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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] joint naval exercises of russia, iran and china are starting at the head of the varyak missile cruiser in the gulf of aman. what forces will be involved and what will be worked out? the biden administration has presented a draft us budget for the next fiscal year. how much can pentagon expenses increase ? why did they decide not to allocate a separate item for the needs of ukraine? kurila was covered with ash from the volcano and the run was covered, and sakhali was enveloped in heavy fog. in the area of ​​the airport, visibility was no more than 100 m, seven flights were delayed, the plane from moscow was redirected to khabarovsk. in omani joint international naval exercises, maritime security train 2024, have begun in the gulf . russia, china and iran are participating in the maneuvers. our detachment includes warships of the pacific fleet,
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the guards missile cruiser varyak and a frigate. senior shapushnikov. the military is working on ensuring the safety of maritime economic activity. this, as the ministry of defense emphasized, is the main task of the exercises. the ships conduct joint maneuvers, fire at surface air targets, and also train to free ships captured by pirates. in in total , more than twenty ships, support vessels and combat boats of the navy, russia, navy, iran and china, as well as naval aviation helicopters, were involved in the maneuvers. this year for the first time in quality. observers, representatives of the navies of pakistan, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, aman, india and south africa are monitoring the exercises. in the donetsk republic , 11 civilians, including children, were injured in 24 hours from shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. most of the wounded are in makeyevka, neighboring donetsk. ukrainian militants hit residential areas, damaged houses from social objects. our
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correspondent, vitaly starushchenko, will talk about the consequences of the strikes. the calm in the republic did not last long. this time , the target of the militants was civilians in the soviet region of makeyevka. five residential buildings in the private sector were almost completely destroyed by a direct hit from a ukrainian shell. this is what the residents of these houses say about the situation. four houses were gone, everything was blown to pieces, no roofs, no nothing. the barns were all blown away. such destruction, now how to restore everything? by advance. according to the data , at least five people were found under these rubble, including two children aged 12 and 16 years. at the moment, all the victims have been taken to the hospital, where they are receiving all the necessary assistance; the fire that broke out at the scene was extinguished by the forces of the ministry of emergency situations. employees of the investigative committee are engaged in recording crimes of the kiev regime, this is what experts say about the situation. currently, military investigators of the investigative committee of russia are inspecting the consequences of the shelling in
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the sovetsky district of the city. makeevka, during the inspection established that private residential buildings in a private residential area were damaged; during the inspection, it was also established that there were at least four wounded people, including two children; during the inspection, the consequences of the shelling continue. vitaly starushchenko, nikita smirnov, lead donetsk. the head of the dpr, denis pushilin, also spoke about the ukrainian armed forces’ strikes on makeyevka on our air. according to him, despite the fact that... that ukrainian shelling continues, recently there are fewer of them, the enemy, unfortunately, still has the opportunity to reach our settlements, including the conditionally rear ones, which is the sovetsky district of makeevka, and the village of zhonkova severnaya, which suffered from shelling, unfortunately, there is destruction, there are also wounded, but nevertheless, this not the only area, not the only
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city that has suffered in recent days. they are abandoned, despite the danger, and of course, they will already try to arrange their lives in new realities, with a number of questions and requests, they have already addressed, that’s what is missing, this systemic supply of bread, all the relevant commands, and orders, and the administration
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of the yasinovsky district have already been given, dali about the popularization of science in russia and how mrs. works. skoltech professor and mrs. artyom aganov spoke about his work in an interview with our channel. he recently won the award. hello, artyom ramaevich, hello, and you are, without any exaggeration, one of the most recognizable russian scientists, you are a world-famous chemist, just recently the other day you became a laureate of the knowledge society prize for your contribution to education in the field of science and technology. please tell me, this is the motivation, if i can say so, that you are engaged in education, educational activities, so much, such is the significance of this. come on, in fact, i don’t do that much educational work, i’m first and foremost a working scientist, this is my main activity, in my free time from my main job, i like to share
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what i love with other people, i talk about science, about my work , i like to show my children experiments, i just like it talk about what i like to infect. other topics that i love, well, you really do amazingly well, you are called one of the most famous popularizers of russian science, please tell me, scientific education, this is a concept in your opinion, what is included in it, what is called, what should be included in it to enter, and what the state is now doing in this direction, what else might need to be done, what prospects should there be? education is important because a person is different from an animal. well, first of all, free will, morality, but also culture, culture and a passion for understanding the world around us. in addition, education helps to
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identify talents, we have 150 million people, a certain percentage of them were born to be scientists, this is a calling, we need to recognize these people, and education and... plays a huge role here, and support them , give them an education, let their talents blossom, i’m not one of those who believes that science is just everything, it’s necessary to reveal the talents of not only people who are naturally inclined to study science, science, there are other talents, other callings, a talent for teaching, a talent for healing, a talent for, i don’t know,
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management. can this be called a cult of science? not sure. i would not say that science occupies such a dominant position in our society, but there is definitely a certain respect for science in society. we may
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recall that one of the most respected one of the most respected institutions in the country is the russian academy of sciences. despite all the problems associated with her, she nevertheless keeps this high. respect from society , this is great, and of course, the fact that parents who would not wish bad things on their children would like to see a scientific path for them, this is great, the popularization of science and educational activities contributes to this, because when the eyes of boys and girls light up , they begin to think whether they are interested in this or not as a profession, whether they will be able to do it or not, whether they have enough talent or not? well, then different selection systems and so on are turned on, well, that’s about it lighting up eyes, lighting up eyes , you have a children's book, you have more than 300 works, if i'm not mistaken, and a huge number including a children's book, here is one, but it was awarded an award for
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fidelity to science, chemistry with artyom aganov, it ’s called, and please tell me, what ’s the highlight, yes, if you can steal this work like that, it’s clearly hooked, and maybe it’s worth reading for adults. it was written not only for children, but also for adults. it was written in a language that will be understandable even for a child, but in many ways, the content of this
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book is about the latest scientific work, and... with our everyday life, the story of
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how molecules are then formed from these elements, and where we see these molecules around us, and inside ourselves, crystals , i myself am a crystallographer, a crystal chemist, you see how in this book, mine is in last place, crystals are in last place at the very end of the book, and i placed my own works a little between strict, but here’s how chemistry allows us to do things differently take a look at the world? this story could be endless, but from this story i isolated a number of stories that, it seems to me , most clearly show this, this was the concept of this book, for this, considerable artistic talent is actually needed, so that the book sells out very well , that
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is, this book has already been sold out. many interesting questions arise, and the answers
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to them were received only very recently, well, you start telling and it’s already captivating, as they say, but you already want to listen further, moving directly to your scientific activity, i actually looked a little, but what analysts write is to reduce the computational cost of predicting the crystal structure of materials, this is the formulation that sounds and this is one of your , or maybe the main, correct me , scientific tasks that are now facing you, would you say? please, what is the scientific goal here, so to speak, is it possible, within the framework of our program, to tell what the practical expression of such research could be, or is there already? at all we were taught as students, crystallographers , when i was a student, that predicting crystal structures is impossible in principle and will never be possible, because if you want to determine which arrangement of atoms is most advantageous, then you probably need to try all possible arrangements of atoms into space, and there are infinitely many of them.
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it is impossible to sort through an infinite set, period. in addition, for each of these locations, for each of these structures, it will be necessary to calculate the measure of stability, energy, and these calculations, if to do them honestly, based on quantum mechanics, these are expensive calculations, difficult for computers, these two difficulties multiplied by each other create an insurmountable obstacle, but i solved this problem in 2005. and the first articles on this topic were published in 2006, it was possible to do a lot of important work using this new method, which i called the russian abbreviation success. this is a universal structure predictor of evolutionary crystallography, but this adds up to the word success. and this method is used by many, many thousands of people all over to the world. why is this necessary? this is necessary because when you know the structure of a material, the arrangement of atoms in it, you can
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predict many of its properties. and often you don’t yet know the material, you haven’t yet received it experimentally, that is, you don’t
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hold it in your hands. artificial intelligence helps us replace quantum mechanics with a much simpler calculation, this allows us to further bring down this huge cost of this kind of calculation. and the final question, the end of our conversation, i would like to mention the fact that you have become the chairman of the scientific committee of a recently established prize, the prize is called a challenge, please tell us what kind of prize it is, it has a loud definition: a technological nobel, that
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’s what... a first-class scientific committee, which we assembled individually with a completely unusual, unconventional the method of work of this committee , and from the very beginning, when the prize arose, it was clear how great the public demand was for it, we received 218 nominations, 218 applications for our award, which is many times greater than the number of applications for other awards. and it turned out an amazing thing, you know, live forever, learn forever, i always knew that science in russia is strong, despite everything that it went through, in particular in the nineties, but it was preserved and alive, but i was shocked by how much it is strong, many of the applications
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that we received, we looked at them as a revelation, the strongest works, the strongest scientists that i didn’t even suspect, i have no idea... that these scientists exist, that even their institutes exist, and members of the scientific committee often reacted the same way: who is this? amazing work, original, powerful, with a sound, great idea, who is this person? look, it is published in excellent journals, there are many patents, we send committee members, when we want to understand whether it is true or not, we send committee members. with visits to these laboratories, we went, returned with eyes widened in surprise, it’s all true, we ’ve seen such things over and over again, this is the purpose of this award of ours, to support russian science, to support those who create the future of our country and the future
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of the whole world, to be honest, because science ultimately works for the benefit of all humanity. thank you very much. for such a detailed story of all the successes in your scientific research in finding such scientists who will move russian world science forward, thank you very much, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your... what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is it like
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our product.
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i'll remove it, no, leave it! yes, for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. so i remembered our most recognizable symbol of the bear, who is there guarding his taiga. maybe our mishka needs to sit quietly, and eat berries, honey, maybe they will leave him alone, they will not leave him, because they will always strive to put him in natsik, and as soon as they manage to put him on a chain, they will tear out his teeth and claws, like god forbid this happens, the taiga will be cleaned up right away,
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but... an ex-employee was found dead in the usa aircraft manufacturing corporation, who criticized the company's negligence in the production of aircraft. john barnett was found shot to death in his truck outside the hotel where he had been staying for several days while he testified in court against his former employer. according to the engineer. in terms of quality control, boeing management repeatedly turned a blind eye to defects in an entire line of airliners and forced subordinates to work outside established procedures. the us civil aviation administration confirmed these allegations back in 2017 and demanded that booing to fix the situation. however, the company did not seem to listen. the day before , another incident occurred with a 787 dreamliner aircraft. the latam airline board suddenly
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lost altitude due to which 50. no, was it just photoshopped in a hurry, or is it a fake photo? kate's zipper here, it splits in two, so
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again, it's pretty iffy. according to the official version, the photo was taken by the heir to the throne, prince william. the picture was published this weekend as britain celebrated mother's day on kate on social networks. but as soon as the scandal broke, representatives of william and kate seemed to take a gulp of water. the prolonged silence was only broken by a new one. publication of the princess herself, she took all the blame upon herself. like many amateur photographers, i sometimes experiment with editing. i would like to apologize for the confusion caused by the family photo we shared yesterday. i hope everyone celebrating had a safe mother's day. apparently, kate put a lot of effort into the photo. professional photo editor and namesake of the princess, james middelton, counted 26 changes in it. the most noticeable changes are concentrated. hands on kate's face, indicating pixel substitution in this area. this begs the question: was kate added to the picture after the fact? perhaps
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due to her absence during the photo shoot? however, the possibility that the image was compiled from similar photographs cannot be ruled out. in previous photographs of this family, individual limbs periodically disappeared. recent christmas photo i was remembered for the fact that the middle finger on prince louis’s hand was missing, and his parents’ left feet. the piquancy of the current situation is that the publication of a recent photograph of kate was supposed to dispel rumors and suspicions about the state of her health. she has not appeared in public for almost 2 months since
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mid-january, when she suffered... the guards, immediately followed by a denial from kensington palace. in early march, paparazzi caught kate in her mother's car, if it was her, of course. the british press published this photo banned. and finally, immediately after the scandal surrounding the corrections of the family photo in english publications, a photo of william and kate unexpectedly appeared leaving winser castle, but when the cortege reached the center of london, where the prince was expected in the westminster palace, he was... already alone in the car, another disappearance of the princess only added more reasons for speculation, and there are still no convincing explanations for why the mysterious manipulations with her photograph were needed. alexander khabarov,
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ilya murdyukov, lead london.
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is she really reading the mind or not? now economic news, briefly. russian companies have begun supplying oil to venezuela, a businessman writes about this. so, now a tanker with about 2 million barrels is being prepared for shipment. the fact is that the united states has softened sanctions on the oil industry. of the republic, in particular exports, the country processes russian oil and supplies its own to the world market. the international energy agency and opec disagreed on oil demand forecasts, with the contrast being a record for 16 years, about this reuters reports. according to mae, this year demand will grow by 1,220 thousand barrels per day, while opec expects an increase of 2,250 thousand. the fact is that organizations


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