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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, and i did not intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website, and now listen. forecasters warn of sharp warming on lake baikal. the region will experience april temperatures. how long will it last and who will have to pay for the early spring? in the angara region? anna volkova will talk about this. sub-thaws are leaving western siberia, eastern. in the asian part of the country , weather swings continue to swing. where today the temperature will drop below the march norm, and where it will rise to april levels. what troubles will the arctic invasion bring with it? this. weather
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is a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel of the fobus center. i'm anna volkova. hello. a powerful cold snap begins in western siberia. city authorities, how can a pedestrian pass here? please accept some measures. monday in novosibirsk, temperature +1-2°, puddles appear on the streets. in the neighboring kemerovo region it is even warmer, +5-7. and this is what novokuznetsk looked like at the beginning of the working week. all the worst manifestations. it warmed up sharply in siberia over the weekend, after a frosty start to march the temperature suddenly went into the plus range over a vast territory, from the irtysh to the amur, in krasnoyarsk in abakan the air warmed up to +6 the day before, in barnaul it was +2-4, in some places in the mountains the temperature rose to 13°, they began to appear on the rivers. reason
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sharp warming to the east of the urals, there was an extensive tectonic system that formed over the middle latitudes from a whole series of atlantic vortices; in the front part of this giant funnel, a stream of well-warmed southern air poured into russia, however, obeying the normal west-east transport, the cyclone became... cold front. the ridge of its snow clouds will stretch from the banks of the lena to the steppes of kazakhstan. light snowfall is expected in this area. and warm air masses will be forced to retreat to the shores of lake baikal. as a result , thaws will continue here in the extreme south of the altai and sayan mountains; in most of southern siberia, daytime temperatures will drop to... -3 - -8.
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residents of the northern part of the region will fully feel the power of the arctic invasion. it's midday here, as if in january it's no higher than -15-20. and this is very dangerous, i repeat, on the eve of the thaw we even made our way into the middle reaches of the yenissei. today, as a result of cooling, the zero isotherm will retreat more than 600 kilometers to the south. as a result, the most densely populated part of siberia will be covered black ice. in novosibirsk. the streets will still be covered in snow, the roads and sidewalks can be very slippery, the thermometers will show -5, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow the sky will clear up, the winter temperature regime will remain -5-6° during the day and up to -12 at night, from friday precipitation will begin again and it will become a little warmer. in irkutsk, on the contrary, today it is very warm tomorrow, + 6.7°, this is close to record levels, however, the thaw here too will not last long. by
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the end of the working week the weather will return to normal, light snow and up to 2° below zero. now ours joint column with roscosmos. a photo from orbit and we will briefly move to central russia. the doibitsa river is still under a layer of ice, but this does not stop work on the shore. the focus of russian satellites is zavidovo, a large-scale tourism cluster that is being created as part of the national project culture. residential and hotel complexes have already been built here on the border of the tver and moscow regions, and this year the infrastructure will be supplemented by its own river port. the dates were confirmed at the municipal forum. held the day before in tver. that's all for me, goodbye.
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6:38 am
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6:39 am
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are one of the most popular. questions with which russian citizens turn to the president’s direct line. in total, almost 3.00 signals were received. each one is performed by activists of the all-russian popular front. what are people complaining about, what measures are being taken. have already been accepted, about egor grigoriev will tell you about this. first-graders of volgograd school no. 123 go to breakfast together. the tables are already set, pasta, fish cutlet, tomato, bread, tea, this is the menu for that day. meals are prepared on the school premises from semi-finished products. usually food is always at the appropriate temperature. but sometimes complaints arise from parents. the forgiveness was sent earlier to the direct line of the president of russia. we are parents of primary school, studying in mousosh no. 123. children
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complain about cold breakfasts, especially during recess after the third period, because of this they don't eat well. our children study in the seventh and eighth grades of mousosh 123, voroshilovsky district, volgograd. first shift. they do not qualify as beneficiaries, but they buy hot meals. it’s not always possible to have time to buy a dish during recess, and even eat it. they remain hungry.
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31% for quality, the remaining 32%, including poor menu composition. thanks to working with parents, thanks to the popular front, which quickly collects wishes, reacts, signals about the problems that existed, especially at the start of the program quality.
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when the relevant authorities arrive, the canteen is prepared for their arrival, and the food has been checked many times, but becomes tasty and decent for a week, after which everything is the same again. control over the preparation of food at school was strengthened, and the student’s parents were able to personally evaluate its taste. there were several checks and everyone is now happy with the result. telegram channels - this is south carolina, a golf club there caught fire, an entire
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building was engulfed in fire, firefighters went to the scene . about the causes of burnouts no casualties have been reported yet. and now economic news. alexandra, the share of the yuan and the ruble in russia’s international payments is increasing. tell us, what levels have we already reached? tatyana yuan is about 40%, about a third of all transactions are in rubles. for now, on to other topics. russian investment in fixed assets in the fourth quarter of last year increased by more than 8.5%. their volume exceeded 13.750 billion rubles. this data is provided by rosstat. for comparison, a year earlier the figure increased by 3.3% and amounted to about 11 and a quarter trillion rubles. in january share the yuan in russia's export earnings has grown to almost 41%. and in payments for. this
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data was provided by the bank of russia in its review of financial market risks. the central bank also noted that in february, currency sales by the largest exporters decreased from almost $13 billion, which were in january; they dropped below 10 and a half. in the first two decades of february, against the backdrop of expectations of sanctions, as well as a decrease in the volume of net sales of foreign currency, the largest. exporters, the ruble exchange rate fell against the us dollar, but by the end of the month it had regained some positions. the weakening for the month was only 1.3%. the ruble was supported by stable currency sales. russian banks related to the use of funds from the national welfare fund. the net profit of mts bank according to international financial reporting standards reached a record 12.5 billion rubles last year. over the course of a year, it almost quadrupled. this is stated in a message from the credit institution. the bank's own capital exceeded 76 billion. and
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the loan portfolio was 389.5 billion rubles. republican leaders. us representatives refused accept the budget proposed by the white house, and they accused president joe biden of pursuing uncontrolled spending. the cost of president biden's proposed budget is another stark reminder of the current administration's insatiable appetite for reckless spending by democrats' indifference to fiscal responsibility. biden's budget isn't just wrong, it's a plan to accelerate america's decline. the white house wants to increase it by 4%, to almost 850 billion. about 4 billion have been earmarked for the military presence in europe alone.
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counteraction to russia in europe and central asia, the biden administration hopes to receive one and a half billion, in african countries 25. that’s all for now, more news in the next hour. sasha, i turned on the playlist and turned on the music. sasha, how should i dress today? dress warmly and take a deputy. sasha, what time is my meeting? at 15:00. sasha, where should we go tomorrow? i found three establishments nearby, but vote first. sasha, what’s the best way to get there? turn left, you have arrived. sasha, who am i for? vote? and you must decide this for yourself. together - we are force. let's vote for russia. in ukraine, the secret of the unhealthy
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popularity of clothing from a large tactical equipment factory has been revealed. as the company's journalists found out. the ukrainian army is on death pills for business manufacturers, for bank obedient soldiers, though for a short period of time. here, it would seem, is an ordinary ukrainian website for the sale of tractables. on the portal and on the pages on social networks, of course, there is not a word about the production of drugs, who is their ambassador, i wonder if there is such an option zelensky is wearing a jacket from this manufacturer , so maybe he not only ordered clothes from them, for example, also white powder, that ’s what kind of blends they select for the ccso, a drug cocktail of several potent substances at once, there is some
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new class of substances, for example, the same alderal , you can get several s... harmless drugs, even medicinal spectrum, add the same methamphetamine to them and get a heavy, powerful synergistic effect, this is a situation when there is a combination of three or four substances, they all have this exciting enhancing effect. why do the zheushniks need amphetamine in the trenches, and special drugs for the ssso? special operations forces are trained from professional military people undergoing training. their training in france, in britain, in the usa, to turn them into drug users, drugs that are consumed systemically is very difficult, accordingly, to say that guys, so that you don’t be afraid, let’s excuse the expression, eat amphetamine, but this is simply impossible, you need to legend it medicines, in fact they are just drugs packaged in separate formats, so even a special ukrainian soldier
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can become disposable, but what completed the task and can be written off? a soldier who received these expensive blends, he is for a few, for a short time, i emphasize, for a few hours, maybe, maybe even a day, he is incredibly useful in battle, he is capable of a lot, they will not need either food or rest , no water, nothing, who needs them after this, tell me, naturally they are doomed theoretically the question is why, but in order for them to do all this, they need to be needed. remember, it is possible that there could be not
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only clothes there, but a warehouse of synthetics for those very special blends. after losing the site, the founders of the company, by the way, asked for support from the kiev authorities, but apparently did not receive it. it’s even amazing how these people could go down two different paths, why it’s collapsing. relations between drug suppliers and the armed forces of ukraine, those people who purchase. 30% of weapons supplied to ukraine kidnapped. when we talk about drugs, these substances are even more difficult to control, this is terrible corruption, and people who lose warehouses with huge amounts of drugs, which are the equivalent of colossal amounts of money, are known to demand compensation from ukraine. well, now the company, apparently , is collecting.
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supports the armed forces of ukraine, well, of course, the main buyer is clothes for them, and a dose, well, just charity mtec donated several hundred thousand dollars for the purchase of drones. i wonder if this delivery has narcotic bonus: boxes of death pills, the same ones that our soldiers found in ukrainian dugouts when entering avdiivka. maybe this is also why it was so difficult to take her, but in the end the drug zombies still fled and the special cocktails did not help in the face of the real fear of death. although these mixtures themselves kill, or rather bullets. 4.5 million
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russians are going to participate in remote electronic voting in the russian presidential elections. elections start this friday. the candidates and their proxies have a few days left to meet with by voters. anna voronina will tell you how they go. the election race has entered the home stretch; the candidates, together with their proxies, today paid attention to meetings with voters. in the tula region , at a dairy plant, the candidate from the new people party, vladislav davankov, discussed personnel training with workers. now the company employs about 450 people; about 300 tons of milk are processed daily. such volumes made it possible to replace foreign products that had left the market. vladislav davankov noted that i...
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they will be able to continue working in russia and no foreign companies will come back and squeeze them out of the market. in simferopol , the co-chairman of vladimir putin’s central election headquarters, artyom zhogo, discussed with military personnel the issues of issuing a combat veteran’s certificate for financial assistance payments. the most important thing is to do everything so that it is transparent, without violations, and communicate it to our voters.
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capitalism, so that we return to socialism again, i remember the good times, when comrade, friend, that means when were brought up in common, had a friend, comrade brother , they remember with satisfaction the time of socialism, when there was social justice, only 3 days remain for the candidates and their proxies to acquaint voters with the election program in more detail, but the main thing, as the participants in the election race themselves note, is show your civic responsibility. come to the polls and cast your vote.
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invest, rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we
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often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal to russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, are you ready? is russia changing, is there evolution happening in any structure?
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the western nato countries, they set up a training ground in ukraine and dragged us into this war. i believe that they need to be taught a lesson, behind us are our families and the memory of our ancestors. we all don't want bring this war to our country, to our people. we are all ideological here, we don’t have any non-ideological ones here, whoever is new comes, we train them, they quickly catch on. serve under contract.
7:00 am
welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. to the west of artyomovsk, our paratroopers destroyed an observation post of the ukrainian armed forces, ukrainian militants set it up in an abandoned house, from there they monitored our front...


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