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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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the russian army repelled 17 attacks in su. in the avdeevsky and kherson directions, our units took more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost over 800 more soldiers and mercenary officers. the air defense system was shot down by ten haimers missiles and 95 combat drones. eight armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as more than twenty self-propelled guns, howitzers and missile systems, among others. russian
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and czech production. about the battles in the artyomovsk direction. pavel prokopenko. check-in to artyomovsk only in the dark . during the day this road is clearly visible and accordingly is shot through, so it’s still much safer to do it under cover of darkness. the road is lit with dim red light. all drivers here use only such diffuse light bulbs, their light. is insufficient for enemy drones , the enemy himself is at a great distance, and since the drone cannot return back, it chooses any target, the words of the accompanying person are immediately confirmed, right on the road a bukhanka is burning out, you can see from the frame that the car is a civilian one, no military identification signs, we're heading around the city already at dawn, we’re not going, we’re rushing, we can’t stop here
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at all, let’s say we can find enemy personnel there, bulletproofs, heavy equipment, and a needle in a haystack, well, if we try, we can do it, that’s what the bird sees in the sky, the desired object was discovered very quickly, support, concrete, on top of the roll of logs, bags, we will now hand over to the artillery, and the mortar batteries will work on them, and we will also finish them off with vogue drops. hanging
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grenade, the drone is not only a reconnaissance, it is a real combat unit, it is a fuse, we remove it, and when it falls, it hits the ground and explodes instantly. the crew's work takes place under continuous cannonade, constant gunfire and the echo of mortar exits; the battles are taking place very nearby, a few hundred meters away, somewhere in that fog. our radar detected the appearance of an enemy bird, caught one, it’s somewhere.
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egor grigoriev will tell you why western technology will not save the ukrainian armed forces. the flash in the video is an apu from a tank. in response, our aptur flies through the car. exactly 20 seconds later the target is hit. the crew had no chance. it's already the fourth abrams tank was destroyed, and all were destroyed in the avdeevsky direction. two were burned by kamika drones, one was burned after being hit by a russian tank. the last abrams was eliminated near the village of berdychi. for him, and also for orlovka and thin. now there are active battles,
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tracked overseas deliveries to the ssu are on fire, 25 leopards were burned last summer alone , for the first time, hurray! look at the area, it is soft, rich black soil, which turned out to be a problem for him. another one was called in for help. challenger, it took more than an hour to pull out an almost sunken vehicle weighing 64 tons; on the battlefield, this time will be quite enough for our troops to help the ukrainian armed forces
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solve the problem with an accurate hit. the reliability of these tanks, the ability to service them , the availability of spare parts, both were , according to them, a real problem, because of happiness. everything is bad with the training of pilots, there are only 12 of them, the american publication quotes the words of white house adviser sullivon that there are not enough ukrainian pilots, but that’s not all. f-16 is so difficult to maintain. each of them typically requires between eight and 14 people, then western defense contractors will have to accompany the planes to ukraine and stay with them until they have enough ukrainian crews, a process that could take years, and the need to repair aging war -damaged runways stripes
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of the ukrainian armed forces, may further delay the entry of the f-16 into the war. eating the netherlands announced that all air platforms will be handed over by the summer. using the airfields of european countries is fraught with kiev and its allies having already made it clear that these will be legitimate targets for ours... in the meantime , the ssu is trying to solve the difficulties with air-ground equipment, including foreign ones, with the help of human resources, by catching those liable for military service throughout the country. egor grigoriev, matvey popov, ivan kuznetsov, news. ukraine should be given the opportunity to strike crimea.
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cia director william burns announced this hearing in the us senate. noted that the united states has little time left to save kyiv regime. without additional assistance, it seems to me that ukraine will lose more territory this year, and these will be significant losses. i think that without additional help you will see even more losses like avdiivka. meanwhile , the biden administration presented a draft us budget for next year, without military aid to ukraine. what kyiv was so afraid of happened. at the same time, biden requested $850 billion for... defense, 34 billion more than this year. the budget includes expenses for nato allies and a number of other countries, but no ukraine. the only caveat is that support for kiev is spelled out in a separate law, which republicans have been blocking since october. the president
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of france was wrong when he said that nato troops should be sent to ukraine, this was stated by the general of the sec-alliance jens stoltenberg. at nato. to send troops to ukraine. neither the alliance nor nato allies are parties to the conflict. even if a single nato country individually sends troops to ukraine, this will affect the entire alliance, whose members are bound by the principle of collective defense i think it is important for us to consult and come to a common approach on these important topics because they matter to all of us. the nato secretary general also does not agree with the pope's statement that... ukraine needs to start negotiations with russia and accept reality. stoltenberg said that kiev simply needs to supply as many weapons as possible. earlier, francis said that the ukrainian authorities need to have the courage to raise the white flag. as the vatican later explained, he meant the cessation of
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hostilities and the restoration of diplomatic contacts. well, german foreign minister nalena berbak also said that ukraine needs to be given even more weapons. true, all this was said. during the tv show, at first she pretended that she was very worried about kiev, but this was not a problem either; behind the scenes, politics behaved completely differently, including recalling russian hospitality with pleasure. these shots, filmed without an audience, were later posted by the tv show host. give me some vodka. oh, one day sergei lavrov offered to pour me some vodka during lunch. i told him, as a mother of two children, i already nothing scary. come on, i love this thing. roscosmos plans to launch the angara a5 rocket from the vostochny cosmodrome in april.
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so say experts, it is located in the installation and testing building of the thirty- first site of baikonur. a lot of work is going on at the vostochny cosmodrome, where they are preparing to send into space the heaviest carrier, hangar a5. it is capable of launching up to 24 tons of payload into orbit, which means russia will be able to launch all types of spacecraft from its territory. we hope that in the first ten days of april we will carry out the first launch, this is a very important event for the country , the space-ground infrastructure will be strengthened, you know that we already have one launch in prisetsk, and this is like a duplicate launch, so this is very important for us, we continue the series of trouble-free launches, yuri borisov already says about the launch of the meteorological satellite meteor 2.4, this was the first launch from the vostochny cosmodrome and, in a sense, historical, together with the meteor, 18 small
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satellites were sent into space, including one iranian. roscosmos is actively developing international cooperation, the state corporation is preparing to receive guests from the national space agencies of the brix countries, and is also promoting space professions among young people. after all, the first cosmonaut on the planet began his journey into space quite early, at the age of 20, when he came to saratov. flying club, this year gagarin would have turned 90. yuri borisov presents the president with a symbolic gift: this portrait, which is a symbol of the cosmonautics pavilion, which, after reconstruction, you opened in 1918. here, looking looking at this portrait, i would like you to be filled with optimism and confidence that we will succeed. thank you, the next start is in 10 days. from the baikanur cosmodrome. dmitry petrov, yuri brilev, lead. at what
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points would i like more? french farmers demand that president macron, instead of ukraine, think more about his country. they are trying to get the government to block the uncontrolled export of ukrainian agricultural products, otherwise dumping will bankrupt farmers in france. he also demands to reduce prices for diesel fuel and increase subsidies. on these shots, the city of bordeaux, there are hundreds of farmers near the building of the region. the council brought in tractors, and the police fired tear gas at the entrance to disperse people. and in france they are going to allow euthanasia. the law is being promoted by the president. why in the west they are increasingly offering the population death instead of life - natalya solovyova looked into it. euthanasia, assisted suicide, medically assisted suicide. in france, this vocabulary of death is ready to be expanded. they developed it there for glasaria. a new definition, which, however, does not change the main essence: president emmanuel macron announced a bill
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legalizing voluntary death. with this text we look death in the face. the president of the republic announces in an interview that the end of life bill will be presented to the council of ministers in april. it provides for the possibility of requesting assisted death under strictly supervised conditions. this is different from assisted suicide or euthanasia. france has legalized the so-called. active euthanasia in 2005, allowing terminally ill patients to be taken off life support, however, lethal injections remain illegal, the new project will allow you to administer the lethal substance yourself. or with the help of a medical professional, the decision will be made by a council of doctors with the consent of the patient himself. people with mental disorders, alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases will not be able to die voluntarily. this bill is called assisted death, that's what i want to say: i have been helping dying people for 25 years, this is our job, to help
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those who have trusted us, patients, while they they won’t die, but killing is something else. for many this is unbearably difficult. for those who cared, it is difficult to hurt. we believe that what macron is proposing is a complete reversal of what can be considered caring. doctors focus on the problem of palliative care. in france it is chronically underfunded and underdeveloped . residents of 26 out of 101 administrative departments do not have access to it at all. and according to doctors, the lack of opportunity to alleviate the patient’s suffering often leads him to. thoughts about leaving life. with on the one hand, i can't wait to be free, on the other hand, i feel guilty for leaving the people i love behind, but in the end, it's my choice. this is the last interview of the french woman lady imhove, practically blind, every day she lost the ability to control her own body. a serious congenital disease and a difficult decision in which french
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doctors did not support her. in february , euthanasia procedures were carried out in brussels, then what is commonly called. humane death, more than 3,000 people come to belgium per year, about fifty patients are french citizens. in addition to the closest neighbor of the fifth republic , voluntary death was legalized by the netherlands, germany, spain, luxembourg and switzerland. outside the old world , you can get legal assistance in australia, new zealand, canada, colombia and some us states, although euthanasia is generally prohibited in the country. macron himself is rather a supporter of this idea; he has mentioned more than once that he would prefer to decide on his own. how to end life, but for now someone considers the practice of voluntary death an opportunity for a person to alleviate their suffering, others see this procedure as murder, which, seemingly painless care can sometimes turn into a turnaround, as last fall, a belgian woman was suffocated with a nurse’s pillow after the injection made her scream in pain. in addition, this legal norm has increasingly begun
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to be abused in canada, where, as in france , everything began with the good intention of making things easier.
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absolutely, you see, i’m standing, holding a beautiful fruit bowl, and well, i don’t even have such a desire to eat something, because i know that the time has not yet come. during the muslim fast, believers refuse food and drink, from dawn to sunset, in kazan the morning meal ended today at 4:00 am, the breaking of the fast after sunset is usually spent together, inviting guests,
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booking restaurants, there is a rush in kazan halal establishments , places are sometimes taken long before the start. ramadan is certainly not only fasting, it is a month of spiritual growth, purification, forgiveness, unity and help for the weak. in kazan, traditionally , in honor of ramadan, charity starts a marathon in support of seriously ill children, the poor and the needy, is distributed to them. with various diagnoses, muslims give fiter sadaka during this period, this is obligatory alms, everyone calculates it according to their capabilities. already in the evening
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, believers gather in mosques to perform tarawih prayer together. this is a special prayer that is read during the month of ramadan. usually the men go home late at night after reciting the qur'an and socializing. this unique tradition is believed to unite people and strengthen faith. elvira fayzulina, murshida bayraktar, anastasia bogdanova, vesti tatarstan. the newest model of train was launched in the capital's metro, there were no such thing before, the doors are wider, the seats are larger, the aisles are more spacious, all this has already been appreciated by maria valieva. the first stop is sokol station, passengers board the moscow 2024 train. it’s very comfortable, very satisfying, i’m glad that such green branches have finally been launched, we’ve been waiting for a very long time. i have been following for a long time, even the development of the moscow 2024 train, i believe that it is finally being launched. it will just change our lives, it was difficult it’s free to walk between the rows now
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, it’s very cool that the train is walk-through, that is, you don’t have to crowd, but go into the carriage that is convenient, convenient, spacious, clean, compared to the previous series of moscow 2020 trains, the new ones have a distance between the seats increased by 10%, capacity increased by 17 people. the doors have become wider, which speeds up the boarding and disembarkation of passengers. the first and last carriages now have ramps for passengers with limited mobility. the design of the train is made in brown tones; it was chosen by visitors to the manesh station exhibition, which was held last year as part of the urban forum, the seats became more widely covered with wear-resistant material, and to make it convenient for passengers to charge their gadgets while driving, usb was installed on the handrails. the driver's cabin has improved sound insulation, three touch screens are installed that allow you to control most systems, and there is access to all video cameras, both in the cabin and outside
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the train. the comfort for the driver himself has increased, that is, it is much more convenient to spend his working time, it’s just some kind of space compared to what we had, convenience of course, there is no such pitching, no such shaking, and also no noise, vibrations, that is, it is much, much more pleasant to work. within 2 years, it is planned to produce 560 of these cars, which will completely renew the fleet behind the moskvoretskaya line, one of the longest and most popular in the capital’s subway. moscow is the undisputed leader in updating rolling stock in general passenger transport, particularly in the metro. since the tenth year, the average age of metro trains has decreased by twice from age 24 to age twelve. moreover, these are not just new trains, these are trains of new series, new generations. we started with a numbered car that stands here, then
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we launched new, modern, world-class moscow 2020 trains, and today we are launching the moscow 2024 train. the improvement of metro trains will not stop there, the mayor of the capital emphasized. even more modern ones are already being developed.
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who gain basic experience in programming the creation of digital products, but in the future a lot of guys go today in three such key areas, this is working with data and artificial intelligence, this is work technology, this is cybersecurity, everything related to creative specialties - media design. a ban on cars with russian license plates has come into force in lithuania... violators will face a fine and confiscation for transit for no more than a day, while you can get to kaliningrad by sea, as marina naumova found out.
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the large modern cargo ship efremov moored for the first time at the kaliningrad commercial port, this is its first voyage, now the ship will scheduled weekly visits to the russian exclave. with a deck length of 140 m and a width of 17, the bulk carrier efremov will strengthen the sea freight line between st. petersburg and kaliningrad. now he will regularly transport strategically important cargo to the western russian region. the ice situation in st. petersburg is really difficult right now. the flight went well, he has a lead class that allows him to travel in such conditions. efremov, a modern serial dry cargo ship of the more river class, built at the nevsky shipbuilding and shiprepair plant. this is the first russian steamship equipped with domestic rudder devices, which increase the maneuverability of the ship. and now the ship has passed safely through the frozen gulf of finland and has successfully covered 500 nautical miles from st. petersburg to
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kaliningrad. now we can practically turn around on the spot, it’s great, it’s like a car. it accepted the boarding of bulk cargo containers at the port of st. petersburg. on this flight, the cargo ship efremov delivered 131 tons of metal in bundles and rolls to kaliningrad. this is a must for locals industrial enterprises. during a voyage, the ship can transport more than 120 sea containers. the total capacity of the two cargo holds is about 6,500 tons. there are clear reasons why. the sea route is becoming more and more relevant every day, and of course, in order for the region to be provided with everything necessary, additional reinforcement is required on the sea section of the route. lithuania continues to slow down land freight transit, even goods that are not included in the list of prohibited goods can be turned around without explanation, this time pasta was affected products. a shipment of pasta that was being transported from moscow to kaliningrad for the maslenitsa fair was not allowed through at the lithuanian-belarusian border.
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it is in the interests of the region to increase the cargo fleet so as not to depend on land transit. this month , six more dry cargo ships will enter the sea line. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, dmitry pishchukhin, maria dobroradnykh, elena varantsova, conduct kaleningrad. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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