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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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became a pediatrician, a surgeon, i started as an operating room nurse after the second year of university, at night i washed instruments, floors and occasionally had the magical opportunity to stand as an assistant on the operating table, for which i am very grateful to my colleagues from smolensk, now i am the head of the department of neonatal surgery in moscow regional perinatal center, newborn surgery, that is, you perform operations on newborn children, i operate on children, many of whom, well, barely fit on...
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and we carry out a lot of scientific work in plan of prevention, but the work is cool, teamwork, last year we began to implement a project of a mobile surgical team, we operate and provide consultations at all sites of obstetric institutions in the moscow region, thanks to our chief non-staff specialist in neonatology anastasia sergeevna petrova and those people who responded to this project, and this is really what helps reduce infant mortality in the region, but this is only due to great teamwork on... it wasn’t always, in the twenty-second year, when i came, there was also professional jealousy , there was a misunderstanding why the team needed a surgeon, at that moment i really lacked non-medical knowledge in management in economics, somewhere there was a lack of diplomacy, for this knowledge i came to the competition leaders of russia in order to develop further, she didn’t come alone, she came with her beloved man, despite the fact that he could not get beyond the regional stage, for him and me this competition became a non-zero-sum game, he...
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got the future wife of the super finalist of the fifth season and a great desire participate in sixth season and develop, i have a grant for training that will allow me to catch up, that he just pushed you to the top, yes, and this is very important, yes, so that you have an environment that helps you, that supports you, i am lucky, this and parents, this is my sister, and my beloved man , and my colleagues, and i really want this competition to become even more popular, so that ordinary doctors are not afraid, and the organizers are not afraid of...
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mortality after the appearance of this perinatal center in the region, probably , decreased, this perinatal center is the second appeared in russia, one of my flagship projects, for 20 years now, this year, how the center’s team saves babies, in total there are five centers in the moscow region, one large center for maternal and child health, and this is what really helps, great, and what ambitions do you have, what would you like to do in the near future? of course, i would like to guide you. some multidisciplinary children's clinic, or maybe create it from scratch, because i realized that such a challenge as creating something from scratch is very interesting, well, in the next 10-15 years , we’ll see, specifically the moscow region, no, i ’m not attached to the region, but now you need to consult with someone, yes, now i need to consult with someone, definitely, i congratulate you , thank you very much, thank you, we talked about...
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perseverance, we have a participant who tried to win the competition five times, dmitry volkov, but he succeeded the fifth time, i think they will tell you how to work now. dmitry, you have the floor. yes thanks a lot. hello, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is dmitry volkov, i am 30 years old, i was born in the city of krasnoyarsk, now i live in moscow. i have a rather interesting story of getting into the civil service. i am a rocketry engineer by training; i went to study, design, and create spacecraft. i didn’t even think about the civil service at all. and, one day, in my fifth year at university, i accidentally saw an advertisement on social networks about recruitment for an internship program in government agencies. i thought. why not try my hand, if i like it, i’ll try to go work there, if you don’t like it, but this is also a result, at least this will happen before employment. i applied, i was accepted for an internship at the governor’s administration, i found myself with very professional, completely
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caring mentors who were able to literally change my idea of ​​the civil service, and the most important thing is that i realized that my technical knowledge and skills are in great demand in ... i started in public administration in the civil service for the eighth year in a small government agency, then i worked in the regional administration, how do you graduated from the university, immediately went to work, yes , i graduated from the university, it’s time to define myself, yes, me, and who hired you as an administrator, i was hired as a leading specialist in the innovation development department, in the innovation support department, so we were supporting technology companies, then in in the twentieth year, i moved to the ministry of digital development, joined a new team, for the last 2 years i have been working as deputy director of a department in the ministry, our team is developing services on the state services portal, that is, we strive to ensure that people could conveniently and quickly receive all the necessary services online and resolve their issues, we first of all
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test each service on ourselves, for example, 2 years ago my wife and i applied for marriage registration through government services, she then made me an offer: a spacecraft , of course, i did not build and do not participate in its construction, but i am not upset at all, i am very proud that i am working on one of the most large- scale projects, our portal users today are more than 100 million, 110 million citizens, uh, if we talk about the competition, as
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alexey gennadievich said, i took part in the competition for russian leaders for the fifth time, i started when i was still 23 years old, i was very young. but even then i set myself the goal of passing an assessment to understand what qualities i need to develop in myself in order to work in management on a national scale in the future, which means that for the fourth time i managed to reach the finals, well, the fifth season brought me two victories at once, i entered the top 100 the best, my daughter was born, yeah, with the competition you can say, from victory a new stage has begun in my life, i hope in my career and i want to thank you... vladimir vladimirovich to all the organizers for the opportunity to join and be part of a large team of russian leaders, thank you, we will all thank your wife for being our daughter, daughter i gave it to you, thank you , good luck, all the best, good luck in the elections, we are for you, thank you, thank you very much,
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thank you, how is your career developing in the ministry now? in the meantime, i’m working in the same position, developing new deputy head of the department, right?
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and the portal of public services, which of course get a lot of work, but the sooner the better, yes, yes, yes, i work hard too, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, just like that? not only doctors and civil servants participate, but also those who work in business, alexander isakov went from an engineer to the director of a plant in the lipensk region, and i also wanted to give a word to our next participant vladislav vakhnin, vladislav, despite his young age, gazprom neft leads such a serious project, platform near the fault - our russian arctic, well, i think i’m 27 years old, i
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’m an oil engineer, born and raised in the sektefkari of the komi republic, studied here in moscow, then went to krasnoyarsk for work , to be honest, before moving to krasnoyarsk, we we no, from krasnoyarsk here, and you from here to krasnoyarsk, yes, but before moving to krasnoyarsk, for me everything that is beyond the urals was so distant and little studied, but in the end, after several years of living there, i fell in love with siberia, people who live there, my first big one happened in siberia professional victory, in the company where i worked then, we created and launched the largest digital model of the field. for the last 2 years i have been living and working in st. petersburg, i joined the gazprom neft team, which has been implementing the first and only oil production project for 10 years. what company did you work for first? previously, i worked in rosny krasnoyarsk and were developing a field in the north of the krasnoyarsk territory, and now here. the region, as you know, is now one of
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the world's largest oil and gas projects, which is being implemented there, in fact, in which i was also involved, but now on an equally interesting and no less unique project, i work specifically in the production control center, we remotely coordinate production processes on the platform, this is the production, preparation, shipment of oil, while we with the platform receives 13,000 data every second to work with such an array, we use various modern digital solutions there, that is, probably a colleague told you, well, if not, i will say that they practically manage, manage the production, sitting in the center, and even in fact they are engaged in smoking and sitting in the center, this is absolutely true, 1500 km away, today the technologies are built in such a way in the grocery store of oil that we can communicate every second with the staff on the platform and there help them in solving problems production tasks that lie ahead of them. are worth it, but for this it is impossible without numbers, so we are now
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developing domestic tools that will allow, for example, to automate work with digital twins along a fault, there are now several of them, we stitch them into a single system to make calculations more accurate and operation safer, but at the same time, in addition to professional growth, work on the pre-fault, it opened up for me , on the one hand, the romance of the arctic, on the other hand , its strategic value for our country, so i don’t i had no doubt, choosing yuri petrovich trutnev as the mentor of the competition, he oversees these regions, i hope he will give a positive answer, before we had time to talk to him, see him, and also , of course, based on the results of winning the leadership of russia, i i became one of the high-potential employees of gazpromneft, this also opens up new professional prospects for me, and in general, of course, i am grateful to the company, the management, they actively support and encourage participation in such a competition, gazpromneft. a technology company pays a lot of attention to this, in general
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, russia is a country of opportunity with the platform, i ’ve been familiar with it since i was a student, i then became a silver medalist at the olympiad, i’m a professional, and today, using the example of my friend, a super finalist of the third season of leaders russia, nikita dadakin, and i myself successfully took part in this competition, i can say with confidence that it is such a point of growth on my life’s path, unlike the majority of those gathered here today, i am only at the start, i hope that it will be the same bright, like your colleagues, and the management of the rosneft company helped you in solving the problems that were posed during this competitive selection, but rosneft or gazpromneft? i am now gazpromneft, sorry, of course, you know, the company is actively involved in preparation, especially the organization of various educational programs, so even before the final, the day before the final, we organized such an immersive training for our employees with the participation of actors, that is , the company’s contribution here is colossal and i am certainly grateful to it, you see, a modest official from the ministry of
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development, he didn’t have that kind of support , for sure, well, this, this, this is only a plus for him, of course, this is an illustrative story, i wish you success, and there is room to move forward, the company is very promising, and the biggest taxpayer in serbia.
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no matter how they talk about renewable energy sources, by the way, gazprom. thinks about this too, i know too, uh, so there - for a very, very long time, humanity will be dealing with issues - hydrocarbons, their production and use, the work will be enough for 100 years, 100%, and even more so the competence of offshore production, which is being developed in including the gazpromneft company, there are not many regions, somewhere, well, at a fault one of them, what depths do you have, it’s about 2.5, 200-2,500 m. but at the same time a lot, yes, this is difficult work, yes so how long does it take to work on the shelf in the gulf of mexico? you know, now i won’t say that for a discount, so as not to deceive, but you mean the depths of the sea, i’m wrong, i have the depths of the formation, no, the depths of the sea in the barnitsa sea, where we are engaged,
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are about 20 m, the gulf of mexico , i think it’s a little deeper, but we have the uniqueness of our object - it’s in the arctic , our organizers’ phones were simply exploding with questions, with messages from competition participants, how we could help, some provided humanitarian assistance, others volunteered, someone went to the front, we have many such examples, you met, we had ilya shtokman on our supervisory board , who after the competition took the position of first
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deputy mayor of nizhny novgorod and from this position volunteered to go to the front now... assault battalion commanded a company commanded yes, well, i commanded a company now the commander of an assault battalion there are many such examples from sevastopol from our other cities, well, here we are with us today from karchai circassia and the amir left was mobilized in the twenty-second year i think that
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will tell you about himself please. good afternoon, vladimir vladimirovich, i was born and raised in karachavo-cherkessia, at the moment i am a soldier of our armed forces, mobilized, the father of three children, and before participating in the competition i worked in one of the largest greenhouse farms in our country, the yuzhny agricultural complex, where i passed the path from a mechanic who turns bolts and nuts covered in oil, to an engineer, participated in the first season of the competition, unfortunately... i took thirty-first place, it was very disappointing, because i had to get into the thirty, but how many participants were there in total? in the first year, well, there were 300 people from the north caucasus federal district for the semi-finals, a good result, well, it was a shame, it was a shame, but i also realized that i could achieve more, i initially went to the competition with the thoughts of where should i be as a
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simple former mechanic an engineer to compete with the coolest managers there and the next. russia is a country of opportunity, yes, yes, the next year i was already determined to move forward, and i was able to make it to the super final of the competition, and i used the educational grant for training in vysheguren-hicks and i was noticed by the management of jsc gazpromgazoraspredelenie cherkessk, this is a resource supply organization in our republic, they invited me to their place, in 3 years i changed several positions, reached the position of deputy, head of operational. services in the city of cherkessk and twenty settlements that are adjacent to it, and in the fall of twenty-two i received a summons, i had no doubts about whether to go, not to go, to take, not to take the summons, i had no such thoughts at all, i had experience military service, in north and south ossetia, and
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i spent a lot of time on exercises where we conducted live firing, and i understood that my experience could be useful, i could help our guys, of course, my family was very worried, i was the only one the child was with his elderly mother, my wife was left alone with three small children, with my mother, but... everyone coped with it, my friends, our relatives, colleagues helped us, even the guys from the leaders helped, they bought me equipment and sent straight there, i am very grateful for this to all people, during my participation in hostilities i managed to visit the right bank of the kherson region, the left bank of the zaporozhye region, and the vremevsky sector of the front. in my free time from combat, i was engaged in physical development and exercise. him, and i also discovered a creative streak in myself, i started keeping diaries from the first days, already more than 100 chapters, i called them the diaries of a mobilized man, i wrote several stories,
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a couple of dozen poems, it really helped to take my mind off all the hardships, better than any doping or bad habits, looking back, i want to say that i don’t regret anything, any decision in your life needs to be made carefully and responsibly, if you’ve already... taken the path, you need to go to the end, just recently i made another decision, i i think it will be significant, i watched your message to the federal assembly, heard about the time of heroes program and of course immediately submitted an application that same day, that’s right, that’s it, now i’m waiting for the result, thank you very much, i want to generally express my gratitude to you for this program not only from myself, from all those the guys who are there now and who can actually get the opportunity...
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what kind of education do you have? higher education? and which, which is the highest? and technical, engineer, engineer? yes, great,
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that’s it, we’re waiting for you, i’ll definitely try to get through , i already said, this is a simple idea, to do it for the guys who are in such difficult conditions, difficult dangerous ones, in the zone of a special military operation, they serve there - i mean personnel potential, what kind of injury do you have, well, you came under artillery fire,
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i flew into a trench a little wrong and... my leg went sideways, an internal articular fracture, quite unpleasant, knee, knee, complex fracture, well, complicated, but the prognosis is favorable, i hope i’ll soon recover and move forward, uh-huh, uh-huh , this is where in what , in what place area, this is the vremevsky area, the sheltered staromarskaya, fruitful in those parts, it’s clear, it’s clear, when the enemy was pressing there, yes, well, we did counter-offensive... yes, we repelled it well, i think and this was already in the month of october, when they tried in small infantry groups storm and yes, in groups of five, seven people , yes, yes, yes, well, we worked on one goal, and the guys asked very hard, asked to work on the second goal, we understood that there would be a response, but it was necessary, and we were a little unlucky, well done, thank you, that's why we called this
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new platform, the time of heroes. season of the competition leaders of russia in the healthcare track, since 2015 i have held various leadership positions in the industry, and dealt with issues of rehabilitation, education, personnel policy, but it was participation in the competition that fulfilled my dream, immediately after the victory, i was invited to the staff ministry of health of the russian federation, from the very first days - the beginning of a special military operation, i oversaw a number of tasks of assignments for new
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regions, including implementation.
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great, well done guys, they are fighting well, help them, in general, how do you assess there , well, you said the mood of the military personnel, but you also communicate with the local residents there, how do you assess them, yes, in fact, this is also very important moment, because not only do we communicate, we work, they help us medical staff, civilians who did not leave, who stayed, despite everything they continue to work, we have been there for the ninth month now and we... work side by side, they talk about how the healthcare system was organized before, but in principle i i saw it myself when we came to work.


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