this idea; he has mentioned more than once that he would prefer to decide for himself how to end his life, but while some consider the practice of voluntary death to be an opportunity for a person to alleviate his suffering, others see it as procedure is a murder, which seemingly painless care can sometimes turn into a murder, for example, last fall , a belgian woman was suffocated with a nurse’s pillow after an injection forced her...
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death is not a technical act, but canadian statistics are merciless, in just one year, thanks with the help of doctors , 10 thousand people lost their lives, some of them were not incurable, but did so on the advice of a doctor. natalya solovyova and matvey popov, news. well, now about the weather in the regions of southern russia, they are eliminating the consequences of strong snowfalls. meanwhile, forecasters warn that towards the end of the week
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april temperatures will be established in the european part of the country. let's talk more about this with. with leading specialist of the faubus center evgeniy teshkovets. evgeniy, hello. it turns out that spring is finally gaining momentum? good afternoon. yes, it is safe to say that we are on the verge of the strongest warming since the beginning of the calendar spring. in the meantime, winter still reminds us of itself. this is march in stavropol, at noon +7, at 2:00 in the afternoon there is a charge of snow, reducing visibility to 800 and 0 + 1. it is difficult to prepare for such a turn of events. in rostovsk. region in the lpr today we had to put out snow removal equipment on the street, in regions where everything had melted long ago, the snow cover was restored, and in some areas its height in the morning reached eight, in the city of shakhty 11 cm. march 11, here's your mortok, don't take off your trousers , we have a lot of snow, everyone has already changed their shoes, that’s what’s happening, and oh, how much snow, it’s amazing,
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march is beautiful this year, global warming, yeah, well, yes, it’s warm, meanwhile, in in the central part of the country, rivers continue to hide, although flood processes have slowed down due to colder weather, in the ryazan region the ice began to clear from the water, the water level is rising, in the spassky district, due to its rise, traffic on the floating bridge between two villages was closed, while at the same time, in the south of siberia the air...
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today was +1, it is snowing, and the precipitation will stop next night, the sky will clear and frosts will reach minus 15°. tomorrow afternoon the thermometer will rise to -7. in the future, within a day it will become steamed degrees warmer, but in general the weather will still be far from march. let's return to the russian plain. on tuesday , the western and southern regions will be under the influence of a fine anticyclone. thanks to this, the air will warm up to zero +5. between the volga and don rivers up to +3-8, in the kuban and crimea up to 9:14 warm. the snowfall zone along with the cyclone will shift to the volga region, volgovyat region and the urals. snowfalls will occur along the arctic coast of the russian north. daytime temperatures will remain in the blue sector of thermometers from zero to -5, in the east, northeast european russia to -6 -11. the weather map clearly demonstrates the coming of
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spring. pay attention to how the position of the daytime isotherm +5° will change. if today it passes through the baltic states, belarus , the lower region, the dnieper, kuban and stavropol, then on saturday, having covered a distance of 700-100 km deep into eurasia, the five-degree temperature line will already run through the south of karelia, through the vologda region, the upper volga region, the eastern black earth region and the lower volga region. volga region. by the weekend, a third of the territory of the russian plain will be at the mercy of spring weather. it's cloudy in moscow now in some places. light snow around +2°. on tuesday , against the background of high atmospheric pressure , relatively sunny weather is expected, precipitation is excluded. at night -1-3, and during the day +3-+5°. in the next 24 hours, the initiative in the atmosphere will remain a sunny anticyclone. at night it will be -3-8. during the daytime the air can warm up to +4 -9. this means that we are approaching meteorological spring, that is, the transition of the average daily temperature. from
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zero. according to our forecasts, this will happen on march 15, five days before the onset of astronomical spring. a new mission is about to take off. the angara launch vehicle will soon begin its first flight to the iss from the east. vladimir putin received the head of roscosmos in the kremlin. what is the future of our astronautics? nato has no plans to increase the number of countries with nuclear weapons. should we believe stoltenberg's words? after all, once upon a time the alliance allegedly did not intend to expand to the east. how moscow assesses the negotiations between the head of magat and vladimir putin on the future fate of zaporozhye.


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