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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
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2:31 am
we always do everything together, support each other, believe in the best. we care and give warmth and overcome difficulties, together, together we are strong, we vote for russia.
2:32 am
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but he is not a friend of russia, but he, so to speak, may not be the same , not our fan there and so on, especially since ours are quite complex historical relations in historical retrospect, but nevertheless... in hungary, oddly enough, i once had the opportunity to be, yes, before all these sanctions and so on, i communicated with people there, including people from the midas and so on , oddly enough, as you know, they have a feeling that we have some common meanings, they even here i was when it was a long time ago, but nevertheless, i once talked , no one remembered the hungarian events, no one remembered at all, no one tried to remember, they could have put it on their noses , like some poles there, you there told us this, you there, no one threw this at us at all, so to speak, on the contrary, they talked about some common interests, although i say again, it was a long time ago, but...
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it means we have elections at the end of this week, so to speak, this is a very important event , including, yes, from the point of view of the external circuit, they are monitoring this, undoubtedly this is for them. it’s also important, i think that some games will begin on the part of our enemies there by not recognizing the elections there and everything else, although it is clear that, in general , this is a bit of a bummer for us, but nevertheless, nevertheless, this is important, unfortunately, i think that they will not try to spoil this situation for us with some of their own provocations, sabotage , etc., etc. etc., against this background , so to speak, i conclude by saying that, well, i am one of putin’s trusted representatives in these elections, but i want to say only one thing, to call for this: take part in these elections, vote for the candidate for whom you want it, right? so to speak, yes you are make the choice you want, but take part in these elections, including to the detriment of all our enemies, so i am confident, so to speak, of our success, well said, but i have a complex attitude towards these elections, because when your the country is at war, and for me these
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elections are more likely, well, probably, well, this is an oath to the supreme commander-in-chief, so of course, it is important to come for...
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listen, we are in captivity of someone else’s, so to speak, school, model of views on the world, when we say that we have democracy , even in the current conditions we begin to prove that we here is democracy, you don’t have democracy , we are playing someone else’s game, and we are already playing in the position, so to speak, of those who are, so to speak, well, in the position of victims, oh , since you have democracy, prove to us, prove to us we begin to say, well, we have a different democracy, so to speak, and so on and so forth , no, you still prove to us, that is, we put ourselves in a dependent position, we need a really historical one. creativity in revising many things, but in the end we are talking about a multipolar world, but in this case as if a multipolar world has the right to live, so to speak, in different political models, why should a multipolar world live in one democratic model? in fact , if you pray to democracy as a fetish, you are already in a unipolar world, you are not the one who sets
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the rules of this game, you can brag about it as much as you want and say yes , we are so independent, but we have a different democracy, you still have the basic rules haven’t reviewed it, you play according to them, they will tell you, so they say that... listen, we are here here it is important to set a task, including for our scientific community, and demand that it fulfill this task, because the current picture of the world of the political process really does not correspond to all these classical schemes from the same anglo-saxon political science from what stretches from the 20th century, but conditionally there is left center right, listen, there are some remnants of this, but in reality all this has become so much more complicated, it has become so mixed up, and look, it’s essentially a neo-nazi regime.
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batch of our exchanged prisoners of war received from the investigative committee and translated it into english with all the atrocities. who worked on them in captivity and sent them to almost 30 countries of the world to seventy of our foreign partners, well , the first reaction was from my good friend from the structure that dmitry olegovich for some reason doesn’t like, it can’t be, i’m writing to him, maybe just read to yourself carefully . next passage, i'm surprised how you quickly built up firepower and are now using this modern weapons. well, i think, let me write to him that dear scott, every russian family breaks down day and night, dismantles their washing machines and microwave ovens and donates chips for rockets, he writes to me, don’t consider me an idiot, i’m not ursula fondarlyaev, well, i think, well, what should i write next , i write to him, who is she, then silence
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, that is, he was stunned, then again he writes, you russians cannot be understood, the most interesting thing is that the majority, the overwhelming majority, said only what was written in western publications , for rare with the exception, someone had their own opinion, when you start to explain to them why, he starts snotting and says: well, we’re small, if we start supporting you, we might get crushed. in one of the publications
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popular in vietnam, the deputy editor-in-chief said: “you know, we have problems, we don’t have a single one.”
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on october 7, the americans made more than 100 deliveries of bombs and precision-guided munitions, more than 100, officially the united states congress knows about only two, all the rest are unofficial, so i immediately wonder the question is, so the united states, dmitry olegovich, what kind of state, democratic-legal or police, authoritarian, well, as a specialist, you are neither one nor the other, well, you see, now, what ’s going on? the holy month of ramadan began tonight, and look at the state of the gaza sector, there is a terrible famine, the worst, this has never happened before in
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the world, so in this regard i am surprised by the silence, on the arab street and muslims, there are more than 1 billion muslims in the world 800 million if they stood up to defend their rights... brothers, then i think that the united states and great britain and israel would begin to behave differently, but this, unfortunately, does not happen, everyone is hoping for something in some guy. we drew attention to the approval by the united states congress of the supply of the link-16 system to taiwan. well, who doesn’t know, this is a tactical combat control system that coordinates the actions of sea, air and land. component, what does this mean, and this means that, apparently, in taiwan the americans have prepared exactly the same role as they have prepared for ukraine, so everything is going to the point that
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a big war may well break out in the asia-pacific region, and the americans have enough, that’s the question, yes, yeah, this is now actually becoming the most serious thing. it may not be enough, now a big problem in the world has arisen with gunpowder, that’s why. now everyone is starting to study who has what opportunities, where cotton grows, which is suitable for processing into gunpowder, there are already attempts to prevent the supply of cotton to our country, from a number of countries, for a long time, i’ve been going for a long time, i’ve been going for a long time, but the main producer of gunpowder is china, but they said they are now supplying china to europe, but well, they supply it to the americans and europe, so... therefore, this is how the world war will be conducted here now industry is also a big question: whoever has the resources will survive this war.
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pay attention to the intensity of nato exercises near the russian borders; on sunday the swedes joined the flight of the cherished nato aircraft, this is the first time they have flown along our shores in the baltic sea. u i get the impression that the current political leadership of sweden is not aware of what they have brought their country to. before every attack on crimea, before every major attack on our airports, nato reconnaissance assets,
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planes or drones stick out in the air, until we start shooting them down, this will continue, i believe that here we need to follow the path of escalation, we need to shoot them down , there should be no illusions, but, but still everyone understands, it’s already so elementary, and at the same time...
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it’s completely by chance in some market suddenly everything that is needed for this should collapse, i think this is still to come, just like here
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the american declares what they blew up.
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i want to remind you how lukashenko, that is , the president of belarus, at one time put them all in a car, they tramped in a column towards the polish border, but here they have to walk, shaking the border in shackles.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a fake depot or change it.
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i want to say that not all is well with us with migration policy, what happened, unfortunately, a lot of alarming signals. “this is not a topic of conversation on such a talk show, but i think that every day we write about this on our respective telegram channels, but it is necessary to pay attention, the fact is that in a number of countries there are migrant labor citizens who once worked here in russia, they were recruited here, and then ended up in the ranks of terrorist organizations in the countries of the middle east, the middle east, and this is news
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several years." people contacted us.


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