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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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[000:01:15;00] russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24. large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and
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future. touch all the achievements on the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride. country, come to the exhibition forum russia, procedure the long-awaited exchange of frozen assets will start on march 25, it will take place in four stages and should take several months, the ministry of finance reports. the idea is that non -residents will be able to buy
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foreign securities from russian holders that were blocked due to sanctions. in this way, our investors will receive compensation for assets that they can no longer control. these are shares of large foreign companies, for example, apple, google, amazon, tesla, as well as depository receipts and investment shares. at the same time, according to the central bank, securities of the st. petersburg exchange, blocked after the introduction of sanctions against it, will not fall under the redemption procedure. on the one hand, russian investors participate in the exchange procedure. and private investors who apply for exchange through their brokers or through their management companies to an intermediary company called an investment chamber, this intermediary cannot be called a major player, and he is not rumored, but nevertheless, he is the one chosen as an intermediary in connection with the fact that she has no sanctions status. on the other side of the exchange are non-residents who have
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funds. any russian private investor will be able to take part in the scheme; applications for the redemption of securities will be accepted by professional market participants, that is, they must apply to where the citizen has an account. it is important that the maximum amount that can be received for securities is limited to a limit of 100,000 rubles. the total value of the investor's portfolio does not matter, if it exceeds 100,000, only part of the securities is declared for sale, the rest will remain blocked. the amount has been determined. here in the presidential decree, and in fact, i think that it was determined based on the greatest coverage of the number of investors who own foreign securities, that is, some such average indicator of the largest number of owners of foreign securities, non-residents will buy securities from russian investors , for
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this... they will have to submit an application to the auction organizer, the investment chamber, no later than july 5. payment will be made at the expense of foreigners on special accounts where they still remained blocked. it's just a question. this is a means that is in the russian circuit and belongs to foreigners, that is , these are funds that were formed due to some income received here, they are also blocked, that is, foreigners cannot withdraw them at the moment, but they are given a presidential decree, again but all this is spelled out in it in a basic way, it will allow you to purchase securities at a foreign price with these funds, as far as... i understand, there will already be some opportunity to remove them from the russian circuit. according to ministry of finance, as of today, the assets of 3.5 million russian citizens are blocked for a total amount of 1.5 rubles. it is still difficult to estimate what part of these funds
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will be returned through the exchange. if the procedure proves effective, it is possible that in the future it can be expanded, in particular, the head of vtb, andrey kostin, previously admitted that the maximum amount of redemption of securities is possible - or in the application, here insurance companies offer the best prices, compare in your country , with yota you can accelerate, with yota you can do everything
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maximum. it's free, see if you are in arrears and if anyone has taken out a loan in your name, keep your credit history under control, maybe your credit history is better than you think, compare on your side, run and inspire others with your running, demix, the run continues where you are, order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive super cashback in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! it is important for us
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to stand out so that we can be noticed at any time day and night. our work is a race against time and the elements. to win it, we need someone who is fully involved, who is ready to devote himself entirely to the cause. those who feel the strength, the strength to help, destinies are at stake, and we accept the challenge. jetur t2, a hero by nature. one of my friends became very popular on social networks. try. try, jaga, jaga, try. i need it, i need it. mmm, the internet is over. don’t look at the megaphone yet, the megaphone gives unlimited social networks to everyone, both its own and new subscribers, mormeladny, and constant and unlimited video, connect megapowers there will be a jaga, only in a megaphone, buy osaka on the site, compare and win
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a car, only until april 26 you can insure one car with us and win a second or a million rubles, choose osaka or any other insurance and take part . everything is in the draw, compare on your side, it ’s just space, when you try the taste of ham with pork ham from cherkizov’s own farms, find yourself in the universe of taste, cosmically delicious, cherkizovo, alen, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with vtb debit card, cashback! 25%, i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, touch
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on your side. now it’s hard to believe, but just a few years ago the gorky film studio was in complete decline. movies were no longer filmed here, engines were no longer screaming, and the once noisy pavilions were rented out as warehouses, and even the central entrance was closed, as if shyly hiding its past under the construction net. magnificence. i must say that at all... stages from the moment we arrived as a new team at the gorky film studio, this was in the twentieth year, at the end of the twentieth year, starting from the twenty-first year, the moscow government has always supported the film studio, always helped in its development and modernization, exactly. over the past year alone, six digital creative studios have appeared here, as well as a new pavilion that allows the use of virtual reality elements in the filming process. according to the plan,
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the studio area will increase to 110,000. a film campus has emerged here, a special space, buildings and buildings, these also have new meanings, so where children and teenagers can learn the most important film professions and even make their own films. we pay less attention to such areas as acting, you know, which everyone wants, more to those film professions that usually remain behind the scenes, these are operators, these are production designers, costume designers, set designers, editors. future filmmakers are taught as adults using
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real equipment, accessible to students both comfortable creative classes and workshops, as well as a professional cyclorama, also known as greenery in film language, as well as modern film cameras and all the necessary equipment for editing the footage. very soon a museum will open its doors in the historical film studio building. the first exhibition is already available to visitors, inviting them to plunge into the fascinating world of filmmaking. here. in general, at this exhibition we talk about various film professions, film professions that are always behind the scenes, who you and i know from cinema, we we know the actors, and more advanced people know the directors, some know the producers, cameramen, cameramen, they know very little, believe me, this is because you know very little in this profession of cameramen, the script group work area with real storyboards and printed material, directors’ consoles
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light and sound, examples of work... march, sergei sobyanin personally reported to the president of the country. moscow is the largest center of the domestic film industry, already 90% of russian films are shot here, this is about 260 projects annually, all moscow's film industry has united more than specialized organizations, so for the convenience of film producers, a moscow film platform has been launched, a unique service and the main assistant for anyone who has connected their life with cinema. the most important thing is now. all approvals go through this platform , that is, the film producer does not have a headache, where to go, go to school there to make arrangements himself or go to the hospital to make arrangements himself, he contacts a single window , does it online, it can be done from the phone, loading all the necessary documentation. a real film boom requires proportionate development of the necessary infrastructure: more pavilions, more
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locations, more editing studios. and we are now completing the first stage, we are adapting part of the buildings that we had and left to us from the plant. that is, we are renovating them, and therefore now, from those buildings that we are putting into operation, we can offer classic pavilions for filming, and well, in an absolutely classical sense, equipped, of course, with all the accompanying premises, dressing rooms, actors, but various universal premises that film crews can use for reading scripts, or for some of their meetings, and we are also launching two pavilions that will be equipped with screens, this is for filming vr, ar, yeah. vnimet mash is almost 50 hectares of the territory of the former research institute of metallurgical engineering. by decision of the moscow government, the once most important city enterprise has already begun the path of rebirth into an innovative cluster that has united the film and fashion industries, and also modern public spaces.
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as part of the concept, the filming pavilions will be adjacent to a disco club, cinema and food courts. since march 2023 , 15 projects have already been filmed, and the current booking schedule for pavilions has already been filled until the end of the year. the magic of cinema, the possibilities in nimet masha, allows you to turn the local buildings, well, in this case, into a real police station with a duty station, but that’s not all. we step into the threshold and out of the 21st century, we find ourselves in a police station of the late nineties, even with this one. an investigation room, very soon two more locations, the hospital and the morgue, which are most in demand in film production, will open their doors, and a filming pavilion with a swimming pool will appear, allowing for filming under water. when we have new industrial opportunities, new technological opportunities appear,
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technological ones, we can afford to come up with something new, something that we would not have done before, realizing that there is nowhere to implement it. there is nowhere to rent, now we will have the opportunity to do it, and accordingly, this will return to the quality of content, not only in the quality of infrastructure, but will be reflected in what kind of content, what kind of cinema will be produced as a result. 10,000 m2 and more than 30 million wardrobe items, costumes and props, the firebird, located on the territory of the medical machine, already today covers 80% of the needs
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of the russian... suddenly the director came up with the idea, oh, i want him to be in a red jacket, feverishly, they come here, they run for this red jacket, they get it in 5 minutes , they shoot it at the will of the director, it’s red jacket, the entire impressive assortment, and this is not only suits, headdresses, shoes and armor, but also thousands of... props are digitized and posted on the moscow film platform. artists can make sure in advance that they have the necessary items and things for filming. the final touches at the medmash base will open another unique project - a materials center, where more than 15,000 samples from different countries of the world will be collected. the capabilities of the center will allow both
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costume designers and designers not only to choose the right fabric, but also sew the necessary things. this. it’s hard to believe, but a year ago there was only a field here, now together with a fake station complex, a fake platform and a depot have already appeared here. the rails are real, the carriage is real, and even the diesel locomotive that we have today is also real, we
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recently launched a test one, it moves and it will move from the depot to the platform, and then further here is also a matter of imagination, here people can come, leave, turn around, meet, break up, fall in love, exciting dramas can play out in almost completed compartments of the imperial carriage, as if the designer can be removed from it if necessary. it took less than a month for the historical compartments at the cinema park, fabrics, curtains, doors, decorative elements, everything is done here in moskino, by the best decorators and prop makers in the industry, ready to take on any order, from the large carriage that we are now producing at the vitebsky station , down to a small button there, that is, even down to this. any little thing, now we have a carpentry shop, a large, good one, a cnc workshop, we can also cut out any
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parts, of any complexity , we also have a foam plastic workshop here and foam plastic cutting, there is a cnc machine that also cuts out any small parts, a sewing workshop has been launched, next to the station you can already see the airport cinema terminal, the most important location, which modern films rarely do without and... series, inside, still under construction at the fake airport , the fuselage of a boeing 777 is already waiting for its first days of filming , which just recently took off into the air and made flights to various parts of the world. stood, one might say, dilapidated, they took it, sawed it up, brought to us, and now we have a pavilion that fully corresponds - with the exception of the places between the rows, which yes, yes, yes, it’s just a dream, a tourist’s dream, this doesn’t exist, but for cinema it is. since it would be so, well, that is, we would really like to fly like this, well, it would be more convenient to actually shoot both movies and cameras, and here the rails for the camera will go, we
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will, of course, put all this together a little for the filmmaker. in total , it is planned to place 64 full-scale pavilion film sets on the territory of moskino. besides essentially limitless possibilities for choosing locations, the film park also offers the most modern technical solutions, it is here that one of the largest in... a location that we can only afford and draw is located, it’s like a racing car , placing it in the biggest, any track, this like airports, make some kind of turns in the sky; in 2023 , 14 large-scale film projects were filmed on the territory of the film park. the cathedral square of the white stone kremlin, a real tu-154 plane, the reichstag building and much more. there are a total of 12 outdoor sites, four pavilions
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and six infrastructure facilities. mostkino does not plan to stop there. already now another location is being built on the territory - a slavic village of the 9-10 centuries. we have grandiose plans; now in 2024 we will start, i really hope, the next phases of construction. it will be a destroyed city, and a line of defense of the war, where it will be possible to blow things up, make tank battles, there will also be locations that we are really looking forward to, we hope that we will put in the first bricks, these are the cities of europe, and not only europe, china and india may appear, but those locations that are really difficult to get to now are all on the territory of moscow, which, as we know, has already become the capital of world cinema, does not
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intend to give up its position. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home,
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install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not
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so scary if there are instructions. does she really read minds or not? the premiere, the anostrovsky investigative committee, she has
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special dans, who are you all looking at, well here is the girl standing. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, look only without doing anything on your own, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, look before everyone else, in the application or
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