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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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civilians were injured as a result of shelling in the dpr. we will discuss the situation in the region live with the head of the republic denis pushilin. the biden administration has presented a draft us budget for the next fiscal year. how much can pentagon expenses increase ? why did they decide not to allocate a separate item for the needs of ukraine? what do russians invest in and what is the share of foreign institutions and securities in the savings of individuals? yes.
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11 civilians were injured, three of them children. these figures are provided by the joint control center: houses and social objects. our correspondent, vitaly starushchenko, will talk about the consequences of the strikes on makeyevka. the calm in the republic did not last long. this time, the militants targeted civilians in the soviet district of makeyevka; five residential buildings in the private sector were almost completely destroyed by a direct hit from a ukrainian shell. what do the residents of these houses say about the situation, four houses, as if they were not there, everything was blown to pieces, no roofs, nothing was missing, the sheds were all blown away, such destruction, now how to restore everything, according to preliminary data under these rubble there were at least five people, including two children aged 12 and 16 years old, at the moment all the victims were taken to the hospital, where they received all the necessary assistance that arose at the scene of the hit... the fire
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was extinguished by the forces of the ministry of emergency situations. employees of the investigative committee are engaged in recording crimes of the kiev regime. here's what experts say about the situation. currently, military investigators of the investigative committee of russia are inspecting the consequences of the shelling in the sovetsky district of the city of makeevka. during the inspection it was found that that private residential buildings in a private residential area were damaged. also during the inspection it was established that there were at least four wounded people. including two children, examine the consequences of the shelling continues. vitaly starushchenko, nikita smirnov, vesti donetsk. and we will now discuss the situation in the donetsk republic with the head of the region denis pushilin, he is joining the live broadcast. denis vladimirovich, hello. hello. we have now watched the report of our correspondent from makeyevka. what is your latest data on the impact of impacts for makeevka as a whole across the territory of the donetsk people's republic. what's the current situation?
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the enemy, unfortunately, still has the opportunity to reach our settlements, including the conditionally rear ones, which is precisely the soviet district of makeevka, and the village of zhonkovo-severnaya, which suffered from shelling, unfortunately, there is destruction, there is wounded, by all specialists from the relevant ministries, the necessary work is now being carried out to eliminate the consequences of this shelling, and... but nevertheless, this is not the only area, not the only city, which has suffered in recent days from shelling by the armed forces of ukraine, this also applies to the kirov and petrovsky districts of donetsk, and where, unfortunately, the enemy can still reach using the weapons supplied by western countries, and therefore here the only right move is there is to drive away - but the enemy is in the territory of the donetsk people's republic, which is what they are doing.
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scholz's statements by the german chancellor have already refuted this possibility, but again, and to say that these are some... the final decision and these missiles will not be delivered yet would probably be wrong, because we see very contradictory actions on the part of a number of european countries, including germany and france , so of course you can expect anything , and secondly, it certainly carries certain risks if such weapons appear in ukraine, but at the same time... and we understand perfectly well that the course of a special military operation will not change, our armed forces will do everything to to neutralize the additional risks from such possible supplies to ukraine, but we still count on prudence,
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we hope that it remains in at least some quantity among european countries, because this kind of escalation will not lead to anything good, yeah , also... the right decision, and here at least superficial value judgments, they are absolutely important , especially if this is the presidential administration, which will also directly make adjustments, but to the final decisions, and
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here, of course, we are waiting for the assessment of specialists, who are already carrying out their work , despite the fact that there are also a number of dangers, in the plant itself and in avdeevka itself, but nevertheless, that is, specialists are already working, conducting assessments in order to come to some decisions, because the plant quite large, let me remind you, it is one of the five largest coke-chemical production facilities in all of europe, and therefore, of course , these products produced at this plant or processed at this plant would of course be in demand, but here we will still wait for an expert’s opinion, then final conclusions will be drawn. final decisions are made , but the plant is still important for avdievka itself, because it is the main employer, that is, the majority of avdievka residents still worked at this plant, so this is essentially a city-forming
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enterprise, so the decision will depend on well, in the future, how will things be settled and how will the master plan be prepared for the lack of systemic supplies of bread, all the relevant commands and orders the administration of the yasinovsky district has already been given and this work will continue here, but taking into account the fact that the issue is quite complex and
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its implementation will require additional efforts, not only from civil servants, but not only from officials, but most likely we will also involve public officials here. .. organizations, people also addressed that there is not enough communication, we will solve with communication, with documents, we will solve - with a number of other necessary things, ah , let’s say, not products, but there are not enough building materials, something that people, people are in demand, but and what - you know, it’s surprising, well, i was pleased , of course, people with the second question , they still say that they would like to vote and would like to take part in the elections, they asked for help here...
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such an opportunity will be provided, and passports are also issued separately, we will try to organize additional trips directly from our migration services by the relevant services, so that people can get passports as quickly as possible, this is in demand, for people other documents are also in demand, other documents are in demand, for people are also in demand for registration of social pension benefits, that is, people apply for this, of course, the relevant department here is the ministry of labor, social policy of the donetsk people. the republic has already joined, in fact many have joined, it’s very important that sergei ladelenovich and i also
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visited the humanitarian center opened by united russia, where people can also get the necessary help there and leave in the application what is necessary, as necessary, because well, that’s typical , people don’t want to leave, we give them this opportunity we offer to move to temporary accommodation centers in our other cities and regions, but people prefer to stay in india. and wait for it to be restored, despite all the difficulties, this is typical , that is, once again it surprised us yesterday, but these are the people in the village, yeah, what can you say about the activity in the early voting that is taking place in the region? but for us, to be honest, this is predictable, we perceive it quite emotionally, because for the residents of donbass, for everyone us, this is the first, for the first time, opportunity... to vote for the president of our country, there is even some sacredness in this, i
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’ll tell you honestly, that’s why the first opportunity that arises, and why do we, well, we come out with early voting, this is a security issue, so as not to create large crowds of people, so that everyone who wants to vote has the opportunity, mobile commissions that work, moreover, in shelled areas - in accessible areas we had the opportunity to launch voting even earlier, so here it is very there was a lot of activity, on the first day there was 22% , more than 22%, as far as i have figures for voter turnout, but i will tell you that these are good indicators, but for us this is absolutely typical, i still think that we the majority of residents, we really want to vote, we will vote. yes, in conclusion, i would also like to have time to discuss with you the issue of restoring mariupol, last week there was a statement by marat
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khusnulina that there is hope for the resumption of work at the mariupol railway station in 2024, but is it possible? is the pace really so fast and how is the restoration of mariupol going now? mariupol is being restored at the fastest pace, taking into account the remoteness, taking into account the ability to provide. safety, of course, this is expected by our other settlements , which are now still, let’s say, in the risk zone and it is not yet possible to begin full-scale restoration work, but nevertheless we see how all this is happening in mariupol . as for the railway connection, then indeed, there is every chance that railway communication will be restored in 2024, and here... it must be emphasized that the main, main difficulty is precisely security issues, but the liberation
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of avdiivka is an opportunity to move the front line away from the railway tracks there, say, that connect donetsk and yasenovataya, of course, this is one of the prerequisites that will make it possible in 2024 to connect the territory of the republic and, in particular, mariupol. with other cities and towns in donetsk people's republic and with other subjects of the russian federation, this is in demand among our residents, we have been waiting for this for a long time and of course it will be received extremely, extremely well. well, in a positive way, uh-huh, thank you, let’s really hope that railway connections will be restored to all cities of donbass and transport and logistics will remain closer to other regions of russia. denis vladimirovich, thank you very much for the interview, but we also discussed what is happening now in the donetsk people’s republic live with the head of the republic denis pushilin.
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a former employee of the boeing aircraft manufacturing corporation, who criticized the company's negligence in the production of aircraft, was found dead in the united states. john barnett was found shot to death in his truck outside a hotel. he stayed for several days while he testified in court against his former employer. according to a quality control engineer , boeing management has repeatedly turned a blind eye to defects in its entire line of airliners. forced.
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this is us in siberia in the far east, in smolensk and yekaterinburg, in the volga region in the south of the country. we all want to move forward, we have a clear program of action. march 17, come to the polls, this is our time, the time of new ones. vladislav davankov, time for new ones. russia is reducing investments in foreign instruments and deposits; against the backdrop of a high key rate , the attractiveness of ruble deposits is increasing.
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our stock market shows good returns. alexandra nazarova will tell you what other conclusions the central bank came to. alexandra, hello, in february the moscow exchange index added more than a percent. and what is the share of the main trading participants, individuals, in it? daria, greetings, 76%. in conditions of a high key rate , the attractiveness of ruble deposits has increased significantly, at the same time, the outflow of household funds into foreign instruments has decreased. the bank of russia reported this in its review of financial market risks. last year, the share of foreign institutions and securities in the expansion of savings of individuals only slightly exceeded 8%. transferred about a trillion rubles, this is four times less than in 2022. the population gives preference to opportunities within the country. now we see quite. a calm picture, basically now the population invests either in deposits or invests in the stock market, these are now quite attractive instruments, high yields, companies pay fairly good
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dividends, well, in general, banks give quite high interest rates, a risk-free history that is attractive to the population in in general. sending foreign currency to foreign deposits decreased by approximately half, and foreign almost a quarter to brokers. in general, the currencyization of savings. decreased by almost 4.5% points dropped below 24%. against the backdrop of dollar replacement, the yuan strengthened its position. its share in the structure of foreign currency deposits in russian banks increased by more than 10.5% points to 22%. some more advanced investors are starting to explore financial instruments in friendly currencies, primarily the yuan. until this one. quite young, but developing quite dynamically, and developing from the point of view of creating debt instruments for corporate investors and
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instruments aimed at ordinary citizens, so most likely there will be somewhat more yuan instruments in the foreseeable future. the attractiveness of russian securities is also growing, so the yield on federal loan bonds in february increased by more than... 40 basis points. their main buyers at auctions were systemically important banks. corporate bonds added about 20 basis points in yield. over the past year , russians’ investments in resident bonds increased by 347 billion rubles. in shares worth 359 billion. and similar foreign instruments did not attract even 100 billion. considering that the palette of investment instruments is outside. the main attention of individuals is that it has somehow decreased, concentrated on internal
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growth opportunities, the president has set a task to ensure that by 2030 the stock market capitalization amounts to 66% of gdp, this is evidence that the state will pay serious attention to the development of the stock market infrastructure, and increase degree of its attractiveness, meanwhile, net purchases of foreign currency by russians decreased in february to less than 91 billion rubles compared to almost 110 in january, 3/4 of purchases were in dollars and euros. at the same time , currency sales by the largest exporters also decreased, from almost $13 billion they dropped below 10.5. against this background , the ruble exchange rate weakened for most of february, but by the end of the month it regained some of its position. we see
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an exchange rate of approximately 90 plus or minus what is comfortably included in the budget; naturally, the government’s position is to extend the actions rules for the sale of foreign currency earnings, and we expect that it will be extended; this is good support for the russian foreign exchange market. the central bank also noted that the share of the yuan in our trade calculations is increasing in export earnings for january; it accounts for almost 41%. and in payments for imports - 38.5. about a third of transactions are carried out in rubles. daria. thank you, alexandra. alexandra nazarova spoke about the main conclusions of the central bank in its review of financial market risks.
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investment rating, economics, through specific
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stories, we can... it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deep fake, change your voice. we will expose all fakes.
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confront challenges in some 200 countries, but above all to contain russia and outmaneuver china. these are the goals the pentagon sets for itself; this follows from the draft us budget for the next fiscal year. biden has asked congress for $850 billion for the defense department, up 4% from this year. the budget includes the costs of maintaining nato and washington’s other european allies, however, ukraine does not appear as a separate expense item for the us department of defense; there is only mention of a project on this topic, which congress has been blocking since last year. let me remind you that the armed forces of ukraine have not received american money since december 2023. however, republicans in the house of representatives have already named this project, quote, “the road map that leads to the decline of america.” too high a share of non-targeted expenses in...
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conditions of high inflation. jens stoltenberg said that nato does not plan to send troops to ukraine advised emmanuel macron to consult on important issues with members of the military alliance. on the eve of debates in the national assembly, the opposition asks the president to pay attention to the problems of his country. for example, the online resources of many government agencies in france barely recovered from a powerful cyber attack that lasted almost a day. in kyiv itself, meanwhile, it is brewing. the ukrainian military is planning to create a radical party with a military wing, the goal of which is to overthrow the authorities in kiev. about it riya novosti agency said a source in russian security forces. specialists now have access to a secret telegram chat, where representatives of the elite units of the armed forces of ukraine, the sbu and the nazbats are planning bloody sabotage. it didn't work for us.
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