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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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well, to say that, uh, well, you are, the center , yes, such a creator, a demiurge, or something, of this world, and accordingly, you, as a person , actually find some kind of integrity of your own, yes, precisely in construction of this world, uh, well, you can say that, of course, i also accept, and it sounds nice, that is, but i would even add when i talked about how you can do business there with yoga. and
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for me, let’s say, doing business, doing yasnopol - this is also such integrity, that is, for me i take inspiration from here to there, often vice versa, that is, this is such a mutual dusting when it... there, well, it also unites, but as for really looking at our economy, it seems to me, on earth, like this, that this is a business there, i don’t know, there is wheat growing, there, and i have agrotourism there, for example, and there are a bunch of all sorts of small economy, yes, it’s a little narrow, and not even a little, very narrow, because in general we really create the environment, each of us, and it’s not that i’m the smartest there, i’m just running the economy there, so i... give an environment that responds to me , it’s nice, it seems to me, it’s right there for me, that’s why i set some rules, well, it’s not that we’re authoritarian there, yes, well, we can’t have it there turn on the music loudly, you can’t drink somewhere, you don’t know where these people are already disappearing, by the way speaking, we have, in my opinion, such
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soviet habits, when everything there is so noisy, but that is, to be environmentally friendly, to treat nature with respect, to each other, and this is its own basis.
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at a young age you have one thing in your head, i just sometimes even when you’re an adult they really want to do it, because at that age you look at the children and you start saying something like that, yes, and then you remember, so how old, 16, what did i do
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at 16, you think, oh my god, why, why i say this, yes, he is also 16, yes, he is much better, much better.
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bureaucracy, which is still a big question , what is its efficiency, yeah, but they say that the creative economy, art clusters, well, this, well , in my opinion, in our opinion, yes, this is all an attempt to figure out what to do to keep people busy, someone speaks directly, says, let ’s pay a basic income, yes, but let him lie on the couch, yes, well, no, well, no, they say that the person will then communicate, study, do something else, well, sort of he will have it... he won’t think about need, about his daily bread, relatively speaking, yes, but i just thought
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at one time, but human economic activity, it produces a certain value, a certain added value, yes, that is, you take one thing, at the expense of your labor, you produce some -an additional value, everyone recognizes it, it is in demand by society, this is the harmonious state of nature, yes, this is an absolutely basic value for all people. they say that all over the world the foundations of the economic and cultural
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existence of rural areas have been undermined, yes, but because there is no longer that peasantry that plows the land, and a lot of which is needed, in rural areas, first of all , there is nothing to do, yes, even if there are agricultural holdings, labor productivity is high there, little land is needed there, few people, and what can people do? rural territory, but there is nothing, that’s why they come. cities, but what you’re saying is probably a specific example, but what i thought at one time was that people could take care of, well, the forest, the river, yes, because it’s getting shallow because she carries with her material, and the rivers have always been cleaned, and we need to continue to clean them, if we want it to be possible to travel along the river by steamship, on motor boats, to fish there, and so on, we need to deal with the forest, because well, in koshcheevo’s kingdom, when it with...
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forest growing, exactly, but due to its nature it is more difficult to mechanize, because caring for young forests is largely manual, and creative work, yes, that is, you have to decide which trees are worse there, which need to be removed how to leave it space for growth and so on, yes, that's why forestry and agroforestry on such now abandoned agricultural lands, it can give people additional work, so tv viewers, in fact i... will not grow, will not
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grow, that is, in 99% of cases, if planted , even if they planted it well, what they planted won’t grow, it’s litter , which means, well, this is a whole cycle of forest growing, that is, they planted it, well, firstly, this is also not an easy matter, that is, you can plant it in different ways, okay, planted well, right? then the first few years are spent like this called agricultural weeds, well, that is, we need to fight the weeds that shade these young trees, the richer the soil, the more weeds, the more agricultural weeds, yes, then thinning begins in young trees, until about 10 years old, this is the so-called clarification, when it is necessary to remove, well, trees are undesirable in species, well, for example, if it is rich soil, you planted a spruce or pine tree, it is overgrown with aspen, yes, but if this aspen is not removed, the pine tree will die with... all the gel, well, almost all of it, yes, that's it , accordingly, lightening is cleaning
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this aspen shoot, it grows at a tremendous speed, sometimes it grows 2-2.5 m in the first year, yes, you have to cope with this, this is largely a job of manual mowing with a brush cutter, then until the age of 20 there are so -called clearings, when such a young forest is already forming, well, of the composition that is needed, of the density, it is very important that the forest is beautiful. yes, so that the trees do not grow just like that, yes, at the required distance, yes, well, approximately, of course, that is , not always, no one walks around with a ruler, yes, but still such rarefaction is done and so... about 20 years after planting , when this clearing ends, you end up with a closed young forest, in which you can take a walk, and there is something to look at, but it doesn’t end there, that is, there is further periodic felling care in this forest is carried out, well, in general , until he is old, well, in general, we will not be left without work in the future, yes, pavel, this is
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a simple question for yourself on the one hand, on the other hand, for many i think it is important, after all, what what is an organism anyway? there are other grains so that you can to call this wheat organic , this industry is regulated by law and regulated by the standard itself in the form of gost, everything is clearly written there, well, for example, when growing, i know about my industry, when growing cereals, you can’t use any pesticides at all, you can’t use any synthetic minerals fertilizers, and
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accordingly , cannot be used in granaries or workshops either. pesticides, you cannot use chlorine-containing cleaning products , why not, because it is believed that it is harmful to health, then all that this is all, the use of this leads to the accumulation of harmful elements of carcinogens in the grain, and then it all ends up in flour, in bread, and so on, so we are certified according to the russian standard, according to the european standard, according to the american one, that is, we.
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.. perhaps, i have a question for dmitry, probably this, there is some kind of economic activity, yes, in fact, any, but now we are talking about agriculture, but some kind of organic state of such organic harmony, probably like this , not
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i know the village, yes russian, not russian, well, we know more about russian yes... that they require making quite complex decisions, but agriculture is not only an economic activity for filling one’s belly and getting rich there, yes, but here is such a natural village , it has a culture, of course, people sing, people dance, people take advantage of nature, people relax, of course, they enter the forest for berries, for mushrooms, they hunt, yes, they
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hunt, they somehow influence nature, influence nature, they destroy it, well, i would didn't say yes. that is, they, of course , change the species, yes, but they, we very often encountered, are faced with the fact that they understand perfectly well, any hunter understands as much as possible, that old hunter, yes, but how much is impossible, and it wouldn’t even occur to him how to knock out more or shoot a female there, which children, and so on, so it seems to me that in some form... this agrotourism, yes, it’s on a new level , we can’t go back to that 19th century village, he’s starting to reproduce this story, when you, this is the first time... i thought, you’re telling me, yes, and you say, you have a culture there, that is , they already dance there, some museums, something like that, well, what - modern culture
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, yes, it’s tightening up, you have some kind of agriculture, you have some products of this agriculture, yes, but you understand what you yourself are telling you, i want to start a life there, so that now it itself is not just some money, calculations there and so on, but so that it begins to live this story. so, can agriculture be not just such a narrowly focused economy, plowed, sold, received, plowed, sold, received, but simply restore the life of entire territories, that’s what you think? well, this is a very important topic, and firstly, of course, well, i will confirm that this is farming at such a human level, that is, when you...
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his opinion is, well, like the fist was there before, there or who, yes, here, and in this sense it is even some kind of harmony, but harmonization really is there and the formation of culture, and we have such a tradition, in each program of our heroes, we ask them to take with them to the studio one thing that they would take with them if they were sent straight from the studio to 20162, and it was possible take only one thing, you were also asked for this, pavel, you know, i would probably take photographs. your loved ones, but from something material, i think that i wouldn’t need it there, well , we’ll show you a photograph, yes alexey, and i
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brought this thing, it was cutting down birch trees, a forest, yes, but really in fact, this birch tree was 20 years old, well, 19, 20 years old, yes, it grew on agricultural land, you see, it’s quite thick, so, well, i outweigh it for now, but it’s also quite large, and this shows that... really in fact, during the lifetime, well, the active creative life of one person, you can grow such a valuable economic forest, and around the village, somewhere in such developed territories, do not interfere with the wild nature, but let it develop, let it develop on its own, that forest, that people need, and the wood that people need to grow, well, develop forestry like other branches of crop production, i hope that we will have it, cut it down and bring it on the body.
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she is the champion of some cheese competitions, well, yes, this is a specific cheese, but what is the message, so that in the future we will have products made from real milk, because we understand where everything is moving, there is soy, everything is intelligence , and it will probably be something simple that will be printed on a printer, let’s say i print at home, but now, but here maybe cheeses and meats, yes, and it seems important to me after all, so that this part of life.
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it must make all sides of this action beneficiaries, not only man, but the soil, plants, and animals, domestic and wild, all must benefit from
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human agricultural action. the economy should be a creative person, here is a creative person who feels responsible, the owner of the land, and not at the center of smart sustainable rural soulless capital, the only goal is profit here now. boris, your tennis.
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thesis just needs to be supplemented with the introduction in the organic standards of all countries of the world, yes , in principle, this is said there, but you have to include it in the new forest code, well, thank you, these are our theses, russia 2062, yes, i have already given them to all of us, thank you and good luck, thank you.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it needs to be
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12:00 am
good services, elections are coming, and where? vote? let's look at the website of the central election commission of russia, they have convenient services, you can find out the address of your polling station, find out about the candidates, this information is also available in your personal account on the state services portal. the ukrainian armed forces shelled makeyevka and donetsk, seven civilians were wounded, including two children, houses and a school were damaged. our correspondent in the dpr, vitaly starushchenko, talks about the consequences of the attack.
12:01 am
the calm in the republic did not last long; this time the militants targeted civilians.


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