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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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the west has become convinced that it is possible to speak with moscow from a position of strength, this doesn’t even require any comment, it’s just a feeling that they’ve gone crazy, they really don’t understand what happened, but if you look at it so carefully, carefully, it’s very funny, they cut us off from goods, so... they can be produced, but we cut them off from the raw material base, so it’s impossible to produce it, yeah, you can only buy it from someone who has it, and the number of these suppliers is quite seriously limited in the world, well just like that it turned out that producing a product is one thing, but finding sources, and fairly cheap ones, of various raw materials. this is not at all the case,
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and it turned out that for them everything they do leads to higher prices, higher costs, and as a result of the recession, and we are forced to produce, but using our own cheap raw materials, if we keep them cheap, it gives us colossal growth opportunities, this is absolutely an obvious idea that was expressed by one of the american economists, in my opinion, in a polish publication, why... did not occur to those people who are sanctions were planned, which shows how stupid people we work with. i ’m looking at what’s happening around me and i’m not even interested in discussing these political midgets from macron to schulz, but it’s much more interesting to look, for example, at what’s happening in america, because what trump says is, in fact, absolutely primitive, harsh , but an understandable approach, what he said to...
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the europeans, the war will end. and if the americans don’t give money, then the europeans alone will not be able to finance this war, then the war will end. trump may not be president of the united states yet, but his party in the legislature is preventing democrats from pouring money into the war.
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there are no red lines on the issue of sending troops to ukraine, the question arises: do you consider yourself with the orchestra or without? do you have troops? well, will you come to your senses? and then you really don’t really understand how all these statements affect a russian soldier, when all this bullshit ends up in ukraine, you’ll have to hold their hands, because one moment the brothers are slavs, but another moment to destroy all this bastard, all these traitors. we’ll just smash it so
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that there won’t be any stone left unturned. but i want to show you one video, zazar, the main leader of russia, i just commented, because well, when the rabbi calls on everyone , i can’t, i can’t believe that a believer in god, a religious person, can say this, we have the main thing
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as a rule, it was women who gave birth to terrorists, and this means that the principle of the misery of not a single soul is very clear within the framework of our understanding: either you or them, in reality, no one soul is based on the teaching that says: whoever comes to kill you during the day, kill him in the morning, and those who come to kill you here in the broadest sense are not people who are 18, 16, 20 and 30 years old, it is the one who raises weapons against you, but also explores...
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tomorrow is a fighter, fighters or those whom we call today he is a child, today he is a teenager, and saboteurs, those who are now 18 years old, they were 8 years old during the previous war.
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destruction, but he justified hitler, he not only justified hitler, he dooms my people, and i am a jew, to complete destruction, because if the response of the arab world is symmetrical, then well, it’s just not disparate numbers, that is, what this man said caused great, i cannot compare with the harm that this... man caused to the entire jewish people with what, no anti-semite , no anti-semite would say this, if any anti-semite had come up with this, i would have said that you are talking in general, what are you talking about, that’s why i would like to appeal to the respected marovins
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working in russia, please explain these things simply cannot be hushed up, it’s just it is forbidden. this really makes my hair stand out, kill everyone, women, children, old people, you said it correctly, but how then does this differ from hitler’s approach, how? dmitry , no, i don’t demand this topic, i mean the general situation, but i simply can’t, because, you know, i’ll still say one thing, and we are generally very...
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beloved, yes, which actually speaking, he lifted this seal of the ban, he is now not going to supply weapons to ukraine, yes, but he began to supply lethal weapons. so in the same, in the same united kingdom, but in europe, in europe , russophobia, by the way, anti-semitism, it’s very interesting there europe, europe is some kind of you know, such a litmus test, it was very interesting, well , not interesting, at first it’s interesting, and then it’s scary to watch how in parallel in europe , it was in this sleek, well-fed europe that anti-semitism and rukhsophobia developed. kind of like anti-semitism, well, it’s unpleasant, yes, well
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, we have migrants and so on, but russophobia, and what can we take from the russians? unfortunately, we didn’t talk about the tenths, especially in the mid -tenths, in the first half, in the middle 2010, a lot of questions, absolutely , in my opinion, wrongly, i think that this is such a sign of our foreign policy... well , it will come out, because we still don’t even know what kind of all of them have come out in our country, and they are not demons, we can roughly imagine what kind of demons are lurking in the middle east, by the way, we know the middle east better than many other regions, but we still have a very good middle eastern school in russia, this is what ’s going on in europe and... what’s going on the second layer behind russophobia, what scale is satanism there?
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maybe the fact that there is satanism there is already clear now, that’s the scale of it , this is a return to where, this is a return to the cathars, this is a return in general to pagan sacrifices, this worries me very much, yes, but i ’ll tell you this, there is very... interesting interesting news, i read here, today an american communist opened a magazine, yes, our beloved one with dmitry olegovich, although we read the same articles there, well, really we understand them differently, it seems that we are different they send copies, well, that too it happens, and i’m there, so i found a very interesting article by three comrades who represent... no less than lazard groups, this is the same lazard group in 1848,
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old money, these are really investors, one of them, though with the autopsy turns out to be such a seasoned tsarushnik from kissinger’s circle, but nevertheless, well, where are we now without tsarushniks, the time they have there in america is such that they all have to be either cia officers. or fbi, otherwise you will end up under blm, yes, if, especially , the skin color is not the same, so, that’s why, that’s why they write three pretzels, not the last ones, three pretzels in a very, you know, very soviet article, when behind the correct terminology there is hidden such a deep, deep kromola, so, just absolutely kromola, kromola.
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here, of course, our donald appears, who , of course, hardly has anything to do with them, but i think that around now the formation of a large coalition begins, which, and he says very...
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the times of my presidency, let the dollar be the currency of choice, i hate when countries abandon the dollar, i won't let countries abandon the dollar, because if we lose this standard, it will be like losing a revolutionary war, it will be a blow to our country, comparable to losing a war, and we cannot afford this, too many countries are now trying to get away from the dollar, and i think he’s heard enough of drobnitsky. well, he just quotes dmitry drobnitsky, only with the opposite sign, but from the point of view of an american patriot, and trump certainly, well, no matter how we treat him, you know that i don’t like him very much, my choice is always first there was hillary clinton, more than hell, so, my second choice, of course, is joe biden and
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even more hell, so, but from the point of view of american haris, hillary is a wedge here, no, kamalo haris. dollar payments, everything that is built on them from world trade to world insurance, he moves away from chatter about ideology and tells the truth, what is really behind american power, of course, i’ll say this, but well done, yes, he’s well done, in this sense , of course, the president and supreme commander absolutely correctly
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identified our candidate for future election, like biden, because ifen.
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some new combination is starting to brew there , which for us carries not both risks and some political opportunities, but regarding what is happening now, i’ll tell you this, we are now in the period of the classic what americans call double track, two roads, on the one hand, well, pure political manipulation, on the one hand
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they are starting to wave at us all sorts of flags of negotiations, this. let's do something, on the other hand, such a heap of threats begins, a heap of such aggressive statements , and the most interesting thing in this story is that it is not those who wave the white flag of negotiations who promise to take into account some of our interests, not those who threaten us, who do not have the resources to carry out that , and this is neither one nor the other plan, in this sense we of course must understand. that for now everything is in the area of ​​political manipulation and political machinations, because i will remind you that the president of the russian federation at the beginning of all... these matters related to co said that well rather closer to the middle, maybe so, but at the beginning this moment was also there, that the main thing for us is not territory, but security, although
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space also matters, why? because, as the experience of a special military operation has shown, one of the resources that ensures security is space, yes, and then, you know, how many times have we been cheated even formally? now no agreements in the field of security in europe can be reached, that’s it, this train has left, and it left a long time ago, more than a year and a half ago
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already, when people appear at the public level with whom it will be possible to discuss this publicly and transparently, that’s right in january 2025, that’s the best case scenario, it’s only in this sense that i’m a historical pessimist, well, yes... yes, well, i’ll start with the fact that exactly 10 years ago, on march 11 , the declaration of independence of the autonomous republic of crimea was proclaimed, with which , in fact, the crimean spring began, and the russian spring, yes, and it was truly a historical turning point, after which, as you know, crimea returned to russia for for crimea itself, these 10 years were truly years of unprecedented development, although it is clear that there are no problems anywhere, but nevertheless, the events of those days required personal courage and those people who led.
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especially, so to speak, it is disadvantageous that he referred to the torah, not even to the talmut, not the interpretation, to the main text, so naturally, they will mirror it very quickly, and cruelly, and cruelly, they will undoubtedly say that well, that’s what you if you want, yes, again i’m not going to interpret this, but it’s clear that orthodox christians, as if we recognize the old testament and the new testament are included in a single sacred scripture, in particular, for example, this is the 139th psalm of david on the rivers of babylon, which also exist there. such passages, well, about the fact that the israeli people, expelled from the territory and taken captive by novokhoros, so to speak , are crying, the promised land also seems to
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want to return there, including these lines there babies being smashed against a stone, but in orthodoxy this is interpreted completely allegorically, so to speak and let’s say this, well, definitely, this is a cry for the kingdom of god, as something to be desired, and as for babies being smashed against stones, these are... sins that you need to get rid of, otherwise you will not get into the kingdom of god, and this is very important in fact, yes , explanations that seem to change these, change these accents, but in general, of course, if there are many such statements, and frankly speaking, i am really worried about the fate, so to speak, of the jewish people, because it's just such, such an anti-semitic pass, which, moreover, is so terry, which it’s even seriously impossible to come up with, and it’s impossible to come up with, continuing the religious theme about the statement of the pope, and ah... about the white flag of everything else, a white flag is on the one hand a flag, so to speak for negotiations, on the other hand, this is also a symbol of capitulation, of course, you can now condemn it as you like, the reaction from kiev
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is understandable, nevertheless, the fact that the pope said this suggests that sentiments are changing, this is indeed the case, there with points point of view, again, there is a doctrinal point of view, i have 150 complaints there against paperimsky, including all his statements on gender, by the way, the russian council of catholics...
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the authority is undoubtedly by the way, including in ukraine greek catholics, uniates, although again, i consider them schismatics there, i don’t accept them, but for them the pope is the head of the church, this is their head, you know, they like it, they don’t like it, so to speak , some go there, some others go there, it’s not for nothing that zelensky reacted to the words of the pope rimsky, he quickly referred to the chaplains, here are the chaplains, so to speak, our army , who are together with our people and so on, that’s understandable, yes, although where is he and where is the chaplain, to be honest, yes, so to speak, and the pope, here , but nevertheless , the pope... so to speak, really, doesn’t just make statements, and this is undoubtedly a search for groping for some new options, we can say that he is also included in the general game of the west against russia, an attempt to deceive again , but as for deceiving, not deceiving, listen, don’t be fools, no one will deceive you, that’s all, and everything is very simple, you don’t need to build children for yourself, so to speak, and some gentlemen in white gloves, no one will deceive you, because they don’t have any such super-duper technologies for deception, the only question is whether you buy it or not, if you don’t buy it, then you won’t be deceived, oh deceive
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me... it’s hard to say so, i ’m happy to be deceived myself, this is what you don’t have to be all this then so to speak it will be good, you need to have true priorities, so to speak, and no one will deceive you a strong point of view on all key issues and no one, so to speak, not a single pig there, as it were, will ever deceive you in your life, nevertheless, regarding the search for the search for these options, so to speak, it seems to me that the pope made this statement for good reason, it ’s like - it will sound, plus everything , it was also said here that they are offering some kind of fiction regarding the negotiations. orban and trump: orban came and said that trump will not give money, but i see one more thing here: listen, well, if trump suddenly becomes, that means, the president of the united states, orban is the first candidate for mediation between russia and the united states of america, because orman knows putin, orman, so
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to speak, with him, that means...
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your brother is in the donbass, you need to go there, you should go, just like that ride here as a passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you’ll go there, into the gray zone, beyond this line you’ll become different, but what, that’s where my childhood and youth were, and now it’s darkness, that’s it, we’re leaving. scary, no, hard to get used to, passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how he is being beaten, i did not intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope.
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