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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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it burned down along with its crew, another abrams tank was destroyed near avdeevka, the fourth since the ukrainian troops threw their last reserve from old western feeders to the front line. while american tanks are being targeted by russian artillery , british vehicles are drowning in the mud. the vaunted
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challenger got stuck in a ukrainian swamp during a demonstration for western journalists. chronicle of the disposal of nato equipment in the material of egor grigoriev. a flash in the video shows the ukrainian armed forces being hit from a tank. in response, our abtur. exactly 20 seconds later the target is hit. the crew had no chance. this is already the fourth abrams tank that has been destroyed, all of which were destroyed in the ovdeevsky direction. two were burned by kamikaze drones, one was burned after being hit by a russian tank. the last abrams was eliminated near the village of berdychi. for him, as well as for orlovka and thinnaya, there are now active battles, tracked overseas deliveries to the ssu are burning, 25 leopards were burned last summer alone , for the first time, hurray, with one shot of the carnet the challenger easily fails, 14 units of british vehicles were sent to ukraine, three ukrainian armed forces have already been lost, five broke down before reaching the battlefield, a journalist from the sun spoke about this, he wanted to make a hot report about...
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in the mud, if you look at the area, this is soft, rich black soil, which is his mobility, he constantly gets stuck turned out to be a problem for him. another challenger was called in for help; it took more than an hour to pull out the nearly sunken vehicle weighing 64 tons; it was ours on the battlefield at that time. the reliability of these tanks, their ability maintenance, availability of spare parts, both were, they said, a real problem, in part because they don't have enough trained mechanics, and the mechanics they do have are focused on keeping the tanks running. problems with the supply of f-16 fighters the new york times writes: “the ukrainian armed forces will receive only six aircraft in july, instead of the promised forty-five.” all.
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the training of pilots is bad, there are only 12 of them, the american publication quotes the words of white house adviser sullivon that the ukrainian there aren’t enough pilots, but that’s not all. f-16s are so complex that each one typically requires eight to 14 people to operate, western defense contractors will have to escort the planes to ukraine and stay with them until they have enough ukrainian crews, a process that could take years. and the need for repairs... the netherlands announced that the air platforms will be transferred by the summer, they are all waiting for the end of zelensky’s term of office, because they do not believe in success the functioning of the armed forces of ukraine on the battlefield, taking into account the overwhelming advantage of the air defense systems of the russian federation, these aircraft are certainly not survivable. 16 are fancy planes, they have
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a very weak airframe, they need a good asphalt coating. using the airfields of european countries is fraught with danger. kiev and its allies have already made it clear that these will be legitimate targets for our troops. in the meantime , the ssu is trying to solve the difficulties with air-ground equipment, including foreign ones, with the help of human resources and catching those liable for military service throughout the country. egor grigoriev, matvey popov, ivan kuznetsov, news! skosmos plans to launch the eastern angara a5 rocket from the cosmodrome in april, this is a new heavy carrier with a payload capacity greater than that of proton, the head of the corporation, yuri borisov, reported this to vladimir putin today, he also told the president about the preparation of a new mission to the international space station. details from dmitry petrov. the president has the head of roscosmos with a report on the latest achievements. the most important thing for astronautics is manned launches. very soon to the international a new crew will be sent to the space station.
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placed on the iss, how is this work going? let's start with this. a crew of three, a cosmonaut from our fraternal belarusian republic, marina vasilevskaya, ship commander oleg novitsky, he is already. no stranger to space flights, the third crew member is american cross-flight astronaut tressie dyson. we expect that on march 21 the soyuz-25 spacecraft will deliver them to the iss. marina vasilevskaya may become the first female cosmonaut of belarus. she was selected from six applicants. the crew has already completed the examination complex training. the soyuz 2.1 a launch vehicle, on which they will go into orbit, has already been assembled into a package, so experts say. is preparing to send into space the heaviest carrier, angara a5, it is capable of launching up to 24 tons of payload into orbit, which means russia will be able to launch
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all types of spacecraft from its territory. well, i know you have other questions. we hope that in the first ten days of april we will carry out the first launch, this is very important. for the country the event will be strengthened space and ground infrastructure, you know that we already have one squat launch, and this is like a duplicate launch, so this is very important for us. we continue the series of non-variant launches. yuri borisov is already talking about the launch of the meteorological satellite meteor 2.4; this was the first launch from the vostochny cosmodrome , historical in this sense. together with the meteor , 18 small satellites were sent into space, including. one iranian. roscosmos is actively developing international cooperation. the state corporation is preparing to receive guests from national space agencies, brix countries. he is also involved in popularizing space professions among young people. after all, the first
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cosmonaut on the planet began his journey into space quite early at the age of 20, when he came to the saratov flying club. this year gagarin would have turned 90. yuri borisov presents it to the president. land plots in different regions of russia have already been connected to gas supply under the federal social gasification program, the number of applications for this service has exceeded 1,100,000 and continues to grow. results of the program today discussed in the government. according to prime minister mikhail mishustin, the cabinet of ministers will allocate additional funds for targeted payments. the
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social gasification program, which was launched on behalf of the president, is actively being implemented. the total number of concluded contracts for free supply of highways to the sites. together with the regions, we provide additional assistance to citizens by providing subsidies for the purchase of necessary equipment and payment for its connection to gas distribution mains, their amount is not less than 100,000 rub. on behalf of the head of state, this support is received by participants of a special military operation and members of their families, veterans of the great patriotic war.
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russians are going to participate in remote electronic voting in the presidential elections, about 4 million more intend to vote through the mobile voter service, the head of the central election committee ella pomfilova announced. let me remind you that the elections start this friday, march 15, for the candidates and their proxies; there are only a few days left to meet with voters and get campaign materials. campaigns, monitored by anna voronina. anna, greetings, so what topics were discussed at the meetings? hello, alexey, there were a lot of topics today, including substitution. as well as maternity capital. the election race has reached the home stretch. the candidates, together with their proxies, today paid attention to meetings with voters. in the tula region , at a dairy plant, the candidate from the new people party, vladislav davankov, discussed personnel training with workers. currently
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, the company employs about 450 people. on production process about 300 tons of milk daily. such volumes made it possible to replace foreign products. in simfepol, the co-chairman of vladimir putin’s central election headquarters, artyom
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zhogo, discussed with military personnel the issues of issuing a combat veteran’s certificate of financial assistance payments. the most important thing is to do everything so that it is transparent, without violations, and to convey to our voters that the most important thing is to come to the polls and cast your vote, to show your civic activity.
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in the city, he thanked fellow party members for active participation in the election campaign and noted that his program played with capitalism and that’s enough, meets a strong response from the population, people say they would rather get rid of this capitalism so that we return to socialism and remember the good times, when comrade, friend this means that when they were brought up together, there was a friend , comrade brother, they remember with satisfaction that time of socialism. only 3 days remain for
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the candidates and their proxies to acquaint voters with the election program in more detail, but the main thing, as they themselves note, is participants in the election race need to show their civic responsibility, come to the polls and cast their vote. and we have the latest information from the election campaign. dollars to support russia, the biden administration proposes to include such a column in the us budget next year. the white house today released a financial plan that will be sent to congress for consideration. among other things, 850 billion for defense, almost 65 billion for international programs of the state department. in addition, there are expenses for financial intelligence, the creation of a competition fund with china and, of course, support for ukraine. republicans have already said that. biden's budget is reckless spending. meanwhile, in the states , the presidential race continues from the united states
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, a report from our staff correspondent valentin bogdanov. with super tuesday behind us, the candidates went to swing states in georgia, where much was decided in the last election; joe biden alone was not released. hello atlanta, i'm joe biden, husband of jill biden. milania's husband is 100 km from his opponent, a couple of days from winning the republican primary. hi georgia, i'm glad to be back in rum. rum in floyd county , like rome in italy, after which it is named , is built on seven hills, in america there are 26 berlins, 21 paris, 20 cities named moscow, three st. petersburgs, but there is not a single kiev, and the ukraine of america is not fifty- first state, the more surprising biden’s address to congress looked. joe biden spoke first. it's not joe biden who should
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yell angrily at america, but america who should yell angrily at joe biden. so, in general , it turned out as if trump ordered biden shouted at his own rally. you are a genocidal dictator joe, tens of thousands of palestinians are dead. i am not outraged by this ardor. many palestinians have been victims of injustice. my values ​​are based on the core values ​​that define america: decency, honesty, fairness, equality.
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america made a mistake, we chased binladen until we finally got to him, but we shouldn't have gotten into ukraine, i mean, we shouldn't have gotten into all this in iraq and afghanistan. fleeing, as if from kabulula, you can't get away with it, utah senator michaely in an article for the american conservative. indicates to the washington regional committee the emergency exit to the red lines. if the allies send troops into ukraine, we must withdraw from nato completely. there really is a problem here. back in december , the us congress prohibited the american president from withdrawing the country from the north atlantic alliance without the consent of legislators. and yet, senator lee's article in
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the year of the anniversary nato summit, which will be held in washington this summer, is a warning, as he himself writes, he won’t give a cent for it. the democrats are unhappy, but they can’t do anything. there is a pro-putin faction in the republican party led by donald trump and tucker carlson, and it's a shame. about 8 years ago, america would have obediently kept silent here, but now the supporters of the new mocartism are already starting to be beaten. for now, in a word. popular
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conservative tv presenter candace owens, in a conversation with liberal chris quoma, praised vladimir putin. it's obvious that vladimir putin is smart. we can simply state this fact when we talk about any person who can expound the history of his country, starting from the 8th century, within an hour. you think that putin accurately presented the history of russia to you, there was no accurate presentation there.
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from school number 21 is an educational it project of sber, with its help everyone from the age of 18 can acquire programmer skills and reach a high professional level. the school will be open 24/7, so you can come there at any time to gain knowledge. according to the organizers, this is not classical training, more self-education. students, working in teams, help each other find the right solution. the opening ceremony of the campus was attended by the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glodkov and the president of sberbank. in fact, there are not only 21 programming in the school, today there are 12 specialties, but we will expand the number.
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cybersecurity, everything related to creative specialties and media design. in lithuania, a ban on cars with russian license plates came into force today. those who don't managed to re-register their cars or simply leave the country, they will face a heavy fine and confiscation of the car. an exception is made only for diplomats and for transit transport from kaliningrad, while no more than a day is given for travel through the republic, how to make the baltics worse for russia. thinks constantly, for example, tries to prevent the transit of goods to kaliningrad by land, the more important the sea route becomes for the region. russia is putting new container ships on the line between kaliningrad and st. petersburg. reportage
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marina naumova. the large modern bulk carrier efremov moored for the first time at the kaliningrad commercial port. this is his first flight. now the ship will sail to the russian exclave on a weekly schedule. deck length 140 m, width 17. efremov will strengthen the sea freight line between st. petersburg and kaliningrad. now he will regularly transport strategically important cargo to the western russian region. there is a difficult ice situation in st. petersburg now, indeed, the voyage went well, it has an ice class that allows it to sail such conditions. efremov, a modern serial dry cargo ship of the morya river class, built at the nevsky shipbuilding and shiprepair plant. this is the first russian steamship equipped. the gulf of finland has successfully crossed 500
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and now the ship has passed safely across the frozen nautical miles from st. petersburg to kaliningrad. rotates 360°. we can practically turn around on the spot. this is cool. it's like a car. it accepted the board of bulk cargo containers at the port of st. petersburg. and on this flight, the dry cargo ship efremov delivered 131 tons to kaliningrad metal in bundles and rolls. is not. necessary for local industrial enterprises, the vessel can transport more than 120 sea containers per voyage, the total capacity of two cargo holds is about 6,500 tons. there are clear reasons why the sea route is becoming more and more relevant every day, and of course, in order for the region to be provided with everything necessary , additional reinforcement is required on the sea section of the route. lithuania continues to slow down land freight transit. even goods that are not included in the list of prohibited items for transportation without explanations can be expanded. this time it was the pasta that suffered.
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a shipment of pasta that was being transported from moscow to kaliningrad for the maslenitsa fair was not allowed through at the lithuanian-belarusian border. it is in the interests of the region to increase the cargo fleet so as not to depend on land transit. this month , six more dry cargo ships will enter the sea line. marina naumova, evgeny bekish, alexander naumov, maria dobroradnykh. in france they are going to allow euthanasia, the corresponding law is personally promoted by president macron, and in the title the document does not talk about official medical assistance in suicide, so as not to disturb society, the procedure was called assisted death, but this still did not protect the author of the initiative from criticism, why in western countries they are increasingly offering the population death instead of life, natalya solovyova looked into it. assisted euthanasia.
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strictly supervised, this is different from assisted suicide or euthanasia. france legalized so-called passive euthanasia in 2005, allowing terminally ill people to be taken off life support. however, lethal injections remain illegal. the new project will allow you to administer the lethal substance yourself or with the help of a medical professional. the decision will be made by a council of doctors with the consent of the patient. people with mental disorders, alzheimer's disease and others.
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then, what is commonly called a humane death, over 300 people come to belgium a year, about fifty patients are french citizens. in addition to the closest neighbor of the fifth republic , voluntary death was legalized by the netherlands, germany, spain, luxembourg and switzerland. outside the old world , you can get legal help in australia, new zealand, canada, colombia and some us states, although in general. mentioned more than once that he would prefer to decide for himself how to end his life, but while some consider the practice of voluntary death as an opportunity for a person to alleviate his suffering, others see in this procedure murder, which a seemingly painless departure can sometimes turn out to be, so last fall, a belgian woman was strangled with a medical pillow after an injection made her scream in pain. now the lists
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have been expanded; you can get rid of anyone whom society or the state considers unnecessary. a recent poll found that 27% of canadians think poverty is a good enough reason to demand access to euthanasia, and 28% think homeless people should be given the option of euthanasia. in fact, a quarter of canadians believe that if you are poor or homeless, you should die. death is not a technical act, but canada's statistics are merciless, only in one year, thanks to the help of doctors , 10 thousand people lost their lives, some of them were not incurable, but did so on the advice of a doctor. natalya solovyova and matvey popov, news. now it will appear, well, what about
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zdrav city.


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