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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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he’s not thinking about what’s wrong with him, what kind of injury he has, but he’s thinking about when he’ll be able to come back, and this really inspires us, yes, well, that’s not the case, but there is movement, nevertheless the enemy has strengthened this place, just the seversk direction , is now called in general, so exactly, so exactly, but they are fighting, great, well done guys, they are fighting, good, help them, in general, how do you assess there, well... the mood of the military personnel you they said, but you also communicate with the locals there, how do you evaluate them, yes, in fact, this is also very an important point, because not only do we communicate, we work, we are helped by medical staff, civilians who did not leave, who stayed, despite everything they continue to work, we have been there for nine months now, and we work side by side, they talk about about how the healthcare system was organized before, but in principle i saw it myself when we came to work.
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with children, they talk about what changes they expect, of course, they talk a lot, and this is probably the most painful thing about that aggression with which they met, when the siberian federal district began, when until the moment our russian army arrived, how they waited for us and how, what hopes they now place on us, and of course, the most important thing is to see how these 2 years change each of the regions, each city, i was everywhere , probably at every point, and we... see how at the beginning of the twenty-second year there was devastation, often broken cities, the same mariupol, and how now life is returning, where some are faster, some are a little slow, it depends from how far the front line is, how children are returning, i, as the curator of children's healthcare in russia, first of all look at how many children are, how they study, how they go or do not go to school, here are deputies, regional leaders and ... of the region in the past of new
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entities, we really worked a lot together and discussed how children are returning, life is returning with them, sports sections are opening, this is probably the biggest response that we are doing it now, someone told you that a military uniform suits you very well, you won’t believe it, that’s all, so i’m in no hurry to take it off, that’s what i thought. vladimir vladimirovich, allow me to address you, please, and i, as a medical worker, see dozens of our soldiers, albeit wounded, every day, and on behalf of all of us i want to thank you for the colossal support and help that you provide to each participant, absolutely everyone, there on the front line, this is your support, for us support and the most powerful motivation to go forward, every fighter believes in our common victory, everyone is ready to go to...
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russia, everything is really solved with one click and there are no unsolvable impossible tasks, so the third season of the competition was nineteenth-twentieth year, after that my colleagues and i worked a lot, we continue to work, this, by the way, is connected with humanitarian aid, humanitarian missions in the northern military district, all issues are resolved thanks to the support of russian leaders, be it work issues, be it humanitarian and even some personal issues, at my home...
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it’s important, this is your result, you you do them like that brought up, well, i believe that those lives, those saved lives, to which i am somehow involved during this time, are their merit, and i am very proud of them, grateful to them for this, and the only question i have from them during this time i heard, no whims, no hysterics of any kind, mom, how are you doing, that’s all, this is the only question that cares about you, of course, yeah, i’m a girl, not boys, well, yes, that’s right, but he’s studying fine? the eldest has already entered the institute, and on her own, moreover, she did not enter the first time, but where she wanted, and the youngest is studying at school, studying not bad, good, i think i'll be back better, he has a lot of worries now, but at least he has an interest, he has a hobby, he has an interest in the chinese
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language, he's studying it almost, probably since the first grade myself, but i have an interest in geography and history, and i am very pleased with this , i like that this interest is not in computer games, but this is an interest in some kind of... i have never looked at a child studied with only an a, the main thing for me is that i understand what the child is striving for and i saw how he is developing in this direction, i see it in my children, i like it, so i am absolutely calm for them, what great guys you all are, honestly, god grant him success in his career and in his personal life, thank you very much,
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industry of the kherson region, well, in fact, we can list a lot more, with us today is alexey lysov, alexey, works in the zaporozhye region, deputy chairman of the government, alexey, will tell you, good afternoon, hello, i’m 39 years old, i myself come from the city of volooda, i participant in the very first season of the competition leaders of russia, which was 6 years ago, you know, i remember very well how i made a decision in the competition, it was 6 years ago, it was evening, i was sitting at home, having dinner, i was on tv. advertising that you can go, there is such an opportunity to go and win 1 million rubles. to study, i once worked in the commercial sector, i just wanted to receive additional education and subsequently as my supervisor, he did not give me money for study, i say, well, then i’ll go and win, he says, well, go and win, well and so it turned out that i went, took part in the competition and won, and after that
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, after the competition, i worked in the presidential administration for 2 years, then i returned back to vologda, worked as deputy governor, and after the start of the svo my soul really ached, i wanted to call me soul to work for... i then approached my manager and asked in some way to send me there to work, and just in may of the twenty-second year , a sponsored region was identified in the logotssk region, this is the city of dolchevsk, i went there, from the beginning of work, was working attached first deputy mayor of the city of dolchevsk lpr, in july twenty-two i was called to work in the zaporozhye region, so i remember, i arrived on july 19, 22 in the city of melitopol, and was appointed deputy chairman of the council of ministers, first of the military-civil administration, this form we had, and now about... the region and i oversee the entire social block of the zaporozhye region, i remember well where we started, we started from scratch, the city of melitopol, as you know, it was not the regional capital, in zaporozhye, i hope we’ll take it soon, a in fact, they created the entire social infrastructure from scratch, there was not a single government body, kindergartens, schools, hospitals, everything
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was run manually, you know, i have two pictures in my head, melitopol in the summer of twenty -two, an empty city, a virtually empty city, no cars, people, military checkpoints , now this city is actively developing on the street... there are a lot of people, children are walking in parks, cafes, traffic jams have appeared in the city of melitopol, in ukrainian times there were no traffic jams, now we have traffic jams, you know, i now i'm kidding that i'm on my resume i have the right to write turnkey state construction or state construction from scratch as skills, after such experience, this is indeed a huge internal motivation, i sincerely believe that the historical and political events that are happening there now are central not only in russia, but they are probably central throughout the world, this is a huge motivation to work, i am proud... three children tell me to my children, i will tell my grandchildren, this is something that remains forever, you know, in zaporozhye region, what struck me most was that there were russian people there, just like us, they , in fact, always considered themselves russian, it’s true, we have this, excuse me for interrupting, this thing is very
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important, the fact that you just said , i was amazed that there are also russian people there, just like us, that’s what it’s all about, we seem to be talking about them,
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and more than 12 thousand children returned to school in a year, that is, this speaks of something in the twenty
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-third year we had in the second year we had 3000 children in schools, now there are 4100 children in schools, so that this is a lot, they are directly allowed to increase by a quarter, great, and health care institutions, health care institutions we have 36 of them, how many of them are 36, 36, and we are gradually restoring, well, that is, melitopol berdyansk first of all, then the village, the villages of fap we are building, there were no poplars either.
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personnel service of the dpr, has now received a new appointment, i think that natalya will tell you better herself, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, natalya bondarenko, born and raised in the donbass, the small town of khartsisk, about 1000 people, but this is my favorite hometown, and for the last 10 years i have worked in regional executive authorities, local governments, and watched with interest and slight envy how the competition for leaders of russia was held.
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but everything was great, but there were also such exciting moments, one of them was very difficult, before the semi-finals, we had to go to the city of rostov, and to pass the test, we literally left an hour before, before the massive shelling of the center of donetsk began, to leave it was no longer possible for us all the employees were allowed into the shelter, of course i
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was very worried, but what, what should i do, in the end everything worked out, my friends came to the rescue, i made it in time, passed...
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received training, but now there is a lot of work, this work continues today day, well, they noticed me, thank you very much , and invited me to work in your administration, the internal policy block in order to strengthen the work with personnel in our new regions, because this work continues so that integration into the legal field of the russian federation takes place more effectively and quickly federation, well, strictly speaking, my most important dream, for the sake of which all this was started, has come true today. i am a student at the ranhix institute of public administration, moscow, i am successfully completing my studies, and you know, i would like to say that indeed the competition is both the leaders of russia and the competition leaders of the revival, they change the fate of people, change them for the better, thank you very much for that , do you like your new place of work, very much, yes, what do you
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like there, well, to be honest, i’m not working at all a little, just a little.
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and vitaly and dmitry will tell about themselves. dear vladimir vladimirovich, alexey gennadievich said everything, so i won’t tell you about my biography, you know it well, i went to donetsk because i was born in dnepropetrovsk from those places, i have a big family, but it was a difficult decision, six children
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in the family are all -still brought up, but in the end everyone supported me, i went, worked and trusted me first, which means that people supported me to lead the omsk region and then people supported me, the participant was in the second season, reached the finals leaders of russia , i was, of course, incredibly excited because i met with very strong finalists, guys, a number of them are present here, here is mikhailik konstantin, today the deputy minister of construction, he and i taught a lesson to children at the school in sochi at the finals, there were classes in as part of the finals, the super finals, the children had to come up with an interesting lesson and that meant presenting it and the two of us, how two novice teachers taught this lesson, i don’t know, the children seemed to like it, but what they talked about, they talked about motivation, told.
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i recently participated in the finals not as a competitor, but as a mentor , i probably experienced the same sensations, also exciting, but in a different capacity, it was very interesting, of course, to understand new emotions for myself, three people chose me as a mentor , i agreed with pleasure, this is one of the one...
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then we are definitely on the right path, and today we also gave the guys a grant of a million rubles, today they are deciding on the educational places where they will study, we are inviting some of the management
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team of the region and we will work together with the guys, the third point is, if you allow me, as a governor, i still can’t help but take the opportunity to ask the leader for something, recently you know that omsk is still the oldest city in siberia, a city with a population of over a million, our universities have students from all over siberia, nine federal universities, and we have the third largest number of foreign students in russia, after moscow and st. petersburg, we have about 1000 students, of course, these are mostly representatives of kazakhstan, but foreigners for we are considered our university education is strong, we want to do the same in school education, so that siberians, representatives and children from kazakhstan and parents would be happy to send their children to onsk to study, recently in a message they said about 12 leadership, flagship schools, we are telling this story we were very attracted to it, it actually caused a storm of emotions in the educational environment in our
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region, and with korovtsov, with minister sergei sergeevich we agreed on a position, he supports it categorically, we have already selected land plots, so if you give an order so that omsk gets into one of the twelve-pilot regions, we will fulfill your order with pleasure, i agree, it is important for siberia. how do you like your work? vladimirovich, i am a sibiryak myself, after i was born in ukraine, in soviet times my parents moved to novy orengoy, so i grew up hired, learned to become dmitry andreevich at the same school in the city of novy veringoy, so siberia is familiar to me and i think that i have adapted, the most important thing is that the mentality of the siberians is familiar to me it’s clear, i was absent there for some time for 10 years, but i returned back to siberia, yeah. compared to donetsk, how the whole country helped, here honestly, you live there with different challenges, hiv, still
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no one helps there, so you have to count on yourself more, here all the reliance is on the siberian character, on your experience, you have it such a solid one, thank you, as for schools, well , we will definitely support you, thank you, good luck. dear vladimir vladimirovich, good afternoon, participant of the first, first season of leaders russia, and as a person who has gone through all the stages of selection, i firmly believe in the competition , i was preparing for the meeting, i looked, over these five seasons there have already been 30 appointments in the region, these are the participants of the competition, these are the first leaders, heads of authorities, municipalities, their deputies, that is, we already have such a strong community and real results are visible. and what’s typical is that i recently met with the guys, the finalists of the fifth season, the glory of sgazpromneft was also seen there with him, i often ask the guys a question:
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are you ready to go to... allows us to find guys who are ready for this , this is a great development resource for all of us, and in general imal has always developed this way, it has always been developed by leaders, until quite recently there was nothing, bare tundra, and today, decades later, the most powerful gas and oil and gas production complex in the world has been created , the cities were built from scratch, here i want to , vladimirovich, thank you separately, according to your decree, we are preparing for a big anniversary, next year we have 2025, 50 years of the new
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rengoi, the gas capital. russia, i always say the gas capital of the world, nowhere in the world there is nothing like it, from above, today the production is over 500 billion cubic meters of gas per year, and we can, of course, even more, that is , there is nothing like this anywhere, it was created by leaders, real heroes, by the way, including, one might say, the time of heroes was at that time, our front-line soldiers, participants in the great patriotic war, they were ahead in geological parties, among those who landed in civilian life in the sixties... they also achieved huge victories, so there really is a place for such passionate people who from all over corners of a huge great country, they came and created such a powerful complex, today this is the key to our energy security of the entire country, i also take this opportunity to sincerely invite you to visit next year on our anniversary year, we are now carrying out a large development program with your support, and indeed the city, the city is changing, the district is changing, you know, we summed up the results of last
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year, we are in...
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dmitry andreevich said about how russian leaders appear everywhere, are ready to go, in fact, indeed, from kaliningrad to in kamchatka you can meet our graduates everywhere, and this is the traditional password , the greeting that hello, i’m one of the leaders of russia, the answer usually sounds like, hello, how can i help, well, we have evgeny grigoriev with us today , by the way, he didn’t immediately win, the path to victory was not an easy one, but now,
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at the end of 2 years, i decided to try myself in the public sphere. after winning the competition, life changed dramatically, he came to the attention of the leadership of the republic and the city, which means that in 2019 he was invited to the position of deputy mayor of the city of yakutsk. in in 2021, i was already elected, won the elections and am still working to this day, doing what i love, a prohobie. how the winner got into the club.


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