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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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i want to say that not everything is going well with our migration policy, what happened?
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this has been news for several years, the country's leadership approached us and said: listen, we are sending you people, they are returning radicalized, because you do not control the activities of the so-called preachers who have nothing to do with traditional islam, well, excuse me, the same thing fraternal belarus , when i was there , unfortunately, quite a long time ago, but i would happily come and talk with people more often, they told me they say: listen, we sent our child to study in russia.
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in the field of the west on this concept or this phenomenon, it is eroding, maybe not very quickly, when in 2004 the russian federation watched the first maidan with amazement, then of course, this is the type of behavior of the west, breaking all the rules, manipulating the term, it was a discovery for us then, after that there was a series of measures that stopped the wave of color revolutions in the sub-soviet space, this is one of the actions that was taken during...
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no, now, actually, moving on to the elections, i would like to say that in russia, in the russian elections, the topic of foreign policy is presented with dignity and quite comprehensively, but if you look at biden’s annual address to the congress of the united states, foreign policy there was sounded at the beginning, in general, at the level of theses, i would even say slogans and prizes, a little about ukraine, a little about the middle east, something about china, in general and further about our native land, and about taxes about... women's rights, about medicine and
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so on, in the russian federation the situation is different, our president, other candidates questions foreign policy is paid quite a lot of attention, what now , as it turns out to me, is emerging is the concept of russia as a fortress state, which is open to communication with friends, to allies, which, of course, resists and is ready to repel any of our opponents. and as for europe, in general i completely agree with the nationality of the discussion here one can regret that they have such an elite and such a politically inactive population, one can of course wonder where is the anti-war movement that existed in the eighties, now in europe, if represented, it is very discrete, but still, europe is really now a non-actor in international relations regarding the united states, i can say that biden is failing. raised reagan to
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the top, that is, in reality, a change in the leadership of the fed and high interest rates, the policy of monetarism began to be implemented under carter, but regan skimmed off all the cream, now in general, if you look at the economic situation in the united states, it is generally quite stable, not very small, but still economic growth at high interest rates, a record for low unemployment, low inflation, declining inflation of 3.1.
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so that if we can somehow promote or at least not counteract the growing neo-isolationism of the united states, then this will be a very correct trend, and one more thing, back in 2015, our president, in
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an address to the regional chambers of parliament, proposed the idea of ​​a large eurasian partnership, such an idea within the framework or project within the framework of which the key stakeholders of what we now... know how the world majority could solve absolutely all issues of our development, ignoring or in any case leaving out of brackets both europe and the united states, it is obvious that with europe we are one generation closer to special affairs we won’t have to decide together in relation to the united states, there ’s such a question mark whether we will have a dialogue with them or not, here you are within the framework of a large eurasian partnership, this idea again arises in the concept of foreign policy twenty-third year, there is something to talk about. this is the eurasian economic union, our partners in general, about armenia now there are, of course, reservations, but nevertheless in the political sphere, but definitely economic partners, the sco, india, china, including the osian countries, this is that circle of states in within the framework of which, it seems to me,
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we can quite solve all the issues of our technological development, economic development, creating markets for our exports and for our imports, and in this sense it can be one of the successful instruments of pressure now... there will be isolationism in relation to europe, i don’t know whether to export there according to the word or not, but indeed, we were able, at a minimum, approaching the elections, which will be literally in a few days, to create a situation where the infrastructure, the presence of unfriendly, and actually hostile, states in russia has been dismantled quite seriously, their quantitative, qualitative diplomatic, consular representations have been cleaned up, their various british offices there and... we are protecting our democracy by creating these non-governmental organization in this sense , conditions in which, well, at least the enemy does not operate on our territory, on the eve of truly historic elections, which will take place in 6 days. russia, by the way, is a very interesting side in the post-soviet
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space; we are perhaps the only country that holds all elections on schedule. all our elections are regular, the only mini exception is 2000, when and when yeltsin resigned and the elections there moved by 3 years, here we are, our friends and neighbors in the kazakhs, they had three dozen elections, only twice were held, well, they were regular, and of course , in this sense, this is a sign of the strength of our state, we , that is, it is clear when in may in march of the eighteenth year the cia, the state deb, mishest, anyone understood when the next ones would be the elections in russia have begun the countdown and it is clear that these are the remaining ones.
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look, the toughest sanctions were introduced under trump, well, i’m ready to argue with this theist, but you can argue with him, you don’t have to argue with him, of course, and trump started deliveries.
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yes, the dogs are strange, they have always deceived us and they will deceive
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, and speaking of the fact that geography is destiny, well, look, if we hadn’t stopped for some unknown reason in georgia in the eighth year, there would have been no problem in the southern caucasus, we would have had a land border with armenia and iran through armenia, and this is completely different and the railway, now we have excellent relations, for example with belarus, but what is stopping us from the other? from the point of view of the people, it’s the same with north korea, but we can help them in other ways, with food,
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medicine, and humanitarian aid, we, we need to work here, we don’t need to try to throw ourselves somewhere now , it’s unclear where, we can’t understand, we need to work carefully on our own borders and see, the effect can be very quick , very positive, okay, if we continue the topic, we can should we come to an agreement with the united states, truman, in my opinion, had this... he’s not a friend to us, and we don’t have a friend in washington , it’s better to get a dog, that’s where
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i started, but trump is the person which , for example, brought europe to the brink, by and large count, it will still be completed, now even such a person as lince grem has begun to talk about this, yes, who says that ukraine needs everything, he used to say, let’s supply ukraine with everything, as much as it needs, yes, now he says this is the best investment possible investment, now now now. says: no, guys , this is trump’s position, now let’s give a loan, i don’t know what they are counting on, what kind of loan, how they will pay it off, but i think europe will pay for it, i think europe will pay for it , europe they very quickly, quickly changed, so to speak , changed their shoes, europe, in almost a year, when it resisted something else, it completely turned into a tool that is now actively used.
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without russia, a number of countries are saying what a summit in switzerland could be like without russia , so democracy is the formula for peace, well , the formula for peace is the form of zelensky’s peace. some say that it is necessary to go there, the states say that it is necessary to invite democracies, of course, americans, the united states, a democratic country, democrats rule there, therefore, where democrats rule, this is how democracy should be understood in the modern world, that is why democrats are in power there, they now understand one thing very well: it turns out that five or six republicans in the lower house can ruin the whole picture,
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so now the fight is for that we must win these elections, and win right away. the executive branch, of course, should take over this; by and large, this is what everything is aimed at. orban did something that i can’t imagine, i don’t remember in american politics, that the leader state allied to the united states , came to the opposition politician, met directly , but orban did not go to the president of the united states, but he was not invited, well , he was not invited, but he did not intend to, in my opinion. well, this is not the same category as a call, hello, jo , this, it’s me, vitya, i’m passing through here, it’s okay if i drop by, the same thing doesn’t happen, well, but he made an agreement with him, in maralarga they met, but it’s not the president, no, that’s right, he’s an opposition politician, but he just took off, maybe he has a politician, he is still the current
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head of government, another opposition politician, this is called interference in internal affairs, 100%.
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does very little, her dad did much more in order to destroy this entire government company that has developed in france, so here, in my opinion, here is your extremist view about the fact that everything needs to be knocked down and destroyed.
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it’s not scary, well, yes, ideological, maybe a person of principle, we are ordinary russian russian citizens, that’s why we use a simple chinese phone, yes we are definitely using a friendly state , a friendly smartphone, a call that there is no need to respond, let’s immediately go after washington, this is wrong, well, maybe wrong , we just need to get all these intelligence officers to hell, answer, we need to answer, well, you’re talking about sanctions , yes? here they are, here they are, here they are, starting from the sixth package, answers, we are already answering, we are leading, leading a military campaign, a special military operation in ukraine, an ideal situation that helps deal with attacks on crimea - the destruction of reconnaissance assets, why don’t you like it, if, if they come in, and if they don’t come in, they fill their functions,
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they will send a note that we are closing the black sea, everything is coming in, they don’t come in, they are participating in the training of combat weapons. sysoshniks were hit in the seventy-third. in the odessa region , a naval special operation center was hit by a missile strike at night. specifically hf a-1594. in addition to them , operators of unmanned boats were also under attack. how long will it be interesting for britain to write off deaths as accidents again? decent. well, britain.
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british and french. in any case, here is what the blow was to stuff the drones and expresses condolences to the families of the dead drones. initially. initially, at least, they should have declared at least a no-fly zone, you can declare anything, they fly over ukraine, it’s better to warn them to beat you, you don’t need to announce anything, what to warn them to beat you up, where to shoot them down, anywhere in the black sea is a better gun, than just a kind word, a revolver, well , you know, and the consequences that will happen later shoot
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down, the use did not happen, well, yes, if the americans are so decisive, explain to me the phenomenon of north korea, iran, venezuela, cuba, explain to me if they are so merciless, decisive, ready for anything at all, explain the phenomenon of the existence of these countries, they are no longer there should have been a existence on this planet that neither iran, nor north korea, nor venezuela, nor cuba, they simply lost to north korea, they would lead and there they would not go for nuclear weapons. the americans will use nuclear weapons, they will open this pandora's box, they it will definitely be used against iran, well, they haven’t
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used it yet, when let’s say, firstly, they are the only country that has used it, the only country, when it makes any difference, they used it, so what, well, their doctrine says preventive, but they have applied, they have applied, they have no restrictions.
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apparently , something really needs to be done over the black sea, i suspect so, because the sea is really becoming a very passable yard, so to speak, especially for, so to speak, considering in general, all the events that are there,
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i don’t know how to do it. i ’m not going to advise the military, i’ll personally just note that in fact, the americans really are sorry, and the british directly state that they are participating in the extermination as a substitute, they directly stated, i’ve visited the minister of defense several times now, the defense has stated this, but we say no, no, don’t do anything, don’t, don’t do nothing, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, that means yes, that’s another matter, well listen, this is the situation: they really admitted, we are now in a situation where we are participating in this conflict, everyone knows about it, and this conflict is universal, because there was partial mobilization, because many people went under contract, because we see the whole thing, we are called up, and we really respond and participate in in everything, practically all the people, when there was the cold war , there was a lot of this kind of, so to speak, conflicts between the participants and even so to speak, shooting at each other , everyone looked at this matter normally , our pilots flew in north korea, well,
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the koreans then , let’s say so, they shot, so to speak, took part in battles with american pilots, no one demanded to hit the soviet union, that is , they demanded to hit, but not due to the fact that they were instantly shooting at each other, here - the americans , in my opinion, also found themselves in some kind of trap, for example, in the middle east, because they are really being hit, they cannot shoot at iran, they cannot shoot at iran, because no one will give guarantees that iran will not respond for israel with everything he has, literally with everything he has, not just iran and hezbollah at once. another thing is that i have a strong suspicion that - our authorities think that since they probably think rightly, having a fairly serious completeness of information, that since everything is still leaning in our direction, then no matter how much we need to pull, we will press on little by little, i see it like this, of course , emotionally i really want it now, but
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apparently... this is a gradual action, it has its own effect, would we like it, would we like it to be everything happened differently, well, probably yes, but so to speak, the result is this, the economy is growing, both military and civil, as if, gradually the west, this whole hysteria of the west with this continuous search for who will deliver the taurus, with this matter , where to get a bull, but there are no 800 thousand shells, a week and a half ago they were discussing a million, that they were not found.
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