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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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it’s difficult, they are in great demand in ukraine and burn on par with abrams and leopards. nato allies supply them in large quantities to the regime. just the other day , an investigation by bulgarian journalists appeared online. there is a suspicion that sofia taina is transferring military equipment to kiev, including the armored reconnaissance vehicle mentioned above. mess, well, this is a brd, in commonwealth they are very reliable cars, moreover, against the backdrop of what is now in... ukraine is supplied with western rubbish, which no one has dealt with, here are soviet cars, people have a lot of handling skills , moreover, now we know that 45+ people serve in the ukrainian army, they just know how to repair these cars, drive these cars, but why send monuments to the front if you can send normal equipment , experts explain, this is very beneficial for local officials, three in one
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, it seems like he helped the front, and eliminated the hated monument, pleased the nationalists, and the fact that soldiers in a restored car will die from the first lancet, who cares in kiev, is the ultimate pr phase them madness to fight the so-called, as they call it, soviet legacy, everywhere they diligently and methodically destroy monuments for the census of history, while for some reason they do not want to destroy factories. bridges, dams that the soviet union built for them, the houses in which they live today, i would like to ask ukrainian officials, so why stop, there in kharkov the english mark 5 is almost new, from the first world war, and how many memorials of the great patriotic war remain, despite the notorious decommunization, from them only t-34, there will be a whole battalion, and commentators on social networks recommend that the kiev authorities pay attention to the motherland complex, there are... tanks and artillery, and even
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planes, they can also be sent to moscow. after all, why do we need monuments to a country that has betrayed its memory? poland proposes to increase nato military spending by one and a half times; the initiative was taken by president duda, who stated that the alliance countries should allocate not 2% of gdp to defense, but three. but meanwhile, the bloc’s budget has grown naturally . today it is official to nato sweden joined. the kingdom's flag was raised. about the apartment, but in a statement to the press on this occasion, the secretary general of the alliance spoke mainly about the need to further arm ukraine, which sounded especially interesting against the backdrop of what fate awaits western military assistance to kiev in the special operation zone, which alexander khristenko will actually show. the fact that tanks are not afraid of dirt is definitely not about the british challenger 2, a correspondent for the sun publication, who went to the ukrainian training ground, was convinced of this personally.
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the crew did everything they could to avoid sat down in a puddle, looked for a towing loop, gave full throttle, he sat on his belly, we are trying to cross a small wetland, and the tank is simply sinking in the mud, now the military is waiting for an evacuation vehicle. as a result, to rescue challenger 2 , a second tank of the same type was needed. it is clear that in real combat conditions this entire structure becomes an ideal target, especially since the novorossiysk paratroopers have already knocked out the british one. in september last year, with
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the help of the carnet anti-tank missile system, a tank burned for more than a day. since then the remaining 13 challengers of the armed forces of ukraine are kept away from the front, sending instead leopards, and then abrams, but they also burn en masse, but forbes writes what a blow for the west was the destruction of two patriot air defense launchers at once by the russian hypersonic iskander. this american complex is extremely expensive and in short supply. ukraine or one of its allies could be in line. to buy spare launchers to replace the two the russians just destroyed, but that purchase could take months, if not years, and cost millions of dollars, which kiev probably did not budget for. no one hides the conclusion that is being drawn from all this: ukraine now needs f16 fighters and long-range missiles, german taurus, for example, even after the scandal with the leaked negotiations of senior bundeswehr officers who discussed possible strikes on the crimean bridge and targets in the depths russian territory with the risk of beginning. large-scale war
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, there are those in the coalition government of germany who believe that bargaining is appropriate. david cameron suggested, or at least expressed readiness for a circular exchange of arms. this means the germans are supplying their tauris cruise missiles to the british, so that they can then supply ukraine with their stormshadow cruise missiles. are you also interested in such an exchange? that would be an option. some time ago we did something similar with other types of weapons. recognition follows recognition. so the minister of foreign affairs of poland confirms what russia recorded from the very beginning. nato troops are already fighting in ukraine. nato soldiers are already in ukraine. i would like to thank you warmly the state that took this risk, they know who i am talking about, but i cannot disclose, unlike other politicians, i will not list these countries. a hint to scholz, who also revealed polichenelle’s secret that the british military helps guide stormshadow cruise missiles, many foreigners, although they do not
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return from ukraine after russian strikes. twenty-five-year-old briton harry the greek escaped this fate, but after fighting in his homeland, he committed suicide. the recruit, as local media write, suffered from post-traumatic stress. syndrome, but the root all the problems are excessive trust in one’s own politicians. mr greek decided to serve in ukraine after the then foreign minister, ms tras, said she absolutely supported anyone helping ukrainians fight for their freedom, which was then criticized by fellow conservatives who said going to war would be reckless and illegal, while downing street distanced itself from her remarks. similar news is accepted in the west.
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thanked the french president for the new initiative announced the imminent arrival of the leader of the fifth republic in kiev, however, this visit has already been postponed at least twice, during which time macron managed to reproach his western partners for cowardice, and now, as politics writes, the trip is postponed again, since the french president wants, quote, to go to ukraine with more tangible results. it is unclear how much, almost everyone disowned the idea of ​​sending troops. now this question still faces sweden in connection with its accession to nato. the official ceremony took place today. in the pouring rain, each speaker stood symbolically under a nato umbrella. but the secretary general recalled that members of the alliance have more than just rights. sweden has been
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a partner for a long time, now you are an ally with all the benefits and responsibilities that brings. and these are not only the obligatory two, but now maybe three. gdp for defense, as poland is seeking, sending soldiers to the front, wherever it is, is the direct mission of the world's largest military alliance, which will always look for an enemy to justify its existence. alexander khristenko, vlada tsurkan, news. the ukrainian community itself realized that the monument creates problems and has no place here. details about trovina from canada , about who exactly made the decision to demolish the monument in honor of the ss division galicia in... all this time, jewish organizations tried to achieve the demolition of the monument, but everything worked out only after the scandal with the nazi gunka, which was applauded by the canadian parliament,
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in fact, in order to somehow wash off the applause of the ukrainian ss man, the diaspora from square decided to dismantle, but the yellow-blue patriots continue to claim that they literally spat on their souls, but however... the tattered nazi banner of the kiev regime was immediately picked up in the baltic states. the estonian foreign ministry on the social network x tried to blame the soviet army for the bombing of tallinn 80 years ago, but for some reason did not mention that hitler’s troops were settled in the city at that time. elizaveta khramtsova will remind you of what else he chose to keep silent about. even by the standards of estonians, accustomed to praising the fascists, a new milestone has been passed. now a crime against civilians soviet strikes were announced.
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it’s okay to slander the russians, and turn it around, the photo, which the estonian foreign ministry dated 1944, was taken three years earlier, it was the so -called tallinn breakthrough of the forty-first, when the baltic. the fleet was withdrawing to kronshtat, the city was then heavily hit by german artillery , but who is interested in such subtleties when you can draw close analogies with the ukrainian conflict, i think they take an example from finland, on which they base many issues, in finland, in helsinki also like to talk about how, as a result, bombing of the center of helsinki, the places where they had a market were damaged, and something else. talks about this passionately, they don’t want to talk about the fact that, by the way, before this,
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the artillery of the finnish troops shelled leningrad together with the nazis. true patriots, nothing to the current ones, so the official representative of mitrossia, maria zakharova , remembers the fighters of the eighth estonian rifle corps of the red army who saved their land from the nazis. but in recent years, the real heroes of the second world war in the baltic states... the more time passes since the defeat of fascism, the fewer living
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witnesses of those events remain, the bolder those who rewrite history become for themselves, now in japan, where they have long been trying not to say who exactly, that it was the united states that dropped atomic bombs on jeroshima and nagasaki, at a mourning ceremony they accuse russia of a nuclear threat; in the destroyed british aircraft , a memorial inscription about the victims is erased. achieve maximum destruction, estonians write about the period when the soviet army
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fought the nazis, as in such case it turned out that the old city of talina, due to its high state of preservation, was included in the unesco world heritage list, it is not clear, but it is definitely clear that we will still hear a lot of illogical, and most importantly false words about the war to please the former hegemon, his servants, in europe there are enough cities for which soviet soldiers died to save. one and a half billion dollars to contain russia. the biden administration proposes to include such a column in the us budget next year. the white house today released a financial plan that will sent to congress for consideration. among other things, 850 billion for defense, almost 65 billion for international programs of the state department. in addition, expenses are provided for financial intelligence, the creation of a competition fund with china and, of course, support for ukraine. republicans have already said biden's budget is reckless. expenses, but in the meantime , the presidential race continues in the states ; a report from our staff correspondent valentin
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bogdanov from the united states. with super tuesday behind us, the candidates headed to swing states in georgia, where much was decided in the past elections, joe biden was not released alone. hello atlanta, i'm joe biden, husband of jill biden. milania's husband is 100 km from his opponent , a couple of days from victory in the republican primary. rum in floyd county, like rome in italy, after which it is named, is built on seven hills, in america there are 26 berlins, 21 paris, 20 cities named moscow, three st. petersburgs, there is not one in kiev, and there is no ukraine in america fifty-first state, the more surprising biden’s address to congress looked. joe biden first spoke about ukraine, only later. who the hell
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cares, it's not joe biden who should be yelling angrily at america, but america who should be yelling angrily at joe biden. so, in general , it turned out that, on trump’s order, biden was shouted at at his own rally. you are a genocidal dictator, joe, tens of thousands of palestinians are dead. i am not outraged by this ardor. many palestinians have been victims of injustice. my values ​​are based on the core values ​​that define america. decency, honesty, fairness, equality. for it to be so, look at me, i’m young, energetic, attractive , and where did i come from, but it turns out like this, as in the parody from the trump campaign, i’m not a young guy, it’s no secret, in any case, here the magical effect of the message to congress came to naught , biden
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has turned into biden again. america made a mistake. we pursued binladen until we finally got to him, but we shouldn't have gotten into ukraine, i mean, we shouldn't have gotten into all that stuff in iraq and afghanistan. fleeing, as if from kabulula, you can’t get away with it, utah senator michaeli points out to the washington regional committee in an article for the american conservative. to the emergency exit on the red lines, if the allies send troops into the territory of ukraine, we must completely withdraw from nato. true, there is a problem; back in december, the us congress prohibited the american president from withdrawing the country from the north atlantic alliance without the consent of legislators. and yet, senator lee’s article in the year of the anniversary nato summit, which will be held in washington this summer, is
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a warning, as he himself writes, transnational elites, which, although not according to...
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it is obvious that vladimir putin is smart, but we can simply state this fact when we talk about any person who can outline the history of his country, dating back centuries, within an hour. you think that putin accurately presented the history of russia to you, there was no accurate presentation there. you were simply pissed off by the fact that i recognized putin, nothing pissed me off, are you 19 years old? you sound like a nineteen-year-old, nothing pissed me off, i feel completely comfortably, brought, brought, before the publication of the politician had time to write that, having become a presidential candidate, trump will begin to gain access to intelligence briefings, just as those who composed conspiracy theories about him again started the same barrel organ, kremlin agent. i hope
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the intelligence community will cut back on briefings to donald trump. some of his actions were so reckless that it was disturbing. adam schiff hints at a criminal investigation into trump's improper storage of classified documents at his florida estate. biden boxes in a garage in delaware of course, remained behind the scenes of this interview. there is no law that would require american intelligence to familiarize us presidential candidates with current threats. however, since 1952, consent to such briefings has been given by those in power. the heads of the white house was something of a rule of good manners, however, in the current times of political battles without rules and good form can easily be abandoned. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and timofey mukhin, news from new york. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about.
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emmanuel macron is upset by the information that his wife may have a wife. why french? the media are once again making a fuss about the transgender identity of the first lady of france. any evidence? deposit - the best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. hurray, we've arrived! finally, how you grew up, and now to the point, this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, here you go, where did all this come from, you are already retired, and you registered your pension with vtb, and there is an insert for...
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the most ordinary public opinion poll on the streets of the city, a random girl gets into the frame. it would seem that everything could go wrong plan.
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do they hurt you? yes, i react to it, i condemn it, i don’t let people get away with this . well, for some reason, the information never leaves the front pages of the world media. the new york post proudly writes: macron fights back that seventy-year-old bridget was born a man. the french press, without specifics , directly states that the first lady of france is accused of being a man. that 's all really, why do we need evidence? this is such a very cruel information trade when... well, you actually sacrifice your family, well, at least at least with the image and of his family, and in order for this to be quoted, it was disseminated in order to interrupt that agenda and the hatred that has now developed in french society, european society for all the things that macron is doing in the foreign political agenda. countries with pr regarding bridget macron also need to be careful; for example, two french journalists have already been fined and found guilty of libel. then from... to
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my first lady, i had to make excuses on the air of local tv channels, they changed my family tree, i saw that they are trying to make it look like it’s me, in fact my brother, and they are also changing the family tree of my parents, this is impossible, brigitte’s brother is jean-michel tragneau, but in france for several years now they stubbornly claim that this is bridget herself and that she was born a man. this information, despite all the denials, is now available again. spread in the french media and again indignation on the part of the people, parishioners of catholic churches were indignant why their state was led by a person with such a dubious biography: he has no children, his wife is not only many years older than him, but there are indeed certain claims to her biography, allowing people who adhere to a conspiracy point of view to suspect her of male gender
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, but there is... not enough jokes, which once again proves that there is no faith in macron’s politics.
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the russian army repelled 17 attacks in so. in the avdeevsky and kherson directions, our units took more advantageous positions. zelensky's formation has been lost even more 800 soldiers, mercenary officers. the air defense system was shot down by 10 haimers missiles and 95 combat drones, eight armored vehicles were destroyed, including one american abrams tank, as well as more than twenty self-propelled guns, howitzers and missile systems, including french and czech production. why.


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