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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. meet the popular one! moscow writer nikolai rebinin, your brother is in the donbass , you need to go there, you should go there just for the passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there to the gray zone, beyond this line you will become different, but what happened there my childhood and youth, and now darkness. that's it, we're leaving, it's scary, no, it's hard
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to get used to it, a lazy passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i didn't intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, for free, without registration. in the application or on the website, the number of female leaders in russia is growing, what they produce and how they cope with aggressive sanctions, this is discussed in the release of the program made in russia under female leadership. bake - bread, beautiful sewing. it is a woman's business
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to produce complex electrical equipment or automotive components are also a woman's business. in this program we will talk about women entrepreneurs, of whom, according to the federal tax service, there are already more than 40%, and this number is growing. here's our first story. there is a saying: the cooler the suv, the further you go behind the tractor, that’s where the tractor is at the vyazn, there will be fog, a complex for applying fertilizers from the samara region, well, with such a design at least... land on the moon,
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by the way, aviation has something to do with company history. svetlana, head of the company, she told us that it all started with airplanes, because the founders, pilots, dealt with the topic of spraying fertilizers and chemical protection of plants from the air. and the idea was to make a light ground vehicle and just as effective, here it is. why does a car need such huge wheels, low pressure, large area, and do not harm plants? now there are three models, the fourth is a project that was financed by the ministry of industry after testing in the fall. to the market, but that’s not
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really all, we have the next one, this is the fog 5 machine, i think that at the end of next year the experienced we will probably make a sample of tuman 5 in 1926 and start implementing it. digitalization in everything, design in 3d, russian programs instead of american solutions, their development of navigation and machine control systems. it determines its position in space, it drives according to a given program, it controls outflow rates and application rates, that is , the machine is completely integrated into the precision farming system, something that expensive foreign technology has taught us to do. built according to their own design, it is larger than the previous one four times. they produced about a thousand cars a year; the site was not allowed to produce more. this site, its estimated capacity is 2,500 cars per year, but we will reach this figure by the end of the twenty-fifth year, approximately. they are already assembling six cars a day.
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the plans include 13. new machines and lean manufacturing technologies helped increase speed. specialists are trained themselves with the help of the national productivity project. together with universities, a scheme for combating personnel shortages, so to speak, is working for the whole country as a whole and regions in particular, here, first of all , it is necessary to note the training of personnel, and this is an increasing number, on the direct instructions of the president of the country vladimir vladimirovich putin, budget places in universities, we, for our part , are ensuring an increase in places in mid-level educational institutions. yes, in the so-called suzas, these are colleges and technical schools, i am very glad that in a number of universities, and technical colleges, there is the closest cooperation with enterprises. returning to the production of agricultural machinery, to prepare specialists, the company is going to build
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an engineering center, launch several more workshops and increase exports. you know, surprisingly, last year gave us an almost 30% increase in exports. supplies , for example, some countries fell out of the scope, for example, moldova, yes, it didn’t buy anything, but mongolia has grown very sharply, the mongols are fashionable, they only want the most sophisticated, most expensive car, kazakhstan has grown very much, it has grown very much belarus, and also in the literal and figurative sense, unplowed fields, markets egypt, brazil, iran took part in business missions through the russian export center, they were there. organized in iran. foreign business missions, where russian manufacturers can show off their goods , are one of the many measures to support the russian export center; taking into account new challenges, such as aggressive sanctions, assistance is becoming more and more numerous. in plans, for example, to increase compensation for the cost of
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transporting agricultural products, there is also such a support option. in china in the cities of shinyang and dalian the first festival, a fair made in russia, took place; demand for goods, of which more than one and a half thousand exceeded supply. we not only do one-time events where retail sales are made during the week. at the expense of this event, we draw maximum attention to russian products, but we leave these products on the chinese market in the form of warehouse stocks of our operators and through online sales to online platforms in our national stores, through sales within our permanent pavilion, we we continue, it turns out, to attract the attention
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of the chinese consumer through bloggers to the products that we have already clearly positioned, and thus ensure constant demand for a constant sales channel for our exports. therefore, the festival will be held in other regions. china, exports there are growing steadily; they increased by 10% in asia as a whole. there are also more supplies to other friendly countries, and women entrepreneurs play an important role here. here's another example. i would like to draw your attention, here is the aurus stabilizer link, look, it's on presidential motorcade, so i wanted to say that our designers, together with our designers, developed this product. according to
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elena, the company has been producing automotive components, suspension and steering elements, ends, ball joints, stabilizer struts, basically, since 1995. automakers left russia, foreign cars remained on the roads, spare parts are also made for them, there are new products for buses, combine harvesters, snowmobiles, and arctic all-terrain vehicles. as a result , production volumes doubled over the year, help is here automation, more than 100 million rubles were spent on it. and a process control system based on russian software. allowed us to reduce the time it takes to produce a product for the consumer by 15%. that is, this is a large indicator for such a process. before the twenty-sixth year they want
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to introduce a digital twin system so that the computer database contains the entire path of the birth of parts, from development to testing. in the laboratory the product is torn apart, rolled into zero and tormented by extreme temperatures and bathed in a greasy fog. the coating must withstand a certain the number of hours without corrosion, that’s just... the next samples are now being tested, that is , it’s like a part on the road, where there are different reagents and so on, but this includes participation in auto racing is also a kind of strength test, in addition demand within the country is increasing, exports to the cis or, for example, to egypt with russia.
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year, we are now creating a free economic zone, a comprehensive system of support measures, which gives the following results associated with the growth of the economy of our region. we are engaged not only in import substitution, but and import advances. there are many women managers of small medium-sized businesses. according to the ministry of economic development, last year more than 100,000 smes received support worth 1.7 trillion rubles. including with the help of the national project. now we’ll tell you a story from tyumen, where small businesses aspire to greater things. the contents of this
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bottle give you self-confidence, relieve stress and increase productivity, but of course we are not talking about people. the temensk agricultural academy came up with a drug to help farmers, not only russian ones. but foreign, now find out all the details. the history of the drug began back in 1969, when scientists studied how humic acid affects plants, it turned out to be an excellent growth stimulant, which was initially confirmed by country and garden tests, and these scientists are valentina’s parents. and in 2014 they called me to help them organize a company and expand production to
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a new level, i came in 2014. considering that the business soon needed more spacious premises, farmers across the country appreciated the anti-stress product. that there is stress - what is it? this is drought, this is frost, these are diseases, let’s say, some kind, ihumic acid, as a stimulant, an adaptogen, it allows you to grow. test how a drug can improve the lives of animals? on the weight gain of cattle, attacks, reduces mortality, reduces morbidity, that is, it affects the immune system. this is, so to speak, a natural product. the acid is extracted from the thorp, and production volumes are growing, thanks to the departure of competitors. we produce on average from 60 to 100 tons per year, but the capacity
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our production workshop is higher, there is also support from the state: subsidies for the purchase of equipment, services and certification, the company participated in the national project on labor productivity, and what kind of support for export? for export, for export with an export support center, i went on a business mission to turkey, on a business mission to azerbaijan, and we spoke, exhibited at... at a local stand in kazakhstan there was a stand made in russia, where there were four of us companies exhibited at a single stand and we were at the exhibition. v plans to expand to asia. but in general, as for exporters, over the past year the rets group has supported a record 26,000 companies worth $17 billion, and exporters are becoming bolder. thus, a survey conducted in russia before the forum showed that 80% consider new markets to be growth points for their business. about a third of those surveyed believe that over the next
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few years they will increase their profits by more than 30% through exports. that is, we see the mood. and in general , there are more and more leaders of the fair sex when the opportunity arises combining work and the desire to feed everyone is generally wonderful, here’s an example.
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production spectacle and bread every month. this samara plant produces millions of all kinds of loaves, rolls, cakes and other edible products, which are sent to stores in orderly rows. let's see how everything works. let's start with the fact that this enterprise, which traces its history back to the eighties and...
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the post-institute is exactly the enterprise that was launched, for 36, well, already 36 years, since i will be working here so that everything worked like clockwork, there was modernization , priority was given to russian equipment, this is the line of the shchebetinsky machine-building plant, because before that we had all the imported lines of chersk production, and you know, we did not regret anything, because the products are of high quality. no worse than what comes out of imported clinics, and here is a russian robotic arm, this is a robotic manipulator that helps us put finished products into transport containers, well, it turns out that it replaces several people, yes, yes, it replaces two or three people, equipment, by the way, we purchased it with the help of state support
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, a big plus is that we use preferential loans and leasing, making a loaf, depending on the technology , takes from 4 to 7 hours, here it, so to speak, burst into flames, oh, delicious, all that remains is to cut it and pack it, it’s clear that...
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the plant lives in tons , the range is expanding, but it’s already difficult to increase capacity, we need space, first of all for logistics, well, it’s difficult for you, because after all , this is a city, yes, yes, we are confined territorially, we have on one side there is one factory, on the other, another plant, but i think that we will find a way to get out of this, about expanding production, since demand is growing so much, are the leaders of the next company thinking? from the moscow region. products that look like some kind of colored pasta are future masterbatches. the granules, when
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added to polymer, can become dyes, such as chalky, white for food bags and water pipes. plus, they can give the product the necessary properties for the same pipes, enhance sound insulation, and for bags , accelerate the decomposition of plastic. and until the last time such products. we achieved the necessary increase in additional volumes thanks to the industrial development fund, which provided us with a loan
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for the purchase of new equipment, we opened a new production facility in the vorsina industrial park, it is clear that in expansion plans, when the capacity reaches 100 thousand tons per year, it will be possible to reduce the share of imports for chalk fillers from 70 to 15%. our production volume has increased... almost five times, and we hope this is not the limit, we are currently waiting for another line for production of color masterbatches , we hope to put it into operation this summer . now deliveries not only throughout russia, the cis and the company were recognized as exporter of the year. our company has repeatedly received support from the russian export center, in particular, last year we participated in an international exhibition, and thanks to this we made a deal. two export contracts, the fund for the development of foreign economic activity of the moscow region also helps us, it also helps us with the organization of international exhibitions
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us with training of our personnel in foreign economic activity. taking into account plans to develop supplies to asia, support , including in the field of education, is more appropriate than ever. we work separately with the female audience of exporters. we have specially developed measures for women exporters , for example, last year, together with the bank of russia, we developed a financial literacy training program specifically for women exporters, which helps to gain the necessary knowledge in financing, accounting reporting, drawing up contracts that allow you to avoid mistakes, which are often very expensive. costs, last year 45 entrepreneurs have already completed training, now the nuances of financial management in exports will begin to be taught in the regions, there was also the first
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women’s business mission to uzbekistan for a textile industry company, over 100 business meetings with a potential of more than a million dollars, speaking of beautiful fabrics clothes. look how beautiful wedding dresses from tyumen are, now we’ll tell you about the history of business development, so who is happy with the fruit of designer fantasies in russia and abroad, now you will find out. it all started, of course, with a wedding dress, which at that time not a designer, but the bride lana, decided to make for herself, i liked this
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process so much that i just tell my husband, well , either this is 10 more weddings, or something with this you need to do it, you need to use your creativity, so with the support of the ventilation systems engineer , he began to sew a dress, i started with a room of 20 squares and one machine, there were 20 squares . 40, was 40, became 100, that's it for now at the moment we are no longer in rent, all handmade sewing, taking into account the queue , takes about 3 months, this is just a frame that is sewn to the dress, and this is also a unique technology in russia, only we have it, fabrics have become more expensive, but with imports there are no special problems, there are no russian fabrics, well , of the russian ones, these are natural fabrics... very little of them can be used, if we are talking about wedding fashion, then these are maximum linings. evening dresses appeared, and the geography of supplies has long gone beyond
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the tyumen region. then they started buying foreign brides, taking into account the difference in rates , it comes out on a budget for them. today our geography is 10 countries, from the usa to canada to the asian market, what are now called unfriendly countries, they still order, they don’t order that much, but they order. yeah, well, it’s also interesting, you see, non-politics, that is, everyone wants to look beautiful, everyone wants to get married, the client’s desire is the law, so lana became an exporter. thanks to the assistance of the export support center, we entered the international electronic aliba platform, we received a certificate for learning english for advanced training, and this, as they say, is the main tool through which we communicate with our foreign partners. of course, now it’s difficult for businesses, especially small-medium ones, without support, new challenges, new measures. we have introduced an additional form of support for investment loans, 5 million for 5 years
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, refinancing supplies, and, in response to the requests of the time, a separate tool for supporting our fellow countrymen who have already returned in a special military operation, microloans for participants svo for the development of their business, investment loans for sso participants, and the interest rate on these instruments is from 3 to 5% per annum, well, again, if we talk about objective ratings when our regions are assessed, we are in the top five according to the investment climate rating , these are the stories we managed to tell you, there will be more, what kind of weaker sex there is, when business, under the leadership of women , masters new russian technologies, when in the nineties we began to travel abroad, then of course we were surprised and dreamed, that’s when we will have it, we will have it now it seems to me even better than what we saw there, companies are developing in difficult times, the crisis that is happening, it presents ample opportunities to
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... replenish those niches that have become vacant. even in the exporter of the year competition, the women's category is the third most popular. we are working with azerbaijan, with kazakhstan and we are looking at neighboring countries, we are looking at asia. in fact, in general countries like belgium and lithuania, they order very old collections. of course, i would like to go to the red carpet in cannes, something new, this is such a personal desire of mine, i don’t want it to be chosen, yes, in mine, in mine, yes, yes, if only she would come to us in tyumen, we would of course put it together better, more relevant, more trendy.
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russia, china and iran are participating. joint international naval maneuvers, maritime security train 2024, have begun in the gulf of aman. what tasks are being practiced?


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